Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 460: Harvest after Killing the God

Amaterasu's face was full of shock. Feeling the tyrannical power emanating from Lin Mo, he began to tremble all over.

Compared with Amaterasu, Lin Mo recovered to his strongest state in a short time!

At the mid-stage of the seventh-grade martial emperor, the surging mental power overflowed all at once, just like an ocean!

"I've said it before, you are still far behind me!" Lin Mo shook his head with contempt.

The next moment, he rushed up directly.

The seventh-grade martial emperor against the sixth-grade martial emperor, the final result can only be crushing!

Amaterasu tried to use his own blood and qi to turn into hot magma power, trying to melt Lin Mo directly.

But Lin Mo mastered the power of pure water attributes. Facing such means, the overwhelming water attribute and ice attribute power crushed out, and all the magma instantly became rigid stones.

The three-pointed double-edged sword slashed, and Amaterasu felt a chill in his chest. Looking down, a fist-sized hole appeared there.

Feeling the passing of his vitality, Amaterasu's face showed a look of panic.

"I can't die! I can't die!" Amaterasu said sternly.

The next moment, he rushed to the distance with red eyes, and the corpses on the ground were forcibly collected by him, and then he reached into the chest of the corpse, took out the heart, and swallowed it one by one.

"Hehe, there must be divinity in the heart... I want to complete my own divinity, and then I can kill you directly!"

Amaterasu stopped talking halfway.

He felt a pain in his neck, and then all the pictures between heaven and earth kept turning upside down, and finally heard a thud.

The last vision was to see a headless corpse where he was originally, and the place where the head was originally was spurting blood crazily.

"I'm not stupid, why should I give you time to recover yourself?" Lin Mo chuckled and said.

Standing here, Lin Mo's mental power enveloped the surroundings.

The scope of the entire abyss is not very large, so Lin Mo's mental power only took a few minutes to cover all areas.

Lin Mo found several gods who were hiding, and then killed them directly with thunder!

On this day, all the gods of Takamagahara fell!

Returning to the place where Amaterasu was killed, Lin Mo looked at the headless corpse, and after a little silence, he stepped forward and cut open his chest with a knife.

More than a dozen hearts flowed out. Lin Mo felt the breath on the heart, and then took out the one belonging to Tsukuyomi.

"I know you still have some divinity left. Your body is there. I will ask you a few questions. If you answer them, I can let your heart return to your original body!"

Lin Mo looked at the heart and spoke softly.

Tsukuyomi's voice soon sounded: "What do you want to know?"

"Where is your main god? This is Takamagahara, the main god should be here!

And the whereabouts of the three artifacts!"

Lin Mo expressed his doubts. In fact, after coming here, he felt something was wrong.

In Takamagahara, the rules are not complete, and the most important thing is that the main god is not there.

Lin Mo didn't believe Xu Fu would die, so he had to figure out these questions.

"The Lord God has left." Yue Du Shen thought for a while and said, "You should have felt that the rules here are incomplete. In fact, this is the product of the Lord God's failure to create the world.

Later, the Lord God felt that the rules could not be completed, so he left directly.

Let us guard here, because here are the bloodlines left behind in the past."

Yue Du Shen looked at Lin Mo, paused, and then said, "As for the three great artifacts, we don't know where they are. The only thing we can be sure of is that the Lord God took them away.

The replicas in our hands are all left by the Lord God through special channels!"

"Do you have any way to contact the Lord God?"

"No, it's the Lord God who is contacting us!" Yue Du Shen shook his head and told everything he knew.

Lin Mo nodded. These contents were actually within Lin Mo's expectations.

According to Lin Mo's understanding of Xu Fu, this kind of person actually doesn't trust anyone too much, so Amaterasu and Yue Du Shen can only be regarded as his pawns at most.

Now it seems that the Lord God Xu Fu is still hiding.

However, the most difficult thing for Lin Mo is Xu Fu. According to Yueyue, he is now busy creating the world!

In this way, if Xu Fu succeeds, what consequences will it bring?

"Can the three great artifacts really have the ability to create the world?" Lin Mo remains skeptical.

After all, the so-called three great artifacts are nothing in the myths and legends of China.

If there is a function to create the world, then if all the artifacts of China appear, what will happen?

Thinking of this, Lin Mo casually threw Yueyue's heart towards his body.

Yueyue screamed in surprise, and the heart began to wriggle directly, as if it was going to drill into his chest.

After the heart drilled in, Lin Mo heard a faint heartbeat.

