Closing his eyes, Lin Mo "saw" the extra glimmer of light in his mind.

It floats quietly in a space in my mind, like a jellyfish floating on the sea.

"This light... looks familiar..." Lin Mo opened his eyes suddenly, with an excited look on his face: "It's the Qi Blood Grass that I dropped after I killed that elite goblin!"

"Could it be that... the Qi Blood Grass was also brought out of my dream?!"

"Three Qi Blood Grasses, at the current price... 210,000!"

"A low-level Qi and Blood Pill costs 200,000 yuan... In other words, not only did I increase my Qi and Blood value by 0.9, but I also earned 10,000 yuan!!"

Lin Mo's eyes sparkled, not because he made money, but because he saw a path to the pinnacle of martial arts!

"Why are you giggling all alone? Teacher Zhang is looking for you!"

A voice sounded, and his best friend Liu Lei pulled Lin Mo and ran outside.

By the time the two of them ran to the practical classroom out of breath, Zhang Lianchang, the teacher teaching the practical class, had already started class.

"Report!" Liu Lei shouted: "I've found Lin Mo!"

Zhang Lianchang glanced at Lin Mo and frowned slightly: "You two, come in! Lin Mo, when the drill is performed later, you and Li Wei will come up to demonstrate!"


Lin Mo and Li Wei's voices sounded.

"Mozi, Teacher Zhang is targeting you on purpose, right? This practical class has not even begun to teach martial arts. We are just asking you two to fight. This is a competition of energy and blood!

That guy Li Wei already had 1.3 HP half a month ago. He can completely crush you!

I think Teacher Zhang just wants you to suffer a little! Liu Lei sat aside and softly defended Lin Mo.

Lin Mo just smiled faintly. It's not yet certain who will crush whom by then!

In the following time, Zhang Lianchang briefly introduced the techniques of using Qi and blood to assist in exerting force.

They have learned these techniques more than once, so some students are starting to grow impatient.

"Why are you arguing? If you want to learn martial arts, you must first raise your blood to above 2.5.

When you enter the advanced combat class, there will be many martial arts for you to choose from!

Look at Liu Qi, he has started to practice Vajra Finger now. Just you guys, even ten of us together are no match for him! "

Zhang Lianchang glared at everyone and yelled loudly.

"Can we compare with Liu Qi? His family is rich and he can take one Qi and Blood Pill every month..." Liu Lei complained softly: "If I had a rich father, my Qi and Blood would be worth less now." It can go up like a swish!”

"Qi and blood pills can only increase qi and blood, but actual combat experience still depends on accumulation! For people like you, even if you use qi and blood pills to pile up your qi and blood, you are just a waste with high qi and blood. Monsters will come. Now, you will be the first one to eat!" Zhang Lianchang pointed at Liu Lei and said with hatred.

Liu Lei stuck out his tongue and lowered his head without daring to talk back.

Zhang Lianchang snorted coldly and looked at Lin Mo: "Okay, let's start the actual combat drill. The two classmates I just mentioned, come up now!"

Among the crowd, Li Wei, who was nearly 1.8 meters tall, stood up and walked to the center of the venue.

"Why do I feel that the energy and blood in Li Wei's body is stronger than before..."

"I didn't realize it even if you didn't mention it... I actually felt some pressure from him..."

Several students looked at Li Wei standing on the stage and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Zhang Lianchang obviously noticed the difference in Li Wei, so he smiled and said: "What is your blood value now?"

"1.5." Li Wei raised his chin slightly, with a bit of pride on his face.

"1.5! Wasn't it 1.3 half a month ago? In just two weeks, the blood value has increased by 0.2!"

"Could this guy have secretly taken Qi and Blood Pills?"

"Are you stupid? With Liu Wei's talent, it is impossible for him to only increase his qi and blood by 0.2 after taking the qi and blood pill!"

"It's scary. It takes two weeks to increase the blood by 0.2. Even Liu Qi can't do more than that!"

In the audience, a group of students looked at Li Wei with admiration in their eyes.

"Okay! Very good!" Zhang Lianchang showed a smile on his face, patted Li Wei on the shoulder and said: "In the remaining time, you work hard and try to hit the provincial key points!

If your family's conditions permit, then buy a Qi and Blood Pill..."

"Teacher Zhang, don't worry, I will definitely live up to your expectations!" Li Wei pretended to be calm and nodded, but the pride on his face could not be concealed.

"Mozi, please wish yourself well..." Liu Lei glanced at Lin Mo with pity and said softly.

Lin Mo smiled, walked up step by step, and stood in front of Li Wei.

"Tsk, Lin Mo's blood seems to be 0.8 in the previous test, which is nearly half the difference with Li Wei. He will probably be tortured later!"

"This Lin Mo was considered a genius before, but who would have thought that his health value dropped to 0.8 in one year..."

Before the battle started, the people below started talking quietly, as if they had already seen Lin Mo's bruised nose and face after being beaten.

"Don't worry, classmate Lin Mo, I will show mercy later!" Li Wei said with a smile.

"No, just try your best." Lin Mo shook his head: "I won't let you go!"

"Leave me alone?" Li Wei was stunned for a moment, almost wondering if he heard wrongly.

But looking at Lin Mo's serious eyes, Li Wei couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

"In that case, I'm sorry!" Li Wei sneered and rushed towards Lin Mo.

Although he didn't learn martial arts, his strength was stronger than that of ordinary people under the blessing of blood and qi.

Lin Mo's left foot slightly back, posing a posture to meet the enemy.

"Looking for abuse! Instead of running away quickly, you want to fight head-on?"

"Lin Mo, get out of the way!" Liu Lei couldn't help shouting.

Zhang Lianchang on the side also silently walked to the medical box on the side. When the battle is over, he will rush up to bleed and bandage Lin Mo as soon as possible.


At this time, Li Wei had already rushed to Lin Mo and swung his fist at Lin Mo's face!


A muffled sound came, followed by a figure flying backwards and falling heavily to the ground.

"It was solved with one move. Lin Mo is too weak..."

"No... No, it was Li Wei who flew out!!"

After a few seconds, people realized that the person who flew out was actually Li Wei!

At this moment, Lin Mo kept kicking, and his mind was still recalling the power of the kick just now.

"1.7 Qi and blood actually increased my strength by more than two times!" Lin Mo was a little surprised.

At this time, Zhang Lianchang had already rushed over and started to check Li Wei.

"Broken ribs!" Zhang Lianchang looked at Lin Mo in shock. He first arranged for several students to send Li Wei to the infirmary, and then said to Lin Mo: "Come with me to the office!"

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