According to legend, there is a god in this world named Odin, and the weapon he holds in his hand is named Kungunir.

This is a gun of fate, which represents the disappearance of the target the moment it is thrown.

At this moment, Lin Mo threw out the Dragon Spear in his hand.

He stands proudly above the sky, only a hundred meters away from the ground.

But after the gun in his hand was thrown, the power of Qi and blood expanded instantly, and then there was an explosion from the long gun, which was the roar produced after the speed exceeded the speed of sound.

The distance of a hundred meters was only a blink of an eye, but everyone felt as if a meteor streaked across the sky above the Zhu family, and then hit the ground hard!

The moment the Dragon Spear landed, the whole world seemed to be silenced. Everyone's eyes were stunned by the terrifying brilliance emanating from the Dragon Spear.

Those golden lights seemed to have tens of thousands of scorching suns sinking and annihilating there.

Then there was a terrifying roar, like the beginning of the world.

The pavilion collapsed, the light swallowed everything, and the Zhu family turned into ashes in an instant.

Just as Lin Mo said, the Zhu family will no longer exist!

The Dragon Spear also slowly dissipated, and Lin Mo walked down step by step from the air.

His face was pale, with almost no blood visible.

You can't feel any fluctuations in the power of Qi, blood, or mental power from his body.

At this moment, some people from the Zhu family were hanging in the air, looking at Lin Mo calmly.

Everyone felt Lin Mo's weakness, but when those in the Zhu family saw Lin Mo, they didn't dare to show any hatred in their eyes.

"The spiritual seed has shriveled up!" Lin Mo looked at himself at the moment and saw that the spiritual seed hanging in the spiritual sea was somewhat shriveled up.

He tried to run the Thunder Breathing Technique to awaken the seeds, but no matter how he ran the breathing technique, there was no energy and blood around him to gather around him.

"Lin Mo, are you okay?" Wei Yunlong and Chen Banzi stood beside Lin Mo and asked softly.

"I'm fine." Lin Mo smiled and shook his head. He glanced at the Zhu family that had been reduced to ruins and felt refreshed in his heart.

The depression that had accumulated for so long disappeared instantly.

"What to do next?" Xie Meng also came up to him, with a worried look in his eyes: "Do you want to leave here?"

"Don't worry!" Lin Mo waved his hand, broke away from the support of Wei Yunlong and Chen Banzi, and walked step by step towards the people of the Zhu family gathered there.

Everyone took half a step back almost subconsciously. Some women even lowered their heads, not even daring to look at Lin Mo.

"The Zhu family has attacked me many times and wanted to kill me. Today, I, Lin Mo, came to visit just for revenge.

People from the Zhu family can still take action against me at any time in the future. I, Lin Mo, will take over this cause and effect! "

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the door.

Wei Yunlong, Chen Banzi and Xie Meng hurriedly chased after him.

"Master... help me!" Just as the three of them were catching up with Lin Mo, a soft voice suddenly sounded in Chen Banzi's ears.

Chen Banzi was stunned for a moment, then looked at Lin Mo, and at the same time noticed that Wei Yunlong standing on the other side was also looking at him with a strange face.

The two of them approached Lin Mo quietly, and each released a touch of energy and blood, as if dragging Lin Mo's body.


A figure appeared in front of everyone in the Zhu family. He first glanced at the corpses of the three elders on the ground, his eyes full of horror.

Then he looked at the ruins of the Zhu family and trembled all over.

Finally he looked at the remaining people of the Zhu family.

In fact, not many people in the Zhu family died at this moment, but the death of the three elders was equivalent to cutting off the top combat power of the Zhu family at once.

Looking at the whole of Xu City, the Zhu family suddenly changed from the second-ranked family to a family ranked only in the top five.

Even if other resources are included, the Zhu family's ranking should be even lower.

In this battle, it can be said that the entire Zhu family suffered heavy losses!

"Second Elder!" Zhu Qin stepped forward. As the head of the family, his face was extremely ugly, and there was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth. That was the blood that flowed out when the Dragon Spear destroyed the Zhu family.

"I am incompetent and unable to protect the Zhu family. I ask the second elder to revoke my position as head of the family and expel me from the Zhu family! And declare to the public that from now on, I have no relationship with the Zhu family!"

Zhu Qin said in a deep voice: "This huge Zhu family has been destroyed, and there is such a blood feud. Someone has to avenge it!"

The second elder looked at Zhu Qin, and after a long time, he suddenly shook his head and said: "That's it, that's all, it's my Zhu family who plotted against others. Now they only destroyed the place where everyone in my Zhu family lives, and they didn't kill us all. Let this matter go!"

"But the second elder..." Zhu Qin looked unwilling: "Is it possible that my Zhu family just swallowed this sigh of relief?"

"Otherwise, if you go to assassinate Lin Mo, it will be fine if you succeed. If you fail, can our Zhu family withstand Lin Mo's second shot?!"

Zhu Qin was silent for a moment.

"The Zhu family, we can't just let it go!"

