Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 336: Hanging Mountain

"Although I, your master, have stepped down now, there are still a few people above me who can talk to me. I will try to find a way to make it work. Robo City has not had a nominal manager for so many years.

I think you are a good fit now!

As long as the person above sets you as a manager, everything will be fine! "

Chen Banzi sat on the chair and spoke with a smile on his face.

During this time in Luobu City, he finally found the energy and energy he used to pursue his career.

All the resources that could be mobilized were mobilized to allow Lin Mo to gain a foothold in Luobu Giant City and slowly develop.

"Thank you, Master!" Lin Mo nodded with a smile and looked at the people sitting in the hall.

These people will be his future team. Now Lin Mo finally realized that there are some things that he cannot accomplish by himself.

It is actually a blessing to have some reliable comrades by your side and be able to stand up at critical moments.

"Xiao Qianren entered the abyss probably because he wanted to find an opportunity. It will be difficult to come out for a while, but he is a hidden danger in the abyss after all, so he has to be prepared in advance." Xiao Yan looked at Lin Mo and said in deep thought: " We must find a way to contain him!"

"Leave this matter to me!" Lin Mo said after a moment of silence. If it cannot be completed, I will notify you in advance.

"Everyone, I leave the development behind Rob Giant City to you!" Lin Mo stood up and bowed deeply to everyone.

Everyone stood up and returned the courtesy, and then started to leave.

"Thank you for your hard work during this time!" After everyone left, Lin Mo and Ye Qing looked at each other and said in unison.

Then both of them couldn't help laughing again.

"Lin Mo, what are you going to do? Xiao Qianren is a strong man at the seventh-grade Martial Emperor level. You can't go head-to-head with him!"

"Of course I know, so I'm going to go into the abyss..." Lin Mo said: "Don't worry, I will do what I can!"

"By the way, the construction of the Qi and Blood Pill factory has begun. There was actually a Qi and Blood Pill refining factory in the area that Xiao Qian was originally in charge of. Now that Xiao Qian died, the entire factory has been controlled by us.

With a little modification, it can become a new Qi and Blood Pill processing factory.

In addition, I have improved the formula of the Advanced Qi and Blood Pill again, and the effect is pretty good. You can give it a try. "

Ye Qing pondered for a moment, took out a dozen high-level Qi and Blood Pills from his body, and placed them in front of Lin Mo.

Lin Mo thanked him and put them away. Just as he was about to enter the abyss, these few Qi and Blood Pills were just enough.

After Ye Qing left, Lin Mo returned to the room, took out the Qi and Blood Pill, and swallowed it after thinking for a while.

"The game is loading..."

Familiar words appeared in front of Lin Mo again. After waiting for a moment, dream scenes emerged around him.

What was different from before was that there were six abyss to choose from in front of Lin Mo, and the latest abyss was the neon abyss.

However, Lin Mo has already obtained the three major artifacts in the Neon Abyss, so there should be no need to enter again.

Next is Rob's Abyss.

Compared with other abyss, the area of ​​​​Rob Abyss is too large. So far, the area they have explored is actually less than one-tenth.

There are dangers everywhere in Rob Abyss, but there are also opportunities everywhere.

After pondering for a while, Lin Mo directly chose Rob Abyss.

This time, Lin Mo's ten high-level Qi and Blood Pills were deducted, and then the scene changed and Lin Mo entered the abyss.

In fact, Lin Mo had only one purpose when entering the abyss this time, and that was to kill Xiao Qianren inside.

So the moment he stepped into the abyss, Lin Mo tried to practice his clone.

Although it has been a long time and this clone has gone somewhere, it is still a body that Lin Mo separated with the power of his own blood, so it is very simple for Lin Mo to try to practice.

Lin Mo kept moving in the abyss, and after a few minutes, he noticed the existence of the clone.

The clone is now far away from Lin Mo's position and will not be able to reach him for a while.

Lin Mo simply sat on the spot, used the clone's martial arts, and started visual sharing with the clone.

When the visual sharing was successful, Lin Mo was stunned by the sight in front of him.

Who would have thought that there would be such a place in the abyss.

"Abyss Hanging Mountain!"

Not far away from Lin Mo's eyes, there was a high mountain suspended above the clouds!

This is an inverted triangle-like mountain peak, suspended there quietly. From a distance, you can only see lush trees. Occasionally, you can see giant birds flying through the clouds, and then quickly disappear into the clouds.

"It's like a fairy mountain in the mythical world!" Lin Mo sighed with emotion.

