Games with fairies

Chapter 295 The Legend of River God Killing Demons

[The level of the moon-biting dragon has been improved]


[The crossbones have been refined, biting the moon dragon to gain the ability to speak]

The upgrade prompts that appeared in his field of vision made Li Muyang feel happy.

It’s been upgraded again.

With the wishes and prayers of those mortal villagers, Li Muyang accurately found the demon dormant on the shore.

He ran all the way, ate three evil things in a row, and successfully upgraded.

At this time, the moon-biting dragon has grown from ten meters in length to twenty meters in length.

The body of a dragon is inherently bulkier than that of snakes. The body of the moon-biting dragon, which is ten meters long, is already so thick that it can penetrate people.

Now that its body length has doubled, the moon-biting dragon has completely evolved into a behemoth.

The huge head is comparable to a low earth-tile house in the countryside.

The sharp fangs in its mouth are one meter long.

Ordinary mortals can really only fill their teeth with such a giant creature.

Li Muyang felt the strength of his body and felt happy.

"The evil spirits on this shore are stronger than the evil spirits in the water."

Although there are many evil creatures in the Yushui River, most of them are little things like Gui fish and water monkeys that sneak up on Yin people.

In terms of quality, it can't compare to the evil things on the shore that kill and wreak havoc around mortals.

Looking through the red wishing entries in his field of vision, Li Muyang narrowed his eyes.

"It seems that we need to spread this belief to more places."

Although there are an astonishing 39 wishes related to evil spirits in Baizhou Prefecture alone.

But the current Moon-biting Jiao has just refined Henggu, and is still far from reappearing the glory of the ancient true dragon.

39 demons are not enough to eat.

Li Muyang needs more evil spirits to hunt.

And when he upgraded to LV5, a mission prompt popped up in his field of vision.

[The main mission has been unlocked]

[Mission: eliminate the three evil nests in the Yushui River and establish the Longjun Water Mansion]

[Reward: Current cultivation level +30%]

This is obviously the ultimate mission of the second act.

As long as you complete this task, you can clear the second act.

Li Muyang is eager to kill more demons to upgrade, and he also needs more people to make wishes to him.

But looking at the rapidly increasing incense value on the incense wishing interface, Li Muyang shook his head.

He felt that he didn't have to do anything extra. As long as he continued to hunt down the evil spirits and kill the evil things that the villagers made their wishes for, his legendary deeds would inevitably spread further, and more and more people would take the initiative to help. He built temples and statues.

Thinking of this, Li Muyang swung his body and jumped out of the Yushui River.

He swaggered ashore, ignoring the horrified and surprised eyes of mortals on both sides of the strait, and rushed towards the small town at the foot of the mountain in the distance.

According to his induction, there was a painted-skinned demon in that town who was good at hiding in disguise.

Every time this painted skin eats a person, it will disguise itself as the victim and live in the town until it finds an opportunity to eat a person.

It has already eaten nine people in this town, and seems to be planning to stay here permanently, causing panic.

Through the induction of water veins, the moon-biting dragon can vaguely sense the location of the evil spirit mentioned in the wish.

The moon-biting dragon's powerful perception can also accurately smell the scent of monsters in the crowd.

In broad daylight, amidst the frightening and ear-piercing screams of the people in the town, the giant dragon, as white as jade, rushed directly into the town, and swept away Widow Wang's house with its tail.

The dragon roared, amidst the shocked gazes of countless onlookers. The huge dragon summoned fire from heaven, burning the still charming Widow Wang until she struggled desperately, finally revealing the ugly prototype of the Painted Skin Demon.

The painted-skin demon that took off human skin is a bloody and ugly foreign object.

Its whole body was burning with red sky fire, and it howled miserably and tried to escape after jumping out of human skin.

But after running a few steps away, the ugly painted-skinned demon fell motionless on the dusty road.

The huge dragon walked straight over and bit the terrifying painted-skinned demon.

Amidst the crunching sound of chewing, the huge dragon floated away.

All the mortals who witnessed this horrifying scene stared blankly at the dragon's retreating figure, falling silent for a moment.

After a few seconds, I don’t know who shouted first.

I saw a large area of ​​the town kneeling down in the sunshine.

Everyone kowtowed excitedly to the dragon's retreating figure.

"The river god has mercy!"

For a day and a night, Li Muyang traveled long distances in Baizhou Mansion, following the list of wishing entries, and killing the evil creatures one by one.

After killing one evil creature, go straight to the next one, hurriedly digesting it.

In twelve hours, he had eaten a total of 13 evil creatures.

The current experience value is LV5 (19%).

The evil things on this shore do provide more experience points than those in the water.

If this trend continues, killing all the evil creatures in Baizhou Mansion will be enough for him to upgrade to LV6.

The deeds of the Yushui River God who worked day and night to kill the thirteen evil spirits were also spread rapidly through the embellished descriptions of bystanders.

After all, this is a twenty-meter-long dragon running rampant on the land, but it does not hurt a single mortal, and only kills the evil spirits raging on the earth.

For this land forgotten by Qintian Prison, it is undoubtedly the only dawn that mortals have.

As the number of witnesses increased, words praising the river god's achievements spread rapidly in Baizhou Prefecture.

So when night falls, it is already dark and dangerous and the evil spirits are infested, but there are still many villagers from all over the country kneeling outside the River Temple, waiting piously and respectfully to queue up to enter the River Temple to pray for blessings. .

When Li Muyang went offline, he saw that the incense value in the incense wish column had soared to 39879, and he was immediately satisfied.

"Very good. If this trend continues, my second and third temples will be built soon."

Not only has the power of incense wishes skyrocketed, but there are also 17 new red wishing entries related to evil spirits.

After more and more villagers heard the news about the river god slaying demons, they rushed to the river temple outside Baizhou City to pray and pray for the river god to appear.

The mortals on this land have been poisoned by evil things for many years, and now when they see a life-saving straw, they all cling to it like crazy.

As long as the river temples continue to be built along the upper and lower reaches of the Yushui River, and the mortals living on this land will act as Li Muyang's spies and provide him with information about where evil things have settled, Li Muyang will not have to worry about the experience points for upgrading.

Even if you upgrade later, the more experience points you need, you don’t have to worry about it.

The Yushui River stretches for eight thousand miles and passes through many cities and towns. It is the mother river of the counties in the North.

The evil spirits raging in such a vast area will become the food Li Muyang needs to upgrade.

Feeling that the situation was getting better and better, Li Muyang opened his eyes with peace of mind and allowed the system to force him offline.

"Brother! It's time to eat!"

The cheap sister's voice sounded on time outside the door, and Li Muyang got up to eat dinner with a smile.

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