"This is...the key to the abyss?"

Looking at the jade in his hand, Lin Mo had a look of shock on his face.

The soft white light slowly condensed into the shape of a door in the air. At the same time, there was a groove similar to this piece of jade on the door.

Lin Mo stood up and stuffed the jade piece into the groove.


The light flickered and the closed door slowly opened.

At this moment, Lin Mo saw a pair of eyes inside the door!


Lin Mo felt as if some giant beast roared in his mind.

This made him quickly take out the jade piece and look around in shock.

"What was that roar just now?" Lin Mo couldn't help but ask with a hint of panic on his face.

"What exactly does this jade piece do?"

"Behind the door, is it an abyss or some other place?"

Lin Mo frowned, having too many questions in his mind.

However, no one can give him an answer now.

"It's time to get out of here!"

Everything of value here has been taken away by Lin Mo, so it's time to leave.

He made his way down the stairs and finally met the children halfway.

Seeing Lin Mo come back alive, a group of children had smiles on their faces.

"Brother Lin Mo, it's great that you're okay!" A group of children came forward to greet him.

"Let's go, I'll take you down!" Lin Mo said with a smile, and then ran down with a group of children.

The Kyushu Order is now more effective in Lin Mo's hands. After the energy, blood and mental power are restored, the children's speed bonus suddenly doubles.

From a distance, Lin Mo saw the people in the village looking up at them. After seeing Lin Mo and the children behind him, the faces of the group showed excitement.

The parents of those children rushed out from the crowd. Looking at the children, they couldn't help but hold them in their arms and stroke their heads over and over again.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin!" The old village chief looked at Lin Mo and led all the villagers to kneel directly towards Lin Mo.

Lin Mo quickly stepped forward and pulled the man up. Looking at the stairs behind him, Lin Mo thought for a moment: "I have killed all the gods on the mountain. Do you need to keep this ladder?"

"Mr. Lin, if the gods are gone, what's the use of the stairs?" The old village chief said with an excited look on his face: "If you can, please destroy him!"

Lin Mo smiled. The thoughts of these villagers coincided with his.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Mo raised his hand and punched the steps hard!

At this moment, the five ferocious beasts raised their heads and roared, shaking the world.

His fist hit the steps, and cracks spread to the endless distance above at an extremely fast speed.

"You all stay away!"

Lin Mo looked at the villagers and reminded them.

The villagers hurriedly hid aside.

Then I heard a thunderous sound above my head, followed by boulders falling one after another!


With an earth-shattering roar, the steps connecting heaven and earth suddenly collapsed!

Huge rocks fell down, knocking down many villagers' houses, but those villagers still had excited smiles on their faces.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu If Mr. Lin could have come earlier, my brother and sister would not have died!"

A gray-haired old man suddenly started crying.

This cry infected many people, and they all started to cry.

Looking at this scene, Lin Mo had a sad look on his face, but it really had nothing to do with him.

"I have a suggestion, see if you can do it!" Lin Mo looked at the old village chief and others and said, "I have a way to take you out of here now!

If you leave here, you can stay on the small island outside.

Or follow me back to China and take root in the giant city of Luobu. Of course, I will provide you with some skills to ensure that you embark on the martial arts!

In Rob Giant City, you don’t have to worry about being bullied or anything like that. "

Lin Mo explained the differences between Neon and Robo Giant City one by one, then looked at them and waited quietly.

"We want to go back to China, and we are willing to return to the great city of Luobu!"

The old village chief looked at Lin Mo with an excited look in his eyes: "We are all descendants of China from the pre-Qin era. In the endless years, although our ancestors have died, what still flows in our bodies is The blood of China!

So we have to go back! "

A group of people followed and shouted firmly: "We want to go back!"

Seeing them making such a choice, Lin Mo finally showed a smile on his face.

If they choose to stay in Neon, although Lin Mo will not kill them all, he will not care about anything after taking them out.

Neon is full of monsters now, and the only outcome for these people who stay in Neon is to become a lump in the belly of the monster.

"You all get ready, I will take you out of here!"

After hearing Lin Mo's words, the villagers immediately started to take action. Many people simply packed their clothes and other things, and then returned to Lin Mo and started waiting.

There are also people whose family background is probably better, so they carry a lot more things.

Lin Mo even saw some people bringing a lot of things that were not used in daily life. Lin Mo even saw an old man carrying a big millstone on his back.

