Gamers Are Fierce

Vol 2 Chapter 112: My Love (17)

"The player is fierce (!

King Shibi Youyou said: "Just as the modern mystics you have developed has concluded, the path of belief in the gods, although unimpeded, progresses rapidly,

The upper limit is not lower than other so-called ‘highways’, or even higher.

But there is a huge hidden danger that cannot be ignored-

The more we absorb the power of faith and use the power of faith,

The more they will be affected and disturbed by the messy thoughts of thousands of believers, which in turn will affect their own existence.

Humans are extremely complex animals,

When a believer prays to a god, he will think that the cows and pigs in the family need to be fed, the sheep in the family need to be sheared, and the bowls in the family need to be cleaned.

He will think about marrying a daughter-in-law, will think about making money, making more money,

I think about conflicts with my neighbors,

I think that the gods can suddenly drop the sky thunder and smash to death the noble master who oppresses him...

Believers will release all negative emotions of dissatisfaction,

Even if it is a positive emotion, such as praying for good weather, good harvest, family health, etc.,

It will never be satisfied, and it will always be doped with impurities. "

King Shibi paused and said, "There are four spoons of salt in a cup of water, it's too salty.

What if half of a glass of water is salt?

It is impossible not to be affected by drinking like this in the long run.

With good luck, the character gradually changes, and gradually loses self-will,

Those who are unlucky are directly overwhelmed by a huge amount of messy thoughts and become ignorant puppets that only exist according to the imagination of believers.

A deity consists of the following parts,

Divinity, divine personality, priesthood, divine fire, divine power.

Divinity is the origin of the deity,

The godhead is the ‘person’ that power continues to a certain extent and formed spontaneously,

The priesthood is to weaken the interference of the power of chaotic belief and improve the efficiency of the power of belief.

Those who want to ask for their children, go to worship the Bodhisattvas, gods and Buddhas who can get their children.

Those who want to have a good harvest, go to worship the gods and Buddhas who are in charge of autumn, harvest, and soil.

Those who want to gain fame and fortune should worship the gods and Buddhas who are in charge of literature and writing.

In order to reduce the impurities contained in the power of belief, those groups of gods and Buddhas who have embarked on the path of believing in the conferred gods actively differentiate themselves into various priests and perform their own duties.

Let believers pay special homage to the gods and Buddhas they need to reduce the negative impact.

Because of this, the earliest births of human society in the real world are polytheism, not monotheism—a single deity in charge of all clergy, it is almost impossible to sustain itself from the impact of massive impurity thoughts.

The greater the power of belief, the more test the will of the deity.

That's why you have to rely on Shenhuo.

Shenhuo, in fact, is more like a sign of the accumulation of divine power to a certain extent, and the qualitative change caused by quantitative change.

A demigod like you clarifies his ordeal, allows believers to have a clear purpose that they can rely on, and accumulates enough power of faith.

Then light a sacred fire,

Smelt the impurities in the power of faith, purify oneself, and officially become a deity.

After becoming a deity, Shenhuo will continue to take the responsibility of purifying impurities. "

King Shibi said plainly about many matters concerning the belief in conferred gods, and said lightly: "Of course, even if it is a sacred fire, it is absolutely impossible to strip off the impurities 100%.

The gods and Buddhas of all gods and gods in all ages have racked their brains to reduce the impurity of the believers' thoughts in order to maintain the gods and self, but they can't do it.

They first tortured civilians and deliberately caused civilians to continue to fall into natural and man-made disasters, and they could only rely on the mighty power of the gods at all times.

But found that this is too inefficient,

The number of civilians is sparse, resulting in a low total power of belief. In order to compete for this believer, a large number of gods and Buddhas will fight internally.

So they began to enlighten.

Send all kinds of messengers, Prometheus or something,

Teach the people the skills of survival and life, teach them farming and planting, animal husbandry and mulberry, building houses,

At the same time, they often perform miracles to protect ordinary humans under their jurisdiction and protect them from beasts and monsters.

Under the policy of enlightenment, the population has grown rapidly, and the total power of belief has increased.

However, before the gods and Buddhas celebrated with their crowns, new problems occurred again.

The more intelligent and comfortable human beings are, the deeper their suspicion and cognition of everything in the world, and the more disorderly their thoughts.

