Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 397: No Way to Escape

"Are you crazy? Why are you calling my name? I'm not interested! If you want to be the leader, go ahead and do it yourself!"

Lin Mo took two steps back with a look of disgust on his face, trying to hide himself in the crowd so that he wouldn't be so conspicuous.

On the table, the nine pillars of the country smiled and looked in the direction of Lin Mo.

Old Nine raised his hand even more, and the people around Lin Mo dispersed involuntarily, making Lin Mo completely stand out.

Lin Mo: "????"

You old man, you're cheating me!

"Lin Mo, from your expression, I feel that you are very confident in being the leader!" Old Six said with a smile.

"You are such a fool!" Lin Mo complained in his heart: "I don't look confident at all, do I?"

Although he was unhappy, Lin Mo stood up honestly and tried to be humble, saying: "Dear seniors and brothers, thank you for your kindness, but I am not as good as you in terms of cultivation, age or even background, so I think I should ask someone else!"

"Brother Lin, don't refuse, we all think you can do it!" Zhou Lu looked at Lin Mo with a smile on his face and spoke loudly.

"You dog-like thing, if I were the leader, I would target you severely in the United States!" Lin Mo glanced at Zhou Lu with a smile on his face, thinking silently in his heart.

In fact, Lin Mo also noticed that those who supported him as the leader were all marginalized people in the family.

They wanted to pull out a team and choose Lin Mo as the spokesperson because he had no power behind him and it was easier to control him.

At the same time, Lin Mo looked at the other people who did not support him. Among these people, some were indifferent, some were mocking, and some were pitying.

He analyzed the forces they represented from their expressions.

Finally, Lin Mo looked at a few people who were dissatisfied and said lightly: "Since everyone thinks I am worthy of the name, then I will take the responsibility.

Haha, to be frank, I also think that you are all flowers raised in a greenhouse, unlike me, who has won a great reputation through hard work!

Don't worry, I will take good care of you. Of course, you have to listen to me. Being a younger brother means being a younger brother. Do you understand?"

When he said the last sentence, Lin Mo suddenly raised his voice.


As the voice fell, a voice rang out.

It was the sound of someone slapping the table. Looking in the direction of the sound, it was a man, about 30 years old, with a gleam in his eyes, looking at Lin Mo with an unhappy face.

"Well, a fifth-grade martial emperor, with the same strength as mine." Lin Mo nodded gently: "What, you don't accept it, right?"

This light tone made the man even more angry.

"Boy, my name is Qin Yuan. I don't mean to be the leader. I just don't like you. So, if you want me to be your younger brother, you should show your strength first!"

As soon as the voice fell, the whole person wanted to rush towards Lin Mo.

At this moment, Lin Mo coughed lightly and said, "Wait a minute!"

Qin Yuan stood there, looking at Lin Mo with a cold face: "It's too late for you to admit defeat now. I'm very upset with you. I won't be happy if I don't teach you a lesson!"

"Teach me a lesson, just you?" Lin Mo sneered: "I won't talk nonsense with you. I'll stand here. If you can take a step closer to me, you win!"

Arrogant and domineering!

Qin Yuan looked at Lin Mo, his eyes were about to spit out flames.

"Arrogant!" With a roar, the whole person was about to rush towards Lin Mo.


Lin Mo lightly tapped, and his mental power enveloped the sky and the earth.

Now when Lin Mo attacks with his mental power, he can already do it without anyone noticing. If his mental power is not as good as his, then he can't even detect Lin Mo's mental power output.

So Qin Yuan still maintained the forward state, but in fact, the whole person had already broken into Lin Mo's spiritual realm!

In the illusory scene, Qin Yuan attacked madly and beat Lin Mo to his knees and beg for mercy.

Looking at Lin Mo who was covered in injuries, Qin Yuan couldn't help laughing.

"Have you laughed enough?"

After a long time, Lin Mo's voice sounded in his ears.

The laughter stopped suddenly, and everything in front of him was directly disillusioned.

Then he saw Lin Mo still standing in the original position, and he himself did not move a step!

Looking at the time, five minutes had passed!

During these five minutes, Lin Mo did not attack him, but Qin Yuan knew very well that if Lin Mo had attacked, he would have died long ago!

"You lost!" Lin Mo said contemptuously: "Do you understand now? You are not good enough, you are too weak, I have said, none of you can fight!

Let me put it this way, if there is anyone who can make me move half a step, I will admit defeat and give up the position of leader!"

"Too arrogant! I want to beat him to death!"

"Don't stop me, let me beat him to death!"

A group of people were filled with righteous indignation, and they wanted to rush up and beat Lin Mo to death right now.

But Lin Mo just stood there, watching them quietly.

At the same time, he was already very happy in his heart, silently calculating how long he could hold on before being defeated.

