Gao Wu: Starting from killing chickens to conquer the starry sky

Chapter 105: The Beginning of Martial Arts, Black Dragon Martial Pattern

After reaching the martial arts master level, Ye Ran no longer needed to use the Spirit Flame Body to refine the essence of the black dragon.

However, when he entered the barrel.

His face changed suddenly.

After his flesh touched the essence of the black dragon, his muscles were torn and crushed as if they were burned by fire, and the pain was unbearable.

Even with his perseverance, his face was distorted in pain in an instant, and he wanted to jump out of the barrel.

"Spirit Flame Body."

Ye Ran roared in a low voice, and golden flames ignited all over his body.

Even so, the pain was not reduced much.

The essence of a master-level beast, a first-level warrior, wanted to refine it, even if his physique was comparable to that of a martial artist, it was almost a fantasy.

In a few minutes, Ye Ran could no longer hold on, his teeth were almost broken, and his mouth was full of blood.

His mind was muddled, and one hand climbed the edge of the barrel, trying to leave.

There is no need to fight desperately. If you can't refine it now, you can refine some ordinary blood essence first, and then refine it again when your strength improves in the future.

It's just a few days later.

I have never heard of anyone who can refine the blood essence of a master-level beast at the level of a warrior.

He doesn't need to fight so hard, he has to be far better than others.

Martial arts practice is a long road, not overnight, long-term stability, and you can stand to the end and achieve the peak.


Ye Ran suddenly stood up from the wooden barrel, his expression was dazed, and one foot stepped out.

At this time, he suddenly slipped and hit his head heavily on the wall of the barrel.

This time, he was hit so hard that his head was buzzing.

It was also this time.

Ye Ran shook his head, woke up, and got rid of the pain for a short time.

He looked at the sticky black dragon blood essence in the wooden barrel that brought severe pain like poison, and he was a little confused.

He was just one step away from getting out, but he didn't want to do it anymore.

It's not because refining the blood of a master-level beast can achieve an unprecedented achievement that can surpass countless geniuses.


"From the beginning, I chose the blood of a black dragon to break through, not because no one can refine the blood of a beast in the realm of a warrior."

Ye Ran murmured to himself, "I just want to challenge my own limits."

"Martial arts practice is the process of constantly challenging my own limits. Even if it is extremely painful, I still enjoy it."

"This is my purpose, my original intention..."

In an instant, Ye Ran felt clear-minded, as if he had really figured something out.

If he wanted to become stronger, it was because he wanted to have enough power to protect his family, friends around him, etc.

Then he was really sincere and full of love for martial arts.

Really enjoying the pleasure of breaking the limit.

Ye Ran's mood gradually calmed down, even though his face was still hideous and he made a painful sound, but he still didn't walk out of the barrel.

This is not just about refining the blood of a black dragon and breaking through the realm.

It is also a growth and transformation.


Two hours later

Ye Ran's face was pale. At this time, all the black dragon blood in the bucket had disappeared.

He held the edge of the bucket and stood up weakly.

Although weak, his eyes were full of excitement.

At this time, a black dragon tattoo wrapped around his body on his back. The black dragon was lifelike, baring its teeth and claws, like a living creature.

It was the black dragon martial pattern.

"I wonder how much strength can be increased by the martial pattern of the master-level beast blood."

Ye Ran was a little excited and walked to the test instrument on the side.

Since he had already broken through, he did not hesitate to consume the achievement points directly and madly increase the blood value.

When he walked to the fist strength tester.

The blood value had been increased to 999 blood value at the peak of the second level.

The combat power increased by 500, plus the martial arts master-level physique, with nearly a thousand physical combat power, his total combat power is now about 3700 or 3800.

"Test it."

Ye Ran's eyes flickered, without using the martial arts pattern, he punched the fist strength tester in front of him.

The pointer on the tester moved slightly.

He was not too surprised. This training room was often visited by several martial artists. They were all martial artists. It would be a miracle if he could impress them.

