Liuying: "Huh?"

Pei Guang took out the special medicine and all-attribute recovery props made by Bai Lu. Pei Guang held up these two and introduced: "This is a special medicine made by the Luofu Immortal Boat Mingming Dragon Master. According to Bai Lu, common diseases All of them can be cured by this. And this is a full attribute recovery consumable. Although one can only restore 5% of the full attributes, it can be superimposed. You can eat two of them together to ensure that all common physical diseases will disappear. "

Looking at what Pei Guang took out, Liu Ying's eyes lit up: "Can these combined together cure any disease?"

Pei Guang shook his head: "No! According to Bai Lu, most common diseases can be cured, but not heart diseases or very rare diseases that cannot be treated with drugs. But the problem is not big, she doesn't look like It looks like a complicated disease, come on! Give me some medicine!”

Listening to Pei Guang's words, Liu Ying lowered her eyebrows. This was just a medicine to treat diseases. It was hard to say whether her condition was a disease...

While Liuying was thinking wildly, Pei Guang and Xing had already taken action.

Pei Guang grabbed the trembling Kokona's shoulders to stop her from moving, while Xing Ze took out the gourd given by Bai Lu. She didn't have the ability to control water, so she couldn't make the medicine fly out with just a gesture. She could only stick the gourd into Kokona's mouth and fill it with medicine.

"woo woo woo woo!!!"

The medicine had entered her mouth, but she didn't get any better.

Looking at this scene, Xing was a little confused: "It seems... it's still serious? Is the medicine ineffective?"

Pei Guang touched his chin and said: "It shouldn't be! It's just a temporary mission for a small NPC. It stands to reason that the general props in our hands will definitely be effective. Wait..."

Pei Guang thought of something and took out the [Emotional Embodiment] that he had dug out of the trash can from the storage space.

[Emotional embodiment: can be used to make up for people’s mood dials and help people find missing emotions]

Looking at the gear-like things that Pei Guang took out, Xing also took out these from his storage space: "Hey? You have collected these too. I also got a lot of these from rummaging through the cabinets before. What is this? ?”

Pei Guang: "I don't know the specific use of the emotional embodiment, but it is said to help people find missing emotions. But can this thing be used on people here? Let me go, can it really be used?"

Pei Guang traced his emotional embodiment on Kokona's body. While doing so, he discovered that a gear-like structure appeared on Cocona's body, and in the middle of this structure, there was exactly the same thing as the emotional embodiment missing. thing.

Under Pei Guang's influence, Xing also saw some things that he couldn't see normally: "Is this...a gear? It seems like a piece is missing?"

Pei Guang nodded: "It seems that this dream is not as beautiful as imagined! Since this is called the emotional embodiment, it must be people's lost emotions, but why are people's lost emotions in the trash can? Could it be... this world Managers control people’s emotions to make them work endlessly?”

Star: "Hi! That's terrible. What if this is true?"

Pei Guang thought seriously: "Toying with people's hearts and emotions, this kind of existence sounds like a big villain. If it is determined to be a big villain...then let us blow up this villain in the dream."

Xing: "Okay! Let's blow the villain up into the sky! But what if there is no villain?"

Pei Guang: "Then blow up all the people we don't like, and then we'll occupy this place."

Xing took a breath of air, while Liu Ying asked cautiously: "But behaving like this...isn't it good?"

Pei Guang: "It's not a big problem. Let me try it with this emotional object first and see what effect it has!"

Pei Guang was about to put the emotional embodiment into Kokona's body, but just when Pei Guang was about to take action, Xing stopped him.

"Aguang! Wait."

Pei Guang: "Huh?"

Xing made a serious and unreliable analysis: "We just said that we can't play with people's hearts. So if we put this missing emotion in, aren't we also playing with people's hearts? If we round it off, wouldn't we become villains?"

"Huh? What you said makes sense. You are really a talent."

Liuying: "?"

Pei Guangxing's brain circuit is too fast, and Liu Ying feels a little unable to keep up now, but Xing becomes more confident after receiving Pei Guang's praise.

She puffed up her chest and said triumphantly: "That's right, I was brought out by you personally, Aguang."

Pei Guang: "Oh? What do you think?"

Pei Guang was happy to see Xing now having his own opinions. As a player, he knew that his own thoughts were limited. Because I have played too many games, I have fallen into empiricism.

Pei Guang also knows that empiricism is not advisable, but sometimes he doesn't realize it.

But Xing is different. Xing can tell at a glance that her experience is not as rich as hers, so her perspective on the plot will be different from hers. This difference may be the key to making the next plot easier to pass and making the subsequent experience more interesting.

Xing Ye imitated Pei Guang and thought: "Someone may have a way to extract their emotions. Is there a way to get their own emotions back? Instead of just stuffing an emotion back at will?"

Liuying: "This...can't be done, right?"

