Cocona woke up, and as she woke up, Pei Guang also returned to Xing and Liuying.

Seeing Pei Guang coming out, Liu Ying asked nervously: "Are you okay? I just saw you disappear suddenly..."

Pei Guang waved his hand: "It's okay! She's in very good condition. I just went to her conscious world and burned her dreams to ashes."

"Burned to ashes?" In just the blink of an eye, Pei Guang will burn other people's dreams to ashes? There won't be any problems, right?

Pei Guang shook his head: "No, how to describe it? It's not that she really burned the dream, but she ignited the dream with herself."

When Pei Guang explained, Kokona looked at Pei Guang with burning eyes.

"thanks for your help…"

Pei Guang: "It doesn't count as help. I just enter your conscious world and play around. How does it feel?"

Kokona: "I've never felt so good..."

Pei Guang: "Then what are you going to do next?"

Kokona: "I will ignite dreams!"

Cocona's eyes were shining with fire. Pinocone was a bad place. She couldn't fight out alone like Pei Guang's dream. But the dream experience made her understand a truth.

Looking at Kokona who had changed drastically in a few seconds, Liuying's eyes widened: "What... did you do to her?"

Pei Guang touched his chin and thought, "Didn't you do anything? After being pulled into the world of consciousness by her, he set a fire with her. Although her dream was not burned to ashes, the fire burned brightly."

Xing on the side saw the confused Liu Ying and comforted him: "It's normal, you have to get used to this process. If you stay with A Guang for a long time, one day he won't get used to it unless something happens."


Liu Ying felt that her brain was a little insufficient, and Pei Guang, who was standing by, saw that Kokona had returned to normal and stretched out his hand directly to her.

"Okay, we've cured your body, and your mood seems to have recovered. Madam, it's time to give us our reward~"


Kokona took a deep breath, then hugged Pei Guang: "Thank you, you and your friends can always buy anything you like in our store at cost price."

As a store manager, she has the right to discount. Besides, it doesn't matter if the boss doesn't allow it. The worst thing she can do is get money to make up for it. If the boss is going to make irresponsible remarks, she feels that the boss of this luxury store can be changed.

Although Kokona, who experienced Pei Guang's dream, returned to her true nature, she was also affected by the experience in the dream and became somewhat irritable.

Seeing Kokona hugging Pei Guang, Liuying opened her mouth not knowing what to say. Xing shook his head helplessly: "Hey~ Aguang is always so attractive. Don't get me wrong, not only women like him, but men also like him, even things that are not human. Hey~ he is really sinful. Man!"

Xing was complaining here, and Pei Guang, who had been let go by Kokona, came to Xing's side, grabbed Xing's face and rubbed it: "Who do you think is the most sinful person?"

Star: "Woooooo~"

Xing struggled and played around for a while. Pei Guang let go of Xing and looked at her proudly: "Look! The reward for this mission is a permanent discount on the product, which is already super exciting."

Xing: "Okay~ Luxury store, I must like it in March, right?"

Pei Guang nodded: "Absolutely, but before I brush up Yue Yue's favor, I'll brush up her favor first~"

Pei Guang turned to look at Liu Ying and invited: "Come on! I have already established a relationship with this luxury store. Everything is at the purchase price. You can get whatever you like, and I'll treat you to it."


Before Liu Ying could say anything, she was dragged into the luxury store by Pei Guang: "Why are we helping her? It's just for this discount! You don't want to buy a bastard at a discount, come on! Buy whatever you like. Before You invited me, now I invite you~"

Xingze came over and said, "That's right, let me tell you, A Guang is rich. Even if we don't have money, we will be rich if we catch two people on the street and beat them up."


Liu Ying didn't know what to say, but it was a pity that she couldn't refuse to join Pei Guang's gang even if it was only temporary. Pei Guang directly asked Kokona to pick out a complete set of luxury goods for Liuying.

These luxury goods may seem expensive, but after being discounted by Kokona, they are all affordable to the average person.

The three people did some shopping in the luxury store, but while the three people were shopping inside, Hanabi found this place.

At the gate, Hanabi crossed her arms and smiled: "Haha~ I was just telling you where have you been? It turns out you came here for a date~ The famous pioneer actually used two boats, tsk tsk tsk~ This The picture will definitely look wonderful~ Hehe.”

Hanabi started to get angry as soon as she entered the house, but in the face of Hanabi's strange attitude, both Pei Guang and Xing were very calm.

Under the leadership of Pei Guang, today's stars are not afraid of Lezi people at all. What are Lezi people? Someone looking for fun. The way to restrain someone who has fun is also very simple. When the other person wants to have fun with you, you should first immerse yourself in your own fun, enjoy other people's fun, and let others have no fun to enjoy.