On the screen, the punching power data appeared and quickly converted into combat power data.


Ye Ran nodded slightly, not too surprised.

Then, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and his blood and qi were slowly stimulated. The black dragon martial pattern behind him, and the dragon eyes suddenly opened.

In an instant, it seemed as if it really turned into a living black dragon, moving behind his back.

The air was a little solidified and cold.

Ye Ran felt full of power, almost uncontrollably, and punched hard.


This punch hit the punching power tester hard.

The pointer fluctuated.

The data panel flickered, and the final combat power data stopped at 5100!


Ye Ran took a breath of cold air. The combat power increased by nearly 1,400. Isn't this too outrageous?

"5100 combat power, almost twice that of a level 3 peak warrior."

He looked at the astonishing data, and his scalp tingled.

Although the gap between him and the martial artist is still huge, those below the martial artist are really noobs who can be easily beaten to death.

After all, such a huge combat power gap is not just talk.

"There is still room for breakthrough!"

Ye Ran was excited, turned around decisively, and took out the second bucket of black dragon blood.

This time, it was even longer.

It took three hours to finish.

Ye Ran walked out of the bucket, looking at the half bucket of black dragon blood, and couldn't help shaking his head.

Grandmaster Hengyang also predicted wrongly.

The black dragon blood essence was indeed enough for three times, but the demand for absorption became much greater as the martial arts realm broke through.

He broke through to the third level of martial arts, and this time, he directly absorbed more than a bucket and a half.

"Not enough to break through to martial arts master."

Ye Ran felt a little regretful, put away the remaining black dragon blood essence, and continued to observe the martial arts pattern impatiently.

The black dragon martial arts pattern at this time became more and more real.

Especially the dragon head, which was particularly ferocious and majestic, with a towering horn, and it was almost the same as the black dragon he had seen before.

"Using repeated exotic beast blood, the martial arts pattern will be more complete, and the exotic beast talent you can get will be stronger."

Ye Ran's heart moved slightly.

Observing it, the black dragon martial arts pattern is basically complete, only a few scales on the body are not real.

But there are very few parts, if you use the black dragon blood essence to break through once more, it will definitely be complete.

"I didn't get the talent of the black dragon after condensing the martial arts pattern twice. I'm not very lucky."

Ye Ran sensed it and frowned slightly.

However, Wu Wen inherited the talent of the beast, and luck played a major role. Although he regretted it, there was nothing he could do.

Of course, there was another possibility.

After condensing Wu Wen, the ordinary talent was not inherited, and the blood essence of the beast was of extremely high quality. After condensing Wu Wen many times, it might inherit the strongest talent.

Thinking of this, Ye Ran's heart jumped suddenly. If it was really the strongest talent of the black dragon.

That would definitely be extraordinary.

Not to mention the strength of the black dragon, the dragon is a close relative of the dragon, and its strongest talent is definitely not ordinary.

"To break through the martial arts master, I have to use this black dragon blood essence."

Ye Ran made up his mind.

If he used it again, Wu Wen would be completely complete. If it was really the strongest blood essence of the black dragon, he would make a lot of money.

"Find a time to go and see if I can get some black dragon blood."

Ye Ran pondered in his heart, but was still a little vigilant.

Last time, he had told Grandmaster Heng Yang, the partner of the black dragon, the location of the green cold ice snake.

Grandmaster Hengyang also said that he would kill the snake before leaving. After killing it, he would send him a snake gallbladder along with the black dragon's blood essence.

But this time, he only sent blood essence without snake gallbladder, most likely because the ice snake escaped.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later."

Ye Ran no longer thought about it, and walked towards the fist strength tester with great interest.

This time he absorbed so much black dragon's blood essence, and he clearly felt that the condensed martial pattern was stronger.

It also means that the combat power has been improved more.

Compared with the first time, the combat power of 1,400 is more...

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