Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 375 You were deceived by him!

"There is no energy or blood in your meridians, and there is no sign of spiritual power flowing.

There is no trace of spiritual power left in the spiritual platform, just like an ordinary person.

I use my mental power to pass through your body, just like water passing through a sieve, unable to remain..."

Chen Banzi thought for a while and then looked at Wei Yunlong: "Yunlong, try using the power of Qi and blood!"

Wei Yunlong nodded solemnly, stepped forward and took Lin Mo's right hand in his hand, while holding his pulse gate.

Lin Mo felt the power of qi and blood flow from Wei Yunlong's fingertips, pour into Lin Mo's meridians, and then dissipate directly.

Feeling such a change, Lin Mo's expression also changed.

"Teacher, I need more energy and blood to be stored in the spiritual sea!" Lin Mo looked at Wei Yunlong and said in a deep voice.

Wei Yunlong nodded, and more qi and blood power began to flow out. Even though the meridians were constantly escaping, most of the qi and blood power was still gathered on the spiritual sea!

Just when Lin Mo thought that the gathered power of Qi and blood could turn into the sea water of the spiritual sea, he saw that the power of Qi and blood dissipated completely!

You know, that is close to 100,000 points of energy and blood power, and now it has completely dissipated!

"Alas!" Wei Yunlong sighed and looked at Lin Mo: "The previous attack was too draining for you, and it may have directly consumed all your martial arts instincts.

Without the martial arts instinct, mental power cannot be stored, and the power of Qi and blood cannot last forever. "

When Lin Mo heard this, he basically understood his current state.

To put it bluntly, he is now completely useless!

Moreover, this abolished state is still different from Wei Yunlong's original state.

Wei Yunlong's meridians were only broken, but he, Lin Mo, had lost his martial arts instinct, and it would be difficult for him to embark on the path of martial arts again!

Chen Banzi and others all looked ugly. Lin Mo was their disciple or disciple. Originally, they were optimistic about Lin Mo, but now, Lin Mo has been directly discarded.

"Go to treatment, there is always a way!" After a moment, Chen Banzi suddenly said: "I will go into the abyss tomorrow to see if there is a way to treat it!

Yunlong and Principal Xie, you two should check if there are any books that can treat this condition!

If there is a method abroad, then go abroad! "

"How about you try eating a holy fruit?" Wei Yunlong suddenly spoke as if he had thought of something.

Lin Mo nodded, and with a thought, a holy fruit appeared in his hand. After thinking for a while, he took a big bite.

The warm feeling slowly flowed down the body, but in the end there was nothing left.

After eating the entire holy fruit, Lin Mo still didn't feel anything, whether it was mental power or blood power, there was no reaction at all.

"It's so useless!" Lin Mo smiled helplessly.

Wei Yunlong was still about to say something, but he saw Chen Banzi's face change slightly, and said eagerly: "Stop talking now, leave here immediately, someone is catching up with you!"

The faces of several people changed drastically, and they turned around and rushed towards the distance with Lin Mo.

"Hahaha, you guys have eliminated a serious problem for our Xu family. Why are we leaving before I, the Xu family, have a chance to thank you all?"

A loud laugh sounded from behind, followed by endless energy and blood.

The second-grade peak Martial Emperor!

Feeling this aura, the expressions of several people changed drastically.

They had already consumed too much in the previous battle, and now facing a powerful second-grade Martial Emperor, they couldn't resist even if they joined forces!

"Who is your Excellency?" Seeing that he couldn't leave, the strongest Chen Banzi took the initiative to step forward and asked with his fists clasped.

"Xu family Xu Yin." The visitor said with a smile, but his eyes fell on Lin Mo. He nodded and said: "You are the Lin Mo who shot the Zhu family with one shot. You are indeed a talented person, but it's a pity that you are not me. Descendants of the Xu family.

Otherwise, my Xu family might be able to take another step forward, but it’s a pity! Pity! "

Xu Yinlian said it was a pity, and at the same time he said softly: "I have lost my martial arts instinct. It seems that the consumption in the previous battle was too great, right?"

"Senior Xu, you have also seen that Lin Mo is not in good condition now. We need to take him back to find a way to treat him...

As for the Xu family, I will definitely pay them a visit someday! "

Wei Yunlong spoke with a smile, then turned around and left with Lin Mo.

But a wisp of qi had locked onto them, and at the same time the power of qi and blood enveloped them, making them unable to move.

"The child is sick. It's best not to rush. Our Xu family happens to have a famous doctor who can treat the injury. Maybe there is a way to treat it?" Xu Yinpi said with a smile: "I kindly invite a few of you. If you don't give me face, I'm afraid it won't be justified!

After all, no one has been able to refuse me alive since I was born! "

The last sentence is already a threat to Chi Guoguo!

Lin Mo's expression suddenly turned cold.

