The characters on these pieces of cloth are all in flower and bird seal script. Lin Mo spent a lot of time learning flower and bird seal script in order to study whether the abyssal characters are related to ancient Chinese characters.

Although it was ultimately determined that there was no relationship between the two, it also gave Lin Mo a general understanding of flower and bird seal script.

So looking at the cloth in his hand, although he still didn't understand about 30% of the text on it, Lin Mo still understood 90% of the entire content of the cloth after reading it.

"It's different from what I said? Lin Mo, what do you mean?" Crow looked at Lin Mo and frowned slightly.

Lin Mo looked up at the crow, was silent for a moment, and then said: "Perhaps after telling you the above content, your entire view of neon history will be subverted.

Even so, do you still want to know the truth? "

Crow's expression became solemn and he said in a deep voice: "Is it very subversive?"

Lin Mo nodded heavily.

In fact, after reading the above content, Lin Mo was very shocked.

"I want to know!" At this moment, Crow suddenly looked up at Lin Mo and said firmly: "Please tell me all the truth. Even if it subverts my concept of history, I will still not regret it!"

Lin Mo took a deep look at Crow and finally nodded.

“The whole neon myth is fake.

Xu Fu is the only god among all your myths!

You should know very well that China has Xu Fu going to sea.

Back then, the First Emperor ordered Xu Fu to go to sea to find the elixir of immortality. Xu Fu took the boys and girls to Neon.

At that time, there were already many savages in Neon. In order to bring these savages under his command, Xu Fu performed a trick of coming from the gods.

So Xu Fu became the first generation god of neon.

However, for some reason, Xu Fu could not set foot on the neon land, so after becoming the first generation of gods, Xu Fu quickly turned the people he brought into Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi... and other gods

At that time, the Neon barbarians were crushed in terms of technology and knowledge, so these clumsy methods were not exposed. In this way, those led by Xu Fu became the actual managers of Neon.

Because he could not leave the ship at sea, Xu Fu could only order the gods to return to the ship. He impregnated the gods, became pregnant with Xu Fu's child, and then returned to Neon Island to give birth.

These are the neon royal bloodlines..."

Listening to Lin Mo's words, Crow's face showed a look of shock.

These contents really subvert everything. The entire neon myth is actually composed of those boys and girls.

"No, if Xu Fu couldn't board Neon Island, where is he now?" Crow's face had a puzzled look on his face: "And those three artifacts, why are they in the legend of Neon? The great artifact should be on the island, not on the boat!”

"The reason why myths are myths is because no one knows what the truth is!" Lin Mo shook his head and said: "We have already seen those murals in the abyss. The function of the three major artifacts is to suppress those sea creatures. clan monster.

But there are still three fairy mountains that have not been suppressed.

We still need to continue to search for the remaining nine artifacts and suppress the remaining three fairy mountains.

In fact, this is all fake, we were deceived by the mural!

In other words, what deceived us were the murals left by Xu Fu.

You should still remember that after the mural was destroyed, there was another layer of murals below. The two layers of murals were almost identical, but the last mural was destroyed.

In fact, based on the contents of the cloth, it can be inferred that the final murals are the most important and the ultimate secret!

Let me tell you the conclusion first!

There are only nine types of artifacts in total!

The function of the three major artifacts is to suppress the Sea Clan, but there are only three locations for suppression, that is, the three fairy mountains, and Neon Island is not among them! "

With a righteous look on Lin Mo's face, he looked at the crow and said: "Xu Fu escaped with the three artifacts, so suppressing Neon Island is just a cover. What he really wants to do is occupy Neon Island and become The king of neon... no, he is God!

It's a pity that he didn't succeed in the end and died on the way to success!

The ultimate function of the three major artifacts is to suppress the monsters of the sea tribe, and they are specific to the three fairy mountains. Therefore, even if they are taken to Neon Island, the three major artifacts are still unable to be used and can even be left on the ship.

So Xu Fu's descendants spread those mythical stories in order to attract people to come to Neon to look for the three artifacts.

They hope that one day, someone can bring the three artifacts out.

Thousands of years later, I appeared here, and I was the one who could bring the three artifacts out! "

Lin Mo had a determined look on his face and spoke slowly.

Crow's eyes flickered. From Lin Mo's words, she already understood roughly, and at the same time she believed 90% of it in her heart.

However, so far, there are still many things that are unclear.

