
Lin Mo was holding the woman in one hand, but the speed of his feet was getting faster and faster.

The spiritual perception escaped, overwhelmingly covering the front.

At the same time, inside Lin Mo's spiritual platform, the spiritual seed trembled slightly, a crack appeared on it, and a small figure was vaguely visible inside!

While the woman was surprised at Lin Mo's speed, she was thinking about seeing Lin Mo being hit by a machine and then seriously injured.

But as time went by, she discovered that Lin Mo seemed to be able to avoid danger every time, and then walked through the mountains and forests at the fastest speed.

"No... this is impossible!" The woman exclaimed in her heart, but she couldn't say anything because she was about to reach the place where they were temporarily hiding.

Huangshan covers a large area, and because of its steep terrain, there are many places that have not yet been explored.

These places are actually nothing to martial arts cultivators like them.

When Lin Mo went all the way up and finally saw the platform the woman mentioned, his speed did not slow down at all.


With a leap in the air, Lin Mo directly crossed the last few dozen meters and stood firmly on the platform.

The woman was so frightened by Lin Mo's jump that she almost lost her wits. She waited until Lin Mo landed smoothly before she breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she looked at the cave not far from the platform and shouted: "Come out, everyone, I've brought you!"

After the voice fell, Lin Mo heard footsteps coming from Shandong, followed by a group of people walking out.

One of them was wearing a white short skirt and there seemed to be tears on his face.

"Xiaoya!" Seeing her, Lin Mo's eyes turned cold and he shouted.

Lin Ya, who was originally tearful, raised her head when she heard the voice, and a look of surprise immediately appeared on her face: "Brother!"

"Lin Mo, you are finally here, hand over the Kyushu Order!" One of the figures slowly walked out, looked at Lin Mo and shouted in a deep voice.

"Jiuzhou Order? People from the Zhu family?" Lin Mo took out the Jiuzhou Order. The original three tokens were now fused into one.

Now on this token, three faint lights are flashing, and the three characters are also flashing.

Seeing the Kyushu Order, a flash of light suddenly flashed in the eyes of several people.

One of them rushed towards Lin Mo directly.


Lin Mo raised his foot and kicked the man directly without hesitation.

With a muffled sound, the man was kicked away and then hit the wall hard. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. It looked like he would not survive.

"Lin Mo, you are so brave!" Seeing Lin Mo dare to kill someone, the Zhu family's face turned green: "Believe it or not, I will kill this woman right now!"

"If you kill her, I guarantee that you will not get the Jiuzhou Order. In addition, from now on, your Zhu family should not think about stability!

I will not be prepared to kill your people at all times, I will do it when you are sleeping, I will do it when you are eating, I will do it when you are in a meeting..."

Lin Mo stared into the man's eyes and spoke word by word.

It was such a plain statement, but the man couldn't help but shudder.

A sinister aura swept out of Lin Mo's body and enveloped several people.

"Lin Mo, according to the agreement, you will give us all the holy fruits, and we will let your sister go!" The woman couldn't help but speak at this time.

Until now, Lin Mo was still holding her with one hand.

She wanted to struggle, but the hand restrained her like an iron pincer.

"If you dare to move again, I will kill you too!" Lin Mo said lightly: "I only promised you to hand over the holy fruit, but I didn't say I would spare you!"

After the words fell, the woman's body suddenly stiffened, and she no longer dared to move.

Bang bang bang!

At this time, a burst of applause sounded, and a man slowly walked out from the crowd.

"Hello, Your Excellency Lin Mo, my name is Umekawa Uiku, you can call me Umekawa-kun!" Umekawa Uiku walked out with a smile on his face and clapped his hands: "Your Excellency, your courage makes me proud. I appreciate it very much. On behalf of the president, I invite you to join the Black Dragon Club!

I promise that as long as you can join, your status in the association will not be lower than mine! "

The faces of the woman in Lin Mo's hand and the several neon people present changed drastically.

Umekawa Uchiku is also ranked extremely high in the entire Black Dragon Club, and is one of the dozen or so people with the highest status.

Now, he actually said that Lin Mo's position would not be lower than his!

When such words fell in their ears, it was like thunder!

Could it be that Lin Mo's weight in their hearts was so terrifying?

"This is the holy fruit, let my sister go!" Lin Mo did not reply, but took out all the holy fruits and laid them out one by one.

Seeing the holy fruit in front of Lin Mo, a group of people's eyes turned red.

A total of nine holy fruits represent the positions of several Martial Emperors!

