Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 327: Investigating the Neon Black Dragon Society

"We have to find a way to leave here. They won't be trapped for too long!"

Lin Mo was lying on the deck on the ancient ship, panting violently.

The forced use of the Eight-foot Mirror twice before had already drained the spiritual power in his body, and even the seed had shriveled up a lot. If it weren't for the spiritual clone transmitting the wave that reassured him, Lin Mo would even suspect that he had consumed all the vitality of the seed.

Although the sons were only temporarily dormant, it was still possible to see how much the battle had consumed Lin Mo.

"Lin Mo, don't worry, I will definitely take you out!" The crow looked at Lin Mo and spoke with a firm look.

"Tsk tsk, you crow mouth should not say such things..." Lin Mo shook his head helplessly, and at the same time, he was also taking the time to restore his own blood and qi.

The Thunder Breathing Method changed from the original self-operation to the current active operation. In a short moment, the area around Lin Mo's body had become a sea of ​​spiritual power.

They spun around Lin Mo's body frantically, and then made pure blood and qi into Lin Mo's body.

Lin Mo had a faint smile on his face. As his realm improved, the recovery speed of the Thunder Breathing Method also increased crazily.

He discovered a secret, that is, it took him half a day to recover all his Qi and Blood Force, and now it still takes about half a day.

But you have to know that Lin Mo's strength was only that of a Martial King before, and now Lin Mo is a Martial Emperor!

The two are not at the same order of magnitude, and even the Qi and Blood Force is the difference between a drop of water and the ocean.

"The Thunder Breathing Method recovers the percentage of Qi and Blood Force, not the amount of Qi and Blood Force!" Lin Mo had a smile on his face: "The two are not comparable at all. Just from this point of view, the grade of the Thunder Breathing Method may have reached the Heavenly Grade!"

The Thunder Breathing Method belongs to the cultivation method. In Lin Mo's memory, there are almost no methods that can reach this grade!

"Big profit!" Lin Mo sighed, and at the same time he was a little curious about what the plug-in on his body was.

Consuming Qi and Blood Force can enter the abyss...


At this moment, the entire ancient ship suddenly sounded a loud noise.

"They are coming out!" Lin Mo opened his eyes suddenly. After this period of recovery, he has reached the realm of the first-grade martial emperor.

Although he is not their opponent yet, there is no problem in escaping in time.

"Copy!" Lin Mo suddenly spoke, raised the Eight-foot Mirror and shook it gently at the entrance of the cabin.

The power of blood and qi surged, and in an instant, one, two... five doors appeared in the cabin door!

Looking at the scene of the big door in front of him, Lin Mo nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at the crow: "What are you still standing there for, retreat quickly!"

After that, he jumped directly from the boat and fell into the sea below.

With a splash.

Lin Mo and the crow both fell into the sea.

The mental power dispersed at once, and Lin Mo was looking for an exit quickly.

Soon, Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and he noticed a different place.

It must be there!


In the sea, Lin Mo used the Ghost Shadow Phantom and arrived at the exit in a flash.

"Let's go out first!" Lin Mo glanced at the crow, roared, and then rushed out.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two figures rushed out one after the other.


After the two rushed out, Lin Mo drew out the Tenkumokumo on his body and slashed it fiercely at the entrance of the abyss behind him!

The sword light flashed, and the power of the heavenly weapon was suddenly displayed at this moment.


The boulder collapsed, and the gate where the abyss was originally located disappeared directly!

"I wonder where you are going!" Lin Mo sneered, and then took the crow to leave here.


At this time, a loud noise came.

"What sound!" The crow's face changed slightly and looked around.

"Uh... Maybe I was careless just now... A sword caused an avalanche on Mount Fuji..." Lin Mo spoke softly with an embarrassed look on his face.

Just now, he accidentally activated the sword light too much. Suddenly, a sword light as long as a kilometer spread out, sweeping away the snow on the top of the mountain and triggering an avalanche!


The crow was pale, roared and turned around to run.

He would not be polite at this time, because he knew very well that Lin Mo's ability to escape was much better than his.

As long as he escaped steadily, there would be no big problems. If he was concerned about Lin Mo, he might become a burden to Lin Mo.

In fact, it was true. When the crow began to escape, Lin Mo's figure flashed and arrived in the air.

Although the grade of Yanxiangshu was not very high, it showed extraordinary usefulness at this moment.

In the air, with the support of Lin Mo's blood and qi, he could change his position at any time.

The avalanche could not cause any damage to Lin Mo at this time.