"Okay, my promise has been fulfilled!" Lin Mo said softly, and then raised his knife and directly chopped off Yueyue's head.

Yueyue never thought that Lin Mo would not keep his word until his death!

After beheading all the gods this time, Lin Mo searched their bodies.

In the end, he only found a set of replicas of the three great artifacts on Amaterasu.

As for the other gods, nothing was found.

Tsukuyomi was even cleaner.

"It is said in the Neon Mythology that Amaterasu is a sister control. Now it seems that it is fake. Tsukuyomi is so clean!"

Lin Mo couldn't help but complain, then got up and walked towards the depths of the temple.

Since this is where the main god Xu Fu once stayed, Lin Mo felt that there must be some good things left here.

The role of mental power was demonstrated here. Soon Lin Mo found a lot of exercises. He roughly flipped through them. Although the exercises were very good, they were a bit too low-level for Lin Mo.

"Take them all back and put them in the giant city of Rob, which can be regarded as a great prosperity for Rob!" Lin Mo collected all the documents.

Then he saw thousands of blood and qi stones. The quality of these stones was very high. Lin Mo's eyes lit up. These were good things. Take them all away.

The deeper he went, the more things Lin Mo collected. In the end, Lin Mo stood in front of a secret room on the top of the mountain.

The huge stone door blocked Lin Mo's way in.

After exploring with his mental power, Lin Mo found that there seemed to be a ban on the stone door, and his mental power could not penetrate it.

In the end, Lin Mo used the simplest method, the three-pointed two-edged knife chopped it down directly.

The sound of bang continued to come, and the stone door collapsed directly!

The area of ​​the entire secret room was not very large, and there were not many things in it.

There was only one book on the bookshelf, and the content in it was not much.

Flipping it casually, there were some records inside.

There were still ancient Chinese characters on it. Fortunately, Lin Mo had good academic performance and he basically knew the characters on it.

After flipping through it roughly, Lin Mo took a breath of cold air.

"The entire Neon was pulled out of the abyss!

When Xu Fu was looking for the sacred mountain, he encountered the gate of the abyss on the sea, and then saw with his own eyes that an island slowly flew out of the gate of the abyss.

This island is the future Neon!

And most of the people on Neon are descendants of the abyss!"

"Later, Xu Fu gathered all these descendants of the abyss together, and after ruling for a long time, Xu Fu called himself a god!

All the people obeyed him, and he selected some from the boys and girls as tools for his reproduction.

Later, he got the three great artifacts that flowed out of the abyss on the island!

With the three great artifacts, his strength Going a step further, he discovered that the three great artifacts seemed to have the ability to communicate with the abyss.

Even one of them could create the world!

Such a discovery made Xu Fu very happy.

He tried many times and finally determined that it was not impossible to create a world, but it was impossible to create a perfect world!

Just like Takama-hara, the rules are incomplete. As the main god, he can only control his own power, and the other gods can't do it at all! "

"Later, Xu Fu gave up his plan to create the world, left some replicas, and disappeared!"

After Lin Mojiang sorted out the content above, he showed a shocked look on his face.

"So, Takama-hara is actually between the abyss and the human world!

And the whole neon actually belonged to the abyss!"

Lin Mo spoke slowly, and then put the note away.

Continuing to search in the secret room, his eyes suddenly lit up.

In the corner, there is a piece of jade.

This piece of jade is green all over, and it is stained with a thick layer of dust. If Lin Mo hadn't felt that there seemed to be some kind of fluctuation in the jade, he might not have found it at all!

Lin Mo was shocked when he picked up the jade and took a look at it.

After groping around for a while, Lin Mo saw the words written on the jade under the dust.

"Classic of Mountains and Seas!" Lin Mo looked at the three words on the jade and exclaimed.

These three words turned out to be the three words of Classic of Mountains and Seas!

The whole jade was about the thickness of a thumb and nine inches long, and looked like a bamboo slip.

"Could it be that this is one of the originals of Classic of Mountains and Seas?

I remember there was a speculation that the original of Classic of Mountains and Seas should be completely carved from jade.

Now it seems that this is the original of Classic of Mountains and Seas in my hand!"

Lin Mo said with a thoughtful look: "But, what's the use of this thing? Why did Xu Fu leave this thing here?"

As he thought about it, Lin Mo felt a wisp of blood and energy escape, which was directly absorbed by the jade in his hand.


The original jade suddenly burst out with a bright light!

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