Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 101: Yu Qian has a problem

Following the direction of Lin Mo's finger, everyone's eyes converged and they gasped at the same time.

"This is..." Everyone's eyes fell on a small alley in the village.

It can be seen that the alley less than one meter wide is filled with bones with blood.

"Are they animal bones?" Someone looked at Yu Qian aside and couldn't help but ask.

Yu Qian didn't speak, but walked towards the bones step by step.

Finally, he pulled out a wooden stick and pushed the scattered bones aside, revealing what was inside...

"This is……"

It was a skull with some teeth marks on it, which looked very scary.

"Most of them are animal bones, but there are also human bones inside!" Yu Qian said calmly after throwing away the skull in his hand.

A group of people felt a chill on their backs and couldn't help but look around.

The village is very big, and it is broad daylight now, but the whole village is so quiet that no sound can be heard.

"It is said that everyone in the village has moved away, but what happened to these bones?" A student said softly: "Teacher Yu, does the information say where those people moved?"

"The content of the information is limited. I don't know exactly where it goes yet!" Yu Qian shook his head: "Everyone, be careful and don't act rashly!"

Everyone nodded and continued to move forward with Yu Qian.

Lin Mo's expression was serious. Ever since he entered the village, everything seemed to be out of control.

Sun Qian and the others have disappeared. Now they are leading deep into the village under the leadership of Yu Qian. However, up to now, they have explored most of the entire village and still have not discovered the whereabouts of Sun Qian and the others.

"Teacher Yu, should we act separately?" At this time, someone in the crowd spoke.

Lin Mo looked at the speaker. His name was Feng Xuan. He was another first-grade Martial King among the students. He was already a senior this year.

"Don't act separately at this time. There may be other dangers in the village. Let's continue exploring. Even if we encounter them later, we can take care of them!" Yu Qian shook his head and refused directly.

Feng Xuan's eyes flickered and she didn't say much.

Lin Mo noticed this scene and deliberately fell two steps behind, walking side by side with Feng Xuan.

"Did senior find something?" Lin Mo said in a low voice.

"Your name is Lin Mo, are you the new freshman?" Feng Xuan looked at Lin Mo and her eyes lit up.

He was deeply impressed by Lin Mo. He was able to show such terrifying fighting prowess in his freshman year, which was comparable to many juniors and even seniors.

Lin Mo nodded and glanced at Yu Qian, who was walking at the front.

Feng Xuan's eyes flashed, she glanced at Lin Mo in surprise, and finally nodded slowly.

"We need to make a plan. If this continues, we may be in danger!" Lin Mo's voice was very soft, and his mind was spinning rapidly at the same time.

"I do have a way. I wasn't too sure at first, but since you have also discovered the problem, it can almost be implemented..." Feng Xuan responded softly, and at the same time told her plan.

"This plan will be 100% effective, but there is a problem!" Feng Xuan whispered: "He is stronger than us. It is not easy to deceive him!"

"You can leave this to me!" Lin Mo said in a serious voice, "We have to act as soon as possible, otherwise I worry that it will be too late!"

"Okay, be careful. If anything happens, I will find a way for you to escape. Remember to avenge us when the time comes!" Feng Xuan responded with a smile.

Lin Mo didn't say much, nodded heavily and walked forward.

"Teacher Yu, the front should be the central square of the village. Should we take a rest there?" Lin Mo stepped forward and asked softly.

Yu Qian turned around, looked at Lin Mo and nodded: "Okay, when we get there, let's all have a good rest!"

A few minutes later, everyone stopped at the entrance of the village.

The village is not small, so the square reserved in the center of the village is not too small either.

Dozens of people stood in the square and looked around, but still found nothing.

"There are blood stains here!" Lin Mo suddenly pointed to a big tree not far away and said loudly.

Everyone ran over and looked at the blood on the ground.

"The blood stains haven't solidified yet, so they should have been left by Sun Qian and the others!" A student said: "And standing under the tree, looking at other places, it looks very similar to the scene in the video when they disappeared!"

"It does look very similar. It seems that they disappeared in this place!" A group of people nodded in agreement.

"But we have explored more than half of the village and found no trace of them. They can't..." Lin Mo pointed to an ancient well not far away: "They can't all be dragged into the well!"

"It's really possible..." Everyone nodded and looked at Lin Mo, with looks of approval on their faces.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, said with a face full of embarrassment: "If they are really in the well, we can't save them... Someone has to go down and explore the way!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then looked at each other a few times.

Several students stood up and wanted to take the initiative to go down the well.

