After leaving the alley, Lin Mo ran back home in one breath. Today was the weekend, and his parents were all out working.

His sister Lin Ya didn't know where she went, so Lin Mo was the only one at home.

He rushed directly to the bathroom and washed his hands frantically with cold water.

When Feng Fei's brain burst, he clearly felt the warmth coming from his hands.

It was impossible not to be nervous when killing someone for the first time...

"Since I have embarked on the path of a warrior, it is only a matter of time before I kill someone and see blood!"

"What's more, he was the one who wanted to kill me first!"

"It's reasonable for me to kill him!"

Lin Mo raised his head and looked at himself in the mirror, took a deep breath, and his eyes gradually became firm.

After adjusting his mentality, Lin Mo returned to the room and started practicing with the "Thunder Breathing Method" again.

Now his blood and qi have reached 2.8, and he can apply to learn martial arts when he goes to school tomorrow.

"I don't know how much my blood and qi can be improved by the "Thunder Breathing Method" after practicing for a day!"

In the blink of an eye, it was evening.

Lin Mo opened his eyes, felt his own blood and qi, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

"The blood and qi have improved a lot!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up. The gains brought to him by the breathing method were much higher than he had expected!

After dinner, Lin Mo returned to the bedroom, thought for a moment, and took out the blood and qi pills he bought today.

"I originally planned to rest for a night, but in the martial arts, we must seize every minute!"

The experience during the day made Lin Mo feel a sense of crisis. If he could not become strong enough, he might be killed by stronger people in the future!

After swallowing the blood and qi pill, Lin Mo fell asleep as usual.

The game is loading...

Five golden words appeared in his mind, and then the picture flowed, and three options appeared in front of him.

"Goblin Country", "Cat Demon Forest", "Martial Arts Field"

"It seems that we have already attacked the dungeon of the lord, and now we can choose to enter it. The Cat Demon Forest should be the next dungeon. As for the martial arts field..."

Lin Mo analyzed the three options in front of him, and finally his consciousness was fixed on the option of the martial arts field.

"No martial arts detected, the dungeon cannot be opened!"

Such a prompt appeared in the dream.

"It seems that the martial arts field can only be activated and opened after learning martial arts... Then, I'd better enter the Cat Demon Forest this time!"

Lin Mo quickly adjusted his options and entered the Cat Demon Forest...

In the dim forest, there was gray fog everywhere, and dew dripped from time to time.

In the blurred distance, bursts of weird laughter came from time to time.

Lin Mo tried it and successfully took out the iron rod and held it in his hand.

After having a weapon, Lin Mo's courage suddenly increased a lot, and he wanted to walk away step by step.


The sound of breaking wind sounded, and an orange figure suddenly flashed behind him.

Lin Mo waved the iron rod to resist.

Ding Ding!

Two crisp sounds, leaving two shallow scratches on the iron rod.

Not far away, a half-meter-tall cat demon was crawling on the ground, with a pair of earthy yellow eyes emitting a demonic light.


The cat demon screamed, half of its body crawled, gathering strength, and then pounced on Lin Mo again.

Lin Mo used all his strength, swung the iron rod, and hit the cat demon's head.

But the cat demon's movements were too fast, and it twisted its body in mid-air to avoid the stick, and at the same time its claws fell on Lin Mo's body.


The clothes on his body were scratched, and the cat's claws left several deep blood marks on Lin Mo's left arm.

The piercing pain made Lin Mo almost scream.

"If you let me see blood, I will take your life!" Lin Mo held the stick, his face full of anger.

He began to move around. According to his estimation, the cat demon in front of him had a higher HP than him, and his speed was fast.

Now he could only rely on moving to find an opportunity to kill it!

As the fog came, Lin Mo took a step back and hid his figure.

At the same time, he pricked up his ears and listened carefully to the sounds around him.


A slight sound came from the right rear.

"Go to hell!" Lin Mo swung the iron rod without hesitation and smashed it towards the right rear!

With a plop.

The orange cat demon was hit directly on the head by Lin Mo and fell heavily to the ground.

The cat demon died!

A stream of blood flew from his body and sank into Lin Mo's body.

At the same time, a ball of light flashed, and a black thing could be vaguely seen in it.

"No matter what it is, put it away first, and study it slowly after leaving the copy!" Lin Mo put away the light ball, walked forward for a distance, and then entered the next room.

Unlike the previous room, there were actually two cat demons in this room.

This time, Lin Mo paid the price of a piercing wound in his chest before killing both cat demons!

One of the cat demons dropped nothing, but the other one dropped a ball of light.

Looking at the red stone door that appeared in front of him, Lin Mo realized that today's copy was over.

Sure enough, Lin Mo woke up from his dream soon, stood up, and the feeling of fullness of blood and qi appeared again.

"At least 0.9 blood and qi have increased, plus the blood and qi I increased during the day... maybe my blood and qi value can reach more than 4!"

Lin Mo assessed his condition and felt his heart beating wildly in his chest.

Exciting! So exciting!

This upgrade speed is so exciting!

"To be safe, I will continue to practice with the "Thunder Breathing Method"!"


Just when Lin Mo was about to continue practicing, his stomach made a protesting sound.

He glanced at the time and saw that it was already twelve o'clock in the morning. After thinking for a while, Lin Mo tiptoed into the kitchen.

"What are you doing!"

Just when Lin Mo was standing in front of the refrigerator and chewing the leftover pig's trotters from the night before, Lin Ya's voice sounded behind him.

Lin Ya was wearing a light pink pajamas, with black hair draped over her shoulders, and a cold look on her pretty face.

"I'm hungry, eat something..." Lin Mo smiled and waved the remaining half pig's trotter in his hand: "Eat together?"

"Eat it yourself!" Lin Ya frowned, turned around and walked towards her room.

Lin Mo smiled and shook his head. After finishing off a whole hoof, he tiptoed back to his room.

"Let's see what those two balls of light are first!" Lin Mo's mind moved, and he took out both balls of light.

"The black thing looks like a claw... Could it be the claw of a cat demon?"

"This thing... seems to be a material, it should be able to sell for a good price!"

"There is no Qi and Blood Grass tonight, I hope this claw can be worth the money of a Qi and Blood Pill!"

Lin Mo put away the cat demon's claw again, and his eyes fell on another ball of light.

There seemed to be another roll of paper inside.

"Is it another good thing like breathing method?" Lin Mo felt his heartbeat quicken.

Although the "Thunder Breathing Method" can increase the speed of cultivation, it should not be counted as a martial art, otherwise it would be impossible to open the martial arts arena.

"It would be great if it was a martial art!" Lin Mo was a little excited. Some powerful martial arts could be sold at a sky-high price!

After grabbing the paper roll in his hand and unfolding it, Lin Mo widened his eyes.

"How to make low-level Qi and Blood Pills..."

The paper scroll recorded the detailed method of making low-level Qi and Blood Pills, and recorded the best ratio of each material.

"That's not right. From what I know, three Qi and Blood Grasses can only make two Qi and Blood Pills. Only a few powerful alchemists can occasionally make three Qi and Blood Pills!

But according to what the paper scroll said, three Qi and Blood Grasses can actually make four Qi and Blood Pills!"

Lin Mo's face showed excitement: "If this is true... then I'm rich!?"

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