Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 364 She is not Lin Ya

"Did you offend someone?" Mother Wang Ping looked at Lin Mo with a worried look on her face: "What have you been doing outside these years?

Did you cause trouble at school?

Xiao Mo, if things are not good outside, go home, let's go back to our hometown!"

"Yes, go back to our hometown with us, I don't believe that those people can still follow us to our hometown?!" Father Lin Yong waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Mom and Dad, don't worry, I'm fine, I'm just worried about you!" Lin Mo smiled and shook his head: "And this time I come back, I'm going to improve your strength!"

"Improve our strength?" Lin Yong was stunned for a moment, then smiled and scolded: "You stinky boy, we are so old, how much can we improve our strength?

Okay, I know you have a lot of Qi and Blood Pills in your hand now, keep these things for yourself!"

"Yes, keep them for yourself, one more Qi and Blood, one more ability to protect yourself!" Wang Ping also said with a worried look on her face.

Lin Mo nodded helplessly. He was going to take the three of them to Rob City after Lin Ya came back, and then he would tell them about the holy fruit again.

Bang bang!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back!"

Lin Ya's voice came from outside the door.

"Xiao Ya is back, go open the door quickly!" Wang Ping looked at Lin Yong: "I'll go heat up the fish, and we'll have a good reunion today!"

"I'm coming!"

When Lin Yong got up and was about to open the door, Lin Mo raised his hand and pressed it.

Lin Mo took out his mobile phone and quickly typed a line of text: I'll go with you, the person outside the door may not be Lin Ya!

Lin Yong looked at the text on the phone, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

After nodding gently, he looked outside the door and saw that his face had changed to an ordinary one.

But Lin Mo saw a strange look in his eyes.

In fact, Lin Mo knew the reason for his father's expression: since the person outside the door might not be Lin Ya, did the real Lin Ya have an accident?

Lin Mo was furious. He was originally worried that these people would implicate his family, so he wanted to bring them all to Rob City.

Now he didn't expect that they would actually take the lead and attack his sister.

Unconsciously, a cold killing intent had gathered on Lin Mo, and it was completely restrained under his control.


The door opened, and Lin Ya stood outside the door.

"Xiao Ya is back! Come in!" Lin Yong's heart, which was originally hanging, was relieved the moment he saw Lin Ya. He thought that Lin Mo was overthinking, so he stepped aside to let someone in.

At this time, Lin Ya also saw Lin Mo standing behind Lin Yong.

"Brother, why are you back!" Lin Ya's face was full of surprise.

"Come back and have a look!" Lin Mo nodded with a smile, and nonchalantly blamed: "You have a forgetful character, why didn't you bring the key my mother gave you!"

"Hehe, I forgot it at school!" Lin Ya stuck out her tongue: "Besides, my parents are at home, why should I bring the key!"

After that, he directly pulled Lin Yong's arm: "Dad, look at my brother, he talks about me as soon as he comes back, you teach him a lesson for me!"

It's exactly like a daughter and a father.

"Haha, okay, I'll deal with him later!" Lin Yong laughed twice and walked towards the living room with Lin Ya.

Lin Mo looked at Lin Yong's other hand that was clenched into a fist, and sighed slightly in his heart.

It seems that even his father saw the problem with his previous test.

Because Lin Mo didn't know whether his parents had prepared a key for Lin Ya, he just asked casually.

Unexpectedly, Lin Ya continued what he said.

But Lin Mo naturally couldn't easily judge that the person in front of him was not Lin Ya based on these.

If you want to judge it thoroughly, you need other means.

"Xiaoya, are you doing well in school recently? If you have any problems with your practice, feel free to ask your brother!" Lin Yong looked at Lin Ya and said with a smile.

"I do have a lot of questions to ask my brother!" Lin Ya nodded: "But let's eat first. I haven't eaten my mother's cooking for a long time!"

Lin Mo and others also laughed.

At this time, Wang Ping had already walked out with the fish.

Lin Mo and Lin Yong also stood up, walked into the kitchen, and brought the food to the table.

Seeing them stand up, Lin Ya also stood up and walked towards the prescription.

"Xiaoya, what are you doing with me? Wash your hands and eat!" Wang Ping didn't know anything about the outside, so he stood up and pulled Lin Ya.

Lin Ya was stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded: "Hehe, I just want to help!"

After that, she sat down on the chair honestly.

After all the food was served, the family ate happily.

Lin Yong seemed very happy and opened a bottle of Wuliangye, which made Wang Ping scold him.

"The kids are back, I'm happy today, it's okay to have two drinks!!" Lin Yong said with narrowed eyes.

"Mom, let Dad drink, it's just right for me to drink with my dad!" Lin Mo smiled and took the white wine over, and poured a glass for Lin Yong and himself.

After drinking the wine, Lin Mo took a look at the fish and laughed immediately. With lightning speed, he opened the belly of the fish, picked up a large piece of fish roe, and put it in his bowl.

"Hahaha, didn't expect that I got the fish roe today!" Lin Mo smiled proudly at Lin Ya.

Lin Ya was stunned for a moment, then pouted: "I don't care, I love eating fish roe the most. Dad, Mom, look at him, he always bullies me..."

