Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 339: Holy Mountain Messenger

"Tell him to go back!" At this moment, Lin Mo's voice sounded from Princess Yu'er's ears.

"Go back!" As soon as Lin Mo's voice fell, Princess Yu'er spoke loudly.

Hearing these words, the smile on the young man's face faded for a moment, and he looked at Princess Yu'er stiffly.

Soon his eyes moved and fell on Lin Mo beside him.

He heard clearly that it was Lin Mo who asked Princess Yu'er to drive him away earlier.

What the man didn't expect was that Princess Yu'er would listen to Lin Mo so much and directly tell him to get out in front of so many people!

"Princess... Lian Bo's family has always cooperated closely with our family. Isn't it a bit bad for you to treat him like this?!"

A guard spoke in a low voice and looked at Lin Mo with a somewhat unhappy expression.

"If you look at me again, I will smash your head to pieces!" Lin Mo said lightly.

The guard trembled, and he really didn't dare to say anything more.

"I am controlled by him now, I have no choice!" Princess Yu'er said lightly.

Lin Mo chuckled. From Princess Yu'er's attitude, Lin Mo clearly felt that the young man must be very disgusted by Princess Yu'er.

So Lin Mo is just an excuse.

"Yu'er, who is this?" Lian Bo collected his thoughts, looked at Lin Mo, and asked.

The eyes of the two guards who were controlled by Lin Mo suddenly lit up. If Lian Bo took action at this time, no matter how strong Lin Mo was, he would never be able to defeat so many people!

"I'm her boyfriend, what's wrong?" Lin Mo stepped forward directly, raised his hand and hugged Princess Yu'er's shoulders.

Princess Yu'er trembled, but quickly covered it up, and a smile quickly appeared on her face.

"His name is Lin Mo, and he is my man!" Princess Yu'er said calmly.

A coldness flashed in Lian Bo's eyes, and he stared at Lin Mo and said: "I didn't hear my uncle say that you have a boyfriend. If my uncle doesn't know about this, I think it's a little inappropriate!"

"Of course I will talk to my uncle. As for you, an outsider, it's better not to worry about it!" Lin Mo said lightly, and at the same time he took a step forward, pressing directly with the power of his blood: "As for now, you are blocking my way. Way to go!”

Both his tone and attitude were overwhelming, and Lian Bo's face flashed with intense hatred.

He stared at Princess Yu'er again for a few seconds, then snorted coldly and said, "In that case, I won't bother you!"

After that, he took a group of people and left directly.

Lin Mo looked at his back and curled his lips slightly.

"What a coward. I've already tried my best to deal damage, but I can still bear it!" Lin Mo chuckled and said, "I know some of you are monsters turned into humans. I want to know, this is called Lian Is it a turtle?"

Lian Bo, who was walking far away, heard Lin Mo's words, his eyes filled with hatred.

"Go and check, I want to know all the information about this person!" Lian Bo almost gritted his teeth and said: "You'd better have a strong background, otherwise I want you to be directly bitten to death by the ghost-faced bird!"

"Can you take your hands off my shoulders?"

After walking a certain distance, Yu'er spoke with a cold face.

"There are so many people watching here. You are my girlfriend now. It doesn't seem to be a problem for me to treat you like this, right?" Lin Mo said lightly: "Besides, don't you know what your status is now? How dare a prisoner Tell me so much, do you believe I will kill you now?”

As Lin Mo said this, there was already a terrifying force of energy and blood in the palm of his hand that was holding Yu'er's shoulders, condensed into something like a dagger, and it was pressed against her heart.

As long as Lin Mo has a thought, it is not difficult to kill Princess Yu'er.

Princess Yu'er's face was full of anger. In her country, she was loved by everyone, and no one would disobey her.

But now Lin Mo is so frivolous towards her, and most importantly, he wants to kill her at any time!

"By the way, what kind of monster are you? Do you have a tail?" Lin Mo looked at Princess Yu'er and said softly: "I think you should be a fox. After all, you are not bad... but you have all your tails. Where?"

Lin Mo's eyes slowly went down along Princess Yu'er's back...

Princess Yu'er felt as if there were ants crawling all over her body, and she was extremely uncomfortable.

Lin Mo's eyes were so bold.

"You..." Princess Yu'er looked at Lin Mo, her eyes filled with anger: "You treat me like this, just kill me!"

Lin Mo smiled lightly and looked away, but still put his hand on Princess Yu'er's shoulder.

In fact, on the one hand, this was for Lin Mo to control her better, and on the other hand, it was to disturb Princess Yu'er's mind.

Just as Lin Mo expected, Princess Yu'er was completely confused now.

"When will the selection you mentioned start?" Lin Mo looked at Yu'er and asked softly.

Now as time goes by, there are more and more people, and Lin Mo even sees some non-humanoid creatures.

