Gamers Are Fierce

Vol 2 Chapter 115: building

In addition to the activation of the new title, this script task also provided Li Ang with an item reward.

【Name: Mei Yao Lipstick】

[Type: Magic props consumables]

【Quality: Sophisticated】

【Special effects: absolute instructions. After applying lipstick and kissing a sapient creature, the creature can be made to follow the verbal instructions]

[Consumption: at least one hundred spiritual power points]

【Cooling time: None】

[Conditions of use: Charm attribute is higher than or equal to 15 points]

[Note: The duration of the absolute command and the intensity of the control effect depend on the difference between the will of the kisser and the kissed person. The larger the gap, the longer the duration of the kissed person’s control and the stronger the control effect]

[Remarks: The lipstick can control multiple kissed people at a time, and either of the two parties can remove the lipstick mark, and the control effect can be lifted]

[Remarks: residual warmth of lips and teeth, save one person]

"This stuff..."

Li Ang looked at the black-gold lipstick that appeared in his inventory and groaned, "The effect is pretty good.

Just one kiss can control other intelligent creatures, and the duration and control effect are also flexible.

Even high-level players have room for use.

And there are not too many restrictions. For example, the kisser and the kissed person must be of the same species and must be of different genders.

Some players who specialize in charm skills should be very interested.

Give it to the mule and see if anyone is willing to buy it. "

It is difficult for the Charm Stream to form, and the number of people is scarce, but those who survive and become high-level have one or two brushes, and the price is not a problem.


In the next few days, the wind was calm and nothing major happened.

The various organizations continued to deal with the aftermath of King Shibi's change in an orderly manner, and did not issue new news notices at all, just as they had never received a new warning from King Shibi.

Even on the player forums, there is no gossip.

The people's attention quickly shifted to other places.

The first is the official completion of the first phase of the construction of the City Building of the Special Affairs Bureau, and the delivery of building projects in important cities such as Yin City. The occupancy rate of residents and the move-in rate of factories reached over 80%.

This news occupies the front page of all news media at home and abroad in a short period of time.

The city building in Yin City was the first to start and was completed the earliest.

With the full support of the extraordinary construction team, the total project time is less than half a year, which can be called an industrial miracle in the history of human architecture.

The TV broadcasts the crystallization of scientific research integrated into the city building project, the diligence and wisdom of the construction staff, and the joy and excitement of the residents who have moved in.

On the short video platform, all the live volgs filmed by the residents moved into.

The city building is constructed with new building materials,

According to the geographical topography and land conditions of the location,

The shape, volume, and number of layers are different,

It ranges from more than 300 floors to more than 600 floors,

The total area is equivalent to most of the original city.

And the space utilization efficiency is extremely high,

Between floors, the giant elevators and trams are connected-trams run along the S-shaped air track inside the city.

Every floor inside the city building is an urban area.

Residential areas, commercial areas, fire stations, police stations, hospitals, parks, etc. are all available in the city.

The average area of ​​residential houses is 100 square meters, some are apartment buildings, and some are single houses.

Water, electricity and energy systems are installed uniformly in all houses, and furniture can be purchased and assembled by yourself.

All houses are state-owned, and private individuals are not allowed to buy, sell or lease

For the wealthy people in the past, they need to pay extremely high taxes if they want to live in better and larger houses.

In order to prevent the closed environment of the building and make residents feel depressed,

Projection technology is used on each ceiling of the building.

Simulate sunlight and city scenes,

At the same time, the artificial weather adjustment system on urban streets can also simulate warm and cold winds, or even rain and snow.

The city building is under the supervision of the Skynet system, and every corner has surveillance cameras embedded in the ceiling.

All monitoring screens will be imported into the Skynet system, which will be screened and checked by artificial intelligence.

Throughout the process, the employees of Skynet system only have the right to check on the terminal, and not the right to make private adjustments, so as to ensure the privacy of the majority of residents.

At the same time, all residents in the city building need to receive chip injections-the medical team of the Special Affairs Bureau will inject an electronic chip into the back of the residents' necks.

The chip can be powered by the energy of human blood flow, and the effective use period can reach up to 50 years.

Every chip is bound to citizenship information,

Citizens travel in city buildings, take transportation, enter and exit the security gates,

Will upload location information to the Skynet system.

Any behavior that removes or damages the chip maliciously will be regarded as a violation of regulations, with fines ranging from fines to criminal detention.

Most of the urban buildings, industrial and agricultural areas, are located in the lower part of the city.

Factories in industrial areas generally use smart machinery for production, and human workers are mostly intellectual positions responsible for regulating smart machinery.

The agricultural area is basically all intelligent machinery,

They work in gridded hydroponic farms and soil planting farms, and continuously produce vegetable crops that can be self-sufficient for the entire building.

As for meat,

There are three ways of producing meat products in the city building.

The first is a traditional breeding farm, which raises chickens, ducks, fish, cattle and sheep.

The second type is artificial industrial meat, which uses soy protein and harmless food additives to make fake and unrefined vegetable meat.

The third type is self-proliferating meat-that is, animal cells are placed in a large rectangular petri dish to provide cell culture fluid to allow the cells to proliferate on their own.

Meat "grows" in the petri dish.

The production efficiency of such self-proliferating meat is much higher than that of traditional breeding.

The required factory area, required personnel, required resources, and pollution emissions are also far lower than traditional breeding.

In terms of taste, it won’t be much worse than ordinary meat.

Even sometimes it tastes better than real meat.

The design purpose of the city building is to preserve the fire of human civilization when disaster strikes.

Each city building has a complete industrial chain, capable of self-produced and self-sold, to meet internal supply needs.

There are several nuclear power plants in all city buildings, and they can also supply their own power when the external power is cut off.

Due to the massive use of smart machinery for labor in the building, employment problems will inevitably occur.

Urban residents can choose service industries or creative jobs,

Such as entertainment, culture, sports, sales, art, etc.

Theoretically speaking, the output of city buildings is enough for all city residents to live with dignity and dignity.

Even if the vast majority of residents no longer work, UU reading www. is mixed and eaten and waits to die. When a rice worm, it will never be hungry or frozen.

But in order to prevent unhealthy trends in society,

The City Building Construction Committee decided to encourage employment.

They introduced a "contribution point" system. Urban residents do not violate regulations or laws every month, and a fixed contribution point will be added to their personal accounts.

Contribution points are forbidden to transfer privately, but they can be used to pay in lieu of cash.

Participate in city building services (such as serving as a tram driver in a building, building a tour guide, visiting nursing homes, participating in fire safety drills, etc.), and you can get additional contribution points.

If you have accumulated enough contribution points, you can also apply for special projects.

Such as transplanting artificial prostheses,

Even get extraordinary qualifications.

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