Just when Zhu Qin was convinced, a voice sounded.

Xi Rui, who was so suppressed by Lin Mo that he could not lift his head up, and almost had his head chopped off by Lin Mo with a single shot, suddenly spoke.

The second elder and Zhu Qin looked at him.

A piece of cloth was tied around Xi Rui's neck to block the wound, but it could be seen that the piece of cloth was wet and there was blood seeping out.

The dragon's aura was so terrifying that the wound still cannot be healed.

"Mr. Xi." Zhu Qin spoke first.

Xi Rui stood there and looked at the second elder quietly.

The second elder's eyes flashed, and finally he took the initiative to step forward, clasping his fists and saying, "Mr. Xi, what advice do you have?"

"Hahaha, the second elder is trying to hurt me. You are the elder, how can you clasp your fists and salute me?! You are really trying to hurt me! Hahaha!"

Xi Hao laughed and stepped forward, holding the second elder's hands.

"Mr. Xi, what advice can you give me, the Zhu family?" The second elder didn't take Xi Rui's attitude seriously, but looked at him and asked again.

"I don't dare to give you advice." Xi Rui smiled and shook his head: "It's just that the Zhu family is in this state. If we can't get this breath back, I'm worried that the Zhu family will be doomed from now on!"

The second elder's eyes flashed, and he said coldly: "My Zhu family just gave up, but if anyone dares to take advantage of my Zhu family because of this matter, I will kill them completely even if they risk my life!" "

The second elder's voice was filled with endless anger, and his murderous intent burst out in an instant.

Especially those eyes that were staring at Xi Rui so hard that it sent shivers down his spine.

"Hahaha, the second elder is domineering!" Xi Rui quickly laughed and revealed the matter: "Xi came here this time for the Zhu family's affairs. It's a pity that his strength is low and he is no match for that kid. He can only watch. He watched the Zhu family be destroyed.

I feel guilty and am willing to help the Zhu family regain its glory!

I would like to express my opinion on behalf of the Xi family. Our Xi family will arrange for ten experts from the peak of the Martial Emperor to protect the Zhu family!

Second elder, the head of the Zhu family, please don’t let down the good intentions of my Xi family!

If I refuse, it may not be easy for me to explain when I go back! "

At this point, his tone was filled with a strong sense of threat.

Zhu Qin's expression changed again and again, while the second elder beside him looked at Xi Rui with a serious expression.

Xi Rui felt the gaze, but looked back calmly.

"What, the second elder doesn't need the help of the Xi family?" Xi Rui said softly: "Only those who are friends with my Xi family can live better!"

"Thank you, Mr. Xi!" At this time, Zhu Qin suddenly spoke, and at the same time raised his hand to hold the second elder's palm.

The second elder looked at Zhu Qin, whose eyes were red, and a faint vapor could be seen vaguely lingering there.

"In that case, I will bring them as soon as possible!" Xi Rui laughed, raised his hand and patted Zhu Qin on the shoulder, then turned and left.

Perhaps because he was so happy, more blood spurted out from the wound again and began to flow down his neck.

Xi Rui's face changed slightly, and he couldn't help but speed up his return. If he, a powerful Martial Emperor, died due to excessive blood loss, it would be a joke!

"Thank you for your hard work!" Looking at Xi Rui's retreating back, the second elder raised his hand and patted Zhu Qin on the shoulder, saying softly.

"The Zhu family is today because I made the wrong decision that day." Zhu Qin said solemnly: "Lin Mo took revenge on my Zhu family for a reason. It was our fault, so I am convinced, but The Xi family..."

He didn't say anything else, but they both understood each other in their hearts.

The Xi family took advantage of the situation and just planted nails in the Zhu family. They said they were protecting the Zhu family, but in fact they were equivalent to taking control of the Zhu family!

"No more, no more!"

At this moment, large drops of sweat continued to flow down Lin Mo's face. He panted and asked Wei Yunlong, Chen Banzi and others to stop. He sat on a stone alone, breathing heavily.

It had been an hour since he left Zhu's house, and he still didn't have any fluctuations in his energy and blood.

If it weren't for the huge space of the spiritual sea in his body, Lin Mo would have doubted whether he was useless.

"What's going on with you kid? How can you exert such great power? And what's wrong with you now? You're like a weakling!" Wei Yunlong looked at Lin Mo and frowned slightly.

He tried to use his mental power to explore Lin Mo's body, and then he was stunned.

"What's going on? Speak!" Chen Banzi looked at Wei Yunlong's appearance and was speechless, urging loudly.

"Teacher, take a look for yourself!" Wei Yunlong spread his hands and looked extremely ugly.

Chen Banzi looked at his disciple's appearance, and his expression became serious. He mobilized his own energy and blood to look at Lin Mo.

When Lin Mo's current state was confirmed, he was stunned.

"How could this happen? How could this happen?!" He murmured in despair.

Lin Mo was a little confused by their appearance and couldn't help but said: "Master, Master, you scared me to death like this, what's wrong with me?"

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