Gamers Are Fierce

Vol 2 Chapter 113: My Love (End)

You also want to drive out giants, not one to stay?

This sentence suddenly flashed in Li Ang's mind, and he continued to listen without saying anything.

"My hatred for the gods did not last long. Soon, the battle of gods broke out."

King Shibi said indifferently: "The side of the divine battle is Di Shitian.

On the other side, it is Brahma. "

"Let me guess, Brahma won."

Li Ang raised his eyebrows. The full name of the emperor Shitian was Shitihuan Indra, Shakya means "to be able", Deva means "heaven and man", Indra means "king", and Shitihuan Indra, namely Lord of the gods of the heavens,

And Brahma is called the Bookmaking Heaven, Brahma Sky, Jingtian, the God of Gods, and the Creator of the Creator.

Both of them are gods in Hindu mythology, and they were also later used by Buddhism.

According to Hindu mythology, Di Shitian is the **** of thunder and lightning, and Brahma is the **** of creation, one of the three main gods.

By the time of Buddhism, although Brahma’s status had declined and became the protector of the Buddha, it was still in the heavenly sequence, and had a higher rank than Di Shi Tian-Di Shi Tian was the second level of the world of desire and the lord of the Li Tian

Brahma is above the world of desire, a member of the world of physicality.


King Shibi nodded and said: "Even though Di Shitian is in charge of thunder and lightning and fighting, he is still vulnerable and defeated by the Brahma **** system, and he is forced to join the Brahma **** system.

The divine wars in ancient times, including the divine wars in South Asia and India,

There are two solutions.

One is to directly kill the deity of the defeated party, devour the corpse, absorb divine power, and completely erase the trace of the deity's existence in history, and permanently occupy its priesthood.

Many of the well-known gods that you are familiar with started from the massacre and devouring of surrounding native Totem Gods.

The second is that the defeated party retains his life and fully joins the victorious party's **** system.

The result of this is a change in belief and loss of his original rank and position in the **** system.

After the defeat of the God War, there were two choices before Emperor Shitian, either to die or to join the Brahma God Element.

He chose the latter,

Ever since, Emperor Shitian followed the ‘master of the gods’,

Became the ‘master of the heavenly gods’,

Forever succumbed to Brahma. "

Li Ang thought for a while, and said, "Similar to a merger?"

"Well... Although it is more complicated in theory, because it involves the transformation of the priesthood and the elevation of the godhead...

But it can be understood that way. "

King Shibi nodded, "The **** war of that era was so **** and cruel.

The evolution of myths in the eyes of mortals,

In fact, it is a battle of fought.

As a member of the Di Shitian God System, I also merged into the Brahma God System.

However, it didn't take long before the Brahma Divine Element fell into silence. "

"Silence? What do you mean?"

Li Ang frowned and asked.

King Shibi is a deity left over from ancient times, and may be the third longevity species Li Ang has seen.

If he hadn't lied or deliberately concealed it, what he said was undoubtedly a history of the evolution of ancient gods.

"Deities who embark on the path of believing in the deity will also be constrained by the power of faith.

For example, Di Shitian and other gods can never get rid of this.

As for Brahma, I haven't actually seen his real body, and I don't know how high his strength is and whether he can get rid of the shackles of killing games.

However, what I know is that Brahma ordered all the gods to fall asleep. "

King Shipi said calmly: "According to my guess, it is likely that Brahma's life span is approaching.

In real history, whether it is a divas who does not choose to believe in the path of consecration, that is, what you call a player,

I still choose to believe in the gods of the road to the gods,

There is an upper limit for their life span, which is only longer than that of ordinary people.

In my opinion, it is Brahma’s birthday, and I want to transform myself from a living **** to a belief in **** in advance when my strength is at its strongest, that is, the post-mortem form.

With its own boundless power,

And the sum of the divine powers of all the deities in the divine system,

To consolidate one's free will.

In the form of believing in gods, escape the chase of the killing game, attain longevity, and possess self-will at the same time. "

"He failed?"

Li Ang said in a declarative tone that if Brahma succeeds, he will not become the protector of the Buddha in Buddhism.

"Of course it failed."