"I see, that's why An Fu really said those words when he saw you at that time!" Crow said solemnly: "That's because their ancestors saw the future and were sure that there would be a person named Lin Mo. Being able to leave with three artifacts!

They want to use you to take away the three artifacts, and then kill you completely! "

There was a serious look on Crow's face: "Lin Mo, now that the things are in your hands, you don't have to worry about Neon's casualties. You can leave now!"

"I'm not worried about Neon's casualties!" Lin Mo had a sincere and simple smile on his face: "I'm mainly worried about something happening to you!

Even if I have to leave, I will definitely take you with me! "

Crow's face showed a thoughtful look, and after a long time he shook his head and said: "I can't leave. This is the place where I grew up. If I leave, I will become a rootless flower and it is impossible to live. of!"

"There is one thing I haven't said yet. An Fu is really the descendant of Xu Fu. He has come out of the abyss now. If you don't follow me, you will definitely be killed by him!" Lin Mo looked at the crow seriously. He spoke.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's set off now and leave Neon. I happen to know a few ways to leave Neon. I guarantee that no one will notice!"

Crow jumped up, looked at Lin Mo, and said quickly.

At the same time, he turned around and walked towards his room, packing up his belongings in less than a minute.

In Lin Mo's stunned look, he opened the door and looked at Lin Mo anxiously: "Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and leave. If you don't leave, An Fu will come, and we won't be able to escape." ah!"

"You...didn't you just say that without Neon, you would be like a flower without roots and wouldn't live long?

Why are you willing to leave now? "

"It doesn't matter. When you draw Neon's territory into China in the future, then I will have roots and I won't die.

I am a rather special flower that can live for a long time without roots! "Crow looked at Lin Mo and said seriously.

"Then you are really a flexible flower!" Lin Mo almost laughed at the crow, so he could only complain, and then left here with the crow.

Crow is still very familiar with Neon. Even when he knew that An Fuzhen was about to catch up, he was still able to calmly contact his acquaintances and find a way to leave Neon.

While the two were escaping, Wu Yao made one call after another, and finally the call was connected. After a few minutes, Wu Yao hung up the phone, with a confident smile on his face.

"It's done, I contacted a smuggling ship boss, and he gave us an address. An hour later, we left Neon. We will go to Yue country first, and then return to China.

After arriving in Yue, you should have a hundred ways to take me to the huge city of Luobu in China, right? "

Facing Crow's expectant eyes, Lin Mo nodded.

It has been a while since Ouyang Xiu and the others left China. If they had not died, they would have opened up a lot of living space in the Yue Kingdom by now.

In fact, in Lin Mo's view, as long as there are no more strong men besieging them, Ouyang Xiu can do well in the Yue Kingdom with his personal force.

"There is no problem on my side, but there is a prerequisite, that is, you must ensure that the person you find is reliable!" Lin Mo looked at Crow, he always felt that everything went too smoothly, and the smoothness made people feel a little uneasy.

"Don't worry, just wait until I return to China to do my work..." Crow Crow patted his chest and promised: "By the way, will there be any rejection of Neon people in Rob City? I don't want to go there. , will be treated as an outsider!”

"Don't worry, I guarantee you'll feel at home!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

Half an hour later, Lin Mo and Crow arrived at a seaside port. Judging from some of the facilities at the port, this should be a port that had been abandoned for many years.

"This port has been abandoned for more than thirty years. Look at the bottom of the sea there. There are actually a lot of messy things underneath. Ordinary ships simply don't dare to dock here because they accidentally touch the messy things. Then It's a dead end, but my friend Tony Xiaomu dares.

In fact, many of them who engage in smuggling will choose abandoned ports that are not easily discovered as business locations..."

As Crow Crow walked, he introduced the situation here to Lin Mo.

Not far away, a ship appeared in view.

Crow suddenly turned on the flashlight of his cell phone and shouted into the distance, then shook.

There was a certain pattern to his movements, presumably some kind of communication code.

Soon, the ship began to dock. A few dozen meters away, Lin Mo saw a middle-aged man standing on the bow of the ship waving to them.

The man had a flattering smile on his face, and looked at the crow with a questioning look in his eyes.

"Xiaomu, let me introduce to you, this is Lin Mo from China. As for this... he is Tony Xiaomu, who is famous in the neon smuggling industry!"

"You are Tony Komu. Your work is very hard, isn't it? How is your friend Sakura Kato?!"

Lin Mo stepped forward, took the initiative to hold Tony Xiaomu's hand, and said enthusiastically.

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