Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 394: The Lord of Arms

"I once rejected the powerful Martial Emperor! He wanted to accept me as his disciple, but I didn't do it!"

Lin Mo had a smile on his face, feeling that this matter would last him a few years.

After leaving Li's house, Lin Mo walked straight towards the Ministry of War, sighing in his heart that he forgot to have lunch at Li's house, and now he went to the Ministry of War hungry, feeling a little bit shortchanged.

"I don't know if the Ministry of War is open for dinner now!" Lin Mo looked at the door of the Ministry of War in front of him and said silently.

Looking at the two guards in front of him, Lin Mo took out the token directly from his body: "I came here with orders."

"So, you are Lin Mo?" At this moment, a young man came out of the room, looked Lin Mo up and down, and asked lightly.

"It's me." Lin Mo nodded.


The next moment, the young man rushed towards Lin Mo without hesitation.


Lin Mo's face was full of astonishment. He didn't understand what was going on with the person in front of him. After asking his name, he took action directly.

The most important thing is that unlike Li Fengchun, the young man in front of him went straight for Lin Mo's vitals. This was a clear indication that he wanted his life.

In an instant, Lin Mo's eyes turned cold. Since the other party wanted his life, there was no need to be polite.


The Kyushu Order flashed with light, and the Zhen Ziyuan fell on the young man.

Lin Mo's figure flickered like a ghost and appeared behind the young man.

A short sword made of frost appeared in Lin Mo's hand, and then inserted into the young man's back.

The ice blade condensed by the frost pierced directly through the chest, but Lin Mo deliberately avoided the heart and other vital parts, but the moment he pulled out the ice blade, it inadvertently cut through the sea of ​​qi and blood.

The monstrous power of qi and blood surged crazily, and in just a short moment, the sea of ​​qi and blood was directly destroyed!

There was a look of shock and despair on the man's face. His strength was higher than that of Lin Mo, and he had reached the level of the sixth-grade Martial Emperor, but he was killed instantly as soon as they met.

The most important thing is that he has been deprived of the sea of ​​qi and blood, cutting off the possibility of practicing in the future.


"You are so brave, Lin Mo, to commit murder at the gate of our military headquarters!"

There was a cold shout, and then a middle-aged man came out and looked at Lin Mo with a cold expression.

Following the middle-aged man was a group of soldiers, all of whom were at the level of King Wu, but their bodies were filled with the power of the formation. It was obvious that if these people took action, they could directly form a large formation, and their strength was extraordinary.

"Don't you want to ask why?" Lin Mo said lightly.

"Just because you hurt someone in our military department, there is no need to ask why, I can kill you directly!" The middle-aged Han said in a cold voice, and then looked at the two soldiers beside him: "You two go and rescue Kong Ye. Send him to the medical office for treatment, and the others will join me to kill him!"

"Brother, help me kill him. He has destroyed my sea of ​​qi and blood. I have no future!" A young man named Kong Ye spoke loudly.

The eyes looking at Lin Mo had turned blood red and filled with murderous intent.

"I destroyed you to save your life, but since you have murderous intentions against me again and again, there is no need to hold back.

I'll give you a ride! "

After that, the ice dagger slashed directly, and then blood spurted out, and Kong Ye's head rolled down.

The eyes on his head were full of shock and fear, as if he couldn't believe that Lin Mo actually killed him directly.

The middle-aged man was even more angry when he saw this scene. He had already appeared, but Lin Mo actually dared to kill someone.

"How dare you kill someone!" The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and pointed at Lin Mo: "I want you to die!"

"You want me to die?" Lin Mo turned to look at the middle-aged man with a sneer on his lips: "The sixth-grade Martial Emperor peak is only a mere 100,000 points different from me in health points. You want to kill me?

You're not good yet! "

The Kyushu Order appeared again, this time the Zhenzi element was still glowing, and the rays of light flowed, falling directly on the middle-aged man and the soldiers around him.

In an instant, a look of horror appeared on the middle-aged man's face.

This was not over yet, the light fell on Lin Mo and the middle-aged man one after another.

He soon discovered that Lin Mo's aura was getting stronger and stronger, while his own aura was getting weaker and weaker!

Lin Mo looked at the middle-aged man with a smile on his face. He was really very satisfied with the Kyushu Order.

As long as your mental power is strong enough, the Kyushu Order is like a plug-in in your hands.

"Lin Mo, do you know who I am?!" The middle-aged man looked at Lin Mo and shouted harshly.

However, the next moment, Lin Mo's ice dagger condensed again, and then pressed against the middle-aged man's neck.

"Come on, tell me who you are?" Lin Mo asked with a slight smile, holding a sword in one hand.

