Gamers Are Fierce

Vol 2 Chapter 116: sign

The contribution point system has only just begun to be implemented on a pilot basis, and there is still a long way to go.

According to the planned plan of the Special Affairs Bureau, contribution points will gradually replace cash in the future.

The financial system of human society was originally designed to re-integrate existing resources, realize the equivalent circulation of value and profit, and help people to allocate resources and implement optimal decisions in an uncertain environment.

Now, City Tower is fully capable of producing and selling on its own, and is self-sufficient.

The supercomputer that controls the Skynet system can already make optimal use of resources.

Then the financial system becomes less important.

The emergence of the contribution point system has an extremely far-reaching impact.

Foreign news programs, while expressing envy and envy of the city building project, vigorously criticized the violation of human rights by the city building.

They claim that the city buildings are monitored everywhere, and residents passively report location information at all times. Any protest will be considered a rebellion against the collective.

This kind of living environment is completely a replica of "Animal Farm".

Appearing in the 21st century, it is simply absurd in absurdity.

Western folks have deep conspiracy theories. Those civilians who have been poisoned by happy education will even believe the rumors that 5g base stations will control the human brain.

Not to mention that the Special Affairs Bureau will actually inject electronic chips into the back of the neck.

For a while, the rumors of "Big Brother is back" are on the ups and downs of Western society.

However, this is not a big deal.

After the mirage changed, the isolationism of the East became more and more obvious.

It’s a good deal to say before, cooperating with the Global Occult Coalition and other official organizations,

Up to now, I have completely ignored the so-called accusations from the West.

What a joke,

Killing games can brew mutations anytime and anywhere,

Star gates in other worlds have all appeared,

The most important thing is to maintain the order of human society and preserve the fire of civilization.

How can I explain what is "human rights" and what is "freedom".

No matter how the Western media criticize and talk to themselves,

The Oriental City Tower Project continues to be implemented steadily,

The second-phase city tower plan will cover most of the original second-tier cities,

Move the densely populated areas along the eastern coast to the inland,

And many cities in the second phase of the project will have most of the volume and will be located underground.

Obviously, this is exploring the depth of strategy-there is indeed a star gate to another world on earth,

War and turbulence are inevitable,

The coastal areas are no longer as safe as before,

Even the surface is no longer as safe as before.

For ordinary people, they live in city buildings, accept unified management, use city facilities, and enjoy fair treatment.

Compared with before, don’t worry so much about food, clothing, housing, education, and medical issues——

The school district system is obscured, AI teachers are introduced, exams are unified in all regions, and scores are unified.

Hospitals also use smart machines and even omnipotent doctors in large numbers.

The national happiness index is undoubtedly rising.

Even if there is anxiety about the future, ordinary people can't do much.

And the transcendent,

Their attitude towards city buildings is also more complicated.

On the one hand, the emergence of city buildings can effectively reduce casualties caused by abnormal changes, and the families of the extraordinary have become much safer.

on the other hand,

Although the city building uses new building materials, some load-bearing walls, beams, columns, ceilings and other structures can withstand the full blow of lv15 players.

But the transcendent still has too many methods that can cause damage to the city itself and its people.

In the first phase of the city building project, apart from the staff of the Special Affairs Bureau, it is difficult for the extraordinary folks to apply for admission.

And even if you move in, you must be closely monitored at all times.

Even wearing a full set of uniforms provided by the Special Affairs Bureau that can monitor changes in physical functions and spiritual power.

After the completion of the Yin City City Building was officially announced, many residents in the city of Yin City moved in, and the streets appeared to be deserted a lot.

Li Ang refused Xing Hechou's invitation to ask him to take a look at the city mansion, but the Secret Service Bureau's staff was relieved.

However, Chai Chai is very interested in visiting the city mansion. She visited the city mansion with Wang Congshan and Liu Wuzao, and returned to show off to Li Ang that she had obtained the honorary citizen chip.

(Some extraordinary people are unwilling or unable to accept chip injections. The Special Affairs Bureau will issue a USB flash drive or card with a chip to replace the chip behind the neck)

"It's really deserted a lot."

Li Ang wandered alone on the streets of Yin City. The global change caused by King Shibi greatly promoted the relocation of the city building by the Special Affairs Bureau.

The residents of the community where he originally lived have all moved out.

There are only twos and threes of pedestrians on the street, as well as patrol vehicles of the Special Affairs Bureau,

It is in stark contrast to the bustling city scene a few months ago.

"I didn't expect everything to change so quickly."

Li Ang walked on the way he used to go to school, passing by the gate of the experimental middle school,

It was found that the gate of the middle school was closed tightly, and there was no more morning recitations from inside—the students in the experimental middle school also moved into the city mansion with their parents.

Li Ang stopped at the entrance of the middle school and looked at the evergreen landscape trees planted outside the school fence with some emotion.

The picture of him jumping over the wall and entering the school flashed in his mind, as if a world away.


The divine power link trembled suddenly, and Li Ang frowned slightly.

As the Lord of Flesh and Marsh, he can sense the call of believers to him in the divine power link.

Just like the vibration of a spider web,

The higher the energy level and the more devout believers, the clearer the call to him.

"Message from Cerberus..."

Cerberus is a cerebrum of the Worm Nest Tyrant type. He has appeared in the Lost World before and is responsible for the interrogation talent.

After the battle for the door of the lost world ended, Cerberus was sent to the door world by Li Ang, stationed on the island,

It can be regarded as one of the brainworms who is mainly responsible for the operation engineering of the worm nest in the door world.

Li Ang thought for a stepped on the invisible ladder and jumped up, took out the Colt revolver, and pulled the trigger towards the sea outside Yin City.

Then, using the [bullet instantaneous technique], it flashed to the sea outside Yin City in an instant,

Finally, use magical power to shield the surroundings to prevent information leakage,

After making preparations,

Li Angcai opened the divine power link and asked Cerberus, who was far away in the door world, "What's wrong."

As Li Ang specifically ordered before, when the Worm's Nest Cerebral communicated, it would only pray a few words to the great Creator from the bottom of its heart, and then it would have something to say.

Cerberus also directly passed the key information to Li Ang through the divine power link.

"The Worm's Nest Scout Bee in the door door world has found signs of wisdom and civilization on the sea?"


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