Pei Guang and Xing looked at each other. Their long-term cooperation made the two of them understand each other, and they communicated through voice communication just by looking at each other.

Xing: "Didn't you say it's okay if you don't do the task? Why did she come here?"

Pei Guang: "Hey!"

Star: "What are you talking about?"

Pei Guang: "I just suddenly thought of something interesting. We still have a lot of that drink left, right?"

Xing: "Can a dozen people drink?"

Pei Guang: "I suddenly thought of something interesting. The water in Pinoconi is too deep and we may not be able to control it. We need to pull people onto the pirate ship."

Star: "You mean!"

The two people who looked at each other instantly said: "Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie." It was like the laughter of the great elder of the x palace.

Perhaps because the two people's laughter was so magical, Liuying on the side also started laughing. She didn't know what they were laughing at, but she felt something funny.

After making eye contact, Xing was the first to speak: "That's right! We are two people~ A Guang!"

Xing waved his arm, and Pei Guang pretended to lean on Xing's shoulder: "Oh~ I hate it!"

Hanabi gasped at this scene, while Liuying blinked and leaned towards Hoshi's other shoulder with understanding.

Hanabi: "Huh, it seems I came at the wrong time?"

Pei Guang, who was leaning on Xing's shoulder: "No! You came at the right time, the middle position is reserved for you~"

After speaking, Pei Guang twisted his body to the side, leaving a space for Hanabi.

Hanabi felt her eyes darken. In the past, when she mocked people, she would either have an indifferent attitude, get angry, or directly attack her. Pei Guang and the others were lucky enough to just follow along.

But Hua Huo soon rolled her eyes. She knew what was most important to Pei Guang, and then a sly smile appeared on her face.

"It seems that you are having a lot of fun here~ In this case, if you are playing here, forget about any content that can only be played by adults!"

As soon as she finished saying this, she felt her legs sink. She looked down and Pei Guang and Xing suddenly hugged her thighs.

Pei Guang: "Miss Hanabi! Lord Hanabi, beautiful, lovely and charming Lord Hanabi, I was wrong. Please let us experience adult content."

Xing: "That's right! But Aguang, what if she won't let us experience it if she's going to bite her to death?"

Pei Guang turned to look at Xing: "Take off her shoes and lick her with a cactus."

Liuying: "?"

Hanabi: "?"

How experienced are you with fireworks? Facing Pei Guang's threat, she remained calm: "Humph~ It's just a cactus, I don't care. I'm happier when I can see that some people can't experience what they want to experience."

Seeing Hua Huo like this, Pei Guang smiled: "Oh~ Mr. Hua Huo, you don't remember the faults of villains. We didn't leave the team on purpose. We found something interesting. Let's do it~ This trip is also Don’t let your work go in vain.”

Pei Guang took out the mood recovery drink he had synthesized before and pulled Kokona over and introduced: "Have you seen this person? She was emotionally absent a few minutes ago. It was after drinking this drink that her emotions pulsated. Come back and find yourself. Kokona, tell her, what do you want to do with the dream? She is not an outsider, you can say anything you dare not think about. "

Kokona: "I want to ignite dreams!"

Pei Guang: "Good! You are impressive!"

After applauding Kokona, Pei Guang leaned next to Hanabi and whispered: "You are the famous Masked Fool. It is not difficult to investigate her past, right? You investigate her past, and then look at her present. This is the change this drink can bring. I give this to you, and you take us to experience what adults can experience~"

Pei Guang raised his eyebrows at Hanabi. Seeing the drink and listening to Pei Guang's words, Hanabi's expression changed. She came here for a special reason. Just because of Pei Guang's special characteristics, I wanted to have fun with him.

She knew the situation in Pinoconi very well. Not only she, but almost all the fools in Pinoconi knew what was going on in this place.

She didn't doubt the effect of what Pei Guang said, because according to the information she had obtained, Pei Guang, the player, could do things that normal people couldn't do.

But giving her such a thing at this time would mean something wrong. It was to make her become Pei Guang's side and help Pei Guang get into trouble.

Refuse? How can it be! How could a Masked Fool refuse Lezi's invitation?

Just hearing the effect of this drink made her excited. Considering the player's wonderful influence, she could already imagine the impact this bottle of drink could have on Pinoconi.

Without further ado, let’s just talk about the Q-bomb body that Pei Guang and the others just created.

Now let alone the golden moment, other dream worlds have also been affected.

Unlike Tonghe's forceful influence on people, Pei Guang's influence was because people thought it was too stupid and wanted to try it to see why everyone was so stupid. After trying it, it turned out to be quite interesting.

Using spontaneous harmony to counter the family harmony, and now there is this drink that allows those who are emotionally deficient to regain themselves and become more interesting, and now Hanabi is getting high.

She knew this was a trap, but as a Masked Fool, she was never afraid of traps, she was only afraid of not having fun.

