Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 100 Entering the Village

"This place looks good, with beautiful scenery, suitable for retirement. I will retire after I kill all the monsters and live here!" A young man in the carriage said with a smile.

Lin Mo smiled. He remembered that the man's name was Huang Xiang. He was a senior this year, a first-grade martial king, and his combat power was also very high.

Lin Mo had a good first impression of him. Now that he spoke, he did not expect that he would kill all the monsters as a wish.

"Huang Xiang, don't say such things casually. It's easy to die if you are not careful!" Zhang He said with a smile: "You see, it's played like this on TV. When you retire, you will definitely die..."

"Don't worry, even if I want to die, I will definitely drag you down with me before I die!" Huang Xiang said unhappily.

Sun Qian also glared at Zhang He in dissatisfaction: "If you can't talk, just say less. Don't you like to sleep? Now there are more than ten minutes to the destination, you can take the time to sleep!"

Lin Mo looked at Sun Qian and Huang Xiang meaningfully, thinking to himself, is there a story between the two?

Seemingly noticing Lin Mo's gaze, Sun Qian also glared at him unhappily.

The one driving and leading the team in front is a wilderness survival teacher from Huaxia Military University, named Yu Qian, who is now at the level of a third-grade martial king.

"Teacher Yu, do you think we are in danger this time?" A girl couldn't help but say: "I heard that there are monsters in the abyss. If they all come out at once and form a beast tide, I don't know how many people will die at that time!"

"Qiao Luo, you are also a ninth-grade warrior. Can you have some courage? I would not have let you come this time if I had known!" A man next to the girl said helplessly.

"If you say it again, believe it or not, I will throw you out of the car!" Qiao Luo glared at the man in dissatisfaction, and one hand pinched his thigh fiercely.

The man grimaced in pain, but he sat there obediently, not daring to say a word.

"Okay, you can rest for a while. The village is almost here. There are about twenty minutes left. You can tidy up your clothes or take a nap!"

Yu Qian, who was driving, said, then stretched his neck, holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands, looking forward.

"Twenty minutes?" Lin Mo judged the approximate distance based on the speed of the car, and then looked out the window.

From a distance, a place like a village can be seen emerging in the distance. From a distance, the whole village is shrouded in thick fog, like a long black snake lying on the plain.

The background behind the village is a mountain range with dense trees and beautiful scenery.

"From this point of view, the village is a bit scary. Why does it feel like there are no people?" Zhang He couldn't help but mutter: "Lin Mo, after entering the village later, you will come with me. I will guarantee your safety!"

"Thank you!" Lin Mo smiled and nodded.

"You can take care of yourself then!" Sun Qian couldn't help but said, "Lin Mo, don't listen to him. When we enter the village, we will make a team allocation. We should put you in the back row at that time, which will definitely guarantee your safety!"

"I think I can handle that kind of situation!" Lin Mo smiled and said, "If necessary, I can be the advance team!"

According to the plan, before entering the village, a team of people needs to rush in as the advance team, and then they will send out the signal in time.

"The advance team needs absolute strength, and your conditions are not good enough!" Huang Xiang said, "In fact, you can follow behind us, the martial kings, and I will try my best to protect you at that time!"

Lin Mo nodded, but this time he didn't speak, but looked quietly into the distance.

Twenty minutes of journey sounds very far, but it is not very far in fact.

While talking, the car has stopped steadily on the side of the road, and a group of people jumped out of the car.

"According to the plan in advance, Huang Xiang, Sun Qian, Liu Gui..."

Yu Qian stood in front and called five people to come forward as the advance team.

Although Lin Mo couldn't remember everyone's name, he could roughly remember a few. Through the names, he was sure that there were at least two martial kings in the advance team!

"This advance team is really domineering!" Lin Mo sighed, and the people whose names were called had stood up in time and walked to the front.

"Put on the watch, one for each person. The watch will feedback your position and status every minute. You can also communicate with us through the watch... Of course, if there is an Internet..."

"Okay, I don't want to say more nonsense, you get ready and start!"

Yu Qian ended the mobilization before the meeting with just two sentences.

After the five people entered the village, Yu Qian took out a notebook from the backpack behind him and opened it. Five windows appeared on the screen.

"There is a camera on the watch, which can see the situation in the village. Everyone help me keep an eye on it. If there is any situation, we will notify them in time..."


Just as Yu Qian was talking, a scream suddenly sounded, and one of the screens suddenly went black.