"Huh... Fortunately, your sword only caused an avalanche. If it had caused a volcanic eruption..." After escaping from the dangerous area, Crow breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to say something, Lin Mo covered his mouth.

"You should say less. Neon is such a small place. Not only did it not get destroyed by me, but it got destroyed by you!"

Listening to Lin Mo's words, Crow could only scratch his head awkwardly and finally nodded.


After leaving Mount Fuji, Lin Mo followed Crow back to his room.

He took out the three sacred artifacts and placed them in front of the two.

"You said this thing... is it what we saw in the mural?" Crow looked at Lin Mo and spoke carefully.

At the same time, he stretched out a hand, wanting to hold one of their swords, but thinking of what happened when he held the Ame no Murakumo before, Crow trembled all over, and then honestly retracted his palm.

"Forget it, forget it, I still won't touch it, this thing is not for me!" Crow shook his head.

"You can try the eight-foot magatama!" Lin Mo suddenly pointed at the eight-foot magatama and said: "This thing is a recovery weapon, it shouldn't hurt anything..."

As soon as the voice fell, Crow's hand was already on the eight-foot magatama.

However, the moment he held the eight-foot magatama, his face changed!

A purple light suddenly rose from the Yasakami, and then the crow's body began to shrink.

"Oh my..." Lin Mo's face changed slightly, and he shouted, and hurried forward to take the Yasakami back from the crow's hand.

At the same time, he checked the status of the Yasakami, and his face suddenly looked a little strange.

"This... seems to be fully charged!" The Yasakami has a recovery function, but it consumes a lot of energy every time.

Now the crow directly uses his own blood and energy to charge the Yasakami, which means that he can take it out and use it next time.

"It's quite convenient..." Lin Mo said with emotion.


"Okay, you should keep these three artifacts for yourself. As for me, forget it. I always feel that this thing conflicts with me. If I really continue to try, I might lose my life!" The crow waved his hand, which was considered to be completely giving up.

Lin Mo didn't force it. He looked at the three artifacts and was in a dilemma.

"I want you to help me investigate something..." Lin Mo closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, then looked at the crow and said, "Help me see who An Fuzhen's ancestor is!

Why did he say that in the abyss before?"

An Fuzhen said at that time: "The ancestor is right!"

It was this sentence that made Lin Mo very interested in An Fuzhen's ancestor.

"Leave this to me. The vulture, that bastard, actually betrayed us. Otherwise, it would be much easier for us to do things with him!" The crow complained, then got up and left the house.

Lin Mo took out his mobile phone and began to read the contents of the three artifacts. At the same time, he separated a spiritual clone and followed the crow.

After all, it's better to be careful here. As long as the crow has a little bad intention, Lin Mo will run away directly.

After all, the palm-sized spiritual clone is just a little scary, but in terms of how strong the combat power is, it is about the same as the lab mouse.

With Lin Mo's current mental power, he can do two things at the same time.

But Lin Mo looked at these Japanese myths and gradually laughed.

"This Japanese myth is really like a joke. These Japanese gods can really give birth to children by doing anything.

Yawn, give birth to a child.

Take a bath, give birth to a child.

Sing a song, give birth to a child...

Do they give birth to children when they have nothing to do?"

Lin Mo had a smile on his face. If you want to talk about myths, you have to look at China, such as Pangu creating the sky, Kuafu chasing the sun, and Nuwa repairing the sky.

Each myth makes people excited!

However, Lin Mo did find something useful. For example, in an ancient book in Crow's house, Lin Mo saw some statement about the three great artifacts.

"It is said that Xu Fu is the ancestor of Neon, that is, he is the first emperor of Neon...

The three artifacts are mentioned above, but there is no description of the three artifacts in the entire ancient book, so many people suspect that the three artifacts are lies woven by Neon itself, just to fool others.

But Neon from top to bottom believes in the so-called three artifacts and those inexplicable gods."

Lin Mo was recalling what he had seen before, and several hours had passed unknowingly. Lin Mo closed the book and opened the door.

Not far away, the figure of the crow was running towards here frantically.

His face was full of excitement, and he was holding a few pages of the book in his hand.

The material of the book turned out to be cloth, and the words written on it were also Chinese characters. Lin Mo just took a look and roughly guessed the content inside.

"Those stories about Xu Fu's voyage..." The crow looked at Lin Mo and explained: "There are many things in it that I don't understand very well. I can only tell you a general idea..."

The crow kept opening his mouth and told what he knew.

Lin Mo looked at the cloth again, and after a long while he smiled and shook his head, saying, "Brother Crow, you are wrong."

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