And there were exactly nine of them in total... As for the woman in Lin Mo's hand, they didn't include them at all.

So...as long as you kill other people, these holy fruits will be enough for each of them...

Thinking of this, Umekawauchi glanced at the others, and his eyes became lively.

Lin Mo saw all these people's eyes, but he was sneering in his heart.

The strength of these people is not weak, there is actually a seventh-grade Martial Emperor among several Neon people!

"Let my sister go!" Lin Mo looked at Meichuan Neiku: "You should know that if you don't keep your word, I will definitely find a way to destroy these fruits!"

Meichuan Neiku snapped his fingers, and the people holding Lin Ya immediately let go.

Lin Ya staggered two steps, and then walked forward.

"Brother!" Lin Ya stood in front of Lin Mo and threw herself into his arms.

Lin Mo patted her back, and his mental power had already swept around her body.

After confirming that she was not hurt, he was completely relieved.

"You go down the mountain first, pay attention to these places..." Lin Mo spoke softly, and at the same time raised his hand and gently tapped Lin Ya's head.

Lin Ya's body trembled, and suddenly some more information appeared in her mind.

That was the route down the mountain. Lin Mo's mental power was now enough to leave information in other people's minds.

Lin Ya hesitated, then turned around and looked at the others, and then turned around and left.

Watching Lin Ya leave, no one stopped her.

Meichuan Neiku just looked at Lin Mo indifferently: "Mr. Lin Mo, can we take the holy fruit now?"

Lin Mo made a gesture of invitation.

Nine holy fruits immediately flew up and flew towards Meichuan Neiku.

After getting the fruit, Meichuan Neiku smiled, and after carefully checking the fruit, the smile became even stronger.

Someone had already taken a delicate container and put the holy fruit in it.

This container is made of special materials. The fruit will not lose its medicinal effect when placed in it, but it will be like it is still on the holy tree!

"Good stuff!" Lin Mo sighed. It is not very safe to seal the fruit with the power of blood and qi, but this way of packing is obviously more advanced.

Meichuan Neiku just smiled in his heart, and did not care about Lin Mo's sigh at all.

As for others, they looked at Lin Mo with a mocking look.

"In front of our Japanese craftsmanship, you pathetic Chinese people can only sigh!" Some Japanese people thought so in their hearts.

The reason why Lin Mo praised at this moment was actually just because he felt that these boxes were really great for him to store things.

"Okay, there's no problem with the things. In that case, we can start!" Meichuan Neiku asked people to put away the holy fruit, and then looked at Lin Mo and spoke mockingly.

"Hahaha, do you think we won't do anything to you if we take the fruit!

Ridiculous, we just said we would let your sister go, but we didn't say we would let you go!

Also, after we control you, we will catch your sister back!

After all, she was released, and she didn't run away, so it's not our fault, right!

You don't know, my group of brothers have been coveting your sister for a long time!

It's just that they haven't done it all along. After they catch her back, they will enjoy it in front of you, hehe!"

A group of people also laughed.

Especially those people from the Zhu family, they laughed the happiest.



At this moment, a burst of blood suddenly rushed into the sky and fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the remaining people showed shocked expressions on their faces.

They looked at Lin Mo standing there, and then looked at the head on the ground.

Umekawa Neiku's head was full of shock, as if he couldn't believe that Lin Mo would chop off his head so quickly.

"Do it!" The remaining people were just stunned for a moment, and then they immediately shouted to start!

These people acted very quickly, and it was obvious that they had already done the drill.

The Zhu family and the Japanese people were divided into two waves, but each wave was very tricky.


Lin Mo first crushed the woman in his hand to death, and then rushed into the crowd.


A light shone on one of the Zhu family.


A purple text appeared above him.

Then Lin Mo saw that the remaining few people in the Zhu family began to have auras constantly gathering towards this person!

This gathering speed was very fast. In just a few breaths, Lin Mo felt that the man's mental power seemed to have increased tenfold!

"At least 600,000 spiritual points!" Lin Mo felt the spiritual power of the man, and a solemn look appeared on his face.

Just this word "condensation" gathered the spiritual power of these people!


Just when Lin Mo was shocked, a huge fist print had already hit Lin Mo!

Lin Mo's eyes changed slightly, and his body retreated successively, avoiding the punch, and then...

Ghostly trace! Charge forward!


Lin Mo, who was in the forward state, entered a short invincible state!


The ice sword swung, cutting off a large piece of frost!

The person who just punched turned into a frost!


Smashed with a punch!

Another one died!

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