"Master Xiaoshu, now is not the time to lose your temper, hurry up and treat the disease!"

Lin Mo spoke in a deep voice. The little tree was in the dantian. Although it looked no different from other little trees, it was quietly rooted there at the moment, looking like a proud figure.

"I won't treat it!" Xiaoshu snorted and said, "You took my things and still want me to treat you. There is no such good thing in the world!

You want me to help you, let this girl sleep with you for one night!"

"No need!" Lin Mo waved his hands repeatedly. Who does this little tree think he is?

He Lin Mo has always been upright and upright, not to mention that he has been a pure yang body since he was born. How could he be so easy to get by Xiao Xun'er?

"I gave you a chance, but you didn't use it!" Xiaoshu's voice was filled with helplessness, and he finally sent a message to Lin Mo: "Since you want to save people, then save them!

Seal your blood and qi, and let my breath wrap this girl!"

Lin Mo hesitated for a moment, but still did as Xiaoshu asked.

In the Dantian, Lin Mo's blood and qi were sealed, and at the same time, Xiaoshu's breath spread out to the surroundings.

In less than a few breaths, Xiao Xun'er was wrapped in it.

"Uh..." Xiao Xun'er closed her eyes slightly, feeling a sense of fatigue from inside to outside.

At the same time, she felt as if something was being drawn out of her body.

And in Lin Mo's Dantian, a familiar breath was gathering.

Lin Mo frowned slightly, because this breath must belong to some creature in the abyss, but why did he have a familiar feeling?

Thinking like this, Lin Mo looked inward and soon saw something gradually taking shape in the Dantian!

It was a key, which looked only the size of a fist, and at this moment it was emitting an amazing light.

Feeling the power contained in the light, Lin Mo showed a shocked look on his face.

"What is this key?" Lin Mo calmed down and thought seriously about the possible origin of this key.

"Boy, I have done it here. This girl has been parasitized by this key for so many years and it is hard.

Now that the key has been taken out, it depends on her luck to what extent she can recover!"

The voice of the tree sounded in Lin Mo's heart.

"Uncle Xiaoshu, what the hell is this key?" Lin Mo asked in a deep voice in his heart: "Why do I feel a familiar breath on the key?"

"This key is the key of a flower, and it can control the flower!!" The voice of the tree sounded.

Hearing the voice of the tree, Lin Mo's mind immediately emerged with the scene of the little flower at that time. At that time, the little flower directly changed into a towering tree in just a few seconds. Now thinking of the scene at that time, Lin Mo still felt a sense of fear in his heart.

"If it is really the key to that flower, then I will be rich!" Lin Mo was already thinking about finding an opportunity to enter the dream again, so as to enter that abyss and pick the flower with the key!

"Brother Lin, how is my daughter?" At this moment, Xiao Yan's voice rang out, interrupting Lin Mo's thoughts.

Looking up at Xiao Yan, Lin Mo's face showed an unhappy look: "If Mr. Xiao thinks that I can't cure your daughter, why did you let me take action?"

Xiao Yan's face suddenly showed an embarrassed look, and he waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Brother Lin, you misunderstood, I'm just a little anxious, you can treat it slowly!"

"Forget it, I understand that Mr. Xiao also loves his daughter very much, so it is reasonable to ask such a question..." Lin Mo pondered and said: "I want to ask, has Xiao Xun'er ever entered the Rob Abyss?"

"Never entered..." Xiao Yan shook his head.

"Hmph, since Mr. Xiao doesn't trust me, why did he ask me to treat her? Xiao Xun'er's illness is obviously a special disease that she contracted after entering the Rob Abyss. Why does Mr. Xiao lie now?" Lin Mo said coldly with an unhappy look on his face.

Xiao Yan's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly said: "Brother Lin, what are you talking about? I really didn't lie. My daughter has never left the Xiao family, let alone went to the Rob Abyss. There must be some misunderstanding here!"

Lin Mo frowned and looked at Xiao Yan, thinking that Xiao Yan should not lie about this matter.

If so, why did Xiao Xun'er have this key on her?

"Could it be that the flower sensed the coming of danger, so it directly put the key on Xiao Xun'er?

But Xiao Xun'er has never entered the abyss..."

Thinking of this, Lin Mo looked at Xiao Yan: "Mr. Xiao, can you call all the people who accompanied the young lady at the time? We can interrogate them one by one, and we can always find some clues!"

Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment, then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Soon an old man appeared here.