Hanabi pursed her lips and took away the drink that Pei Guang had already taken a few sips from: "Not bad~ I like your gift very much. Since you are so sincere~ then I will forgive you, Hanabi-sama~"

Pei Guang: "Master Hanabi is wise!"

Hoshi: "Hanabi-sama, open up!"

Pei Guang \u0026 Xing: "Hanabi-sama is awesome!"

Seeing such praise, Liu Ying also had a smile on her face. Being able to handle the Masked Fool like this is the most difficult type among fools. This kind of thing is really rare.

Hanabi: "Hmm~ Stop talking so much and come with me~ Let me take you and have some fun~"

Hanabi took the three of them to experience the dream that was made in advance. This dream was originally intended to give Pei Guang and the others some hints to make Pinoconi become more chaotic.

But now Pinoconi has been disturbed by the players before she takes action, but it is not a big problem. She believes that Pei Guang will definitely like such an abstract dream. At the same time, she is also curious about what Pei Guang will do in the abstract dream. .

However, when she was leading Pei Guang and his party forward again, Hanabi suddenly felt something was wrong. She heard a voice saying, "Borrow some water."

When she calmed down, there were only a few sips of the drink left in half of the bottle. Looking at these few sips of the drink, Hanabi was stunned.

Chapter 365: Become the King of Trash Cans!

"******" Looking at the drink with only a few sips left, Hanabi felt her blood pressure soar and couldn't help but curse a few words in her heart.

If the god of music doesn't take it from Pei Guang, what does it mean if he takes it from himself?

But she had no choice but to borrow something from her own lover, and even if she wanted to, she wouldn't have the chance. I can only look at the remaining drink at the bottom of the bottle and think about how to make good use of it.


Hanabi sighed helplessly, and while she sighed, she led Pei Guang and the others to Dr. Edward.

The so-called Dr. Edward is Pinoconi's dream shop. People can experience various dreams at Dr. Edward, who looks like a big-eyed man.

Hanabi's original plan was to disguise herself as Sambo and use Sambo's identity to have fun with the pioneers and give them a warning.

But now there is no need for this dream to remind the pioneer. On the contrary, she is very curious about what Pei Guang will do in this dream.

This dream is a reflection of reality. She wants to know in advance how Pei Guang can break the situation in this multi-party calculation situation.

Arriving in front of Dr. Edward, Dr. Edward greeted the star: "Welcome to the Dreamland Sales Store, Dr. Edward will serve you wholeheartedly! We meet again as the pioneers of the Star Dome Train. Haha, you also brought three interesting people with you. friend."

Its gaze swept across Pei Guang, Liuying and Hanabi, while Hanabi looked at Doctor Edward and said, "Hi~ Doctor Edward. I want to take my friends to experience something interesting, you know."

Dr. Edward: "Of course, Dr. Edward welcomes thrill-seeking guests! Can I just read your memory? Madam."

Hanabi: "Yeah~ Just use mine."

Dr. Edward began to obtain Hanabi's memory. Pei Guang looked at this scene and studied curiously: "What is this doing?"

Hearing Pei Guang's inquiry, Dr. Edward explained thoughtfully: "Let me explain to you, this is our store's service for senior customers. You can give me the dream you have recently experienced, supplemented by the emotional prototype, and you can make it. A personalized dream bubble for repeat experiences.”

Hanabi: "You don't have to worry about the emotional prototype. I've prepared it. You can experience this unique dream world with peace of mind."

Hanabi had a smile on her face, but this smile was somewhat meaningful.

But Pei Guang didn't care if it was meaningful or not, he just wanted to experience adult content as quickly as possible.

The waiting time was very fast, and before long, Dr. Edward generated a special dream bubble using the materials provided by Hanabi.

"After the generation is completed, please close your eyes and place your forehead against the dream bubble."

A dream bubble appeared in front of Dr. Edward, and Hanabi looked at Pei Guang: "Come on~ You come first~"

Pei Guang nodded and touched the Memory Bubble with his forehead. Along with touching the Dream Bubble, Pei Guang felt his eyes go dark. At this time, it was not just Pei Guang's eyes that went dark.

The darkness only lasted for a few seconds. After a few seconds, Pei Guang found that the darkness dissipated and he appeared in a room, a familiar room.

"This is...Natasha's clinic?"

Pei Guang looked around and saw that the layout here was exactly the same as Natasha's clinic.

When Pei Guang entered the dream, she was a little surprised to see Pei Guang's sudden disappearance of fireworks outside the dream. What made her even more surprised was that the function that allowed anyone to communicate with people who experienced the dream bubble seemed to be missing.

At the same time, the outside world cannot communicate with Pei Guang, and can only see Pei Guang's experience in the memory bubble.

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