Just like primitive people only need to think about eating and drinking Lazara all day,

The feudal peasants had to think about farming and planting, dealing with tax collectors and evil officials, raising children, and so on.

In order not to make civilians think too much,

Gods and Buddhas started to fool the people again.

On the one hand, they send messengers and prophets to spread their beliefs, criticize all ideas that can threaten their existence, and block scientific and technological progress.

On the one hand, take the initiative to get rid of ordinary people who are extraordinarily leaner and have advanced ideas.

I want to keep humans, like sheep, in captivity in the barriers they delineated. "

Li Ang frowned and said, "This plan was not successful?"

"Success, but also failure."

King Shibi shook his head and said: "The age when I was born was the age when the gods carried out the foolish plan.

They formed a group and monopolized the road of belief in the gods,

And to promote beliefs among the people, using believers to search for hidden players in the people.

The position of the deity is also limited,

No **** is willing to share his priesthood with others,

All the transcendents who are strong enough to enshrine the gods, only the last step,

Or be killed by the deity,

Either be accepted by the deity group and become a new deity-this situation usually occurs when the demigod has the blood of the deity and is the blood of the main deity.

As far as I know, I don’t have the lineage left by the gods in the mortal world,

One of the most important reasons why Vishoujie Motian and Di Shitian are willing to accept me is that they are in trouble. "


When Li Ang raised his eyebrows, King Shipi did not explain the power levels of Vishoujie Motian and Di Shitian, but Di Shitian, since he is the ruler of the heavenly gods who live in the thirty-three days, it is impossible to be weak. Where to go.

Will be stronger than the remnant of King Shibi in the Ajanta Grottoes, and much stronger.


King Shibi nodded and said: "Just as your modern mystics have speculated, after each killing game,

The killing game itself will indeed erase the too significant traces left by the extraordinary in history.

For example, the devastated land caused by the war of gods,

Rift valleys and volcanic landforms left by the fight between gods and Buddhas.

Only a few things can survive, such as pyramids and obelisks.

In this day and age,

You, the angel, and a few other players,

Already regarded as the strongest transcendent in this world,

However, there is still a considerable gap compared with the era of gods and buddhas in its heyday. "

Li Ang frowned and asked, "What's the difference?"


King Shibi recalled, and said: "I remember, Mahuragya in the eight tribes of the Heavenly Dragon,

That is, the boa constrictor **** with a human head and a snake body and good at playing musical instruments,

He can lift a mountain to walk.

His position in the God-Buddha sequence is almost equivalent to the giant spirit **** in Eastern mythology. "

"That is to make up the number?"

Li Ang grinned, the giant spirit **** is the **** of war under the tent of Li Jing, the king of Tota.

The most well-known record is being beaten into two pieces by a monkey with a stick and an axe in his hand.

"It can be understood that way."

King Shibi nodded and said, "Since most miracles have been wiped out by the killing game, the power of the gods and buddhas in their heyday will be more than you imagine.

At that time, the gods and Buddhas were at the top of the world. Those who could kill them and cause the gods to fall,

Except for the regular tests of the killing game, there are only fights between each other.

In order to rob the source of divine nature,

In order to occupy the only priesthood,

In order to seize more power of faith,

The same group of gods is also full of open and secret struggles.

The position is low, I want to climb up all the time,

Those in high positions are always on guard against each other and the gods underneath.

Even in the same family, the gods with the same bloodline,

It is also unavoidable that compatriots will kill each other, fathers will kill their sons, and sons will kill their fathers.

Just like Olympus and the Egyptian gods.

The war between different gods is even more cruel and bloody.

Gods are essentially human beings. In order to survive, to live longer than ordinary people, they can do whatever they can.

Killing games will regularly kill extraordinary people who have exceeded their lifespan.

The only way to survive and continue is to go further on the path of conferring gods,

That is to become the main god.

In order to plunder the resources of other gods, Vishou Jie Motian and Di Shitian recruited troops and even went to the mortal world many times to teach those talented mortals.

At the beginning, I accepted their invitation,

After all, since I was born, I have always been influenced by the belief that Di Shitian is the ruler of the heavenly gods.

For me, it is an immense honor to be able to serve and join the gods and buddhas.