Pei Guang thought seriously and said, "As long as it is not said that it cannot be done, it can be done. It is OK, Xing, you have a brain that is unique. Even I habitually think that it is enough to directly put these acquired emotions in. I didn't expect you to have a more profound idea. OK, since this method is what you thought of, then do it according to your idea. What do you plan to do?"

At this moment, Xing was even more proud. She puffed out her chest and imitated Pei Guang's tone and said, "Every prop is helpful when going through the plot. We have a synthesis function. At the same time, you and I have picked up so many emotions. Let's synthesize these emotions together to see what we can synthesize? Then see if the synthesized things are helpful to her?"

Pei Guang: "Okay! Do as you say!"

Pei Guang felt that Xing was right, so he decided to let Xing take the lead this time and assist her. At the same time, Pei Guang was relieved when he saw that Xing could have her own ideas and even put them into practice.

As the saying goes, three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang. After all, I will make mistakes when I am alone, but with Xing, you can imagine how happy I will be in the future.

Witnessed by the firefly, Pei Guang took out a pot, and Xing threw all the emotional objects he had picked up along the way into the synthetic pot. Pei Guang raised the three true fires, and the pot made a crackling sound.

As the sound ended, Xing opened the lid, and the moment the lid was opened, a golden light appeared in the pot.

But looking at the things inside, the three of them had a lot of questions in their heads.

There was a bottle of drink in the pot, which was similar to the x-movie in Pei Guang's impression. Pei Guang even felt that if he took this thing back to his own world, he would definitely be sued for infringement.

Pei Guang took the thing in his hand and looked at it. Pei Guang was full of questions.

[Emotional recovery functional beverage: After drinking, you can regain yourself and be yourself. People who have released their nature will not be effective if they drink this product. ]

[Note: Sometimes regaining yourself is not necessarily a good thing, please use this drink with caution. ]

Looking at this note, Pei Guang couldn't help but open the lid and take a sip. After taking a sip, Pei Guang nodded with satisfaction.

"Hmm! It still tastes the same."

Xing asked curiously: "What is this?"

Pei Guang: "A drink to help you find yourself. It's probably useful for people like her who have shortcomings, but it's useless for people like us who are about to return to our ancestors except that it tastes good."

Xing: "Hmm? Tasty? Let me try it."

Pei Guang handed it to Xing. Xing took it and took a big sip and nodded with satisfaction: "Hmm~ It tastes good~ But I don't think I've changed much?"

Pei Guang: "This is for people who are stupid, and you are not stupid. Come on! Give her a drink."

Pei Guang put his target back on Kekona. Since she can find herself, and the gears before are called emotional embodiments, then through this thing, theoretically, can she find the things that the person in front of her lacks?

Pei Guang and Xing took action, and when Kekona was once again fed new liquid by Pei Guang and Xing, something strange happened.

A golden light emerged from Kekona's body, and with the appearance of the golden light, the gears that had disappeared were actually filled back.

The restored golden gear felt like it was missing something. This was not a problem that could be solved by oneself. Many difficulties did require one to get out of them, but sometimes, if one wanted to completely recover everything that was lost, external forces were needed.

At this moment, the returning golden gear burst into a dazzling light, and as the light disappeared, Pei Guang disappeared.

Looking at the disappearing Pei Guang, Liuying's tone became nervous: "People? Disappeared...?"

Xing calmly hugged his arms: "Calm down, A Guang must have gone somewhere, let's wait here, he will be back soon."

"Is it really okay?"

Xing: "Don't worry~ If A Guang can't solve it, it's useless for us to go there."

Compared to the calm Xing and the nervous Liuying, the watch boy who had been watching here from a distance dropped his chin to the ground in shock. What did it see? Pei Guang could actually help people regain their lost emotions with drinks, and people who regained their emotions would even automatically find someone to enter their emotions to help?

Even in the dream world, the watch boy had never seen this scene.

At this moment, in Kokona's dream, Kokona, who had forgotten the bad past, suddenly recalled the painful emotions. Parents, colleagues, lovers, recalling all of these, she only felt incomparable pain. Living is so painful, she wants to forget these pains again. She tried to walk out, but now she can't do it, really can't do it. "I can't do it..." Kokona felt that this world was full of darkness. It was obviously a dream world, but she couldn't do anything. She unconsciously came to the rooftop. She knew that as long as she jumped off this rooftop, she would continue to forget these bad memories, get rid of those bad emotions, and become the person everyone expected. She is still a "good child" in the eyes of her parents and a qualified "store manager". Dreams? Hopes? They should have been shattered long ago. However, just when she was painfully preparing to end herself, a person appeared in front of her. This person was none other than Pei Guang. Pei Guang was on fire at this time. Looking at this flame, even Kokona in the conscious world felt... fear. Seeing the person in front of her, Kekona was silent. Many people have helped her in her life, but they just extended their hands. They let her see a glimmer of light, but then she was greeted by darkness. She was always wrapped in darkness and could not escape.

But what Pei Guang said next frightened even Kokona in her consciousness.