"Go and check who was with Xun'er before the accident, and then let those people gather here!" Xiao Yan gave his order lightly, and at the same time closed his eyes slightly and sighed softly.

From Lin Mo's words, he had heard that Xiao Xun'er must have sneaked into the Rob Abyss without telling her family, so if he wanted to get a specific conclusion, he had to ask those who were with Xiao Xun'er at the time.

Not long after, three old women walked in slowly.

Seeing Xiao Yan, the three old ladies knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

Seeing this, how could Xiao Yan not know that these people must have something fishy going on.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yan said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I'll ask you, has Xun'er ever left the Xiao family and gone to other places in these years?"

The three ladies showed a look of exposed secrets on their faces, looked at each other, and finally let the oldest-looking woman speak.

The woman looked at Xiao Yan and said in a deep voice: "The young lady went out once when she was 18 years old, saying that she was looking for her own opportunity.

At that time, we tried our best to stop her, but it didn't work. We were all servants, so we didn't intervene too much. As for where the young lady went, we didn't know at all.

Then it was..."

At this point, several people had a look of panic on their faces, carefully looked up at Lin Mo, and then said: "It was from that time that the young lady began to show symptoms, until she couldn't get out of bed and walk!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three muffled sounds were heard, and the three women didn't even have time to scream, and they turned into a pile of mud and fell to the ground, dying with their eyes wide open!

"Mr. Xiao has great skills, the three palms just now were at least the ninth-grade martial arts of the Earth Rank!"

Lin Mo praised Xiao Yan appropriately, making his whole face suddenly smile.

"This group of people are traitors. They took my Xiao family's money and want to eat other people's dog food?

Killing these people today is just some interest for so many years!"

After asking for all the things he wanted, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Yan who was anxiously waiting on the side.

"Mr. Xiao, I am lucky to have fulfilled my mission! The toxins in the young lady's body have been removed, but you still need to take good care of her in the next period of time. She must get enough rest to recover slowly.

As for how much of her martial arts skills can be restored in the end, it depends on her luck!"

After Lin Mo said this, he turned around and left.

"Daoyou, please stay!"

At this moment, Lin Mo paused slightly, turned around and looked at Xiao Yan.

"Boy, this person probably wants to keep you, it's obvious that he has taken a fancy to me!

I'm telling you, no matter what, fight first!

I'm going to tell you the truth now, I've been here for such a short time, but I like it here very much.

It's warm and humid, and the space inside the dantian is vast, just like the sea... I really like it here!"

Xiao Shu's exaggerated words immediately made Lin Mo's face full of black lines.

But Lin Mo also wanted to know if Xiao Yan wanted to keep him, and then find an opportunity to kill people and steal treasures!

"Mr. Lin, can you stay in Rob City for a few more days? I want to wait until my daughter recovers almost, and then send Mr. Lin off. What do you think?"

Xiao Yan had a flattering smile on his face. Maybe he realized that the previous sentence was not very appropriate, so he quickly said something to make up for it.

Lin Mo snorted and said, "I will be in Rob City these days. The dog king is dead, and I have to take over some things...

It's really hard to have some free time!"

Xiao Yan hurriedly smiled and said, "Brother Lin is a martial arts expert. My Xiao family feels very peaceful staying here."

The two talked for a few more sentences before Lin Mo turned around and left.

Of course, when he left, Xiao Yan seemed to have good intentions towards Lin Mo.

When Lin Mo left completely, Xiao Yan looked at Xiao Xun'er on the bed with a gentle smile on his face.

"Xun'er, wake up quickly, your mother wants to see you!" Xiao Yan's words naturally worked. Xiao Xun'er on the bed slowly opened her eyes and looked around. The first thing she saw was Xiao Yan's concerned face.

"Where is Mr. Lin?" Xiao Xun'er asked this as soon as she opened her eyes.

This made Xiao Yan, who had been preparing for a whole morning, feel that his brain was a little insufficient.

Could it be that his little daughter had already had the ceremony of husband and wife with Lin Mo in her sleep just now? !

Thinking of this possibility, Xiao Yan's face suddenly became ugly.

On the other side, Lin Mo, who was unaware of this, slowly closed his eyes, took out the Qi and Blood Pills he bought on the way back from his arms, and swallowed them all in one go!

The Qi and Blood Stones obtained from the robbery were also piled in front of him, and they could be consumed at any time!

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Entering the dream again, Lin Mo did not hesitate at all and directly chose to enter the Rob Abyss!

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