Invisible pressure poured down on Lin Mo's body from top to bottom. As he stepped on the steps, the shoes under his feet instantly shattered!

Lin Mo walked slowly forward on the steps as if carrying a huge boulder on his back.

The steps are divided into nine levels, and each level has thirty-six steps. As you climb up the steps, the pressure continues to increase.

On the first floor, Lin Mo's speed did not slow down, his body flashed one after another, and he soon reached the platform above the first floor.

On the platform, there was a palm-sized stone bowl, and a fragrant smell hit your nostrils.

There is a lavender liquid in the stone bowl. Although it is only a drop the size of a pea, the lavender light surges and the energy is contained within it, as if it can burst out at any time.

"This thing..." Lin Mo's throat moved slightly, with an excited look on his face: "This thing should be edible, right?"

"The diluted spiritual liquid can naturally be taken." A voice sounded in Lin Mo's ears.

After receiving the affirmative answer, Lin Mo picked up the stone bowl without hesitation and drank it all in one gulp!


The liquid entered his abdomen, and Lin Mo felt as if his body was about to explode.

Within the meridians, a spiritual force was cutting like a sharp blade, as if to tear his physical body into pieces!

Feeling this terrifying power, Lin Mo had a look of pain on his face.

"This thing... is poisonous?!"

Lin Mo roared and looked around.

"This thing is not poisonous, but the way you take it is wrong. Of course, although this method is painful, it is also the easiest way to absorb it."

The voice sounded again, but the tone was obviously full of ridicule.

"So I can't die?"

"Not necessarily. I once saw a monster whose mental power was much stronger than yours. But after swallowing it in one gulp, all the meridians were cut off, and then the body was broken into pieces, turning into a puddle of meat paste, and it died immediately!

Your strength is much weaker, you should be reduced to meat!

Tsk tsk, you are not the only dead soul on these nine steps, so even if you die, you don't need to feel too uncomfortable.

normal. "

The voice seemed to be persuading Lin Mo, but the tone was too harsh.

Even though Lin Mo was enduring endless pain, he was sitting cross-legged on the ground at this moment, and his whole face became determined.

"My physical body is invincible. It is impossible to break my body so easily. My spiritual power is endless. What can this little pain and poison do to me?!"

Lin Mo's voice sounded like a roar, and he suddenly opened his eyes!


Rays of light escaped from Lin Mo's meridians, and faintly, a golden thread gathered from the meridians, connecting the spiritual platform and the spiritual seed.

The spiritual seed seemed to be bound by light. While trembling slightly, it released its spiritual power.

"This is..." Lin Mo felt this change, with a look of shock on his face, followed by a burst of ecstasy.

"This spiritual liquid is connecting my spiritual platform and spiritual seed with each other, and may even become one body in the end!"

The spiritual seed has become a small tree, but its root system is connected to its meridians. As a result, there are actually some hidden dangers.

That is whether the spiritual tree will eventually become the master of the body, and the physical body will become a vassal of the spiritual tree.

But now, this worry can be ignored!

Lin Mo stood up slowly, looked up at the second step, took a deep breath, and then began to continue climbing.

"You have already made enough achievements. There is no need for this. The pressure on the second level is twice that of the first level. Your current strength..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Mo's footsteps moved and he was already on the second step!


This time, Lin Mo finally understood the meaning of what he just said.

An even more terrifying pressure suddenly came over him, almost making Lin Mo kneel down on the spot.

Fortunately, Lin Mo's physical body was strong and he stood upright.

"You't listen to advice!"

The voice sounded angrily.

But he could only watch as Lin Mo walked up step by step, and finally reached the platform of the second step.

There was still a stone bowl placed there, and the fragrance was stronger than before.

Lin Mo looked inside the stone bowl. There was still pea-sized liquid, but the color was darker than before.

"The concentration of the spiritual liquid has increased!" Lin Mo showed a smile on his face. This time, he didn't need to be reminded by the voice, so he stepped forward and held the stone bowl in both hands.

"Tell me, the second way of absorption." Lin Mo said.

"Why should I tell you? It's okay if you want to know. Unless you... I'm so convinced. Can you listen to my conditions before you drink?"

