Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 85 Monster Flesh and Blood!

"My name is Kong Jie. I am one year older than you. You can call me senior..." Kong Jie walked in front of Lin Mo enthusiastically and said with a smile on his face.

"Hello, senior, please give me more advice in the future!" Lin Mo also nodded.

"You are the first person to come to college with just a bag. Look at them, they wish they could move their houses here!" Kong Jie pointed to the freshmen beside him.

They are either dragging huge suitcases, or simply carrying an oversized backpack. Anyway, those who can enter the Huaxia Military Academy are at least fifth-level warriors, and it is no problem to carry hundreds of kilograms of heavy objects.

"I just brought some changes of clothes. If I need anything, the school can buy it!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "They have prepared it in advance, so they won't be in a hurry when needed!"

What Lin Mo said was fair and clear, and no one could be offended.

Kong Jie took a deep look at Lin Mo, smiled and nodded.

"In front is the school history museum, which records in detail some of the history and glorious deeds of Military University. There are even corpses of monsters killed by seniors. You can go and see it when you have time... But if you want to see the corpses of monsters, you need to There are many credits.

By the way, I forgot to introduce it. Military University’s expenses are mainly based on credits. Credits can be obtained through examinations, competitions, tasks, and cash purchases.

Of course, credits can also be exchanged for corresponding cash, but it is illegal for students to exchange cash privately, and if discovered, they will be warned.

The school will release tasks from time to time, and you can get a lot of credits by completing the tasks, followed by exams, including cultural exams and practical exams..."

Kong Jie was very enthusiastic and told Lin Mo some commonly used knowledge one by one.

Lin Mo nodded while listening.

"This is the canteen. As long as you have credits, you can even get a piece of monster flesh and blood brought back from the abyss!

This kind of thing is very nourishing. If you eat a small piece, your energy and blood will increase a lot!

Further ahead is the martial arts field. Military University is different from other schools. We have our own martial arts field, which has similar functions to the martial arts fields outside. The only difference is that if you want to buy something, you must exchange it for credits..."

Military University is a big place, and after walking for more than half an hour, the two of them arrived at the bottom of the dormitory building.

The dormitory building is not very big and can only accommodate about five hundred people at most.

"Accommodation does not consume credits, but if you want to have a good environment, you need to use credits. I forgot to tell you. The school uses single-person dormitories. The dormitories integrate many functions. I will give you a detailed introduction after entering. …”

The two entered the dormitory door and found Lin Mo's room.

The room was unexpectedly large, about twenty square meters. There was a screen hanging on the wall of the dormitory, which displayed various functions.

"This screen controls the key to the entire dormitory. Look, click on the Qi and Blood Room, and the Qi and Blood Stones preset in the room will be activated, and the Qi and Blood Power of the Stone Chamber will be activated for the martial arts cultivators to absorb.

However, the price is not cheap, one hundred points per hour!

I forgot to tell you, ten yuan can be exchanged for one point! "

Ten yuan per point, then one hundred points converted into cash is one thousand yuan!

One thousand an hour, if you practice in this room for one day, you must spend more than 20,000!

"I am poor in literature but rich in martial arts. It turns out that martial arts cultivation is not something that ordinary people can afford!" Lin Mo said with some emotion.

"And this, the pointing function, each point needs to consume 10,000 credits!

It's a bit expensive, but the teachers who teach you martial arts are basically experts at the peak of martial arts. You will definitely benefit a lot from communicating with them! "

Kong Jie took Lin Mo to introduce the operation of various functions in the dormitory and the number of credits consumed.

"Credit points are required everywhere. Military University cannot move forward without credits..." Lin Mo sighed with emotion: "Can I see how many points I have now?"

"Just swipe your card directly on the screen!" Kong Jie pointed at the screen.


Lin Mo put the student card in his hand on the screen, and with a soft sound, Lin Mo's personal information appeared on the screen.

Number of credits: one thousand!

Lin Mo looked at the thousand credits in his student ID card and was suddenly surprised.

"Is this a gift package for students?" Lin Mo stared at Kong Jie who was standing aside.

"This..." Kong Jie was also stunned: "Generally, freshmen are awarded a hundred credits when they enter school, but now you actually have a thousand credits! You are going to develop at a pace!"

Kong Jie showed an envious look on his face: "I suspect it's because you performed very well in the exam just now and the school gave you points as a reward!"

"Then I'll treat the seniors to a big dinner?" Lin Mo smiled and waved the student card in his hand.

"You don't have to be so polite..." Kong Jie waved his hand and refused. He felt a little weird that the new student invited the old student to dinner.

"Senior, you're welcome. What I'm going to eat later is the flesh and blood of monsters. It's very rare!" Lin Mo looked at Kong Jie seriously: "Senior, don't you really want to try how it tastes?"

Monster flesh and blood?

Hearing these words, Kong Jie's face suddenly showed a heartbeat look.

"In that case, I'm not polite..." In the end, Kong Jie was attracted by the words "monster flesh and blood" and followed Lin Mo to the restaurant.

"Let's go to the third floor. The food there is of good quality!" Kong Jie took Lin Mo to the third floor. The consumption here was obviously much higher than below. Lin Mo only saw a few students sitting on chairs to eat.

"Lin Mo, the price here is not cheap. We just need to order one portion of flesh and blood, otherwise we won't be able to finish it..." Kong Jie saw Lin Mo holding the menu and quickly reminded him with a smile.

Lin Mo smiled and said, "It's okay. At most, I can spend all the 1,000 points!"

"I'm worried that you don't have enough 1,000 points..."

Kong Jie sighed in a low voice and spoke slowly.

"A thousand points are not enough? What kind of meal can cost 10,000 yuan at a time?!"

"Then I must expand my horizons!"

Lin Mo said as he pulled out a stool and sat down: "Boss, bring the menu..."

Soon, the second aunt in the cafeteria came to Lin Mo with the menu.

After glancing at the contents of the menu, Lin Mo directly ordered a portion of monster flesh and blood.

One pound of flesh and blood actually costs 100 points?

"The price of these monsters is actually just the lowest price. Sometimes the quality of the flesh is good, and the price will be more expensive. Once when I was having dinner with my friends, I saw someone order a piece of flesh that was said to be from the Monkey King. That meal cost a full 10,000 credits!"

Ten thousand credits, that is 100,000 yuan.

Although it is not a small amount for Lin Mo, it is not much either.

After a while, the monster flesh ordered by Lin Mo was delivered to the table.

Looking at the crystal-clear flesh color, Lin Mo and Kong Jie's eyes suddenly lit up!

This is definitely a good thing. Just smelling it makes people feel relaxed and happy, and the power of qi and blood seems to have changed!

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