Gao Wu: Invincibility Starts From Liver Experience

Chapter 71: Cultivation Speed ​​Like A Cheat

"I know some of you are wondering why freshmen are being asked to try out for the National League this year."

Principal Yang cleared his throat and explained:

"Actually, not only our Guwu University has made this decision this year, but other universities have also made this decision."

"Because this year's trials were held in the Lost Domain of the Inheritance Secret Realm, everyone decided to give freshmen more opportunities to prepare for the National League in three years' time."

In this way, freshmen have the opportunity to participate in the national league trials twice.

With the experience of the first time, the chances of being selected for the National League for the second time will undoubtedly increase a lot.

Although this is a bit unfair to the sophomores and juniors, in terms of potential, Meng Qi is the strongest this year, and he is also the one who is most likely to break out of the trials three years later and win the ranking in the national league. session.

In order for Guwu University not to drop from a key university to a first-class university, President Yang had to make this decision.

This also means that all the pressure is on the five of Meng Qi.

"Principal, why did you let Gu Menghan participate in the trials?"

Gu Shengnan asked, Gu Menghan is not a freshman, once he enters the trials, he will definitely be crazily targeted by students from other schools.

"Because I plan to let her enter the inheritance space instead of you." Principal Yang replied.

An extreme warrior like Gu Shengnan can break through to the realm of a master at any time as long as he thinks about it, and he no longer needs the empowerment of the inheritance space.

Considering that Gu Shengnan has paid a lot for Guwu University, that's why President Yang transferred the access to the inheritance space to Gu Menghan.

Otherwise, Gu Menghan is not qualified to enter the inheritance space for the second time.

"Principal, I want to enter the Lost Realm first, to see if I can try to break through the limit warrior." Gu Menghan said with her lips pursed.


Principal Yang looked at Gu Shengnan.

It's not that he hit Gu Menghan, but in his opinion, the probability of Gu Menghan breaking through to the limit warrior is less than one in ten thousand. We can only see if Gu Shengnan can persuade Gu Menghan.

Gu Shengnan stood up and said to Gu Menghan, "Come out with me."

After speaking, he walked out of the meeting room.

Without even thinking about it, Gu Menghan knew that Gu Shengnan might want her to receive the empowerment and become a master, so he cast a look at Principal Yang for help.

Principal Yang didn't look sideways, pretending he didn't see it.

He whispered in his heart: Silly boy, your sister is doing this for your own good.

Helpless, Gu Menghan could only follow Gu Shengnan out of the meeting room.

After a while, the two re-entered the meeting room.

Gu Menghan lowered her head with an expression of unwillingness, but because of her sister's majesty, she still compromised.

Said to Principal Yang: "I am willing to enter the inheritance space."

"it is good."

Principal Yang nodded and smiled, then looked at the others: "Do you have any questions?"

Meng Qi raised his hand: "Principal, isn't the role of the inheritance space to increase the probability of a ninth-rank warrior breaking through to a master? We haven't cultivated to a ninth-rank warrior, so what's the use of entering the inheritance space?"

Principal Yang slapped his head. He forgot that among the five freshmen, only Meng Qi had neither a teacher nor a background. He didn't know the other functions of the inheritance space, and said:

"Inheritance space can not only increase the chances of ninth-rank warriors becoming masters, but also store this potential in the warrior's body, and release it when you break through to the peak of ninth-rank warriors in the future."

"In addition, inheriting the space empowerment can also improve the cultivation level. The higher the potential, the higher the level of improvement."

When it comes to potential, Meng Qi is a little depressed. The potential of his body is too weak. It seems that he will miss another big opportunity this time.

"Will entering the inheritance space affect our ability to become extreme fighters?" Meng Qi asked again.

If so, he would give up this opportunity without hesitation.

"No, only after entering the inheritance space twice, will the martial artist reach the peak of the ninth-rank martial artist and directly break through to the master."

While Principal Yang answered, he remembered another thing: "By the way, the other students decided to enter the Heritage Tower ten days later in order to thank you for allowing the Heritage Tower to open normally. During these ten days, you can enjoy the most complete aura empowerment."


Early the next morning, Principal Yang brought the eight Meng Qi to the highest level of the inheritance tower.

Among them, Gu Shengnan and Lin Wenbo did not need to receive spiritual empowerment.

Under Principal Yang's guidance, Meng Qi entered a separate space.

In this space, there is a milky white crystal ball the size of a human head.

"After a while, when you put your hands on the inheritance crystal, it means the initiation of spiritual energy empowerment."

Principal Yang exhorted with a serious face:

"Remember, don't be brave. When you feel uncomfortable, immediately remove your palm from the inheritance crystal."

"Removing it means that this empowerment is over."

Meng Qi nodded, expressing understanding.

After Principal Yang left, he was the only one left in this space.

Meng Qi looked at the inheritance crystal and felt an inexplicable attraction on it.

According to Principal Yang, everyone will have this feeling in front of the inheritance crystal.

Meng Qi didn't take this feeling to heart, adjusted his posture, sat cross-legged in front of the inheritance crystal, and then stretched out two palms to rest on the inheritance crystal.

Ice cold, very comfortable.

A strange energy flows into the body along the arm, and then disappears in the body.

At first, Meng Qi felt nothing, even a little boring.

However, when he clicked on the experience value interface boringly, his eyes widened.

I saw that both the Spiritual Light Curse and the Soul Devouring Art inexplicably added 100 points of experience.

"Could it be?"

A bold idea suddenly appeared in Meng Qi's heart.

Accepting the aura empowerment can increase the experience value of the aura spell and soul-eating spell.

So Meng Qi stared straight at the experience point interface.

It went up, and it went up again.

The average increase is 4 points per minute, and it is 240 points in one hour.

According to this speed, it only takes a little more than two days for the Spiritual Light Curse to break through to level six.

What concept is this?

It is equivalent to receiving two days of spiritual energy empowerment here, which is equivalent to practicing half a month in the first area of ​​the ancient martial arts secret realm.

This sudden surprise stunned Meng Qi.

Although I don't know what the principle is, why bother so much?

It is the right way to take advantage of the opportunity to gather wool.


Principal Yang and Teacher Bai stood guard outside the inheritance tower.

"How much do you think Liu Wushuang can convert the energy in the inheritance crystal into his own cultivation?" Principal Yang asked chatting.

"With the blessing of the sword heart and sword bone, it should be able to convert 70%." Bai teacher Si Lin replied.

"Hey! Even if 70% can be converted, the other 30% is wasted. It's a pity." Principal Yang showed a regretful expression on his face.

"Seventy percent is already a lot. According to my estimation, Su Meng can convert at most 30%, and the three of Meng Qi probably don't even have 10%." Teacher Bai said.

"In this comparison, 70% is indeed quite high, but it would be even better if it could be converted into 10%." Principal Yang twirled his beard.

"Ten percent? That's too greedy." Teacher Bai shook his head.

If there is really someone who can completely transform the ability in the inheritance crystal, the potential is definitely the first person in all ages.

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