There are also some humanoid creatures with human bodies, but there are shadows of animals on their heads or other places.

"I suspect that the creatures in the abyss are animals that have become spirits..." Lin Mo said again: "Look at the woman over there, she has a pair of deer ears. She looks furry, but she is a bit cute!

The woman you are looking at over there actually has a fox tail... Sorry, I saw it wrong, it is not naturally grown, but added later... You abyss creatures still know how to play! "

Lin Mo sighed.

Princess Yu'er rolled her eyes, but she could do nothing, because the woman Lin Mo was talking about did have a fox tail inserted into her body.

"You two, kill that woman for me!" Princess Yu'er said coldly.

The two guards subconsciously glanced at Lin Mo, and then reacted. Princess Yu'er was their master!

Thinking of this, they took action directly.

The woman only had time to scream before she was beaten to death!

After the death, some people screamed, and some looked at Lin Mo and others with curiosity.

Lin Mo had a faint smile on his face, and the two guards stood beside Princess Yu'er with their chests and heads held high.

"They dared to kill people in the Holy Mountain. Who are these two people! ”

“No matter who they are, they are bound to be in trouble. What is the Holy Mountain? Even if a Martial Emperor comes, they have to be respectful. They can't even fly! ”

“This is Princess Yu'er of the Jade Dynasty. She has a very high status. The king of the Jade Dynasty loves Princess Yu'er very much. At the same time, she is also very competitive. Some time ago, she got the inheritance of the Jade Dynasty and her strength reached the second-grade Martial Emperor realm!

The guards beside her should be his guards!

As for the man, he should be the prince of another great dynasty, otherwise how could Princess Yu'er like him! ”

“The Jade Dynasty should not be good enough in front of the Holy Mountain!”

“The Holy Mountain will not attack the Jade Dynasty because of a woman who sells her looks!”

Just as everyone started to discuss, footsteps suddenly came from a distance.

“Stop talking, the people from the Holy Mountain are coming down! "Someone in the crowd spoke in a low voice.

The figures of the crowd disappeared immediately, and they all looked towards the direction of the gate of the Holy Mountain.

At this time, Lin Mo saw the situation at the highest point of the Holy Mountain.

The place where they are now is a huge platform, and at the innermost of the platform, there is actually a huge door.

Through the door, you can see the flickering light inside. Although he doesn't know what the light is, Lin Mo can feel the terrifying power contained in those lights.

"That is the secret deep in the Holy Mountain. It is said that the holy fruit is produced from there!" Princess Yu'er on the side spoke slowly with an intoxicated look on her face.


Lin Mo did not respond, but spread his mental power towards the inside of the gate!


Just when the mental power approached the gate, the mental power shattered directly like glass!

Lin Mo's face suddenly became ugly. At the same time as the mental power was shattered, Lin Mo also suffered some backlash.

Because the one standing here is only Lin Mo's blood and qi clone, so the mental power is not that strong.

"Greetings to the Holy Mountain Messenger!"

"Greetings to the Holy Mountain Messenger! ”


The voices of the crowd rang out all around, and Lin Mo noticed that the two guards also saluted respectfully, with a very good attitude.

As for Princess Yu'er on the side, she was looking at Lin Mo.

She really wanted to see if Lin Mo would salute these envoys.

What she didn't expect was that Lin Mo saluted in the most standard way and with the loudest voice, just like an extremely devout believer!

Just when Princess Yu'er was about to mock Lin Mo, she suddenly found that several Holy Mountain envoys were actually walking straight towards Lin Mo!

Their speed was not slow, and their attitude was very clear. It could be seen at a glance that they were going for Lin Mo!

Such actions also attracted the attention of others, and they looked at Lin Mo and others one by one.

"Dare to make trouble in the Holy Mountain, and now the Holy Mountain envoys are coming up directly. It seems that these people are going to be unlucky!"

"Although the strength of the Holy Mountain envoys is not very strong, as long as they take action, these four people will die!"

"It seems that there is some kind of connection between the Holy Mountain and the Holy Mountain envoys. They can mobilize the power of the Holy Mountain! "


The people around started talking again. Their thoughts were very clear, that is, the reason why the Holy Mountain Messenger went to Lin Mo and the others was because the two guards killed people here.

The Holy Mountain Messenger was a punishment for them!

"I want to see how you escape!" In the crowd, Lian Bo's eyes were extremely cold. He looked at the direction where Lin Mo was and spoke coldly.

The faces of the two guards also became ugly, and they couldn't help but lean towards Princess Yu'er.

Because at this time, they felt that these Holy Mountain Messengers were probably going to Lin Mo.

They didn't want to be affected!

However, at this moment, the Holy Mountain Messenger suddenly knelt down in front of Lin Mo!

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