As Ye Ran walked, he consumed achievement points to increase his health and vitality.

He has experimented many times before. 1 achievement point can increase the health value by 5-10. It is not stable and depends entirely on luck.

Under normal circumstances, if you are unlucky, you need 200 achievement points to break through to the third level peak.

But he used black dragon essence and blood.

This kind of master-level essence and blood is of the highest quality, and the surge of energy and blood after a breakthrough will be quite terrifying.

After two breakthroughs, the health value increased by 300 and 500 respectively.

Therefore, the achievement points he consumes can be reduced a lot.

This time, it only cost 70 achievement points.

The vitality and blood value increased to 2000, reaching the peak of a third-level warrior.

Ye Ran stopped in front of the fist strength tester. The tester was white and silver, made of an unknown alloy, and was extremely hard.

His eyes flickered, and after his health value increased by 1,000, his combat power increased by 1,000 simultaneously.

His current combat power should be 6100.

Of course, this does not include the second time of condensing the martial pattern and the amplitude of the martial pattern's combat power.

"Let me see how much I can improve..."

Ye Ran murmured, his blood and energy burst out instantly.

The moment his energy and blood burst out, a pitch-black shadow of a ferocious black dragon suddenly appeared behind him, although it was illusory and weak.

But his body is strong and full of powerful explosive power.


Ye Ran punched the punch tester hard.

In an instant, the pointer jumped suddenly.

Compared with the previous time, the beating amplitude has almost doubled, and it is almost reaching the first frame!

This punch strength tester is specially used by martial artists.

The first grid represents over 10,000 combat power!


The data on the screen was refreshed crazily and finally successfully frozen.


Ye Ran let out a breath, his tense muscles gradually relaxed, and the black dragon shadow behind him disappeared.

"The combat power has been increased by 2100, and a bucket and a half of black dragon essence and blood have not been absorbed in vain."

He looked excited. According to the records of the Martial Alliance, the strongest third-level peak warrior had a combat strength of 4,500, which was more than 3,000 less than him.

By now, he can definitely be called the strongest level three warrior in history.

I don’t know if it is unprecedented, but it is definitely unprecedented.

"With a combat power of more than 8,000, martial arts masters and below are really like killing chickens."

Ye Ran couldn't help but secretly exclaimed. With this level of combat power, even though he was still a short distance away from being a martial artist.

But below the martial arts master level, everyone is really like a little chicken, squeezing each one to death.

"A martial artist's energy and blood combat power is ten thousand, and his physical strength is one thousand, plus the bonus of martial patterns and combat consciousness..."

Ye Ran pondered for a moment, an ordinary martial artist has a fighting strength of almost 12,000.

The difference of four thousand is not much.

What he can now improve are his combat awareness and spiritual flame body. Not to mention combat awareness, his spiritual flame body can also be improved a lot.

At least now his eight thousand combat power does not include the Spiritual Flame Body.

After counting, the combat strength is nearly nine thousand.

Looking at the time, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon. Ye Ran's heart tightened and he couldn't care less about devouring those black demon knives and improving his spiritual flame body.

After restoring the fist strength tester, he turned around and left the training room.

The future is long, and we will improve in the future.

Ten minutes later.

On the bus.

Ye Ran's mind sank into his mind and he checked the achievement panel.

[Ye Ran: Level 3 warrior (2000 health value)]

[Achievement Points: 550]

[Combat Awareness: Almighty Level 1 (10% combat power amplitude, not activated.)]

[Physique: Nirvana body...]

The achievement points were originally only 250. After spending 100 to increase the health value, only 150 were left.

But when you break through to the second level warrior, the road to martial arts is achieved and you will be rewarded with 100 achievement points.

Breaking through the third level warrior will be rewarded with 300 achievement points.

So now the achievement points are increasing instead of decreasing, reaching 550.

In addition, the martial arts path achievements have also changed.

[Path of Martial Arts: Current progress (2000/10000) health value, breakthrough to level 4 martial artist, reward 1000 achievement points. 】

"550 achievement points, save them first."

Ye Ran shook his head and looked out the car window. The tall buildings and shops on both sides of the road slowly moved back.

The green trees are neatly cut and decorated with lights, which are small lights that light up at night.

Every few hundred meters, there are temporary electronic screens under construction.

These are all preparations for Ningjiang Star so that more citizens who cannot go to the scene can watch the live broadcast.

Even inside the bus, there were colorful ribbons fluttering and many decorations hung.


The car door opened and a gentle electronic female voice sounded.

"During the Ningjiang Star event, public transportation in the city is free, so you are welcome to ride."

Two pretty girls of eighteen or nineteen years old, laughing and playing, got into the car one after another, and the car started slowly.

One of the girls smiled coquettishly, and when she suddenly saw Ye Ran, her expression was stunned, and then she quickly stopped smiling.

"Oh, why are you pretending to be serious?"

Another girl smiled and went to scratch her palm. Then when she saw Ye Ran, she immediately blushed and quickly retracted her action.

Then the two of them sat down on their seats carefully and ladylikely.

He didn't look sideways the whole time and spoke in a gentle voice, but from the corner of his eye, he still glanced at Ye Ran from time to time.

"Xiao Ning, go and ask that boy for his contact information."

One of the girls poked her companion in the elbow.

Another girl was staring at Ye Ran blankly. She came back to her senses when she was suddenly touched. She whispered back.

"I'm shy. You go."

"If I had the nerve, I would have gone by myself a long time ago."

"Oh, what should we do? He looks about the same age as us. He's probably a student. The No. 5 Middle School is in front of us. He won't get off the bus."

"Yes, if you don't get the chance, you'll miss it for the rest of your life."

The two were arguing.


The door opened.

Ye Ran got up and got off the bus.

Looking at his back, the two girls looked annoyed and blamed each other, "Oh, it's all your fault for being too timid."

"Such a good-looking boy, if you miss this time, in the future..."

"Dear Warrior Passenger No. 1348xxx, your journey has ended. I wish you a happy life and good luck in the future... Welcome to ride next time."

The electronic female voice sounded again, and then the door closed.

The two girls were stunned.

The only person who got off the bus just now was the young man. The warrior passenger was…

Ningjiang No. 5 Middle School.

On campus, Ye Ran looked at his bus card. After the martial arts association certified him as a warrior.

His system identity and personal information had been modified.

Not only him, but also Xiaogu and Shishi became warriors’ families and could enjoy many benefits, such as 10% off on groceries and free bus rides.

This was the status of warriors in this world, noble and important.

Unlike his previous world, where soldiers who defended their country were ignored, actors were ostentatious in the market, but attracted everyone’s attention.

There were few students on campus, and I didn’t know where they had gone.

Ye Ran was a little surprised, but he came to Teacher Zhu’s office as soon as possible.

Just in time to catch up with Teacher Zhu, he took a new thermos cup, filled it with water and went out.


Ye Ran couldn’t help but frowned slightly when he saw Teacher Zhu in front of him.

Teacher Zhu’s lips were pale, his face was haggard, and there were still many bloodshot eyes, looking very tired.

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