Gao Wu: Starting from killing chickens to conquer the starry sky

Chapter 110: The martial arts school is closed

Ye Ran glanced at the boy and threw him out of the fighting area without knowing whether he was frightened or stunned.

The old man's face turned pale, and he tremblingly helped the young man up.

At this time, many students in the audience came to their senses, their expressions were shocked and full of bewilderment.

That old man, a third-level warrior, couldn't even resist a sound!

The three principals also looked horrified.

They knew better. This old man was no ordinary third-level warrior. He had a combat power of 1,500 and was considered a master in Ningjiang City.

With such strength, he could be injured by a single sound, and the person who made the move was still a young man.

The contrast is so huge.

The strongest genius that has appeared in Ningjiang City so far is only a first-level warrior, and he has already become a household name in Ningjiang City.

A young third-level warrior is completely subversive of cognition.

"He is undoubtedly the number one genius in the history of Ningjiang City, and he came from our No. 5 Middle School!"

The principal murmured, looking dazed, overwhelmed by this huge surprise.

The usual smile on the dean's face also disappeared for the first time, and then the smile appeared again.

But this time, his smile looked real and pure, filled with true joy and pride from the bottom of his heart.

"Hahaha, cool, good fight!"

The head of the grade department looked up to the sky and laughed, still looking dumbfounded. He didn't think much at all, he only knew that he had won!

All these arrogant out-of-town students were dealt with, and even that disgusting old man was given a good education.

"Principal, I'm going back first." Ye Ran said.

"Okay, okay, you go."

The principal responded quickly.

Ye Ran returned to class. Along the way, students on both sides looked at him in awe and commented in amazement.

After returning to class, Teacher Zhu was so excited that he couldn't speak. He patted him heavily on the shoulder and said hello repeatedly.

The students in the class were very excited and gathered around him.

And in the center of the stadium.

The principal withdrew his smile and looked at the students from other cities, "Our fifth middle school is indeed average, but it's just enough to deal with the situation."

He spoke very mercilessly. This was the first time that he was so disrespectful.

But the old man bowed his head humbly and did not dare to refute at all. He was completely different from the previous strong one, and even seemed cautious.

Without it, being able to use sonic martial arts and injure him so easily from an earthquake would be at least a level three top level strength.

There is no such young top level three player even in their city.

Even in Tianque City, the largest city in Dongyuan Province, such geniuses are rare.

This kind of person is not someone he can afford.

Among those students from other cities, the few who were not unconscious blushed and bowed their heads in shame when they heard this.

On the audience stage, all the teachers and students of the school felt particularly comfortable when they saw their speechless expressions.

The anger and depression that had accumulated before were all dissipated.

Looking at Ye Ran in the field, his eyes changed from shock to admiration and respect.

Many people even look proud and proud.

"This is our classmate, the proud son of our fifth middle school. Compared to you guys from other cities, he is no weaker than you!"

When Ye Ran returned home.

It was already evening and my sister-in-law was cooking.

Zhou Shishi was still tinkering with her tablet computer, chatting with people, and sighing from time to time.

"Well, school starts tomorrow."

"You girl, isn't it a good thing to start school?"

Ye Hongfang walked out of the kitchen carrying the dishes.

Ye Ran also walked into the kitchen and helped serve the food. At the same time, he asked: "By the way, why is your school on temporary vacation?"

"In addition to your school, it seems that No. 1 Middle School is also on holiday?"

He was a little surprised.

When I chatted with Teacher Zhu in the afternoon, I learned that many high schools were on holiday in the past two days, including No. 1 Middle School and No. 3 Middle School, which have the most eugenics.

"I don't know about other schools, but our No. 3 Middle School has holidays because of those students from other cities."

Zhou Shishi said angrily: "These students from other cities always make trouble in our school."

"In addition to causing trouble, he also wants the seed quota in our school and keeps challenging the seniors in the school who have the seed quota."

"The school has no choice but to take vacations so that they cannot challenge."

Hearing this, Ye Ran was a little stunned, it turned out to be like this.

From this point of view, No. 5 Middle School is quite strong and has not given in. It relies on holidays to temporarily escape.

"You guys are on vacation, how many seed spots are left?"

"There's not a single one left."

Zhou Shishi sighed and said, "Those students from other cities go to the homes of the seniors who have the seed quota and start all sorts of provocations."

"The seniors were so angry that after fighting with them, they were all defeated and their places were taken away."

"This afternoon, senior He Liqun, who is number one in our school, was defeated by a student from out of town named Su Yuan with one move."

"The last place in our school is gone, so school won't start until tomorrow."

Hearing this, Ye Ran frowned slightly.

These guys are really patient, they all come to their door and want to get a seed spot.

But here at No. 5 Middle School, after he had been there once, he believed that those guys would not dare to stir up trouble again.

As for No. 3 Middle School, after all, it is not his own school. Although he sympathizes, there is nothing he can do to help.

But Ye Ran still warned: "If you go to school tomorrow, be careful. If any students from other cities give you trouble, call me as soon as possible."

"Oh, I got it, brother."

"Okay, stop talking, you two, and hurry up and eat."

The next morning.

It has been a while since I recovered from my injury and I have not been to the Blackwater Martial Arts Gym.

Ye Ran thought for a while and prepared to take a look.

Half an hour later.

Blackwater Martial Arts School.

In front of the door, a large number of people gathered and talked a lot.

Ye Ran frowned and walked over quickly. With a slight exertion of his body, he pushed away a few people and walked inside.

Unfortunately, he was forced to stop before he could enter the museum.

There was actually a seal posted in front of the martial arts gym.

——The Hundred Halls are closed and destruction is strictly prohibited.

It is one of the three branches of the martial arts alliance, the seal of the Hundred Halls Department, which manages all martial arts halls.

There was a lot of discussion around.

"This Blackwater Martial Arts School is really unlucky. It was closed during the period when the business was booming."

"Actually, this Blackwater Martial Arts Gym is pretty good. The owner of the gym is very kind. I heard that there is also a very strong honorary student who often comes to the gym and patiently teaches the students."

"Yes, it's a pity. If this wasn't closed, I would have sent my son here."

"There is no other way. Who asked their museum owner to offend Section Chief Xu of the Hundred Museum Department? They are definitely sealed..."

Listening to these discussions, Ye Ran's face turned ugly.

He had also heard about this from the owner of the Blackwater Hall.

The qualifications for opening a martial arts gym are sufficient, but the final permit for building the gym has not been issued for a long time, and people from the Hundred Gym Department have used various reasons to hold it back.

Originally he wanted to help.

But the owner of the Blackwater Pavilion said it was just a small matter and would be resolved quickly, so he didn't pay attention. He didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"Senior Brother Ye Ran, you are here."

At this time, a girl wearing a black water martial arts uniform trotted over anxiously.


Ye Ran calmed down his anger. The girl in front of him was a student at the martial arts school.

He glanced around and found that there were many martial arts students standing there in the direction Xiaoying was running from. Apparently they had just arrived and found that the martial arts gym was closed and they had nowhere to go.

Among them were two people from the Hundred Hall Club, also standing there, arguing with a few students whose faces were red with anger.

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