King Shipi said lightly: "For the past and present, so many gods, so many gods can not solve the problems, how can he independently overcome.

Although I did not observe it with my own eyes, but from the later results, not only did he fail, but all the deities including his gods also stayed asleep.

Brahma himself is the master of creators, and he has lost a large number of believers in the mortal world, and no one worships. "

In the real world, Brahma, as the three main gods of Hinduism, has not many Hindu followers worshiping him today.

There are tens of thousands of temples dedicated to Vishnu and Shiva in India, but the number of temples dedicated to Brahma is very small, only a few.

"As for me, as a marginal **** in the gods, I did not participate in the collective slumber of the Brahma gods.

But before going to sleep, in the name of the killing game, suspended animation and escaped. "

King Shibi said calmly: "I got a very special exercise book from the killing game.

Can actively split one's soul into thousands of pieces,

The soul fragments,

With ‘self-origin’,

It is the form of genetic information commonly known in modern times,


Any mortal who carries the fragments of my soul is not only the mortal herself, but also me, Shipi.

The offspring born by mortals may also inherit the fragments of my soul.

In most cases, these soul fragments will not wake up.

There are only a few fragments, able to awaken some will, possess some special abilities, and see some memory fragments of astral boarders in the past.

With fewer fragments, you can fully awaken, restore your memory, and realize that you are King Shipi.

Become me. "

"Similar to a reincarnated soul boy?"

Li Ang's eyes narrowed, "No, compared to reincarnated soul boy, Horcrux, and seizing house, etc.,

This is more like memetic propagation. "


King Shipi said lightly: "I am one, and I am also ten thousand.

I took the initiative to give up the path of believing in gods,

Relying on this way of neither death nor life, that is, death and life, survived and lived longer than other gods.

Although in the history of thousands of years, I have been asleep for much longer than the time I was awake,

But this is enough for the rest of the world to execute the plan.

Me, we,

Travel across the oceans, carrying fragments of souls, to every corner of the world.

We have witnessed the charge of heavily loaded knights on the European plains,

Witnessed the tens of thousands of laborers in the rainforests of South America building pyramids with heavy rains,

Witnessed the advent of the era of great navigation, the enlightenment of the siren of the industrial age.

We have seen the rise and fall of dynasties, the changing of times,

Has been quietly waiting for an opportunity.

When a killing game has risen on a large scale, it is time for all sleeping gods to gradually recover.

Then at that juncture, he stabbed them severely. "


There seemed to be a flash of lightning flashing in Li Ang's mind, and all the strange phenomena and doubts that he had seen in the Ajanta Grottoes were explained at this moment.

Li Ang hesitated: "You support your own kingdom of God and consume the power of faith accumulated in temples all over the world. Are you trying to delay the awakening of other gods?"


King Shibi slowly said: "The future of mankind belongs to mortals, not to gods.

The gods who rely on the power of faith to ‘eternal life’ are just parasites parasitic on the mortal race.

After they wake up,

Whether it’s regaining self-will or becoming a puppet of beliefs and distracting thoughts,

Will cause unprecedented blows to mankind.

Several gods are enough to make mankind go back to the primitive age.

And what if dozens, hundreds of gods, awaken at the same time?

Such a future,

The human civilization created by mortal people will be burned. "


Li Ang was silent for a while, feeling that the king of Shipi is still a Prometheus-like character.

From beginning to end, we are seeking the future for the vast majority of mortals.

"Before I supported the kingdom of God and consumed the power of faith accumulated in the temple,

There are three reasons,

First, I cherish the human civilization that is as bright as a diamond. I don't want to see mortals once again being enslaved and raised by the gods and Buddhas.

Second, it is to repay the grudges of Emperor Shitian who destroyed my hometown and killed my relatives thousands of years ago. "

King Shipi said: "As for the third reason,

Our world is controlled by killing games and dominated by killing games.

No matter what it wants, what it wants from us.

Belief in the path of consecrating the gods will not make human beings truly liberated. "

"What do you want in a killing game?"

Li Ang couldn't help asking: "Evolution? Selection? Observation?"

"...I do not know."

King Shibi bluntly said: "The killing game threatens human civilization.