At this point, Lin Ya's voice suddenly dropped because she found that something was wrong with the atmosphere at the dinner table.

Wang Ping looked at her with surprise, while Lin Yong looked at her with sadness and indignation.

"Dad, Mom... why are you all looking at me like this?" Lin Yaqiang asked with a smile.

"You haven't liked eating fish roe since you were a child. You think you will eat a lot of small fish in one bite, which is cruel, so you don't want to eat it." Lin Mo said quietly.

"Lin Ya"'s expression changed drastically, and she was about to rush towards Wang Ping in the next moment.

She wanted to take Wang Ping as a hostage to blackmail Lin Mo.

But Lin Mo has been on guard ever since Lin Ya entered the door. Now that her identity has been completely revealed, he has no scruples about taking action.


There were fluctuations of Qi and blood in the air.

Lin Mo's energy and blood power has reached a terrifying value of half a million. At this moment, using the spiritual realm is like destroying everything, covering it all at once.

"Lin Ya"'s expression froze, and the next moment, she was pulled into the spiritual world.

After entering the spiritual realm, her appearance began to change rapidly, and she eventually became a woman of about twenty-five years old.

She was dressed in a black spiritual body, with two flashes of red in her eyes, and she looked heroic.

The woman held a knife in both hands and assumed a killing stance.

Lin Mo's eyes were cold, he was the well-deserved king in the spiritual realm.

One hand stretched slightly, then clenched suddenly.

The power of Qi and blood surged, forming a huge hand in front of her, holding the woman tightly.

The woman was struggling desperately, but to no avail.

Lin Mo's palm became tighter and tighter, and the woman's face turned blood red, looking like she was suffocating.


In reality, Lin Mo pressed the woman onto the table so hard that the table broke into pieces!

The spiritual realm has dissipated, and the woman has been subdued!

"Neon Man!"

Lin Yong looked at the woman in Lin Mo's hand and couldn't help but speak.

The woman in front of her is indeed dressed like a ninja, especially in the black clothes on her body. You can vaguely see a few neon words and the unique family crest of a ninja.

"Where is Lin Ya?" Lin Mo looked at the woman and asked in a deep voice.

"Want to know?" The woman spoke in Chinese language, but with a mocking look on her lips: "I'll give you the holy fruit in exchange!"

"Okay!" Lin Mo nodded without hesitation: "As long as you can ensure that Lin Ya is safe, I can give you all the holy fruits on my body!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several sealed fruits appeared on the broken table in front of Lin Mo.

Seeing the nine fruits in front of her, the woman's face immediately showed an excited look.

According to their information, Lin Mo did have nine fruits left.

Now in order to save Lin Ya, all of them were taken out.

"Give me the fruit and let me go, and then your sister will come back naturally!" the woman said calmly.

However, as soon as the words fell, Lin Mo's hands clenched suddenly.

The woman couldn't help but scream because of the huge pain.

"Do you think I'm a fool?" Lin Mo said coldly: "I'll take the fruit and go with you!

Handle people with one hand and fruits with the other! "

The woman was silent for a moment, then nodded.

This time, she didn't come by herself.

What's more, in order to deal with Lin Mo, they also contacted some helpers.

"Dad, Mom, don't worry, I will rescue Xiaoya!" When Lin Mo went out again, he turned around and glanced at Lin Yong and Wang Ping: "I have sent people over, and they will protect you!"

Wang Ping and Lin Yong nodded. They would not shirk at this time because they knew very well that they could not cause trouble to Lin Mo at this time.

After confirming that the Ye family would arrange for someone to come over soon, Lin Moche was completely relieved.

He led the woman and ran all the way, following her instructions and leaving Jinling.

"Lin Mo, you should be very aware of how powerful the Black Dragon Society is now. I think you can become one of us!" The woman looked at Lin Mo and suddenly spoke.

"Become a member of the Black Dragon Club?" Hearing this, Lin Mo suddenly laughed: "Neon, the Japanese, want me to be with you?

Have you ever seen a dragon and a hyena walking together? "

There was an angry look on the woman's face. Lin Mo's words did not take the Black Dragon Society seriously at all!

"Lin Mo, the Black Dragon Society has been deployed in China for many years. You can't even imagine how powerful we are!"

The woman said solemnly: "This time, for the sake of the Holy Fruit, we will use power that will shock you."

Lin Mo chuckled and didn't take these words seriously.

The two of them ran all the way and finally stopped at the foot of Huangshan Mountain in Wancheng.

"Lin Ya is on the mountain. Should you go up, or should you give me a call and ask them to send people down?" The woman looked at Lin Mo, her tone full of provocation: "I can tell you clearly, there are many arrangements on the mountain. If there is no one to guide you, if you make a wrong move, you will be in danger!"

"Go up the mountain!" Lin Mo chuckled and said: "Although the provoking method is useless to me, I don't like your face very much.

Makes me sick! "

The woman's expression turned vicious again.

Lin Mo could really make her extremely angry with just a few words!

"Since you are looking for death... then let's go!" the woman thought viciously in her heart.

But Lin Mo was thinking: Since you guys have put your faces in front of me, I would be sorry if I don’t slap you hard!

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