Games with fairies

Chapter 294 Listen to the Dragon’s Roar

The story of the appearance of the river god in Shitang Village soon spread in Baizhou Prefecture.

The northern counties have always been bitterly cold, and few gods and immortals come to visit. Even the magicians from Qin Tianjian will not come here.

This seems to be a forgotten corner.

Fortunately, powerful and terrifying evil spirits rarely appear in the North to harm one side. Although there are occasional evil spirits that wreak havoc, they are just little demons and ghosts. Mortals can still live if they are vigilant.

Occasionally, some villages and towns know that there is an evil spirit entrenched nearby and harming people, but they can only be more vigilant and not go alone, hoping that the evil spirit will leave on its own as time goes by.

If the evil spirit is really powerful and terrifying, forcing the villagers to survive, then people will grit their teeth and ask the wandering gods outside the Great Wall to succumb to the evil spirit.

But the price to pay for inviting the terrifying wandering gods from beyond the Great Wall is extremely high. No one dares to go outside the Great Wall unless necessary.

But after the news about the appearance of the river god in Shitang Village spread, this was undoubtedly a ray of sunshine that pierced the darkness for the villagers in the North who had suffered from the evil scourge.

Everyone who heard the news was shocked.

Especially in the afternoon, the village chief of Shitang Village took the villagers to the newly built River Temple to pray for wishes. At dusk, the River God went to Shitang Village to slay demons... This River God, he really answered every request!

The news that the God of Yushui River showed up to slay demons spread like wildfire in Baizhou Mansion.

Not only was this incident a sensation, there were many witnesses.

Shitang Village is also three kilometers away from the nearest place of Yushui River. When the river god came ashore and headed straight for Shitang Village, he rushed through countless vegetable fields, rice fields and mountains and forests along the way, and even swaggered through the official road. Pass.

Such a large number of witnesses, coupled with the legendary nature of the story of the demon subjugation in Shitang Village, caused this incident of the river god to subjugate the demon to spread outside Baizhou City at an unimaginable speed.

The Yushui River is an important river in the North, and river transportation and trade are prosperous.

The deeds of the Yushui River God's appearance were quickly spread to other cities upstream and downstream along with the sailing ships.

When Li Muyang returned to the game again, he was stunned when he opened the character panel.

【Incense Willing Power: 17399】

When it went offline yesterday, the incense wish power was only 13, which is very rare.

But now that it's online again, the power of incense has skyrocketed to 17,000?

Even this number is still growing slowly.

Such a huge incense wish made Li Muyang stunned for a while, almost thinking that he had seen it wrong.

"...What did you do when the system hung up?"

Only one day and one night have passed. How come the power of incense has increased so much?

Li Muyang felt puzzled.

He opened the interface of Incense Willing Power and found that Incense Willing Power had increased and a skill was added to him.

[Sky Fire: Consume 50 points of incense to summon a ball of fire of punishment to punish evil spirits. Sky Fire burns the soul and causes 200% additional damage to evil monsters]

Not only has the amount of incense power increased dramatically, but a new skill has also been added.

Li Muyang was shocked.

He checked the experience bar, only to find that it had not increased much.

When he went offline yesterday, he was at LV4 (91%).

Now online, it is only LV4 (95%).

This time I hung up for a day and a night, and the experience value increased very little.

The only change is that the power of incense has skyrocketed...Did anything happen during this period?

Li Muyang suddenly heard many chaotic and noisy sounds.

With a thought in his mind, he seemed to be in the Heshen Temple outside Baizhou City. Standing on the shrine, he saw the villagers kneeling at his feet from the perspective of the statue.

But I saw that these mortals were all pious and respectful, kowtowing, offering incense, and making wishes and praying to him.

Noisy chatter kept ringing in his ears, and he frowned.

How come so many believers came outside in one day and one night? Still so devoted to him.

Could it be that the body of this dragon has appeared in front of people and has produced very good results?

Li Muyang opened the Incense Willing Power interface and found that as the outside world chanted in his ears, there was also a special entrance in the Incense Willing Power interface.

After clicking in, a dazzling array of prayers and wishes made by mortal believers appeared before his eyes.

Such things as praying for the sudden death of her mother-in-law, or wishing that she would be in high school next year, or wishing that she would give birth to a son.

These wishing words were compiled into a dense form, which made Li Muyang's eyes hurt.

Fortunately, these wish words have their own entries at the back, divided into categories and neatly divided.

One of the red entry's wish words attracted Li Muyang's attention.


This is the information extracted from the red entries.

Li Muyang thought about it, and the wish words related to the entry "Evil" in the wish column were immediately arranged neatly in front of him.

[Please ask the river god to appear and eliminate the water ghost in the well on our village...]

[Please ask the River God to appear and kill the hidden painted-skinned demon in our town...]

[Please ask the River God to appear and kill the yellow skins in the woods outside our village...]

Li Muyang was slightly startled when he saw the red entries of wishes.

Whenever he pays attention to any entry, he will vaguely hear the voice of the mortal making the wish, and can vaguely sense the direction of the other person and the location of the demon mentioned by the other person.

The locations of those mortals who made wishes and the demons they spoke of, the closer they were to the Yushui River, the clearer he could sense them.

The further away from the Yushui River, the more blurry the induction will be.

One of them is a water ghost in Zhuangzi by the Yushui River, where the well water veins are connected to the Yushui River.

When Li Muyang saw this wish, through the vague feeling of the river water, he even accurately sensed the water ghost dormant in the underground river at the bottom of the well, and also vaguely saw the ugly appearance of the other party...

"So the incense system has this wonderful effect?"

Li Muyang was surprised and laughed.

The emergence of the incense and wish power unlocked the dragon's new skills and derived new magical powers.

At this time, the moon-biting dragon seems to be integrated with the flowing Yushui River, and the outside world can be vaguely observed through the water veins of the Yushui River.

He didn't bother to pay attention to the nonsense and boring wishes that mortals made to Li Muyang.

But wishes related to demons are very important.

Originally, Li Muyang was worried that the little evil demons in the Yushui River were almost eaten, and the upgrade speed was slowing down.

Now that he had mortals from all over the place to guide him, he suddenly had a general understanding of the demons on the shore.

Thinking of this, Li Muyang moved in the river, swung his body and swam towards the village named Liangjiazhuang.

The villa is thirty miles outside Baizhou City, adjacent to the Yushui River.

It only took Li Muyang a quarter of an hour to swim outside Liangjiazhuang. He followed the feeling of the river and swam directly into the underground river.

When the cold and narrow underground river flows into the dragon, the water seems to become more sinister.

A quarter of an hour later, from the well in Liangjiazhuang, which was sealed with huge rocks by the villagers, the shrill wails of ghosts suddenly came from the well.

And the low and rumble of dragon roars...

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