In the words of the old man, he was worried that he would not be able to eat white noodles when he arrived in Robb City...

Lin Mo could only explain to them that the world outside is completely different from here, and rice and white noodles are enough!

The old man nodded with a smile, but still stubbornly carried the millstone. In the end, Lin Mo had no choice but to give up persuasion.

Even though Lin Mo saved them, these people still remained suspicious of Lin Mo. Although they followed, no one knew what fate was waiting for them before they reached the end.

"We used to follow the gods, but the gods took our children...

Now that we are following Lin Mo, we just want to see, what do we need to pay? "

With this thought in their hearts, these villagers followed Lin Mo firmly.

When Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi died, Lin Mo found copies of the three artifacts, so now he repeated his old tricks and soon opened a new gate to the abyss.

From a distance, they saw Xiaolu and others looking at them.

Lin Mo led everyone in the village through the gate and outside.

Looking at the monsters around them, the villagers' faces turned green.

"Escaped from the tiger's mouth and entered the wolf's den again!"

Some old villagers had expressions of regret on their faces.

But Lin Mo quickly helped them dispel their concerns.

"These people are all Chinese. I need rescue ships. We are currently in Neon!"

Lin Mo called Li Fengchun. He knew very well that the Li family's ability was not low. At this time, if he wanted to take these people away from Neon, he had to negotiate with the officials.

Fortunately, Neon has a ready-made reason: Neon monsters are rampant, and China, as an ally, has the obligation to help the poor Neon people drive away the monsters!

Huaxia shouted slogans like this, and then appeared next to the port with a huge cruise ship.

Many Neon people thought that Hua Xia was here to help kill the monsters, but they did not expect that Hua Xia only came with a dozen people in total.

If these people have the strength to fight monsters, they will basically be in a situation where there is no return.

“The Chinese side heard about Neon’s experience and expressed sadness, but our Chinese strength is limited and can only provide rescue ships to help transport some people!

It just so happened that Lin Mo, a Chinese, discovered some trapped people and finally brought them back after a hard battle. The absolute mission of the first batch of Chinese ships was to bring these people to China! "

The person in charge of the rescue ship spoke like this with a gentle smile on his face.

Hearing this, Neon was so angry that he went crazy.

In the end, I could only hold my nose and let the rescue ship take away all the villagers brought by Lin Mo!

This time, the team was led by Li Fengchun from the Li family, so the ship would not dock anywhere other than the giant city of Rob.

“Fortunately, although the giant city of Rob is located in a desert area, it actually borders the sea!

Otherwise, I really don’t know how to do it! Lin Mo said with a smile in his heart.

"The monsters need to stay here, only we can go back first!" Lin Mo looked at Xiao Lu and said.

Xiaolu nodded, although he was reluctant to give up, but at this time, there was nothing he could do.

She returned to the abyss with several personal monsters.

At this time, the entire Neon Island was surrounded.

There are many forces surrounding them, including the Beautiful Country, the Chinese Country, and the Eagle Country.

In their words, it is to prevent monsters from leaving the island and heading to other countries.

For this reason, Neon really has nothing to do.

At this moment, in the abyss, Xiao Lu, the martial arts clone, and Xiao Cang returned to the Holy Mountain once again.

Princess Yu'er didn't come back because she wanted to stay with the monster in the neon tube.

They looked at Lin Mo in front of them with inexplicable expressions on their faces.

"Do you really think humans and monsters can live together peacefully?" Xiao Lu looked at Lin Mo and asked the question he had always wanted to ask.

"I've always felt this way!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "It's like we all get along well, so I believe they can do the same!

But before that, we do still have a long way to go! "

Lin Mo had a smile on his face and spoke slowly.

Xiao Lu nodded, then looked at Lin Mo: "This time, you came to the abyss to find me. You must have other things to do!"

Lin Mo nodded: "You must also know what happened this time. A monster and Neon teamed up to open the door to the abyss.

They appeared in the world and carried out massacres!

Although the door is closed, the threat of monsters to the world still exists!

After entering Gaotianyuan this time, I discovered that Xu Fu had left Gaotianyuan. At the same time, I found this jade piece.

With the help of the jade piece, I heard the terrifying roar of a huge monster!

I suspect that it is a completely new place besides the abyss! "

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