Xiao Yan looked at Lin Mo, with a pleading look on his face, and knelt there directly.

"Mr. Xiao, please get up quickly. If you have anything to say, just say it!" Lin Mo said softly, while reaching out to help Xiao Yan up.

After Xiao Yan stood up, he looked at Lin Mo and said, "I have a daughter who is about the same age as you..."

Xiao Yan's daughter is named Xiao Xun'er, who is now just twenty-five years old. She was originally a martial arts genius, and she has reached the peak of King Wu at the age of only eighteen.

But on the day she turned twenty, all the energy and blood in Xiao Xun'er's body disappeared, and she lay in bed for a year!

In order to treat his daughter, Xiao Yan invited famous Chinese doctors and experts above the peak level of Emperor Wu, but they had no idea about Xiao Xun'er's illness.

Finally, an old man who had lived for more than a hundred years came up with a possibility.

"The giant city of Luobu is close to the Luobu Abyss, and the secret realm of the Luobu Abyss, the Eye of Quicksand, actually has its own consciousness in the legend. If you want to conquer Xiao Xun'er, you must obtain the approval of the will of the Eye of Quicksand!

If someone gets a seed from the Eye of Quicksand and germinates into a big tree, then this tree is synonymous with the will of the Eye of Quicksand! "

Xiao Yan directly said exactly what the old man said. Lin Mo stood aside with a look of shock on his face.

The sea of ​​quicksand actually has its own consciousness? !

When I think about it, it seems a bit fantasy.

But if you think about it carefully, the location of the exit of the Eye of Quicksand alone is considered a special case in the secret realm of the abyss!

What's more, there is also the flower that has given birth to spiritual power.

"Brother Lin, as long as you can save my daughter, I am willing to use all my strength to help you gain a foothold in Luobu City!" Xiao Yan finally looked at Lin Mo and spoke word by word.

"Mr. Xiao is too polite, let's go see Miss Xiao first!" Lin Mo said with a smile, and at the same time glanced at Chen Banzi: "Master, follow me to prepare some things. Mr. Xiao and I will go there later, and you can organize yourself here. Look at the power of Lord Dog!"

Chen Banzi nodded and led Lin Mo into a room.

Lin Mo took a deep breath, and then divided most of his mental power, followed by the power of qi and blood.

After the two powers were separated, they immediately became a clone, and finally merged quickly.

The whole process was very fast. After the clone was formed, its strength had actually reached the level of a first-grade Martial Emperor!

Of course, the reason why he was able to reach this level was because Lin Mo was prepared to make his clone more real.

Not long after, Lin Mo and Chen Banzi opened the door and walked out.

"You two have been waiting for a long time, let's go!" Lin Mo looked at Xiao Yan and said with a smile.

As for the one who spoke at this moment, it was naturally Lin Mo's clone, but because the strength of the clone was almost the same as the original body, it was not noticeable at all.

Xiao Yan took Lin Mo into the luxury car, and soon the car slowly left. When the car stopped, Lin Mo had been taken to the front of a huge manor.

Xiao family!

Looking at the plaque on the door, Lin Mo couldn't help but sigh: "This is called a famous family!"

According to the information, the Xiao family is considered to be the aboriginal people of Luobu City. They later took advantage of opportunities to develop and gradually gained their current power over the years.

"Mr. Lin, please!" Xiao Yan walked at the front.

Xiao Qian followed him out of the car, nodded to Lin Mo and disappeared from Lin Mo's sight.

Lin Mo was led into the Xiao family by Xiao Yan.

"Mr. Lin, don't blame me. Xiao Qian and I don't have a good relationship, so he didn't want to interfere with my daughter's treatment!" Xiao Yan explained and led Lin Mo to the other side of the hall.

Lin Mo saw that the entire manor was divided into two parts, and the two brothers each occupied a part.

After entering the main hall, Lin Mo quickly saw Xiao Xun'er.

This is a very beautiful girl, with a little baby clothes on her face, her black hair is tied into a ponytail, and she has slanted bangs on her forehead.

To be honest, such a hairstyle may look a bit old-fashioned on any girl, but on Xiao Xun'er, it doesn't feel old-fashioned at all. On the contrary, it makes him a little more cute.

At this moment, Xiao Xun'er was wearing a light green dress and was leaning quietly on the bed, holding a book in her hand and reading in trance.


Xiao Yan coughed lightly as a reminder to his daughter.

After all, Xiao Xun'er was an adult, and he didn't want his daughter to be seen by Lin Mo.

Lin Mo naturally understood what Xiao Yan meant, smiled and cupped his hands, and shouted loudly before they met: "Hello, Miss Xiao, your father asked me to treat you, please relax and don't be a little bit resistive." I will do my best to save you from the fire!"

Xiao Xun'er put down the book, covered her legs with a quilt, looked out the door and said, "Thank you!"

