September 1st, Beijing, Huaxia Military University!

This place is about dozens of kilometers away from the main urban area of ​​Beijing. It is usually a deserted place, but now, the gate of the military university is full of cars.

Huaxia Military University's annual enrollment can be divided into the inner and outer courtyards.

The so-called inner courtyard is the top talents selected through the normal college entrance examination. Every year, no more than one hundred students in the whole of China will enter.

The outer courtyard is a paradise for krypton gold bosses. In the outer courtyard, as long as your blood reaches the fifth-grade warrior or above, and donate a large sum of money to the school, then you can have the qualification to enter the outer courtyard of Huaxia Military University!

The cost of this donation often starts at 100 million!

"They are all rich people!" Lin Mo came late after having breakfast at the hotel. Looking at the rows of luxury cars parked at the gate, his eyes were dazzled, and he couldn't help but sigh.

"According to the information I have learned, the number of students enrolled in the inner courtyard this year is 88, while the number of students enrolled in the outer courtyard is ten times that of the inner courtyard, 880!

According to my speculation, Huaxia Military University wants to use the tuition fees of students from the outer courtyard to subsidize the students of the inner courtyard."

Lin Mo stood at the door and made his own guess, then walked towards the entrance of the military university.

"Such a big school doesn't even have a gatekeeper. Aren't you worried that the group of people from the Dark Blood Society will sneak in and kill people?" Lin Mo looked at the unguarded gate and was a little surprised.

There were many parents of students at the school gate, standing outside the gate reluctantly, looking at the children pulling the suitcases into the school, their eyes were red.

"Son, study hard inside and strive to enter the inner courtyard from the outer courtyard!"

"Daughter, seize the opportunity and choose a suitable husband in the inner courtyard. The revival of our family depends on you!"

"Son, eat whatever you want in school, and tell mom if you don't have enough money!"


Similar voices were heard from time to time outside the gate.

"Uncle and aunt, you won't go in?" Lin Mo looked at the parents next to him. They were wiping their tears. Not far ahead, a little girl in a black long skirt and pigtails was waving at them.

"Outsiders can't enter the school!" The man wiped his tears and said, "Didn't you see the stone beasts placed on both sides of the gate? When outsiders enter the school, these two stone beasts will revive and kill people directly!"

Lin Mo looked at the two huge stone lions standing in front of the gate. They were more than five meters tall, with sharp eyes and blood on their teeth!

"Can this thing kill people?" Lin Mo was a little confused, but he had no way to verify it now.

"You will know if it can kill people when you go in!" The couple was not in a good mood. They glared at Lin Mo and were about to leave.

Lin Mo didn't care, but walked to the side directly and raised his hand to touch the stone lion.


The stone lion actually trembled slightly, and then a numb feeling spread throughout Lin Mo's body.

"Damn it, this stone lion actually has the power of thunder!" Lin Mo was shocked. According to legend, some powerful warriors can master special elemental powers.

The thunder element is one of the more powerful powers.

"Good stuff, worthy of being the Chinese Military University!" Lin Mo exclaimed, and then raised his legs to walk towards the inside of the gate.

The moment he walked through the gate, Lin Mo felt like something was wandering around his body!

This happened in just a moment, but Lin Mo could sense it clearly!

"It should be a scanning process, used to confirm the identity and prevent people from the Dark Blood Society from entering..." Lin Mo was thinking, and suddenly heard a muffled sound behind him.

Looking back, Lin Mo saw an extremely bloody scene: a very beautiful woman was stuck at the entrance, and her delicate little face was full of panic.

The power of thunder was surging around her body. Just when Lin Mo was considering whether to help, a flash of thunder flashed and directly shattered her body!

"The people who found the Dark Blood Society have been wiped out!" A voice sounded above the gate, and the students who were still queuing immediately showed a look of fear on their faces.

"What a terrifying thunder power, it seems that we have to be careful!" Lin Mo warned himself that although he was the strongest among his peers in Jinling, he should not forget that there are still many hidden families and powerful forces with a long history in this world...

These places have a special way to cultivate geniuses. Lin Mo's strength is indeed very strong, but there is definitely a certain gap between him and the geniuses cultivated by these big families with all their efforts!

"Before registering, you need to check your blood and judge the attack power of martial arts. Please cooperate!"

After walking in the campus for a while, he saw the sign in front of him, which said the preparations before registration.

Lin Mo stepped forward and got the sign for testing blood and martial arts attack power.

What he didn't expect was that the girl queuing in front of him was the couple of parents that Lin Mo asked questions about at the door earlier.

"Peng Xin." Lin Mo glanced at the girl's name and nodded slightly. From the perspective of personality, this name is very appropriate.

"Health value 99!"

"The strongest skill attack power... 1800!"

Just as Lin Mo was thinking silently, the person guarding the test machine had already reported the specific data.

Many people around looked here, their expressions were either admiring or jealous.

"It's quite strong! Is there a family called Peng in China?"

Lin Mo was thinking silently, and at this time, the tester was already calling Lin Mo's name.

Standing in front of the instrument for testing blood and qi, Lin Mo was really nervous. He pressed his hands on the instrument, and soon some words appeared on it.


Lin Mo broke through the second-grade warrior! The blood and qi value directly reached more than 200!

"Your name is Lin Mo?" The tester was shocked by Lin Mo's blood and qi value and couldn't help asking.

Lin Mo nodded, and didn't want to spend too much time on this matter, so he asked directly: "Should I test my martial arts?"

The tester nodded and took Lin Mo to a relatively wide martial arts field.

"You can start. There are not too many restrictions here. As long as you can exert your limits, they will be recorded as your results!" The examiner looked at Lin Mo and smiled.

Lin Mo nodded, and directly activated the Yanxiang technique. The whole person jumped up and jumped into the air 30 meters away!

The noise here startled many people. Those who were taking the entrance test and the old students all stared at Lin Mo blankly.

"Why jump so high? The martial arts attack power test requires attack power..."

"Isn't he an idiot? Is he jumping so high to hurt people with gravity acceleration?"

"Isn't this the idiot I met at breakfast this morning? How can he come in?!" The young couple who had met in the restaurant before also came in. When they saw Lin Mo, they immediately showed a look of disdain on their faces.

"Eagle Step!"

At this moment, Lin Mo's eyes flashed, and he performed Eagle Step directly in the air!


Lin Mo hit the ground directly like a cannonball!

The ground was obviously paved with bluestone slabs, but now there were cracks, spreading around like a spider web!

The students who were still chattering before saw this scene and shut up.

The examiner looked at the final number on the screen in his hand and couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

"I... I didn't see it wrong... 4022 attack power!"

The examiner looked at the number above and couldn't help but rubbed his eyes, as if he was afraid that he had seen it wrong.

"More than 4,000 attack power, this is about to catch up with the sixth-grade warrior! Doesn't he only have the blood and energy of a second-grade warrior now? Why is he so powerful!"

Someone couldn't help but ask.

No one answered, they were all immersed in shock and couldn't get out of it!

"This is your entrance test score." The examiner smiled and put a document in Lin Mo's hand: "Xiao Kong, this classmate is a student of the inner courtyard, you take him to the grade dormitory first..."

"He is actually a student of the inner courtyard! This... How is this possible!" Hearing the examiner's words, the boy in the original couple was stunned, and looked at Lin Mo with shock as he left here and walked towards the inner courtyard.

And the girl next to him was looking at Lin Mo's back, already fascinated...

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