"What do you mean, ancestor? Didn't you say a few days ago that I was one of the most powerful young men in the whole of China?

Didn't you say that I was invincible in the same level? Why do you need to find an external aid for me?

I can't afford to lose this person!

I can tell you, I told my buddies that I can defeat the entire beautiful country by myself."

The young man was dressed in casual clothes and had an unhappy look on his face.

After walking in, he deliberately scanned the room and finally his eyes fell on Lin Mo.

Seeing Lin Mo sitting on the stool, he was suddenly a little unhappy. He walked in front of him step by step and said lightly: "Are you the external aid they invited for me? Get up! How come you don't have the eyes of a younger brother?"

Lin Mo looked at the young man in front of him. Needless to say, he must be the Li Fengchun.

It must be said that this kid looked like a slacker at first glance, and I didn't expect his strength to be so strong.

The most important thing is that Lin Mo took a look at his blood and qi power and found that the blood and qi were rich, which was obviously the result of his hard practice.

At this age, it is really amazing to be able to cultivate to the seventh-grade martial emperor realm.

"I'm talking, do you hear me?!" Li Fengchun looked at Lin Mo's eyes and felt that he was seen through. He was a little unhappy. He raised his hand and pressed on Lin Mo's shoulder, ready to lift him up.

"Fengchun! Stop it!" Li Zong looked at this scene and couldn't help but speak.

He knew Lin Mo's strength very well. If he really angered him, Li Fengchun might be knocked to the ground directly.

"Li Zong, it's better for the two young people to communicate with each other." The Supreme Elder chuckled: "Besides, don't we have a saying in our old generation that you can't get to know each other without fighting!"

"Hehe, what you said is so right, ancestor!" Li Fengchun smiled, then exerted a little force on his palm, and the boiling blood and qi rushed into Lin Mo's meridians.

Lin Mo's eyes flashed. He could feel that although Li Fengchun had made a move, he still kept his distance, and was obviously prepared to let Lin Mo retreat.

"I don't have any bad intentions!"

His mind moved slightly, and Lin Mo's mental power quietly burst out.

Now Lin Mo's body has been completely reborn, so the meridians can be filled with either blood or mental power.

At this moment, Lin Mo's mental power flowed along the meridians, and after finding Li Fengchun's blood, it immediately went upstream and wrapped Li Fengchun up directly.

There was no trace of the whole process, so that the several strong men present thought that Lin Mo had not made a move until now.

"He is quite sensible and knows what to do and what not to do!"

"Although he seems to be very sensible, in other words, he lacks courage.

Faced with such humiliation, he didn't even have the courage to use his blood and qi. His previous great reputation was wasted!"

"Old Third, you have to know that this is the Li family. How many people can maintain a rebellious character in the reception room of my Li family?

Do you really think that the great reputation of my Li family was created by sitting?

That was a reputation created by killing! Even if Lin Mo is famous in Rob City, he can only be honest in my Li family!"

Several elders looked at Lin Mo and couldn't help but speak.

Only Li Zong sat there. Although he didn't know why Lin Mo didn't fight back, he always felt that everything was not that simple.

With his understanding of Lin Mo, it is impossible for him to face this situation without fighting back!

Just when everyone was ready to see Lin Mo's embarrassed look, Lin Mo's mental power had completely enveloped Li Fengchun.

The spiritual realm is activated!

Now Lin Mo's spiritual realm has reached the peak of perfect proficiency, and he is only one step away from the next realm.

With such proficiency, Lin Mo can already fabricate scenes in the spiritual realm.

At this moment, in the spiritual realm, Li Fengchun is making crazy moves.

Standing opposite him is the embarrassed Lin Mo.

And the scene they are in is exactly the reception room at this moment.

"Hahaha, I thought you were so strong, but I didn't expect you to be so vulnerable!"

In the spiritual realm, Li Fengchun grabbed Lin Mo's collar and said with a smile: "Lin Mo, tell me, do you admit defeat?!"

The illusory "Lin Mo" in the spiritual realm had a panic on his face, and he actually knelt directly on the ground: "I was wrong, I am not as good as you, you are the well-deserved first person of the young generation!

I am convinced, I am completely convinced, this time I will be your little brother throughout the trip to the United States!"

In the illusory scene, Lin Mo was extremely humble and begged desperately.

Li Fengchun's face was full of smug smiles, he stood there with his hands on his waist and laughed to the sky.

Such a smile obviously affected the real world, so that the two hands that were originally on Lin Mo's shoulders in the hall slowly lifted up and then fell on Li Fengchun's waist.

"Hahaha! Lin Mo, you look so beautiful when you kneel down and beg for mercy!"

Li Fengchun laughed for a while, and suddenly saw that the scene in the spiritual world changed again.