When the voice was about to make a condition, Lin Mo had already raised his head and drank the liquid in the stone bowl!

"I go!"

The moment Lin Mo finished drinking the liquid, his veins popped out and he suddenly knelt on the ground.

His muscles were trembling, and the roots of the spiritual tree began to take root more firmly, and the golden thread became stronger, as if someone had re-written it with a golden pen!

"The effect is even better, but the pain has at least tripled!" Lin Mo judged quickly, and now he was only happy.

Because of the recasting of his original physical body, all the meridians in his body have been greatly broadened.

Now the whole process, although painful, is still within the tolerable range.

"You kid, are you trying to walk up the third level of stairs?"

The voice sounded. This time, there was no ridicule, only deep surprise.

"I'm warning you, the Martial Emperor's peak strength would be dead even on the third level. Your current strength..."

"Martial arts must be fought. If you don't try it, how will you know?"

"Four times! The pressure on the third step is four times higher than the pressure on the second step. Are you sure you can bear it?"

Lin Mo stood in front of the third step, took a deep breath, then took a step forward and landed directly on the step.


Lin Mo's whole body trembled suddenly, and at the same time there was a slight sound of bones breaking.

The Xuanwu power circulated, and Lin Mo's body was recovering crazily.

The previous sound was obviously the sound of bones breaking, but the power of Xuanwu restored the bones in such a short period of time!

"Are you...are you really a human? Could it be that you are a hybrid of some kind of monster and a human?!"

This time, the voice sounded with shock: "Incredible, it's really incredible!

In my impression, there is only that one... Ahem, you have to keep walking. At the top of the third step, the concentration of the spiritual liquid is in full state, just like a purple gem! "

The voice sounded, as if it was tempting Lin Mo to move up.

"Do you think I'm a fool?" Lin Mo looked around and said calmly: "I know where my limit is. This step just now is where my limit is, and I broke through this limit. .

Similarly, I also know very clearly what it means to seek death. If I continue, I will be seeking death. Even with my current recovery speed, there is still a high possibility of sudden death! "

Lin Mo turned around and walked down the steps step by step.

"The mountain is there. I won't climb it today, but as long as I climb it every day, I will eventually reach the top!"

Lin Mo walked down the mountain in one breath, and then left the dreamland without hesitation.

But what he didn't know was that after Lin Mo left the dream, a vague figure appeared in the dream.

Looking carefully, this figure looks like it is made of runes. Although it has an illusory flavor, it gives people an extremely real feeling.

"I didn't expect that we would meet again one day." The figure spoke slowly, looking at all the scenes in the dream, and at the same time walked out step by step, touching the ruins of the dream.

"I didn't expect that you would become like this, so disabled. What on earth did you go through after we died?"

Another voice sounded. Looking carefully, this figure was wearing exactly the same clothes as Lin Mo. Even his figure was similar. Only his face was shrouded in a mysterious aura, making it unreal at all.

"What exactly happened back then...I have actually forgotten it. History is too terrifying. It is like a torrent, washing away everything and changing the memory."

"You're right, time is terrible."

"So, you actually chose this boy as your heir?" The rune-like figure spoke slowly.

"It's a choice, but it's too early!" The figure constructed in the dream was silent for a moment, and then said: "Like you, I also lost too many memories. When I became conscious, I was bound to him. At the same time, I don’t know the reason, but as I get to know this guy better, I feel that he is not a bad choice!”

"This kid really shocked me a lot. You know, on the stairs just now, he actually stepped directly onto the third level. You know... he didn't even set foot on the third level when he was in this realm!" The rune figure spoke. At this time, he made no secret of his admiration for Lin Mo.

"So you want to join me in choosing him to give it a try?"

"I'm not qualified to choose. I'm still incomplete. Just wait, one day I will be complete again. When the time comes, we will make a choice at the same time!"

"I'm looking forward to this day!"

After the two figures said the last words, they slowly disappeared at the same time.

As the master, Lin Mo was naturally unaware of all this. When he opened his eyes, it was already dawn.

Today is a new competition time, and Lin Mo and others need to meet new opponents!

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