"Except for the money to buy the Qi and Blood Pill, I still have 80,000 yuan left!"

"In addition, Teacher Zhang also helped me apply for a Qi and Blood Pill. If nothing goes wrong, I will get it next week."

"And the iron rod on me is worth more than 500,000!"

"So, in just two days, I already have assets worth millions!"

"Next week, I will find a reason to give my dad some money. He is so tired all day long..."

Lin Mo walked out of the martial arts arena, and he had already started to calculate slowly in his heart.

Just after walking a distance, he paused slightly, turned around and looked back.

Because it was morning, there were not many people walking on this street, so he turned around and saw nothing.

"Strange, I clearly felt that someone was following me. Is it my illusion?"

Lin Mo frowned and continued to move forward.

A few minutes later, a figure flashed in the corner. It was Feng Fei who followed him out.

"What a vigilant boy, fortunately I reacted quickly!"

Feng Fei sneered and continued to follow behind quietly.

He has worked in the martial arts arena for many years and is very familiar with the area. According to his plan, there is a small alley not far ahead.

It is still early, and there are few people on that road, and even fewer people passing through the alley.

"One minute is enough to deal with a child!"

Although Feng Fei could not see Lin Mo's blood value, according to his assessment, Lin Mo's blood value is only about 1.5 at most.

Feng Fei himself has reached 2.5 blood now, plus he has practiced martial arts, it is easy to deal with a kid.

Soon, the two entered the alley.

Lin Mo paused and turned around suddenly.

When he arrived at the destination, Feng Fei was too lazy to hide anymore, and walked up with a sneer.

"What do you want to do?" Lin Mo looked at Feng Fei in front of him and frowned slightly.

"What?" Feng Fei sneered: "Boy, I gave you a chance when I was at the exchange, but you didn't cherish it!

You are so young, why are you so greedy!

It would have been great if you had sold it to me for 55,000 yuan a plant!

You had to force me to do it to you, now you can't get a penny!"

Listening to Feng Fei's words, Lin Mo's face turned cold: "So, you want to rob money?"

"It's so ugly to say rob..." Feng Fei smiled lightly: "It should be said that you voluntarily gave the money to me..."

As he spoke, he walked towards Lin Mo.

At the same time, the blood and qi in his body dissipated, turned into pressure, and went towards Lin Mo.

Feeling the pressure from Feng Fei, Lin Mo felt a little relieved.

From the pressure alone, he felt that Feng Fei's blood and qi value should not be as high as his!

But Lin Mo did not dare to take it lightly. In any case, Feng Fei was older than him, and his practical experience was definitely far better than his.

"Boy, give me the money quickly, and don't suffer too much..." Feng Fei shouted coldly: "Otherwise, I will kill you!"

"Don't kill me... I... I will give you money!" Lin Mo pretended to be scared, and took out his mobile phone at the same time: "I will transfer money to you..."

"Let's not talk about the transfer first, give me the Qi and Blood Pill on you first!"

"Okay... okay!" Lin Mo "trembled" and said, and took out the Qi and Blood Pill and handed it to Feng Fei.

"So good..." Feng Fei smiled, but his eyes were full of cruelty.

Lin Mo had seen his face, and even if he was willing to hand over the Qi and Blood Pill, he would not leave him alive.

After getting the money and the Qi and Blood Pill, he would give Lin Mo a quick death!

"Good boy!"

When Feng Fei reached out his hand to him, Lin Mo suddenly took back the Qi and Blood Pill, and kicked Feng Fei in the stomach at the same time!

Feng Fei's face changed, obviously he didn't expect Lin Mo to dare to attack him.

"Looking for death!" He sneered, raised his hand and slapped Lin Mo's feet!


With a muffled sound, Feng Fei couldn't help but take a few steps back.

His palm trembled slightly, and the tiger's mouth was actually cracked, and bright red blood kept flowing out.

"You...how come your blood and qi are so high!"

Feng Fei's face was full of shock. In the collision just now, he felt that Lin Mo's blood and qi were definitely above his!

But, how old is Lin Mo!

At such a young age, he can actually have more than 2.5 blood and qi!

Although having such high blood and qi at this age cannot be called a genius, it is also very talented!

Lin Mo was a little regretful that he failed to kick Feng Fei to death.

Hearing Feng Fei's words, Lin Mo deliberately pretended to be proud and said, "I just took the blood and qi pill to increase it!"

"Take the blood and qi pill to increase it?" Feng Fei was immediately happy when he heard it.

A blood and qi pill can generally increase blood and qi by about 0.5...

"That is to say, although this kid has a high blood and qi value, he probably hasn't had time to practice martial arts... Without martial arts, this little blood and qi is not a big deal!"

Thinking of this, Feng Fei was relieved.

"In that case, then you die!"

"Splitting Wind Palm!"

Feng Fei shouted coldly, waved his hands, condensed the blood and qi, and gathered them on his hands.

His entire palm slapped towards Lin Mo's chest with a whistling sound of wind.

Lin Mo's expression changed slightly, feeling the violent power of Feng Fei's palm, he took two steps back without hesitation.


This palm missed, and the wind driven by the palm directly cracked a stone brick on the wall!

It can be seen that if this palm hits the body, he will be half-dead if not dead!

"Boy, let's see how long you can hide!"

Feng Fei shouted coldly and rushed towards Lin Mo again.

Seeing Feng Fei rushing over, Lin Mo's mind moved slightly and took out the iron rod directly.

Seeing the iron rod suddenly appearing in Lin Mo's hand, Feng Fei was stunned for a moment, and then sneered.

A mere iron rod, he can break it with one palm!

Lin Mo raised the iron rod and smashed it towards Feng Fei's head.

Feng Fei raised his hand to resist regardless.


Crack! !

After a muffled sound, there was the sound of broken bones.

For this stick, Lin Mo used all his strength.

The moment the iron rod touched Feng Fei's palm, his palm was disabled.

At the same time, the speed of the iron rod did not decrease at all, and it still smashed straight towards Feng Fei's head!


Feng Fei fell to the ground with his eyes wide open, and there was no sound!

His entire head exploded completely, and red and white liquid flowed everywhere, which looked extremely disgusting!

Lin Mo was holding the iron rod, breathing heavily.

This was his first time to kill someone, and he was terrified, but he had no regrets.

He was not a fool. Since Feng Fei chose to rob directly, he must have wanted to kill him.

If Lin Mo did not kill Feng Fei, it was hard to guarantee whether Feng Fei would cause trouble for him later.

After putting away the iron rod, Lin Mo turned around and left the alley.

There were no cameras here, and even the Wumeng would find it difficult to find him.

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