Gao Wu: Invincibility Starts From Liver Experience

Chapter 72 Fengwu University Provocation, Yang Cang Meets

On the eleventh day after entering the inheritance space, the rate of experience increase suddenly slowed down.

Counting the time, the inheritance tower has opened normally.

Meng Qi's heart was calm, and in half a day's time, the Spiritual Light Curse would be able to break through to level seven.

At that time, I will become the first student in fifty years to use the Spiritual Light Curse to break through to the seventh-rank martial artist.


"It's been the eleventh day. Meng Qi, Yang Cang, and Dong Fei should have reached their limit."

Principal Yang said based on past experience.

Su Meng should be able to persist for another day, and Liu Wushuang can persist for at least three days.

"Principal, it's not good, something happened."

A teacher hurried over.

"What happened?" Principal Yang asked.

"It's the freshmen of Fengwu University. They injured all our freshmen in the duel field. They were very ruthless. They also said that the freshmen of our school are a bunch of useless." The teacher said angrily.

Principal Yang snorted coldly, Fengwu University is right next to Guwu University, almost every year he would find ways to find trouble with Guwu University, but he didn't expect to directly call into the school this year, he is really courageous.

"Aren't the principal and teachers of Fengwu University here?"

"Principal Liu of Fengwu University came in person, but not only did he not stop his students, but instead commented on the shortcomings of our students with the teachers of his school, which made our students very angry."

The more the teacher talked, the more angry he became. How can a school principal openly go to other schools and speak ill of other students.

Even if there is a conflict with Furutake University, you can't do this, it's too much.

Principal Yang's face sank again: "It seems that during the years of our Guwu University's forbearance, some people have forgotten the illustrious reputation we made at the beginning, go, call Gu Qingshan and Sun Heng, and let them go to a duel Give a lesson to the students of Fengwu University on the court."


After a while, Principal Yang came to the duel field and saw the principal and teachers of Fengwu University pointing and pointing at the defeated students of Guwu University.

On the dueling arena, a young man whose immature appearance has not completely faded stands proudly.

Under the duel arena, the freshmen of Guwu University were ashamed, some had huge footprints on their clothes, some had a blood-red slap on their face, blood flowed from the corners of their mouths, and some even had their arms drooping, looking like they had been beaten If there is a fracture, if there is no ointment, you will even be permanently disabled in this life.

Damn, it's too much to deceive.

Principal Yang was furious, and said to a teacher beside him in a deep voice:

"Take these injured students to Teacher Shen for healing."

The teacher said in a hoarse voice: "Principal, these students said they want to wait until the students of Fengwu University are defeated before going to heal their injuries. They can't swallow this breath."

Principal Yang was still about to speak, but Principal Liu from Fengwu University came over with a fake smile on his face:

"I'm sorry, Principal Yang, I forgot to notify you when I came to your school. As the head of a school, you shouldn't care about such a small matter."

Principal Yang said with a smile on his face: "Why, of course I don't care about such a trivial matter, but you brought students to Guwu University to discuss, why didn't you discuss it with me in advance?"

To put it bluntly, this is here to mess things up.

Principal Liu said with a smile: "I wanted to discuss this matter with you, but my students were too impatient, and before I could find you, they ran to the duel field to discuss with your students. Afraid they would be injured, so I followed."

"It's just that I didn't expect the students in your school to be so weak. Let alone hurting my students, they can't even do ten tricks under my students."

Principal Yang glanced at the few students brought by Principal Liu, all of whom were elites, and he knew that if Principal Liu said that he was worried about the safety of the students, he was farting.

"Most of the students in our school have gone home for the winter vacation, but since Principal Liu wants to learn from each other, I will find a few students to play with your students."

Principal Liu said with a smile: "It's so good, I hope the students that Principal Yang recruited will not disappoint me."

A moment later, Gu Qingshan and Sun Heng were brought here.

After getting permission from Principal Yang, Sun Heng jumped onto the duel arena in one step.

In the one and a half months since the Freshman Competition, he has successfully cultivated to the peak of the fourth-rank martial artist, and his sword is more concise than before.

Climb onto the arena and salute your opponent with a cupped fist.

But the student on the opposite side kicked him directly.

Sun Heng was caught off guard and was kicked on the shoulder.

Originally, this kick was aimed at his head, but it was dodged.

Sun Heng stepped back seven or eight steps, feeling a burning pain in his left shoulder, and he couldn't use his left arm at all.

Haven't played yet.

His arm was crippled.

Seeing that the students of Fengwu University did not talk about martial arts sneak attack, Principal Yang said sarcastically:

"The students taught by President Liu really have the same style as your Fengwu University. They can only engage in sneak attacks."

Principal Liu laughed and said, "As long as you can defeat your opponent, that's a good way."

On the dueling arena.

Sun Heng's arm was crippled, and his fiery temper suddenly emerged.

With a ruthless gaze, the shot is the most powerful martial skill.

"Break the sea."

As soon as the knife comes out, the knife is rolling.

Under this knife, it seems that there are waves cut off by a knife.

The young man on the opposite side was startled, as if he didn't expect Sun Heng to be a knife repairman.

But after all, he is an elite selected by Principal Liu himself.

The spiritual energy fluctuations on his body spread out, and he was actually a fifth-rank peak warrior.

A long whip appeared in his hand.

"Five consecutive whips of lightning."

The whip was thrown out, as fast as a snake coming out of its hole.

With a whip, Sun Heng's long knife was deflected, and then another whip was swung quickly, hitting Sun Heng on the shoulder.

Beat Sun Heng's shoulder to pieces.

Sun Heng was also taken off the duel field by this whip.

Seeing that Sun Heng was also defeated, the students of Guwu University became even more angry.

Principal Liu glanced at Principal Yang, and said slowly and methodically:

"Principal Yang, is this the elite of your school? It seems that the students trained by your school are not very good?"

Principal Yang's face remained unchanged, but his palms were creaking behind his back.

If Liu Wushuang and the five of them hadn't retreated, how could it be the turn of Fengwu University students to be so arrogant.

At this moment, a figure hurriedly approached from a distance.

It's Yang Cang, he's gone out.

As soon as he heard that Fengwu University was provoking Guwu University, he rushed over as quickly as possible.

"Master...Principal, I'm here."

Principal Yang showed a smile on his face: "Okay, you go to the stage to compete with this student from Fengwu University. Remember, don't strike too hard."

Following Principal Yang's gaze, Yang Cang saw Sun Heng's arms were limply drooping, and immediately understood his grandfather's true thoughts.

"I see, I promise to show mercy."

Yang Cang jumped onto the duel field, spit out the dog's tail grass in his mouth, narrowed his eyes slightly, and hooked his finger at the student opposite.

"Come on, you go first."

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