When she saw Lin Mo walking in, Xiao Xun'er had a look of surprise on her face. She obviously didn't expect that the person Xiao Yan invited back would be so young.

"Miss Xiao actually likes to read this kind of novel?" Lin Mo glanced at the book "The Son-in-law is the God of Cooking" held by Xiao Xun'er and was speechless.

Such a good girl would actually like such a slap-in-the-face novel?

Xiao Xun'er seemed a little shy, so she put the book away, coughed slightly, and said, "Doctor, thank you!"

"I'm not a doctor, my name is Lin Mo!" Lin Mo said with a smile, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with Xiao Xun'er's action of collecting the book.

After all, there are some contents in the book that are not broadcast on TV. If someone sees it, it will be a bit bad.

"Mr. Xiao, can you tell me how to save her?" Lin Mo stepped forward and looked at Xiao Xun'er, and for a moment he didn't know how to start.

Xiao Xun'er's face was a little gloomy. She could see that Lin Mo didn't know how to save her.

However, her loss only lasted for a moment, and then she recovered. After all, so many years have passed, she has already accepted this fact.

"I don't know!" Xiao Yan smiled bitterly and said, "The senior at that time has passed, so we only know that you can save Xun'er. As for how to save people in the end, I know nothing."

Lin Mo nodded, frowned and took a step towards Xiao Xun'er.

"Miss Xiao, I'm sorry!" Lin Mo raised his hand and placed his palm on Xiao Xun'er's wrist, spewing out the power of blood and qi, spreading into Xiao Xun'er's body!

At the same time, Lin Mo's mental power also directly wrapped her up. Whenever Xiao Xun'er's body had the slightest fluctuation, Lin Mo could sense it.

The first place that the Qi and blood power explored was the Dantian. After the Qi and blood flowed around for a circle, Lin Mo retracted his palm.

"Miss Xiao is now too serious to get out of bed and walk, right?"

Xiao Xun'er nodded, her face slightly red.

Because although Lin Mo retracted his palm, the previous Qi and blood power was still flowing in her body. The warm feeling reminded her of the blushing scenes in the book.

Lin Mo looked at Xiao Xun'er's blushing face and thought that the little girl was thin-skinned, so he didn't care too much.

"Mr. Xiao, please wait a moment. I'll go back!" Lin Mo thought for a while and looked at Xiao Yan and said.

Xiao Yan immediately said, "Brother Lin, I will arrange a car to take you now!"

Half an hour later, Lin Mo appeared in the room again, looking at Xiao Yan and said, "I have a rough idea of ​​the specific treatment method, but it may require physical contact with Miss Xiao, I don't know..."

"Brother Lin, I trust your character!" Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xiao Yan: "Please rest assured to treat it!"

Lin Mo nodded, but did not do anything, but looked at Xiao Xun'er.

"Miss Xun'er, do you have any concerns in your heart?"

"No... Thank you Mr. Lin!" Xiao Xun'er's face had turned red, and Lin Mo could even imagine the scene of white steam coming out of Xiao Xun'er's head.

Shaking his head to get rid of the picture in his mind, Lin Mo stepped forward to lift the quilt, and then pressed his palm on the upper part of Xiao Xun'er's belly button.

This position is considered the foot of the two peaks. The blood and qi began to flow in Lin Mo's palm, gathering towards the dantian.

However, as the whole process progressed, Lin Mo suddenly found that his blood power seemed to be more pure after wandering in Xiao Xun'er's Dantian for a while!

"Xiao Xun'er's Dantian actually has something that can purify blood power!" Lin Mo was a little surprised, but his hands did not stop moving at all.

The blood power rushed into Xiao Xun'er's body like crazy.

At the same time, the blood power in Lin Mo's own Dantian began to be affected.

Lin Mo exhaled a long breath and silently said in his heart: "Open!"

As this voice sounded, the whole room trembled.

Then I saw a pale white vitality flowing out of Lin Mo's Dantian.

The closest few people were originally two maids who were arranged to serve Lin Mo and others. At this moment, they were a little shaken, and their blood power began to rise wildly!

These two people were originally warriors, and now they have both improved by two small realms!

The gods who felt Lin Mo's blood power couldn't help but move closer to Lin Mo.

"You two, go out!" Xiao Yan waved his hand, letting the other maid leave, then took a step forward, feeling the vitality of Lin Mo.

The little tree shook gently in the Dantian: "This is a person who stole my things, and still wants my forgiveness, wishful thinking!

I won't cure it, wait for death!"

Lin Mo listened to the voice of the little tree in the Dantian, and felt that his head was full of black lines.

This little tree is really too individualistic. Normally, if he doesn't cooperate, Lin Mo himself will really find it difficult to order him.

"Did this girl steal your things? If not, take away what she got, and then cure her." Lin Mo said lightly.

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