Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 398 Lin Mo's New Weapon

"That's not what I thought at first!"

In the martial arts hall, only the nine pillars of the country, Shi Shi and Lin Mo, were left at this moment.

He looked at the old men helplessly, wanting to explain.

"Do you think we will believe you?" Lao Jiu said with a smile on his face: "You didn't even see how terrifying that punch you just made was. The child of the Lao Qin family is a proud son of heaven. Not only is he powerful, but he is also A proud figure.

As a result, I was convinced by you, and now I have recognized you as my big brother! "

Lao Liu also raised his hand and patted Lin Mo on the shoulder: "Come on, I'm optimistic about you. Don't embarrass China during this trip to this beautiful country!"

"Sixth, shut up!" Lin Mo said in his heart with helplessness on his face.

At this point, Lin Mo knew that there was no point in refusing. He was definitely going to the beautiful country. In this case, he simply became the so-called leader.

"We will set off in three days. During this time, you can get acquainted with them." Lao Ba said slowly, then turned and left.

"Lao Ba is a member of the Lao Qin family, but after becoming the pillar of the country, he has to break away from the original family, but he is still a little unhappy after all!

After all, Qin Lei's kid is the one he likes! "

Lao Jiu explained, then raised his hand and patted Lin Mo's shoulder: "But don't worry, Lao Qin's family is still good, and they won't be angry with you because of this matter!"

After that, all the remaining people left.

Lin Mo stood in the martial arts hall for a while and was about to leave.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed a figure standing not far away.

This figure didn't know when it appeared there. It was just like an afterimage. If Lin Mo hadn't just felt something in his heart, he glanced in that direction.

Otherwise, it would definitely not be discovered.

Looking at that figure, Lin Mo was slightly shocked, because he turned out to be the leader of the army!

"That's right, they discovered my existence!" The soldier smiled and nodded: "Let's talk?"

Lin Mo nodded. Although he didn't know why the soldier leader was looking for him, he still walked over honestly.

"Junior has met the soldier master!" Lin Mo said respectfully.

The military leader is very strong. In front of such a strong man, it is better to be more honest and respectful!

"You were also a member of the Ministry of War before. Although you later left the Ministry of War, in my eyes, you are still a member of the Ministry of War.

I will find an opportunity to deal with those people from back then! "

The soldier leader looked at Lin Mo. Even if he stood so close, Lin Mo still couldn't see his face clearly.

It was as if there was a mysterious force surrounding the soldier's body, covering up his appearance.

"Thank you, Master, but since this junior has left the Ministry of War, naturally he cannot be regarded as a member of the Ministry of War!"

Lin Mo still spoke like this. Although this tone was a bit disrespectful, everything the people in the Ministry of War did back then was really disgusting!

"Understandable!" The soldier leader nodded, and did not take Lin Mo's attitude to heart, but continued: "I am from the Kong family!"

"What?" Lin Mo was immediately startled by this sentence.

Someone from the Kong family? !

Could it be that you want to kill me? ?

After taking a look around, it seemed that they were the only two people left in the entire martial arts hall. If the soldier master suddenly took action, he would definitely die!

"Are you worried that I will kill you?" The soldier leader said calmly, and at the same time, a murderous intention began to envelope Lin Mo.

At the beginning, Lin Mo was a little nervous, but he quickly calmed down.

The whole person's mood suddenly calmed down, he looked at the soldier leader calmly, smiled and said: "Soldier master, it's better not to scare me, you won't take action against me!"


"Because the Soldier Master must have surpassed the existence of the Pillar of the Nine Kingdoms. Since he has become the Soldier Master, he will naturally not join in the troubles with those of the Kong family!

I even think that the reason why the soldier told me your origin was because he wanted me to help you deal with the Kong family! "

Lin Mo directly expressed his judgment, while also trying his best to observe the expression of the soldier master.

But soon, Lin Mo was helpless, because of that mysterious power, he couldn't see the soldier master's expression at all.

"You are indeed very smart!" The soldier nodded: "I hope you can help me rectify the Kong family!"

After a pause, the soldier leader continued: "The Confucius family existed in China more than two thousand years ago, and the ancestor was Confucius, the ancestor of Chinese Confucianism.

For countless years, my Kong family has done countless things for China, and also enjoyed countless benefits.

But some people are no longer satisfied with these benefits and want more.

So much so that they kept silent about something, and now, even if I want to target them, it’s difficult!

Because of my identity, I can't do it directly, so I hope you can be the sword in my hand! "

When the soldier master said this, Lin Mo could feel that the original murderous intention became colder, and even seemed to materialize, emanating from his body.

Lin Mo was very glad that such murderous intent was not directed at him, otherwise, he might have condensed the murderous intent directly!

This is not just a casual comment. With the current strength of the military leader, it is too easy to condense Lin Mo with murderous intent.