However, before I fully integrated into the group of gods and Buddhas, I discovered more truth.

The truth about the kingdom of God. "

King Shibi paused, and said: "The kingdom of God and the kingdom of Buddha are not different in themselves. They are all areas where gods form spontaneously.

It is used to support the petitioners and provide a steady flow of faith.

Compared to the mortal country with large total volume and many impurities,

Although the power of faith provided by the kingdom of God is less in quantity, it is more refined and hardly needs to be filtered.

When multiple deities of the same theological system live together, their domains will merge with each other to form a larger kingdom of God.

The fragrance of birds and flowers in the kingdom of God, the breeze is beautiful, full of fragrance, tranquility, and peace,

And, massive zombies. "

King Shibi exhaled heavily, "When I was invited to step into the kingdom of God, I was stunned by the vision.

In the kingdom of God, which has a vast area comparable to the land, there are a large number of petitioners standing all over the mountains and plains.

Their expressions were fanatical and stiff, standing still, praying desperately forever.

They have long lost their will and become an ignorant battery.

Ordinary petitioners are usually devout believers who have spent their entire lives. After death, they are led to the kingdom of God by divine envoys to enjoy eternal peace and joy.

The petitioner and the gods live the same life. If the gods are immortal, the kingdom of God is immortal, and the kingdom of gods is immortal, so the petitioner is immortal. The gods rely on this propaganda method of believing in God to gain eternal life to gain masses of believers. .

But when the battle of God is about to come,

The gods will tacitly change their policies collectively,

Treat the petitioner as a disposable battery.

They squeeze petitioners and control them to continuously produce high-quality power of faith,

When the petitioner’s soul is damaged and the essence of the soul collapses,

Mash it without hesitation,

Turn petitioners into energy and continue to nourish the kingdom of God.

Not only Di Shitian, but other gods did the same.


In order to welcome the **** war, the gods will descend to the people and directly kill their devout and faithful people on a large scale.

Plunder them into the kingdom of God and erase this part of the memory,

Let them begin to produce the power of faith.

In the divine kingdom of Di Shitian, I saw my ancestors.

They stood with thousands of general communication congregants, skinny as firewood, described as withered, like a match, glowing all over their bodies. "

King Shibi seemed to fall into a deep memory, and calmly said: "In order to meet the **** war,

The entire **** system has entered a wartime state,

Di Shitian has other gods, help me to light the fire, promote the gods, and become one of them.


They let me go to the mortal world, slaughter my own people, and transform them into petitioners in the kingdom of God.

Before I became a deity, I was the king of the city of Devabati,

At that time, my people thought that because of the meat-cutting and feeding of the eagles, I moved Di Shitian and Vishukiya Motian and became gods.

They feel sincerely pleased that their benevolent king can become a god,

Singing and dancing celebrations were held, flowers were scattered all over the city, dancing for joy, and immersed in infinite joy.

I refused Di Shitian’s request to slaughter my own people.

I would rather die than attack my people.

And Di Shitian’s response was,

Stepped on a foot. "

King Shibi took a deep breath and said, "He stepped on the soles of his feet into the mortal world, and slowly landed on the top of Tivabati city.

The people in the city were suddenly covered by darkness, and a sole covering the sky and sun fell like a curtain of night sky.

The tall buildings collapsed, the rubble splashed,

People cried and ran away,

The soldiers fired arrows into the sky,

The mother was hiding in the basement with her children, comforting the shivering children, telling them that the great King Shipi has become a **** and will come to save them.

Di Shitian, in front of me, with a joking attitude, overlooking the ant-like civilians in the city, slowly landed on the soles of his feet and stepped on them.

The city of Devabati was printed on the ground.

The next second, my parents, my wives and children, my people,

It appeared before my eyes, in the form of a petitioner. "

King Shipi calmly said: "Because they believed in and loved me while they were death, they also became my petitioners alone.

The gods around me laughed and laughed at the bitter hatred that I had just exploded.

In their eyes, mortals are more happy to be petitioners than to suffer in the mortal world.

Di Shitian retracted the soles of his feet and patted my shoulder, letting me form my own kingdom like other gods.

Prepare for the battle of God.

However, since then, I have made up my mind.

I want to kill the gods and Buddhas in the sky, not one left. "

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