Feeling the chill coming from the ice dagger, the middle-aged man's eyes flickered a few times, and the ferocious look on his face suddenly reduced a lot.

"Lin Mo, between you and me, we didn't have to come to this point..."

"Isn't it because of you that we have come to this point?" Listening to the middle-aged man's words, Lin Mo suddenly laughed. He had never seen such a shameless person before.

"Lin Mo, you should have guessed that I am a member of the Kong family. You can't afford to offend me..." The middle-aged man considered his tone. He wanted to give in, but he couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart, so he could only be clear. own identity.

This was a humiliation in his eyes, because he knew that Lin Mo knew his identity very well.

But Lin Mo still attacked him regardless, and even killed Kong Ye in front of him.

Now he had to make his identity clear, so as not to be killed by Lin Mo.

"Kong family?" Lin Mo's smile became even stronger: "Don't you know that I have a grudge against the Kong family? A few days ago, the Kong family attacked my Rob Giant City, and I was worried that I had no place to vent my anger.

You took the initiative to deliver it to the door!"

The middle-aged man's expression suddenly changed. He opened his mouth, but dared not say a word.

"Okay, Lin Mo, let's stop here. The one you just killed is considered a core figure of the Kong family. The Kong family will not pursue this matter.

But you can't kill this person under your sword!"

An old voice sounded, and then Lin Mo saw an almost illusory figure emerging on the building in the distance.

The figure seemed to be made of green smoke, illusory and ethereal, but it exuded unparalleled tyrannical power.

"The Lord of Arms!"

The middle-aged man bowed deeply to the figure.

At the same time, all the people from the Ministry of Arms that Lin Mo saw bowed to the figure.

The Lord of Arms? !

Lin Mo looked at the figure and knew his identity from the title.

The so-called Lord of Arms is the Lord of the Ministry of Arms, which means that the old man in front of him is the controller of the Ministry of Arms.

"How strong is he?! He has definitely reached the peak of the Martial Emperor! He has even reached a realm above the Martial Emperor!"

Lin Mo was horrified. After a moment of silence, the ice sword in his hand dissipated and turned into water droplets.

Then he bowed deeply to the Lord of Arms in the distance with a respectful face: "I will obey the Lord of Arms' orders!"

"Okay, come in, those people should have something to tell you." The Lord of Arms nodded, and then his figure slowly dimmed, and at the same time a misty voice came out: "You guys, make good arrangements for anything, don't embarrass Lin Mo, and don't try to take advantage of him!"

As the voice disappeared, the figure also disappeared directly.

Lin Mo glanced at the middle-aged man, chuckled, and then walked in directly.

The middle-aged man stood behind Lin Mo, his eyes full of inexplicable expressions, which contained hatred, fear, but more of envy!

The reason for envy was that Lin Mo actually made the military leader appear, and the most important thing was that the last sentence was obviously to support Lin Mo!

"I promised not to kill you, but I didn't promise not to cripple you. If you look at me with that look just now, I will cripple you!"

Lin Mo spoke without turning his head, directly frightening the middle-aged man all over.

"Hahaha!" Lin Mo's laughter came, and then he disappeared directly from his sight.

The middle-aged man looked at Lin Mo's back, and his eyes gradually became desperate. He knew very well that he would never want to surpass Lin Mo in his life.

Even if his current strength was above Lin Mo, as long as he faced him, the fear in his heart would instantly occupy his brain.

Lin Mo on the other side naturally didn't know that he had left such a big psychological shadow in the middle-aged man's heart. In fact, even if Lin Mo knew, he would only curse that he deserved it.

Lin Mo has been to the Beijing Military Department many times, but this is the first time for Lin Mo to come to the Chinese Military Department.

Although the Beijing Military Department and the Chinese Military Department are both in the capital, they are completely two different places. The most important thing is that the architectural styles are also completely different.

Lin Mo walked in the Military Department and almost got lost.

This place is really too big. Lin Mo forcibly suppressed his thoughts and restrained his mental power at the same time, otherwise he was worried that he would release his mental power to scan around here.

The Military Department is an important place. If you scan it with mental power, it is definitely a big sin.

Soon, Lin Mo found the destination this time.

In front of him is a huge building. The three words "Martial Arts Hall" are written in golden ink. The whole style is vigorous and powerful, revealing a strong murderous intent.

"Although these words are not written by famous calligraphers, the person who wrote them is definitely a strong man! Could it be written by the Lord of Arms?"

Lin Mo looked at the three words "Martial Arts Hall" and felt that the blood and qi in his body seemed to be drawn up and began to circulate frantically.

"There is still a while before the agreed time. I have to take advantage of the time now and make good use of it." Lin Mo stood at the door of the martial arts hall, pondered for a moment, and then simply stood there and began to seriously experience the martial arts power contained in the three words!

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