The three supreme elders stood in a row in front of him and saluted him respectfully.

"Fengchun, you are really the dragon of my Li family! The future of my Li family belongs to you. We have decided that from now on you will be the head of the Li family!

All of us look up to you!"

After the words fell, all the prominent people in the Li family stood there in the spiritual world and knelt down respectfully to Li Fengchun.

"Congratulations to Fengchun for becoming the head of the family!"


The voice resounded through the sky.

And Li Fengchun's laughter became louder and louder, and finally he laughed and said: "Hahaha, you three old guys finally see how great my potential is. Okay, for the sake of your good treatment to me over the years, I will forgive your sin of disrespecting me.

Ancestor, go and pour me a cup of tea, you used me a lot in the past!"


Such a voice was interrupted by a muffled sound, and then a scream was heard.

Li Fengchun flew out and hit the door.

The solid wood doors and windows were smashed into powder, and the embarrassed Li Fengchun climbed up from a pile of sawdust, still covering his chest, with a look of confusion on his face.

Then the confused look turned into understanding, and finally into panic.

He looked up at the gloomy faces of the elders and the Grand Elder, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"Illusion, I was in an illusion, everything I just saw was fake?"

Li Fengchun was completely shocked. He remembered clearly what was said in the illusion.

"Ancestor, I was wrong!" After the child understood, he immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times.

The three Grand Elders looked at their descendants with helpless expressions on their faces.

"Get up!" The Great Elder finally spoke: "Do you know when you were hit?"

"I don't know, it should be mental power, but I haven't felt any mental power fluctuations!" Li Fengchun answered honestly: "Although I'm a bit mixed up, I have heard of Lin Mo's name and know that he has strong mental power, so I have been on guard against mental power, but I didn't expect that I was still hit!

The most important thing is that I don't know when I was hit!"

"Lin Mo, we underestimated you. You were able to avoid our detection without anyone noticing when you used your mental power. It's really amazing.

I propose a deal to you on behalf of the Li family.

Are you willing?"

The Great Elder looked into Lin Mo's eyes and asked lightly.

"It's an honor!" Lin Mo smiled and nodded, then looked at Li Fengchun again: "Mr. Li, from now on, we are teammates. Don't worry, under my protection, you can definitely defeat the entire Beautiful Country by yourself!

Come on!"

After saying that, he stood up directly and turned to leave here.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, the Third Elder of the Supremes suddenly spoke and called out to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo turned around and looked at the seemingly neutral Third Elder of the Supremes.

"Are you willing to be my disciple?" The Third Elder of the Supremes looked at Lin Mo and suddenly said, "You and I are both Qi Masters, and I have been in the field of Qi Masters for many years. I can always find something that you don't have.

How about it, do you want to become my disciple?"

Qi Master?

Lin Mo looked at the Third Elder of the Supremes and frowned slightly. He really didn't realize that the old man in front of him was also a Qi Master.

As if seeing Lin Mo's surprise, the Third Elder of the Supremes smiled slightly, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Lin Mo felt his body spinning for a moment, and then the scene in front of him changed wildly.

When he saw everything clearly again, he was stunned.

He actually stood under the gate of Rob City. The whole Rob City was in flames. There were shouts and cries everywhere in the city. Lin Mo saw someone covered in flames, wailing and rolling there.

Some people were covered in blood, standing there blankly, and their heads were chopped off by someone...

The whole Rob City became a hell-like place!

"Fake!" Lin Mo said softly, then raised his finger and pointed it slightly forward!

With a click, everything in front of him shattered like glass.

And Lin Mo was still standing in the reception room, in front of him was the smiling Third Elder of the Supreme Elder.

"Good! Very good!" The Third Elder of the Supreme Elder couldn't help laughing and clapping his hands: "You are the first one who can break my illusion in such a short time. Your mental power can even be compared with mine!

Lin Mo, be my disciple. As long as you are willing to be my disciple, I can take you to the Kong family now and annoy them!"

The Third Elder of the Supreme Elder smiled with excitement on his face.

"Old Third, what nonsense are you talking about!" The Great Grand Elder was startled by this sentence and quickly shouted.

"What nonsense am I talking about? I am telling the truth. If Lin Mo is my disciple, what's wrong with me, as a teacher, venting his anger for him?" The Third Grand Elder had an unhappy look on his face and said directly: "Besides, you know what the Kong family has done over the years. According to me, they should have been taught a lesson long ago!"

"Thank you, Third Grand Elder, for your kindness, but I can only say sorry. I already have a teacher!" Lin Mo shook his head and said, "If I change my name to someone else, wouldn't I be an unfaithful and unfilial person!"

"Everyone, I'm leaving!"

After leaving this sentence, Lin Mo left calmly.

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