"You guys are too weak. If there is really a problem under the well, you won't be able to handle it!" Feng Xuan said: "Among the people who disappeared at that time, there were two first-grade Martial Kings. Don't you still have no ability to fight back?

I suggest calling the school immediately and asking for emergency rescue! "

"No!" At this moment, Yu Qian suddenly said: "They have been missing for a long time. If we sit here and wait for rescue, they may have been killed by the time rescue comes! We must take action as soon as possible!

If it doesn't work, send a few more people down. Feng Xuan, take them down with you! "

Yu Qian pointed at several students around Feng Xuan who were warriors above the eighth level.

"Teacher Yu, you have the strength of a third-grade Martial King. I think it would be better for you to go down!" At this moment, Lin Mo suddenly said: "Even if all the seniors go down, they may not be as strong as you!"

Many students nodded repeatedly. As the leading teacher, it was reasonable for Yu Qian to take the initiative when encountering such a situation.

Lin Mo's words made a group of people nod their heads. This proposal was considered the best way.

"This... what should you do if you are in danger if I go down?" Yu Qian had a troubled look on his face: "The best way is for Feng Xuan to take a few more people down with him, and we will be able to rescue them by then! "

"If it doesn't work, call for rescue. I remember that there is a senior who seems to be working nearby after graduating. I will call him now!" Feng Xuan took out his mobile phone and pretended to make a call: "His His strength has reached the level of fifth-grade Martial King. The most important thing is that his mental power is also very terrifying.

It should only take about an hour to get here from where he works, which is perfectly time-wise! "

"Wait a minute!" When Yu Qian heard this, his face changed slightly and he said loudly: "Feng Xuan, do you still have the discipline? At this time, what you should do is follow my orders!

If someone is killed after waiting for an hour, can you afford to take responsibility? "

"So, Teacher Yu, if something happens to them after they go down the well, can you afford the responsibility?" Lin Mo looked at Yu Qian with a chuckle and asked lightly.

Just this sentence made Yu Qian's face change slightly: "What do you mean?"

"Teacher, I don't mean anything. At present, it is the best choice for you to go down the well, but you just let Senior Feng Xuan go down with the strongest people at present.

You are the only one left here to take us with you. If something happens, our lives are not guaranteed! "

"Don't you still have me? I can protect you all by myself!" Yu Qian said loudly: "Isn't my third-grade Martial King's strength and protective ability much stronger than Feng Xuan's?"

"Teacher, don't you understand what I mean?" Lin Mo's voice became cold: "It's because you are up there that we are in danger!"

Lin Mo said, exerting force on his feet, he took a few steps back!

At the same time, a tiger roared!

Tiger Roar Impact!

The sound wave swept forward like a substance. Yu Qian's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes were full of ridicule.

"What's going on? It turns out you have already started to doubt me!" Yu Qian sneered. Faced with the impact of the tiger's roar, he didn't care at all and just raised his hand to block it in front of his chest.

Suddenly a sense of distortion appeared in front of him, blocking the sonic attack.

"A mere Nianqi master who has not reached the realm of King Wu dares to show off his power in front of me. Do you really think he is very strong?" Yu Qian sneered and rushed forward at the same time: "I wanted to simply deal with you all, but I didn't expect it. , you actually saw through it!

In this case, let me see you off one by one! "

"Rocks pierce the sky!"

With a cold shout, Yu Qian stepped on the ground, and the power of blood burst out from his body!

Whoosh whoosh!

On the ground, all the fist-sized rocks flew up and swept forward!

Under the influence of the power of Qi and blood, these stones are as fast as bullets!

Puff puff!

The muffled sound was endless, and many students screamed and fell to the ground. After being pierced, large amounts of blood began to flow down their bodies!

"Hahaha, it's so cool, so cool, it's so cool to be able to kill all of you idiot students!"

Yu Qian seemed to be going crazy. The power of his blood exploded crazily. All the rocks around him flew up, and more and more students fell to the ground.

The whole process lasted for about five minutes. There was more and more blood on the ground, and the air was filled with the unbreakable smell of blood.

Yu Qian gathered his energy and blood, and suddenly found that Lin Mo was still standing there, which shocked him a little.

"Something's wrong, Feng Xuan is dead, why are you still alive and well? You're just a second-grade warrior..." He was yelling, with disbelief written all over his face.

On the other side, Lin Mo's face showed a pale look, and the fatigue in his eyes was clearly visible.

"Senior Feng, I have tried my best here, and I will leave the rest to you!" At this point, Lin Mo's eyes slowly closed and he fell to the ground.

At the same time, the blood on the ground dissipated little by little, and everything in front of him seemed to be dissolved, slowly fading away...

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