He only learned some of the conditions of the mountain after entering into vision sharing with his clone.

The first is that there are monsters in Rob Abyss. The most important thing is that these monsters are humanoid creatures.

The clone captured some humanoid monsters and tried to interrogate some things. Xuankong Mountain was one of the places where the interrogation came out.

Secondly, Lin Mo got a secret about the abyss, that is, all the abyss seemed to be connected together.

The entrance to each abyss is different, but all the abyss together form a complete world!

Therefore, the existence of Hanging Mountain is very famous even in the entire abyss!

In other words, the Hanging Mountain in the abyss actually has another name... the Holy Mountain!

The monsters in the abyss call this place the Holy Mountain.

As for the specific reason, the clone is not clear.

The last piece of news is that the clone saw Xiao Qianren heading towards the Holy Mountain some time ago, and during this period, the entire Holy Mountain often had strange changes.

After getting these news, Lin Mo just thought for a moment and directly controlled the clone to go to the Hanging Mountain.

The area where Lin Mo is now is not very far from the Hanging Mountain. It takes at most one day to reach the bottom of the Hanging Mountain.

However, within this distance, all are unexplored areas, which invisibly increases a lot of danger.

Lin Mo carefully controlled the clone to explore these areas. Fortunately, he walked more than half of the way without any danger.

Just when Lin Mo was about to finish the rest of the way in one go, something not far away caught Lin Mo's attention.

It was an artificially piled building, which looked like a land temple that you would occasionally encounter on an ordinary mountain road from the outside.

But why would such a thing exist in the abyss?

Lin Mo stepped forward cautiously and stood in front of the building.

The entire building should have been abandoned for a long time, and it was covered with moss and surrounded by weeds.

If it weren't for Lin Mo's caution, he might not have been found at all.

Lin Mo used the power of Qi and blood to separate all the weeds, and then revealed the situation inside the building.

This is actually a temple, and you can see a little man sitting cross-legged inside the building.

But the appearance of this little man is too weird.

This is also a humanoid creature, but with a childish face, it looks like a little baby sitting cross-legged inside, but the smile on the little baby's face is very weird.

It seems to be smiling, not smiling, crying, not crying...

Lin Mo looked at the divine elephant in front of him, and couldn't help trembling all over, as if this little man would rush out of the temple and pounce on him at any time.

"Weird!" Lin Mo muttered, and controlled the clone to leave quickly.

But at the moment of leaving, the corner of his eye seemed to see the little man's head tilted.

Lin Mo was immediately shocked and broke out in a cold sweat. He turned his head and looked at the little man.

The little man was still in the same situation as before, still sitting cross-legged, smiling or crying...

Lin Mo stepped back step by step, staring at the little man.

This time, Lin Mo saw that the expression on the little man's face completely turned into resentment, and then his mouth slowly opened, revealing the thin fangs inside!

"I am you!" Lin Mo roared, and didn't care about so much at the moment. The blood and qi power on the clone burst out crazily, and a punch hit the temple.

With a loud bang, the whole temple was broken into pieces, and the body of the little man was also broken.

Lin Mo looked at the little man's fragments on the ground, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

This little man is actually made up of a human body. After the tunnel, you can still see human bones, and even in the little man's chest, there are internal organs wrapped in cloth.

In some Chinese traditions, some scriptures and internal organs made of metal or clay are placed in the abdomen of the statue.

This procedure is called "loading the internal organs".

The statue in front of us is obviously like this.

"The technique of this statue feels a bit similar to the outside!" Lin Mo sighed, staring at the fragments, hesitated for a moment, and then made another move, smashing the fragments again for a long time.

After the fragments became powder, Lin Mo set out again.

A distance behind, Lin Mo encountered a group of ants as big as a fist and spiders like calves.

"Crunchy, chicken flavor..."

At night, Lin Mo looked at the shape of the Hanging Mountain, which was still very obvious in the night sky, and then retracted his gaze to look at the huge spider on the fire in front of him.

This thing is handcuffed like a big crab, and the claws are full of meat!

After Lin Mo feasted, he fell asleep.

The next morning, Lin Mo opened his eyes and controlled the clone to go on the road again.

Because he had traveled enough distance the day before, this time Lin Mo only took an hour to stand at the foot of the Hanging Mountain.

Looking up at the Hanging Mountain above his head, Lin Mo couldn't help but feel shocked.

"But, it's so high, how should I get up?"

Lin Mo looked at the height in front of him and was worried, because at this height, he couldn't fly up even if he used martial arts!

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