"Yu Qing, what's wrong with you?! Yu Qing, please answer me!"

Yu Qian looked at this scene, his face changed drastically, and he started shouting at his notebook, but after a while, no one responded.

"Teacher, should we go in and look for them!"

Someone in the crowd spoke up, watching a companion in danger without helping him is actually a punishment for the bystander.

"Before the situation is clear, going in is courting death. If you are really in danger with your current strength, you will be the first to die!" Yu Qian pointed at the man who was speaking: "Don't think that you are stronger than Lin Mo now. If we really fight, Lin Mo will definitely beat you!"

Lin Mo was speechless when he heard Yu Qian's words. Is there anyone who would make himself hate him like this?

After looking at Yu Qian, Lin Mo didn't know what to say. He could only flatter: "Teacher Yu, you are joking. How can my strength be comparable to Senior Shen Xiao!"

Unlike Huang Xiang, Lin Mo didn't have a good impression of Shen Xiao when they met for the first time.

"You said I can't compare with him?" Shen Xiao stood up as soon as he heard it: "Lin Mo, stand up, it's still early, let's compare, I don't think you can compare with me!"

"Senior is so strong, how can he be your captain?" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"If you don't dare to compare, then get out of my way!" Shen Xiao snorted coldly and walked directly towards Lin Mo.

He was ready to go in and find someone himself!

Spiritual sword array!

Lin Mo spoke softly, and then the sword of spirit immediately slashed forward.

Shen Xiao, who was walking in front, trembled. Before Lin Mo rushed forward, he turned around and dodged these swords, and at the same time punched Lin Mo's chest!

However, Lin Mo was too familiar with this road, and Lin Mo's current strength was enough, so facing Shen Xiao, Lin Mo had no fear. After the sword of spirit missed, he punched directly!

There was a dull bang.

The two figures retreated, and Shen Xiao looked at Lin Mo in shock, and then looked at his hands.

"You... why are you so hard!" Shen Xiao couldn't help but speak.

"You are too weak!" Lin Mo said lightly: "Teacher Yu didn't say anything, why are you so anxious?"

Perhaps Lin Mo's attitude convinced everyone, or everyone's heart was not on this matter.

So the battle between the two only collided once and then separated again.

"Shut up!" Yu Qian shouted, "They are exploring, keep waiting, if there is no one left, we won't live long!"

After saying this, Yu Qian chose to communicate: "How is the situation inside Sun Qian?!"

"The situation inside is okay, but I got separated from them, and now I am trying to reunite!"

Sun Qian's voice came from inside, and it can be heard that he was a little nervous, so that his voice was a little dry.


At this moment, another scream sounded, and then a bloody spot appeared on a screen on the screen!

"See blood!" Someone in the crowd exclaimed, two situations happened in succession, at this time, everyone can be sure that there is definitely a problem in the village!

"The rest of the people return immediately, I will go in to greet you!"

After leaving this sentence, Yu Qian ran towards the direction of the village.

"We will go too!" A group of people looked at each other and immediately made up their minds to run out with Yu Qian.

Lin Mo thought about it, and still got up and followed them.

If he stayed at the entrance of the village at this time, if there was any danger inside, Lin Mo felt that he would be attacked even if he was outside.


Passing through the fog, Lin Mo suddenly felt like he had passed through a gate. He had a special feeling. There was not much fog in the village, and the surrounding scenery was in full view.

"The whole village is probably deserted, but when we check, we still have to avoid hurting innocent people!" Yu Qian said.

Everyone nodded and continued to move forward.


At this moment, Sun Qian's voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone was shocked, and Yu Qian couldn't help but speed up.


At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out from the side!

"Zhang He, why don't you leave the main force!"

Yu Qian and Zhang He shouted loudly.

Zhang He's footsteps did not stop at all. "I have a good relationship with Sun Qian. If something happens to him, I must find her!"

After leaving this sentence, Zhang He's figure disappeared from everyone's sight!

"Everyone speed up and look for the lost companions!" Yu Qian finally spoke to everyone.

Everyone nodded repeatedly, speeded up, and walked towards the village.

And Lin Mo's mental power also spread out in the surroundings in an instant, constantly expanding.

Mental perception Lin Mo has now reached a high level of proficiency, and the range of perception has reached 20 meters.

After walking a distance, Lin Mo's feet suddenly stopped.

"Look here!" Lin Mo pointed to the wall not far away and spoke to everyone!

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