Looking up from below, the height is as high as three or four hundred meters!

The flying height of Yan Xiang Shu is only sixty or seventy meters, which is not up to Lin Mo's requirements at all.

Looking at the lush trees above, Lin Mo's face was full of thoughtfulness.

"Ga ga!"

A bird's cry suddenly sounded in the sky. Lin Mo couldn't help but look up at the sky, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

In the direction of the Hanging Mountain, a group of giant birds flew up in the woods and migrated in a certain direction.

"If I can catch these giant birds, can't I follow them to the Hanging Mountain?" Lin Mo thought so in his heart, and he had already started to think about how to catch these birds.

The giant birds I just saw should belong to the yellow bird species, but in a place like the abyss, even the yellow bird-type creatures have a wingspan of four or five meters.

Needless to say, this giant bird must be a carnivorous animal.

After thinking this through, Lin Mo had an idea. He wandered around in the woods and soon killed another spider.

After peeling off the meat inside the spider's claws, Lin Mo casually made the spider's sharp claws into the shape of a fishhook.

As for the spider silk, Lin Mo made it into a thin line hundreds of meters long.

After a busy period, the abyss version of the kite was ready.

Unlike other kites, the kite in front of him looked like a yellow bird, and there was a piece of fragrant spider meat on the yellow bird's claws.

In order to attract the birds in the sky, Lin Mo even processed the spider meat and sprinkled some blood on it.

When everything was ready, Lin Mo sent the kite into the sky.

Under the support of the power of qi and blood, the kite rushed into the air smoothly and soon hung there, still some distance from the Hanging Mountain.

Lin Mo was very patient. He believed that the fragrance of the spider meat would definitely attract the yellow birds.

Holding one end of the kite line in his hand, Lin Mo sat cross-legged on the ground, without looking at the situation in the air, and just waited quietly.

"How can you little yellow sparrows imagine the patience of a fisherman?" Lin Mo looked at the time and found that he had been sitting there for more than two hours.

Those birds did not seem to fly out to look for food, but Lin Mo was not in a hurry at all.

Time passed, and soon it was evening. From afar, you could see that the sky was much darker.

The abyss was like this. Because there was no sun, even in the evening, only the sky would dim, but the earth would not be completely shrouded in darkness.


The familiar sound sounded again, and a smile appeared at the corner of Lin Mo's mouth.

The power of Qi and blood dissipated, carrying the fragrance of spider meat, and drifted towards the yellow sparrows.

At this time, it was the time for the yellow sparrows to look for food. When they smelled the fragrance, their eyes suddenly lit up.

Several of the yellow sparrows screamed and flew towards the kite.

Lin Mo sat cross-legged below and looked up at the situation in the sky.

This kite looks like a yellow bird. Lin Mo imitated the yellow bird's claws carrying food back after finding it.

The kite string suddenly vibrated violently, and Lin Mo's smile became more intense.

In the sky, three yellow birds attacked the kite at the same time. In just a few seconds, the kite was torn to pieces, and the spider meat began to fall from the sky.

One of the yellow birds screamed, and the whole body began to dive towards the ground.

It must be said that the speed of this yellow bird was too fast. It caught up with the piece of meat in just a few seconds, and then opened its mouth to bite the meat.

But at this moment, Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up, and the kite string in his hand suddenly stopped!

The claws hidden in the meat by Lin Mo directly pierced out of the meat, and then fiercely stabbed into the mouth of the yellow bird.

The body of the yellow bird trembled violently, and then it flapped its wings and cried fiercely.

That was a cry of pain. He struggled desperately in the air, flapping his wings constantly, trying to break free from the hook and the kite line.

But Lin Mo, the bird fisherman, had waited for so long, waiting for this moment.

He began to gather the kite lines continuously, and his speed was very fast, and the length of the kite lines was rapidly decreasing.

It must be said that the spider silk was of good quality and toughness. In less than a minute, Lin Mo had gathered the entire kite line.

The giant bird was caught by Lin Mo, and the blood and qi power escaped and completely enveloped the giant bird.

The terrifying pressure made the giant bird crawl on the ground, and its eyes were full of fear.

Lin Mo took the claw hook out of its mouth, and then whispered: "I will naturally let you go when I go up the mountain!

Before that, you have to take me up the mountain!"

After that, Lin Mo sat directly on the back of the yellow bird.

He tried to urge the bird to fly, but the previous struggle had already frightened the bird into a fool. Now, even if Lin Mo ordered it, it was unwilling to take off.

"Wuhu, take off!"

Lin Mo shouted loudly, but the bird trembled all over, and then it even pooped!