Chen Banzi watched this scene and said in a deep voice: "Xu Yin, although there is a gap in strength between you and me, if the three of us take action, even if you succeed, you will probably lose half your life!

Think twice! "

"Threaten me?" Xu Yin sneered: "I want to see what the three of you can do! Come on! Let me take a good look!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was about to take action. The power of Qi and blood enveloped all directions, and strong winds suddenly rose up, twisting around like giant gray dragons.

"Master, teacher, thank you principal, hold him for a while. Anyway, I have lost my martial arts instinct. In this case, it is better to attack with all my strength. After killing this person later, you take me to the Xu family!"

Lin Mo spoke softly, then stepped back, hiding directly behind the three of them, and sat down cross-legged.

"Huh, bluff!" Xu Yin's expression changed, but he soon sneered, then raised his hand and clenched his fist fiercely, and the tornado rushed towards Lin Mo and others!

But Lin Mo sat there without any reaction at all.

On the contrary, Chen Banzi, Wei Yunlong and others pounced directly on those tornadoes. They used all their strength to destroy all the tornadoes.

Lin Mo opened his eyes slightly and said, "Half an hour!"

After saying that, he took out a Qi and Blood Pill and swallowed it.

"The game is loading..."

After entering the game, Lin Mo chose to enter the Rob Abyss without hesitation.

The moment he stepped into the abyss, Lin Mo felt the whereabouts of the blood clone. After conveying his call to him, Lin Mo sat there and waited quietly.

Time was running out, he only had half an hour.

Not long after, there was a fluctuation of energy and blood in the distance, it was Lin Mo's clone!

Feeling the terrifying fluctuations on the clone, Lin Mo was a little surprised.

Xiao Lu told Lin Mo that the Qi and blood clone might be stronger than the previous one.

Lin Mo didn't have much idea at that time, but now looking at the clone in front of him, he finally understood Xiao Lu's good intentions.

"Come out with me!" Lin Mo said softly.

The blood clone nodded and followed Lin Mo out of the abyss.

The people who were fighting suddenly stopped, then looked at Lin Mo, and their eyes widened.

The power of Qi and blood in Lin Mo was increasing rapidly.

In just a few breaths, he has already broken through to the Martial Emperor realm!

And this aura is still increasing, as if... there is no end!

"Master, teacher..." Lin Mo did not transform the Qi and blood clone, but let him exist in his dream for a short time, while he woke up.

"kill him!"

After saying the last three words, Xu Yin's expression changed wildly.

At that moment, he ignited his own life force without hesitation, and then ran away madly in the direction of Xu Cheng!

"The Xu family, form a formation! Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Crazy roars resounded, and Xu Yin was really panicked, because the scene where Lin Mo destroyed the Zhu family with one shot still seemed to be emerging in front of his eyes.

Even the Xu family may not be able to withstand such a shot!

If he really destroyed the Xu family because of his own greed, then the gain would outweigh the loss!

Thinking of this, how dare he delay even a little bit, or even ignite his vitality, he must escape as soon as possible so that the Xu family can be prepared.

"Stop him!"

Seeing that Lin Mo had already stood up, Wei Yunlong immediately stepped forward, roared, and was about to rush forward.

Chen Banzi was faster, stretched out his hand to catch him, then raised his hand and slapped him: "Are you stupid, now is such a good opportunity, run away!

Can't you see that Lin Mo is trying to scare people?

Dare you catch up and stop him? I don’t know how he died by then!

Even if Lin Mo recovers, do you really want him to perish after destroying the Xu family? "

Only then did Wei Yunlong react. He quickly picked up Lin Mo and ran away in the direction of Luobu Giant City.

"We can all see that Lin Mo is pretending, why can't Xu Yin see it?"

Wei Yunlong couldn't help but ask.

"Because he doesn't dare to gamble!" Chen Banzi said angrily: "If Lin Mo can really use that shot again, the Xu family may really be doomed!

Who dares to bet on this possibility? "

With Chen Banzi's explanation, Wei Yunlong finally understood.

Lin Mo took advantage of this opportunity to put the blood clone back again.

Now even if the Qi and blood clone returns, there is no way for him to recover.

If you want to recover, you have to think of other ways.

On the other side, Xu Yinhuo rushed back to the Xu family. Under his roar, five terrifying figures appeared in the sky above the Xu family. All of them were strong men at the level of Emperor Martial. One of them had reached the peak of the third level of Emperor Martial. !

They looked at Xu Yin and said solemnly: "I asked you to bring Lin Mo back. How unbecoming are you to lose your composure like this!"

"Great Elder, Lin Mo...Lin Mo wants to kill the Xu family!"

Xu Yin did not dare to hide anything and directly told what happened.

The Great Elder and others frowned, and then one of them snorted coldly, and his mental power instantly spread out into the distance.

In just the blink of an eye, the spiritual power has spread thousands of miles!

"They have left here and are heading to Rob Giant City!"

"You were deceived by him!"

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