"Madam, since you are not even afraid of death, then use your dilapidated body that has been destroyed by reality to ignite this flame. You will die anyway. Before you die, let us burn this dream to ashes!" Pei Guangjiang said! Throwing the fire at Kokona.

Cocona subconsciously caught the fire, and the moment she touched the flame, she felt her body burning.

If she were alone, she would not have such thoughts, but now she was not alone. Looking at Pei Guang on fire and then at herself on fire, she felt that she could really burn this bad dream to ashes.

Chapter 364 Aha: "Borrow some water"

While Pei Guang took Kokona to ignite the dream, Kokona also saw a part of Pei Guang's memory because of Pei Guang's appearance. ’

No, just like Pei Guang entered her consciousness and saw and experienced her life, she also saw and experienced the life in Pei Guang's memory.

In the memory of what she saw, she just couldn't figure out why the person in front of her clearly looked like a man. Why was Pei Guang in the dream a woman?

This woman has some very backward-looking prosthetics on her body, but judging from the surrounding environment, she must be a worker like herself.

She saw Pei Guang working conscientiously in her memory, but in the end he was plotted against by his colleagues. She saw a small person trying to survive at the bottom of society, and she saw a society that was as cannibalistic as Pinocchio.

But unlike Pinoconi, the world in Pei Guang's memory was crueler and crueler. After all, gunfights don't happen everywhere in Pinoconi, but in that world there are gunfights anytime and anywhere, and no one knows how long they can survive.

But in this cruel memory, some people's words entered her consciousness.

"Are you willing to be an unknown person, live in peace for the rest of your life, and die in bed with a urinary catheter inserted? Or do you want to leave a name in history even if you don't live to be thirty?"

This sentence seemed very passionate, but when she saw the person who said this sentence was shot dead, even Kokona had a funny feeling. Although it was funny, the words got into her heart.

In the next memory, she saw and felt that Pei Guang, facing his imminent death, gave up hope and chose to commit suicide, joined the company camp and finally survived, fighting towards the company with his lover and friends. The only thing that makes Kokona feel a little puzzling is that these lovers are a bit strange. Some are male and some are female, with all genders and hobbies.

But these contents passed by very quickly, so fast that it seemed like a skipped life.

Until finally, she saw the final choice in this memory.

In my memory, when I was forced into desperation, I took a gun and directly launched a resistance against the city.

And when the last person faced the company, she saw the last sentence.

"You finally got the hang of becoming a legend, grab the guy and let's go!"

Use your last broken body to resist the company. Regardless of success or failure, you will make a final effort for your dream of becoming a legend.

Although the content seemed too extreme, this extreme emotion guided her like a bright light, telling her what to do.


After watching and experiencing this event in her own memory, a stronger fire lit within her.

One year? ten years? century? Or...a moment?

Cocona didn't know how long time had passed. She only knew that she had experienced Pei Guang's experience for a long, long time. She only knew that when she broke away from Pei Guang's memory, what she saw was her own body that had been ignited by the flames. Conscious world.

It is difficult for a person to change himself and regain hope, but after Kokona experienced this bizarre dream, she also had some ideas of her own. Even if these ideas are unrealistic, they are still better than jumping directly.

Just like what Pei Guang said and experienced in his dream, even if she had nothing, she still had her own body and her own life, which was enough to ignite the flame.

Looking at the blazing flames and recalling the experience in her memory, Kokona suddenly smiled.

"Are you a god?"

For Kekona, Pei Guang is simply a god. He can help him find himself in an instant and let him experience a different life. This kind of thing cannot be done even in a dream.

"Huh? Why do you have this question?" Pei Guang was stunned by this question. She didn't know that Kokona experienced her own memory, because for Pei Guang, only a moment passed.

However, he thought carefully and then shook his head: "I'm not a god, I'm just a player passing by. I saw an exclamation mark on your head because of your obsession, so I came here to fulfill your obsession and get what you gave me. reward.”

Kokona: "But I can't give you anything..."

Pei Guang: "Who said that? Some money, some materials, a drink, a thank you, or some good impressions you have on me and my companions. Madam, you are a very rich man. Madam, what entrustment do you have for me? me?"

Kokona smiled, this time with a smile of relief: "I have mastered the secret of becoming a legend, let's blow this dream to the sky!"

At this moment, the hands of those who looked at the content of this conscious world were trembling slightly, because they really saw a scene that made them all tremble.

Pei Guang actually took Kokona, really ignited the dream, and then really blew the dream into the sky.

Looking at the burning dream, Kokona smiled. She knew it was time to wake up.

This does not destroy the dream in the true sense, but the entire dream and memory become fuel and burn. This flame does not destroy the world, but makes the world stronger, so powerful that no rememberer can interfere with it.

All of her past experiences will become fuel for the fire, illuminating her path forward.

Because for players, no matter how awesome your game settings are, the game cannot interfere with the player's CG and archives under normal game conditions.

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