This made Lin Mo's face full of black lines. After a moment of hesitation, his real body began to run towards here from a long distance.

A few hours later, Lin Mo's real body appeared here, and there was a token in his hand.

The token flashed with light and enveloped the yellow bird.

"Take me up!" Lin Mo ordered.

This time it finally worked. The yellow bird let out a long cry, flapped its wings and flew towards the Hanging Mountain!

Seeing the Hanging Mountain getting closer and closer to him, Lin Mo smiled.

Finally succeeded!

Although he used the Confusion Token of Jiuzhou Order to control a bird, after all these twists and turns, he finally succeeded in climbing the mountain!

When he was almost at the top of the mountain, Lin Mo directly controlled the yellow bird to land in the deep forest.

For some reason, when Lin Mo stepped on the mountain, he seemed to be surrounded by some special energy.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Mo should feel upside down when standing on the mountain, but at this moment, Lin Mo stood there without any discomfort, as if he was standing below!

He couldn't help but look up in the direction of the ground. At a distance of several hundred meters, Lin Mo seemed to be able to see the main body sitting there!

"It feels amazing. Could it be that this Hanging Mountain is actually another secret place in the abyss?!" Lin Mo's face was thoughtful.

Concentrating his mind, Lin Mo looked around.

The dense forest of Hanging Mountain was much more than he had imagined. He stood there quietly, looking around.

Soon, Lin Mo's eyes locked on a direction.

"According to my idea, I should be at the foot of the mountain now. The height of Hanging Mountain should not be low. I should choose a safe route to go up the mountain!"

Lin Mo thought so in his heart, and his feet began to move.

He left a mental power on the yellow bird and then let it fly. With this mental power, Lin Mo can confirm the location of the yellow bird at any time. When he wants to leave, he can find it directly and let it take him back!

Lin Mo climbed the mountain very quickly, but since he regarded Hanging Mountain as a secret place, he also deliberately suppressed his speed.

At the same time, the mental power began to spread out to the surroundings in a small range.

The Hanging Mountain was much safer than Lin Mo had imagined, because after running wildly in the mountain for so long, he did not encounter any dangers such as wild beasts.

"There is not even a spider. It seems that the Hanging Mountain and the ecosystem below are completely different!" Lin Mo muttered in his heart.

At this moment, Lin Mo's feet suddenly stopped and his eyes looked in a direction not far away.


His figure flashed and he jumped directly onto the big tree beside him. After a few jumps, he had climbed to the highest place along the trunk.

Lin Mo looked into the distance and waited silently. At the same time, his mental power was like a receding tide and was directly collected.

"Princess Yu'er, do you think we can be selected when we come to the Holy Mountain this time?"

A voice sounded from the dense forest not far away.

Princess Yu'er?

Hearing this voice, Lin Mo's face suddenly showed a strange look, because this Princess Yu'er was also his acquaintance!

Lin Mo did not act rashly, but waited for them to approach.

Soon, four figures appeared in Lin Mo's field of vision. The one standing in the middle was naturally the old acquaintance Princess Yu'er.

The three bodyguards scattered around her body should be.

After not seeing her for a while, Princess Yu'er's figure seemed to have changed a lot. I don't know if it was Lin Mo's illusion, but he always felt that her ears seemed to have become elf-like gradually pointed ears, her long light golden hair was tied up, and her eyes were also beautiful ice blue.

Then there was the pair of heinous crimes, which looked very tempting.

"It has actually reached the realm of Martial Emperor! Did this woman upgrade by eating a rocket?" Lin Mo widened his eyes and looked at Princess Yu'er.

You know, when they met last time, Princess Yu'er's strength was only at the realm of Martial King, and now in a blink of an eye, she has reached the realm of Martial Emperor!

In fact, Lin Mo lamented that Princess Yu'er's upgrade was like eating a rocket, but he didn't think about how terrifying his upgrade speed was...

As for the several guards around Princess Yu'er, they were all very powerful and had reached the realm of the third-grade Martial Emperor.

But compared with Lin Mo's clone, there is a big gap.


Lin Mo's figure flashed, and he jumped down from the tree and rushed towards them!

"Enemy attack!" The guards reacted very quickly, and immediately roared when they noticed Lin Mo's presence.

But it was too late!

The clone was constructed with pure blood and qi. There was no restriction in such a place. The speed of cultivation was stronger than Lin Mo. His strength had reached the peak of the fourth-grade martial emperor, so it only took a blink of an eye to subdue these guards.

After Lin Mo subdued all the guards, he turned around and looked at Princess Yu'er with a smile.

"Princess Yu'er, we meet again. How are you?!"

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