"What good do I do as a sword in your hand?"

Lin Mo took a deep breath and expressed his thoughts.

"Haha, you are indeed the first person who becomes my sword, works for me, and asks me for benefits!" The Lord of Arms said with a smile: "Tell me, what benefits do you want?"

"How about the Lord of Arms give me a sword that is handy?" Lin Mo said tentatively: "During the last war, the weapon was broken, so I want to get another one from the Lord of Arms!"

"You want a weapon, right!" The Lord of Arms nodded: "It's almost the same as I thought, so I prepared it for you!"

"Come with me!"

The Lord of Arms turned around and walked away.

Lin Mo hesitated for a moment, then followed him.

In fact, he was a little curious in his heart, wondering what kind of weapon the Lord of Arms was going to give him.

The two walked to the deepest part of the martial arts hall, one in front and one behind, and stopped in front of a door.

The Lord of Arms raised his hand and pressed on the wall, and then the door in front of him opened directly.

A scorching breath came to his face, and Lin Mo's current strength was baked by this heat and felt a little uncomfortable.

"This is the alchemy institute of the Ministry of War. Not only can weapons be refined, but also elixirs can be refined. This is a natural fire pool.

We call it the Zhurong Sea!"

Zhurong Sea!

Lin Mo repeated the name, and felt a violent fire attribute power rushing towards him.

In these four simple words, there is an extremely pure sense of vastness!

Following the military master all the way to the gate, Lin Mo smelled the fragrance of elixirs and the smell of poison.

"The refining of elixirs is still a little different from the elixir recipe I gave Ye Qing, but it's not too big!" Lin Mo silently made an assessment in his heart.

Then he looked into the distance, where there was a huge oven that was as high as three floors, and the blazing flames were at the bottom of the oven.

That kind of flame actually showed a purple light, like an illusion and like reality!

What a terrifying flame!

Lin Mo sighed in his heart. He himself had experienced the flame of the Nirvana Pool, which was considered one of the most terrifying flames in the world.

But the fear brought to Lin Mo by the flames in front of him was also very terrifying.

"Old Nine, are the weapons ready?"

The Lord of Arms shouted, and then a familiar figure appeared in front of Lin Mo.

Looking at Old Nine in front of him, Lin Mo was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

"Boy, are you surprised?" Old Nine smiled and said, "Who told you that the pillars of the country must be powerful people?

I am the best in the world in alchemy, and the weapons I forge are the best in the world!

You can still be the pillars of the country!"

Old Nine spoke proudly, then looked at the Lord of Arms, saluted with his fists, and said casually: "The weapons are ready. Because the materials themselves are good, and the origin is extraordinary, the whole process is very smooth, and the grade has also been improved to a certain extent!"

As Old Nine said, he clapped his hands, and immediately someone came over with a long wooden box.

The length of the wooden box can be about two meters and a half, exuding bursts of fragrance.

Lin Mo looked at the wooden box, and surprise flashed in his eyes, because he could feel that there seemed to be two violent forces constantly colliding inside the wooden box.

These two forces should be completely opposite in nature...

"Open it and take a look. This is the weapon you want. It is definitely suitable for you!" Lao Jiu said with a smile.

The Weapon Master also nodded, raised his chin, and signaled Lin Mo to try it quickly.

Lin Mo's heart began to become a little excited.

He stepped forward, raised his hand and opened the wooden box directly.


The power of the two elements rushed to his face.

The scorching breath and the cold breath.

Ice and fire!

Lin Mo's face was shocked at first, and then he showed a look of surprise.

"This is the Dragon Spear, the Ice Blade, and the Fire Sword!"

Lin Mo quickly distinguished the breath on it, and finally saw the appearance of the weapon in the wooden box.

Three-pointed double-edged sword!

Lin Mo looked at the gun barrel that looked like silver, the gun tip and the blade made of the remains of the sword, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

He stretched out his hand and held the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand, and a feeling of blood connection came instantly.

Lin Mo waved it twice casually, and felt that his mind was connected, and the two attributes could be automatically switched in his consciousness at any time!

"Hahaha, good weapon, good weapon!" Lin Mo laughed and said.

"The benefits are not just these!" Lao Jiu stood aside and said with a smile: "This weapon can also accommodate the power of another attribute. I remember that you should still have the power of thunder attribute.

Find an opportunity, you can sacrifice it in the weapon. At that time, a weapon will have three attributes and can be switched at any time.

Is it cool!"

Cool! Of course it's cool!

Lin Mo looked at the weapon in his hand, and he didn't know what to say excitedly.

The weapon that was originally thought to have been destroyed now appeared in front of him again, and the grade of the weapon has also been improved a lot!

Now, the three-pointed two-edged sword-heavenly grade six! !

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