Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 338 The Secret of the Holy Mountain

"Princess Yu'er, we meet again, how are you?!"

With a smile on his face, Lin Mo turned around and looked at Princess Yu'er.

Princess Yu'er trembled. Just after hearing the sound, Lin Mo's smiling face appeared in her mind, and a surge of anger was ignited in her chest.

Then she looked up and saw Lin Mo's face. It was still as hateful as she remembered!

"It's you shameless human again, go to hell!" Princess Yu'er's face was filled with anger, she shouted and rushed directly towards Lin Mo.

Thinking of all the past events, she felt a surge of anger in her heart. She couldn't care less at the moment and took action directly!

"Your guards have been defeated. Do you think you are my opponent?" Lin Mo chuckled and took action decisively.

The process of subduing Princess Yu'er was very easy. After just a few minutes, Lin Mo grabbed her arms and fixed her tightly behind her.

"You'd better be honest. Although we are all old acquaintances, I can't guarantee that I won't destroy the flowers. After all, we are not of the same race!" Lin Mo chuckled, while holding the Fire Sword in his other hand. The sword was pressed against her waist.

Feeling the heat in her waist, Princess Yu'er's face was filled with anger.

"Your Excellency, we are willing to surrender. We just hope that you can let Princess Yu'er go!"

Just when Princess Yu'er was about to curse, the two guards spoke directly.

"You are so brave. When will it be your turn to make the decision for me?" Princess Yu'er's face was full of anger. Whose identity is she, how could she surrender to Lin Mo?

But Lin Mo didn't care at all. He still had the Kyushu Order on him anyway. If it didn't work, he would kill the two guards and then use the Kyushu Order on Princess Yu'er.

"Princess, the situation is stronger than the situation. Please... don't be willful!" A guard said forcefully.

Princess Yu'er's eyes flickered for a moment, and finally nodded.

"That's right. As long as you are willing to surrender, then we have a basis for cooperation!" Lin Mo said with a smile, and at the same time, when he put it towards Princess Yu'er, he injected a spiritual power into her spiritual platform.

With Lin Mo's current mental power, it can be said that he is very comfortable in using the martial arts of controlling the mind again. In addition, Princess Yu'er's mental power is much weaker than his, so she didn't notice what Lin Mo did to her at all. hands and feet.

"I wonder what Princess Yu'er came to the Holy Mountain for?" Lin Mo said with a smile: "Don't even think about lying to me, or I'll let you know what it means to regret it too late!"

Princess Yu'er glared at Lin Mo fiercely, but still said in a deep voice: "There will be a selection in the Holy Mountain every thirty years, and the selected person can get a holy fruit!

This holy fruit can be said to be a seed. It is said that after taking this seed, you can increase your probability of reaching the realm of Emperor Martial by 50%! "

Emperor Wu!

Lin Mo's eyes darkened. Above the Martial Emperor was the Martial Emperor.

However, Lin Mo had never heard of anyone in China whose strength reached the level of Emperor Wu.

In fact, Chen Banzi said at the beginning that there must be many powerful people at the level of Emperor Wu in China, but these people should not be in theoretical China, but probably exist in small worlds created by themselves!

Chen Banzi even said that there is a final realm above Emperor Wu, but until now, no one has ever set foot in that realm.

So in today's world, Emperor Wu should have the highest combat power.

Now, a holy fruit produced in the holy mountain can actually increase a person's chance of setting foot in that realm by 50%!

"What is the purpose of your coming to the Holy Mountain?" Princess Yu'er looked at Lin Mo: "I tell you, we are not the only people who came to the Holy Mountain this time. There are many strong people in the entire abyss. , your current strength is simply not enough!

I advise you to let me go as soon as possible, otherwise, you will definitely be the one who dies! "

"Princess Yu'er, I really didn't expect that you would care so much about my safety... Do you think you like me?

Sorry, it's impossible between the two of us. Just put this thought away! "

Lin Mo spoke with a smile, but it made Princess Yu'er very angry.

Seeing Princess Yu'er fuming, Lin Mo smiled even more, looked at the other two guards, and said: "Okay, it's almost time, let's set off quickly, otherwise if we don't get the holy fruit by then, I will I will save you!"

The two guards were immediately speechless. If they couldn't get the Holy Fruit, it was because they were not strong enough. What did it have to do with them?

It's just that they don't dare to say these words.

Alas, after all, prisoners have no human rights! I will cry if I continue!

Under the leadership of the two guards, Lin Mo and his party climbed towards the top of the mountain.

It was probably not the first time for these guards to come to the Holy Mountain, so they were very familiar with the route. They chose more convenient roads along the way, and did not encounter any danger.

