Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 422: The most shameless

"I feel like you are a little different today!"

In the gymnasium, Wei Na looked Lin Mo up and down and spoke with a smile.

As your strength increases, it will naturally look different.

Lin Mo chuckled in his heart, now that his cultivation has reached the early stage of the Martial Emperor's seventh rank, with 700,000 spiritual power and qi and blood power, it is enough to give Lin Mo unparalleled confidence.

"Are you Lin Mo from China?"

A broken Chinese voice sounded, and a young man slowly walked over from a distance.

The man was wearing a neon samurai suit, with a katana on his waist, and his hair was tied into a ponytail like a ronin, looking majestic.

"Kobayashi Itachi of the Kobayashi family is said to be very powerful. His mastery of the katana has reached the realm of metamorphosis, and he can kill people across ranks!"

Wei Na spoke softly, and at the same time stepped forward to say hello: "Mr. Xiaolin, long time no see!"

"Miss Wei Na, you are still so beautiful. I wonder if you have a boyfriend now?" Xiao Lin stepped forward, took her hand and brought it to her mouth for a gentle kiss.

There is no such etiquette in Neon, but Xiaolin Yida did it anyway, obviously to have a little intimate contact with Wei Na.

Wei Na couldn't help but frowned, but she quickly covered it up: "Mr. Xiaolin should know very well that it is impossible for women in our Cupid Association to have boyfriends, but I already have an investment goal!"

Xiao Lin Yidao's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he said in a deep voice: "Who is it?"

He knew very well that the largest part of the so-called investment of the Cupid Association was the members' bodies, which meant that Wei Na had already dedicated her body!

Although Xiao Lin Yida is a neon man, he values ​​a woman's chastity more than anything else.

Wei Na is the woman he likes, but now she has invested in someone else, which is hard for him to accept!

"It's him!" Wei Na smiled and pointed at Lin Mo.

Xiao Lin Yidao looked at Lin Mo, stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "It's you, hahaha, that's great..."

Having said this, he walked towards Lin Mo step by step.

Every time he takes a step, his aura becomes sharper.

At this moment, Kobayashi's whole body was like an unsheathed samurai sword, shining with a deadly light!


Although Lin Mo had nothing to do with Wei Na, he still took a direct step in the face of such a provocation.

In an instant, Lin Mo's aura became extremely powerful!

Unlike the katana, the aura on Lin Mo's body was sharper, like an unsheathed sword!

A swordsman is a gentleman!

Lin Mo's sword energy was full of righteousness!


The two breaths collided and made a terrifying sound, followed by two slight retreats.

Xiao Lin raised his head and stared at Lin Mo with a solemn look in his eyes.


A heart-wrenching sound sounded. Kobayashi grasped the handle of the knife in his hand, and at the same time, he pulled out the katana bit by bit.

Lin Mo sneered and thrust his right hand forward into the air!

The three-pointed two-edged sword appeared directly in the palm of his hand. In an instant, Lin Mo's aura became even more terrifying!

At this time, Kobayashi's samurai sword had also been unsheathed, and a strong murderous aura filled the entire blade, making the surrounding air seem a bit gloomy.

"You are not bad at having the courage to hold the weapon when facing my sword!" Xiao Lin looked at Lin Mo with a knife and said calmly.

"Are you Neon people so good at it? If you said such things, would it be embarrassing if I slashed you with a knife later?" Lin Mo responded directly.

"you wanna die!"

Xiao Lin roared with a knife, suddenly grasped the handle of the knife with both hands, and rushed out towards Lin Mo!

Draw your sword and chop!

Kobayashi swung the katana in his hand violently, and a bright light spread out from the blade. Like a full moon, it kept rippling, making the people around him unable to hold back. He took several steps back.

Lin Mo had a cold look on his face, and the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand slammed against the ground, and he stood there motionless.


A wave of water rippled, Xuanwu Kung Fu was running, and a barrier appeared directly around Lin Mo's body.

The entire barrier looked like a turtle shell. When the sword fell, it only made the turtle shell vibrate, and then there were no other changes.

"It's my turn!" Lin Mo sneered, and his mental power suddenly covered him!

This time, the spiritual tree in Lin Mo's body swayed slightly, and his spiritual power suddenly became more abundant!

Lin Mo didn't hesitate at all. After slashing with the three-pointed two-edged sword, hundreds of rays of light suddenly escaped!

There is no way to hide, there is no way to avoid it!

Xiao Lin Yidao's pupils shrank suddenly, and there was a look of shock on his face.

The katana kept swinging, and the chaotic sword light shone like stars.

Lin Mo had a smile on his face, but his eyes were extremely cold as he watched this scene.

"Lin Mo, this man is the heir to Neon Official, you can't kill him yet!"

Wei Na looked at this scene and spoke slowly.