Intimidation and profit entice the transcendents it selects to become stronger in the cycle of life and death.

If it is to select the strongest among the mortal race, then it will at least take people away regularly to participate in certain activities.

But in my observations,

All the gods either fall or fall asleep,

No one really knows the true purpose of the killing game-at least no one can live to realize the true purpose of the killing game.

And if it's just observation, then there is no need to waste such a lot of effort..."

King Shibi paused, shook his head and said: "Maybe only the strongest in the gods, or the longevity species that live long enough, can know this.

one way or another,

Believing in the existence of the road to the gods is not a good thing for ordinary mortals.

The gods promoted through faith in the path of enshrining gods cannot satisfy the ultimate goal of the killing game. "


Li Ang squinted his eyes and thought about it. The so-called longevity species and shuttles he had seen, such as mirage dragons, dry rays, Su Nisheng, professors, and penguins,

It has been more or less implied that the road of belief in the gods is not the so-called road, and it has not been fully explained.

Li Ang himself doesn't matter whether he believes in ordained gods, whether he can live longer, he is not a fanatical pursuer of immortality.

Avenue, and the ultimate goal of the killing game...

Take one step at a time.

"As for this script task,

Like I said earlier, Steven is me and Barbara is also me. "

King Shipi said: "This scripting mission is actually a life encountered by thousands of me.

In the real world, there are indeed people like Steven, Mevis, and Barbara.

I invite those of you who have participated in the Ajanta Grottoes to enter the script task constructed based on my sample.

I want to entrust you to send a message to other people in the real world. "

"Please speak."

Li Ang reacted with a calm attitude.

If King Shibi did not lie, then he did a lot for human civilization,

And he doesn't seem to have a reason to lie, and he won't get any benefits-his own body has exploded.

"Those gods will, and they will definitely wake up."

King Shibi said with a serious expression: "Humans need to be extremely vigilant to deal with these gods that should have been damned a long time ago.

If the gods who came to life,

Has lost free will and became a puppet of the power of faith,

Then you can try to control slavery.

And if the awakened deity has completed the conversion during the period of sleep, reincarnated from death, and regained free will,

Then, we must take the thunder method to kill it.

You now are far from the opponents of those gods in the age of mythology.

For this, even the most extreme strategy must be adopted,

For example, eradicate the soil where the gods exist. "


Li Ang narrowed his eyes, eradicating the soil where the gods existed, that is, destruction and extinction,

In the real world, the highest level of human science and technology in violence is undoubtedly the nuclear weapons of fusion and fission.

And the mobilization power of human society can indeed achieve the eradication of the "soil" of the existence of gods.

"I understand."

Li Ang nodded, "I will pass on information to others,

As for what they will do, I can't control it. "

Human civilization has the means to eradicate violence, but it may not have such determination.

Let alone Buddhism, which has been declining in India, other gods...

"This is enough."

A smile appeared on King Shibi's face, "That's all I want to say.

The time for your teleportation return is coming soon, too.

I think you also chose to believe in the path of consecrating the gods, remember one thing, take advantage of the other gods before they wake up, go to their lair to kill more gods, often kill gods

Strengthen yourself as soon as possible.

In this era, the advantage of the first mover is always greater than that of the late mover. "


Li Ang raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, "You are not afraid that I will swallow the origin of other gods and become a new god.

Follow the path you hate most, continue to enslave ordinary people? "

"Ha ha."

King Shibi smiled, "I believe you,

I saw the script task you pushed forward as Steven, and the things you did for Steven after the script task

You are different from the other old gods, at least now. "

"it is good."

Li Ang nodded. Just now, he had been talking with King Shipi with his psychic energy, slowing down the time that both parties sensed as much as possible and improving the efficiency of information transmission.

However, the five-minute transmission time limit is still approaching.

Li Ang waited for the countdown of the teleportation time, and asked casually: "Do you have anything else to say."

"Um... it's nothing more."

King Shibi thought for a while and laughed casually: "By the way, tell others, don't think about finding thousands of my identity in the real world, broken up into pieces.

Although I have lost most of my power, if I want to hide it, you can never find it. "

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