Gao Wu: Starting from killing chickens to conquer the starry sky

Chapter 107 You can lose, but you can’t be a coward

"Ye Ran, you're here."

Teacher Zhu smiled bitterly, "You shouldn't have come."

"Teacher, have you not rested well recently?"

Ye Ran walked up and grabbed Teacher Zhu's arm, and a gentle blood and qi passed over.

The blood and qi were gentle but strong, slowly passing through Teacher Zhu's body.

Teacher Zhu's face was a little rosy, and his eyes were brighter. He looked at Ye Ran with a complicated look.

"Now you are better than me."

He is also a first-level warrior. Although he can't sense Ye Ran's strength, he can guess it with this blood and qi.

I am afraid that Ye Ran is now strong among first-level warriors.

"Just so-so."

Ye Ran smiled, "Teacher, why are you so weak? I still miss the way you scolded me with full energy before."

Teacher Zhu glared at him unhappily and sighed.

"These days, those students from other cities are rampant in the school, and they have conflicts with our students every day."

"I am so exhausted that I have no time to rest. These are fine, but the real headache is the seed quota..."

"Forget it, no more words, while everyone is in the gymnasium, you go back first."

"Go back?"

Ye Ran was a little stunned, "Didn't you ask me to come?"

Teacher Zhu shook his head, "The situation is different now. There are not many seed quotas in the school now, and we have to keep a few."

"Teacher, do you mean that in addition to wanting my quota, they also want other people's quotas?"

Ye Ran frowned. This group of guys from other cities is really asking for more.

Hearing this, Teacher Zhu sighed, "Forget it, I'll tell you the truth. Now, apart from you, only Xu Quan's seed quota is left."

"And now, in the gymnasium, there is a student from another city challenging Xu Quan. His strength is much stronger than Xu Quan, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to keep it."

After the Ningjiang Star came out, Ningjiang City has many more dark horses.

Xu Quan is the dark horse that came out of Ningjiang No. 5 Middle School. With the strength of a first-level warrior, he easily defeated Yang Rui and Zhang Yuge, the new and old firsts of the school.

Became the recognized first in Ningjiang No. 5 Middle School.

Of course, this is just what the students think.

Teacher Zhu and the dean of teaching and other teachers still have doubts in their hearts. They are not clear about Ye Ran's strength and dare not make a conclusion.

Ye Ran frowned and said, "Teacher, do they have the right to compete for this seed quota?"

"When the seed quota came out, the principal said that although the quota has been determined, anyone who is confident in his strength can challenge and compete."

Teacher Zhu pressed his eyebrows and became more and more headache.

When the seed quota was released, there was no such group of out-of-town students.

Later, this group of out-of-town students suddenly came in large numbers and wanted to transfer to another school.

Although everyone with a discerning eye knew their purpose, the various forces were so complicated that even the Ningjiang Wumeng could not do anything.

They were just a small high school, so how could they stop them?

This led to the current situation.

Hearing this, Ye Ran felt helpless and could understand Teacher Zhu's difficulties.

At the same time, he knew that if he wanted to help his classmates get back those seed quotas, he might not be able to do anything.

However, let's not talk about other people's quotas...

Ye Ran smiled, "Teacher, since they want my quota so much, I'll go and see if they have the ability to get it."

"Ye Ran, don't rush..."

Teacher Zhu said, and when he saw the boy's calm eyes, he was stunned and nodded.

A moment.


At this time, the gymnasium was crowded with people.

Not only the third year students, but also the second and first year students were here.

That's why there were no people in the school just now, all gathered in the gymnasium.

Ye Ran followed Teacher Zhu to the viewing area where the class was.

"Ye Ran, where have you been for so many days?"

The classmates hadn't seen him for a long time, and they came up to greet him in surprise.

And those girls, looking at Ye Ran's skin, couldn't help but show surprise on their faces, pinching it again and again with some envy.

Ye Ran took some effort to deal with the classmates.

"It's over, Xu Quan is going to lose."

At this time, a male student sitting in the front couldn't help but shout anxiously.

Ye Ran heard this and looked at the center of the venue.

I saw an ordinary-looking boy being suppressed to the edge of the fighting area by a tall and thin boy with fair skin and a bit of femininity between his eyebrows.

The feminine boy blasted out with a palm, directly blasting him out of the fighting area and falling heavily to the ground.

The dean of teaching who was waiting next to him hurriedly rushed over with a big belly and helped Zhang Quan up.


The feminine boy glanced at Zhang Quan with disdain and turned to leave the fighting area.

Hearing this, in an instant.

A bunch of students shouted angrily in the field, and of course there were many girls, looking at the feminine boy with stars in their eyes.

"Wow, so handsome."

"I declare that I will stop being a fan today. I don't like Zhang Quan anymore. This beautiful boy is my new idol."

"Too strong, worthy of being a genius from another city, just better than the people in our Ningjiang City..."

Hearing these remarks, some girls couldn't listen and turned around to reprimand.

They said they were all from the same school, and it was fine not to support their own people, but to step on their own people, which was too much.

Immediately, the two sides quarreled, and with the boys' shouting.

For a while, the whole gymnasium was in chaos.

The teachers of each class took a lot of effort to suppress it, but it was still very noisy.

Beside the feminine boy, there were a dozen boys of similar age, all of whom looked unfamiliar, and were obviously from other cities.

At this time, one of the boys in blue shrugged and said.

"Ningjiang No. 5 Middle School is much weaker than our school's No. 5 Middle School. What about the last one?"

The dean of teaching had a flash of displeasure in his eyes, but he still smiled and said, "You must challenge them all to the end. I think nine places are almost enough."

"Forget it, it's a waste to keep it for you."

The boy in blue curled his lips and didn't take it seriously.

The head of the grade department next to him was irritable and said with a gloomy face, "A few stinky boys, do you know how to respect others? If you don't, let me teach you!"

However, as soon as he got angry, an old man behind the blue-clothed boy and others glanced at him calmly.

An invisible aura came over.

Although the head of the grade department was at a disadvantage, he was angry at this time and stood up, not giving in.

"Okay, Lao Li."

At this time, a broad hand patted his shoulder.

The head of the grade department turned around and saw a tall and burly middle-aged man, and hurriedly said: "Principal, you are here."


The dean of studies also nodded slightly, greeted, and then hesitated: "This matter."

"We can afford to lose in Ningjiang No. 5 Middle School."

The burly middle-aged man smiled and said, "Tell Lao Zhu to let the student in their class come up."

"Don't be afraid of losing. If he loses, our entire school will lose with him. He won't feel pressure. You can lose, but you can't be a coward."

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