Because at this moment, Xiao Lin's knife was affected by Lin Mo's mental power, and the speed of the knife suddenly slowed down a lot, so there were more than a dozen wounds on his body, and each wound was flowing with blood. It seemed that Extremely pitiful.

"Is Miss Wei Na trying to persuade me?" Lin Mo said softly: "You should have seen that he was the first to provoke me, so even if he is dead now, isn't that what he should be doing?"

Wei Na wanted to say something more, but looking at Lin Mo's face, she finally opened her mouth and said nothing.

However, she kept recalling Lin Mo's previous words in her mind, and an inexplicable sweet feeling lingered in her heart.

I don’t know why, but during this period, Lin Mo appeared more and more often in her dreams. In the Cupid Association, she would inevitably come into contact with many men, but Lin Mo was the first one to let her often appear in her dreams. People you meet!

"Am I really in love with Lin Mo?" Suddenly, this thought came to Wei Na's mind, and then she quickly shook her head crazily.

"Impossible, this is impossible, it is impossible for a woman from the Cupid Association to fall in love with someone else!" Wei Na said, then drove out the thoughts in her heart, and at the same time looked at Xiao Lin Yida.

Xiaolin's sword blow at this moment was really terrible. Under the influence of mental power, his speed was really getting slower and slower. By now, there were no less than twenty wounds on his body, and he was covered in blood. At the same time, he was waving like a warrior. When wielding the katana, he was also constantly throwing away drops of blood, which looked very miserable!

"If this continues, he will definitely die!" Wei Na had already made this judgment in her heart, but this time she didn't say anything.

Lin Mo looked at this scene indifferently, and at the same time looked past Xiao Lin Yi Dao not far away, where Tang San and his team slowly walked over.

From a distance, he saw Xiao Lin Yida, who was injured by the sword light, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Stop! Stop it quickly!" Tang San came directly to Lin Mo and said loudly: "Lin Mo, do you know what you are doing?

Xiao Lin Yida has a lot of power in Neon, and because he is the official future heir, he is also regarded as a treasure by many Neon celebrity families.

If he dies in your hands, the whole of China will be left with nothing to eat! "

Can't eat and walk around?

Hearing these words, not only Lin Mo, but also Zhou Lu and others' expressions changed.

"What did you just say?" Lin Mo pointed at Xiao Lin and said, "What will happen if I kill him?"

"I said if you kill him, the whole of China will be left with nothing to eat!"

Tang San couldn't care about that much at this time, so he wanted to rush in and catch the person out.

"What a big tone. Just kill a neon man. He actually wants me, Huaxia, to walk away without food... Tang San, do you mean this sentence, or do you mean that the entire Tang family has it?" Such thoughts?"

Lin Mo's voice was cold, and these words instantly chilled Tang San when he heard them.

Because what he just said was indeed a bit inappropriate. It was equivalent to making China look shorter in front of neon lights!

"You should know very well that this is not what I meant!" Tang San said solemnly: "Lin Mo, I am doing this for your own good. If you continue like this, you will be in trouble!"

"Xiao Lin struck me first with a knife, and I just counterattacked passively. He is not as skilled as others, so he will die if he dies!" Lin Mo said calmly.

"Since it was his fault from the beginning, then you can't kill him!" Tang San said: "You can't make a bigger mistake yourself just because of someone else's fault!

Lin Mo, listen to me and let him go. I have a good relationship with Xiao Lin Yida. I will intercede for you later. Maybe you just need to apologize! "

Tang San's voice sounded, and Lin Mo's face immediately turned cold.

He raised his head and looked at Xiaolin Yidao, who had a few more wounds on his body in the distance, and stopped talking.

Xiaolin Yida's current sword technique is not only slow, but also much messier, but the sword light in the air has not decreased at all, but has become more.

Tang San looked at Lin Mo's attitude and felt extremely angry, because Lin Mo really didn't take him seriously at all.

"Lin Mo, let him go, we are all Chinese, don't force me to take action against you!" Tang San suddenly raised his voice, and already had one hand on the long sword at his waist, ready to take action at any time. Prepare.

Lin Mo glanced at the long knife at his waist, with a mocking look on his face.

"For a Neon man, you, as a Chinese, are actually going to attack me?" Lin Mo chuckled and looked back at Zhou Lu: "When you go back, please remember to tell me everything about today. !

I want to see what kind of tone our great Mr. Tang San will use to face the Chinese people! "

Tang San's expression changed slightly, because at this moment Zhou Lu actually took out his cell phone, preparing to record the video.

If such a video is sent back, the entire Tang family will be targeted!

"Okay, you two don't need to fight. The results over there don't need to be drawn this time. They have been arranged. The next few games are life and death battles. Life and death can be divided in the ring, and Lin Mo's opponent this time It’s Xiaolin’s knife!”

At this time, Li Fengchun quickly ran over from a distance, with sweat still on his face, and took a deep look at Tang San: "This time the winner will be decided on the ring, I think Tang San will definitely not stop it, right?"

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