When I opened the door, I saw Lin Ya's cold and disgusted face.

"Dad gave you the Qi and Blood Pill for you to practice, not for you to sleep after eating it!"

"I really don't understand why Dad wasted so much money on you!"

After saying this, Lin Ya turned around coldly and sat at the dining table.

Lin Mo didn't say anything. He knew that Lin Ya had been complaining in his heart that the family had wasted too many resources on him.

You know, Lin Ya just turned 16 this year, and her Qi and Blood had reached 0.9. If the Qi and Blood Pill from last night was given to her, maybe her Qi and Blood value would have reached more than 1.6 now.

But now it was wasted by Lin Mo.

"Where's Dad?" Lin Mo looked at his mother Wang Ping.

"Your dad has found another job for lunch. He can earn 100 yuan by working for two hours!" Wang Ping smiled: "You can earn 3,000 yuan more every month, which can sell a lot of meat!

You two are at the age of increasing blood and qi, so you need to replenish more!

Xiao Ya, your dad gave your brother a blood and qi pill yesterday. Don't think we are biased. When you are in the third year of high school, we will also give you a blood and qi pill..."

"Even if I don't use the blood and qi pill, I can still be admitted to the key university in the province!" Lin Ya muttered, and her eyes swept over Lin Mo.

And Lin Mo lowered his head, eating rice woodenly, and felt a sour feeling in his heart.

In order to support the two brothers and sisters, Lin Dayong worked two jobs alone, and his body was exhausted. Now he found another job just to earn 3,000 yuan more.

But he wasted 200,000 yuan last night!

200,000 yuan, how much heavy work his father had to do! Hard work!

"Xiao Mo, why do you eat so much today? You don't usually eat so much!" Wang Ping's voice was full of surprise: "Could it be that the Qi and Blood Pill is working? Eat quickly and test your Qi and Blood after eating."

Lin Mo came to his senses and found that the big bowl of rice in front of him had been eaten up, and Wang Ping had taken the bowl from him and was preparing to serve the fourth bowl!

"He didn't eat in the morning, isn't it normal for him to eat more at noon!" Lin Ya said without raising her head: "Based on his talent, if the Qi and Blood Pill can absorb 0.4, it would be like the sun rising from the west!"

Lin Mo didn't say anything. He didn't dare to tell his mother that after swallowing the Qi and Blood Pill last night, he slept all night and had no time to absorb it.

Don't say 0.4, even 0.1 may not be possible!

"Xiao Mo, don't listen to your sister's nonsense, just absorb as much as you can!" Wang Ping smiled gently: "Before you go to the practical class in the afternoon, test your Qi and Blood by the way."

Lin Mo nodded, finished the fourth bowl of rice, and got up and walked outside.

"Will you go out again without rest?" Wang Ping's voice sounded behind him.

"I can't be late for the practical class in the afternoon. I'll go and prepare early and measure my blood on the way back." Lin Mo explained and left home.

"What's the use of preparation? I'll still be killed by a genius like Liu Qi?" Lin Ya muttered.

After leaving the community, Lin Mo did not go directly to school, but turned a corner and came to the Jinling Martial Arts Field.

The Martial Arts Field is an official venue set up by the Martial Alliance in various towns, providing services such as blood measurement, martial arts competitions, and drug transactions.

"Hello, classmate, welcome to the Jinling Martial Arts Field. A batch of low-level blood pills have arrived today. Do you need any?"

As soon as I entered the door, the front desk lady greeted me with a smile on her face.

Low-level blood pills are the kind that Lin Mo took last night, which can provide 1 point of blood.

Above the low-level blood pills, there are intermediate blood pills, which can provide 10 points of blood, and high-level blood pills can provide 100 points of blood.

As for the top-grade Qi and Blood Pill, it is said that it can provide 1,000 points of Qi and Blood, but there are very few people in China who can refine the top-grade Qi and Blood Pill.

The price of a top-grade Qi and Blood Pill is an astronomical figure...

"No thanks, I'll measure the Qi and Blood value." Lin Mo shook his head and stated his purpose.

"Please wait." The smile on the face of the front desk lady was restrained, and she said lightly, then turned around and took out a number plate from the number machine.

"Go to the queue over there!" She pointed to the testing room not far away: "If you need help, press the green button in the room."

After Lin Mo thanked, he took the number plate and stood guard at the door of the testing room.

After a while, the door opened, and a young man came out with a dusty face. It seemed that the test results were not good.

Lin Mo licked his lips and became more nervous.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Mo pushed the door open and walked in.

The Qi and Blood Tester is a machine similar to a computer. When measuring, just press your palm on the transparent sphere on the top of the computer.

Lin Mo put his right hand on the ball, and felt a sharp pain. Then a number popped up on the computer screen.


Looking at the screen on the computer, Lin Mo felt his brain explode with a bang.

"1.7! It's 1.7!"

Lin Mo felt his heart was about to jump out of his chest. After all, this number was too surprising!

"Is there something wrong with the instrument?" Lin Mo put his hand on the instrument again.


It was still the same value!

"It increased the Qi and Blood value by 0.9!"

"According to experience, if a low-level Qi and Blood Pill can absorb more than 0.7, it is considered a genius!

And I absorbed 0.9!"

"Hahaha!" Lin Mo couldn't help laughing, his heart was extremely excited!

Proud! This result made Lin Mo's pressure disappear all at once!

1.7 Qi and blood are enough for him to go to a key university in Jinling City!

"Don't be excited, don't be excited..."

After a long time, Lin Mo suppressed his excitement and forced himself to calm down: "I clearly slept for a whole night, why can I still absorb so much Qi and blood?"

"Is it because of the goblins I killed in the dream?"

Lin Mo thought that every time he killed a goblin in the dream, green light would flow into his Dantian.

At that time, he still had a feeling of Qi and blood filling.

Now it seems that the feeling he had in the dream at that time was real! The green light on the goblin was actually increasing his Qi and blood value!

"If I go back and sleep again now and kill two more goblins, won't my Qi and blood value soar again?" Lin Mo became excited: "I remember that I almost hit the lord's room last night!"

Pushing open the door of the test room, Lin Mo was excited to go home.

"I almost forgot that I have classes later!" Lin Mo was halfway through his walk when he suddenly thought of the practical class in the afternoon. He could only suppress the urge to go home and try, and walked towards the school.

After arriving at the school, Lin Mo looked at the time. There was still more than an hour before the practical class started.

He lay directly on the table, wanting to see if he could enter the dungeon again.

After tossing for a full hour, Lin Mo opened his eyes dejectedly: "I fell asleep, why can't I get in?

What's wrong?"

Lin Mo's mind flashed, and his frown relaxed: "It's that Qi and Blood Pill!"

At that time, he fell asleep directly after taking the Qi and Blood Pill, and then entered the game dungeon.

"But where can I find the second Qi and Blood Pill..." Lin Mo sighed and raised his hand to rub his temple.

"What is this?" He was suddenly stunned, and there was something more in his mind.

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