"Lin Mo, let me meet you!"

At this moment, a loud shout sounded, and then a big and strong man was seen swinging his fist and smashing down on Lin Mo's chest.

His movements were so fast that no one present knew where he jumped out.

But in the blink of an eye, he was standing in front of Lin Mo.

"I told you, you're not good enough, you're far behind!" Lin Mo chuckled, he's just a sixth-grade Martial Emperor, it's not like he's never been killed before!


Five Beast Fist!

Lin Mo punched out, and the roar of tigers and dragons resounded throughout the martial arts hall. Terrifying sound waves spread out in all directions, almost demolishing the entire martial arts hall!

There was a muffled sound, and the man's body flew backwards and hit the wall heavily.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, stood still, motionless.

"Next!" Lin Mo looked at everyone and shouted loudly.

This time, no one taunted anyone anymore, because the combat power displayed by Lin Mo was indeed ridiculously powerful. With just one punch, he was able to fight across levels and send his opponent flying!

Can't beat it! Can't beat it!

Most people have thoughts in their mind that they cannot defeat.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, didn't care too much about the challenges from these ordinary strong men. What he wanted was for the few people he liked to take action against him.

There are three strong men here, all of whom are in the seventh-grade Martial Emperor realm. Two men and one woman. They are Qin Lei from the Qin family, Zhou Yu from the Zhou family, and Zhu Qingmeng from the Zhu family.

Among them, Zhu Qingmeng is the strongest and has reached the peak of seventh level!

Lin Mo felt that the ideal situation was for Zhu Qingmeng to take action, and then he would pretend to be defeated and give up his position as the team leader.

"Perfect, as long as I fall fast enough, no one can see that I didn't use my full strength!" Lin Mo thought in his heart.

"Humph!" At this moment, a cold snort sounded, Qin Lei stood up directly, and his whole body was instantly wrapped by thunder.

"Wind and thunder move!" Qin Lei had no desire to communicate with Lin Mo and directly used his martial arts. His whole body was immediately wrapped in the two elements of wind and thunder.

These two elements are one of the most terrifying elements. At this moment, under Qin Lei's control, he completely fell into a violent state!


Hoo ho ho!

The two voices complement each other, and their momentum is constantly being carried away. Thunder borrows the power of the wind, and the wind borrows the power of thunder!

"I am undefeated!" Lin Mo roared angrily, using the power of his energy and blood, he rushed towards the wind and thunder as if desperately trying!


There was a loud noise, and then a cry of surprise was heard.

"So strong!"


Lin Mo staggered back a few steps, and then sat directly on the ground.

As for Qin Lei on the opposite side, he also took a few steps back, then gritted his teeth to steady himself, and looked at Lin Mo with an indifferent expression.

"I...I actually lost!" Lin Mo sat on the ground, murmuring with regret and shock on his face.

He had a lost look on his face and looked extremely depressed.

"I lost, and I am willing to admit defeat. I am willing to give up my position. From now on, you, Qin Lei, will be the team leader!"

After that, he turned around and left.

"I have no interest in the position of team leader at all. The reason why I took action was entirely because I saw you unhappy!

So you’d better sit still in this position! "

After saying that, he turned around and left.

"Wait a minute!" Lin Mo's head was about to explode when he heard Qin Lei's words: Ni Ma, you don't want to be the team leader, why don't you play with me?

"You are not convinced..."

Qin Lei's last word "submit" was stretched out because Lin Mo had already punched him on the chin.

The whole person was suspended in the air.

The power of Qi and blood surged, and Qin Lei was furious. He roared and stabilized his body in the air, swinging his legs and whipping towards Lin Mo's body like two long whips!


Lin Mo used the Five Beast Fist, but this time it was much stronger than before!

He even used the power of attributes, intertwining ice and fire, like a war song of ice and fire!

Qin Lei used the wind and thunder technique, but it was still useless. After being hit by a series of fists from Lin Mo, his whole body was exaggeratedly deformed.

"I hate people like you the most. You just like to show off. I'll let you show off!"

Lin Mo stepped up and kicked Qin Lei away.

After venting, Lin Mo looked at everyone as if he had thought of something, and said with a sheepish face: "Sorry, sorry, I couldn't hold it back... Ahem, I'll do it again!

You trash, come here if you have any problem! "

This time, there was no one who was dissatisfied. Even the faces of those who were unhappy with him or who were full of mockery changed their expressions.

Lin Mo looked around, and finally found a problem helplessly, that is, everyone looked at him with appreciation and awe.

"..." Lin Mo was a little helpless. This was completely different from what he had thought at the beginning!

Just kidding, the top three in terms of strength were all defeated by Lin Mo. The most important thing is that it looked like an instant kill.

So if this kind of person is their team leader, how can they dare to be dissatisfied at all? !

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