Lin Mo was always inquiring about information along the way, and most of the time Princess Yu'er would ignore Lin Mo with a look of arrogance on her face.

But Lin Mo had a way. He could directly use coercion and inducement to make a good-looking princess suffer a nervous breakdown.

During this period, Lin Mo did get a lot of useful information.

"I didn't expect that there are people in China who are cooperating with you people from the Abyss, and even let the creatures from the Abyss enter the martial arts school to study in a whimsical way!

This is a really big world, full of wonders! Lin Mo sighed with emotion, but the anger in his eyes could not be summed up in a few simple words.

Princess Yu'er looked at the anger on Lin Mo's face and disapproved in her heart: "You can't catch them. When they overthrow the whole of China, I want to see what your face will look like!"

"You can wait!" Lin Mo said coldly.

A murderous intention spread along Lin Mo's body to the surroundings.

Princess Yu'er opened her mouth and planned to say a few more words to mock Lin Mo, but after seeing Lin Mo's face, she immediately shut her mouth honestly.

She was not a fool. She knew very well that she had angered Lin Mo at this moment and deserved to be killed!

"We are almost reaching the top of the mountain. Master Lin Mo, why don't you unlock all the restrictions on Princess Yu'er first? Otherwise, if someone sees this, they will definitely take action against you!

It's not very safe for you, right? "

The guard looked like I was doing it for your own good, and spoke in a very tactful manner.

"Let go of you princess, of course!" Lin Mo smiled and unlocked the restrictions on Princess Yu'er, but he did not remove the spiritual imprint on her spiritual platform.

As long as Lin Mo has a thought, Princess Yu'er's spiritual platform will be destroyed immediately!

Fortunately, after Lin Mo let go of Princess Yu'er, they didn't do anything untoward.

Lin Mo did not relax his vigilance and followed them to the top of Hanging Mountain.

Who would have thought that the top of this suspended mountain is actually a huge piece of land, and there are already traces of biological activity on this land. You can even see buildings from a distance that look like castles.

"It's interesting!" Lin Mo looked at those castles: "Who lives there? Is he the owner of this Hanging Mountain?"

"Xuankong Mountain has no owner!" Princess Yu'er shook her head: "The reason why the Holy Mountain is called the Holy Mountain is because there are only five mountains in the entire abyss that can be called Holy Mountains!

Xuankong Mountain is one of them. Xuankong Mountain contains the ultimate secret of martial arts!

After countless years of accumulation, if those who come to Xuankong Mountain to participate in the selection are really selected, they will get the Holy Fruit and turn around and leave, but most people will not get the Holy Fruit.

But many people did not choose to leave after the selection, but stayed on Hanging Mountain.

In their opinion, this place is called the Holy Mountain, so it naturally has a special place, and they always feel that if they stay here, they can gain the power of the Holy Mountain, and sooner or later they can break through to the realm of Emperor Wu!

The castles in front of you are all places where the original people stayed! "

After being introduced by Princess Yu'er, Lin Mo nodded.

Just like many believers outside many temples in China, they voluntarily live in huts for the sake of the faith in their hearts.

"How pious!" Lin Mo said with emotion: "Has anyone here become the Martial Emperor over the years?"

Lin Mo suddenly became curious and looked at Princess Yu'er.

"Yes!" Before Princess Yu'er could speak, Guard A on the side spoke first with a proud look on his face: "Our Lord is the one who served the gods after twenty years of forbearance, and then he came to where he is now. realm!"

"Shut up!" Princess Yu'er pressed guard A with anger on her face. If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't move, she would have killed this idiot by now!

"So your father is the one who became the Martial Emperor after taking the Holy Fruit!" Lin Mo sighed with emotion.

Princess Yu'er's face showed a proud look: Now that you know the identity of my father, if you don't let me go quickly, if you dare to be one minute late, I will tell my father to kill you!

But Lin Mo didn't make any movement, still walking around with his hands behind his back.

Princess Yu'er felt the restriction on her body and tried to break it several times before giving up completely.

She finally understood that the reason why Lin Mo was there with his hands behind his back as if nothing was wrong was entirely because he knew that it was impossible for Princess Yu'er to escape.

"Princess Yu'er, long time no see..." Just as Princess Yu'er was scolding Lin Mo in her heart with anger on her face, a young man suddenly walked out of a room not far away.

The young man has black hair, a sunny smile on his face, and he looks very handsome.

At this moment, this young man was walking towards Lin Mo and the others with a few people.

"Tell him to go back!" At this moment, Lin Mo's voice sounded from Princess Yu'er's ears.

"Go back!" As soon as Lin Mo's voice fell, Princess Yu'er spoke loudly.

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