Ye Ran took a deep breath and looked at the girl in front of him.

"Xiaoying, where is the owner?"

"The owner went to the Hundred Halls Department to explain. This is the letter he left for you. Brother Ye Ran, the owner, the owner said..."

Xiaoying handed over a letter and suddenly sobbed.

"It's okay, talk slowly."

Ye Ran gently comforted and took the letter at the same time.

Xiaoying wiped her tears and said with red eyes: "The owner said that we should disband and don't need to come from today."

"He will return the entrance fee of the martial arts hall, but brother, I can't bear to leave you."

"The owner of the hall is so good, and there are also several good teachers. I have been with everyone for so long, and I don't want to separate..."

"It's okay, leave everything to me, you go and call the others first."

Ye Ran exhaled lightly.


Xiaoying nodded vigorously and ran over.

Ye Ran opened the letter. In addition to the letter, there was also a bank card.

He opened the letter.

"Xiao Ye, thanks to you these days, the martial arts school would have closed long ago. I wanted to leave you 100,000 yuan, but I don't have enough money.

In the end, I can only leave you 50,000 yuan, which is a bit sorry for you.

You are a good child with high talent. After leaving the martial arts school, you can also find a better place.

Establishing a martial arts school is one of my dreams...

Although the pension money has been spent and the martial arts school has closed down, it is still a dream come true, and I am very satisfied.

Okay, let's not talk about these sad things.

I know your personality. You seem gentle and calm, but in fact you are the most regardless of the cost and do what you say.

However, young people, it is good to be reckless, so that you can be energetic, but you must not interfere in this matter..."

There is nothing more to say after that, probably just let him not care about this matter.

Ye Ran seemed not to see these, but just stared at the paragraph in the middle of the letter.

There, it briefly explained why the martial arts school was closed.

The construction license of the martial arts school was delayed again and again because a student who liked to cause trouble came when the owner of the Black Water School just built the school.

That student often molested the female students in the gym, so the owner of Heishui drove him out of the gym.

Later, I learned that the student was the grandson of Section Chief Xu of the Hundred Halls Department.

Since then, the gym building permit that was supposed to be issued within three days has been delayed until now.

Even if the owner of Heishui tried his best, he couldn't apply for it.

Now the gym is closed because it opened illegally without a gym building permit.

Ye Ran's face was calm. Although he was not the first to join the martial arts gym, he had heard about this matter.

And the owner of Heishui did nothing wrong.

The owner of Heishui did nothing wrong, so the one who was wrong was Section Chief Xu of the Hundred Halls Department.

He put the letter and the bank card back into the envelope.

At this time, Xiaoying led a group of students and came over.

The two people from the Hundred Halls Department also followed.

One of the young men with a pointed face and monkey cheeks snorted coldly.

"A bunch of brats, dare to talk back, if you talk back a few more words, I will deal with you. Can you plot against Section Chief Xu?"

Another dark-skinned middle-aged man frowned.

"They are just a bunch of kids, why are you angry with them?"

After that, he looked at Ye Ran and said, "You are the eldest brother of this martial arts hall, let the students go back, the hall will not be open."

The sharp-mouthed young man also glanced at Ye Ran and sneered, "Boy, take your people away if you know what's good for you, don't hang around here, otherwise I will deal with you too."

Ye Ran ignored them and looked at the many students.

When the students saw him, they all felt a little aggrieved and said, "Brother Ye Ran, the martial arts hall..."

"I know, don't worry, it will be fine."

Ye Ran smiled.

"Brother, when the owner of the hall left, he told us not to be impulsive."

"Yes, he told us many times, brother, you must be calm..."

"Well, I know."

Ye Ran smiled gently and handed the letter back to Xiaoying.

Xiaoying was stunned for a moment, "Brother, don't you want it?"

"Yes, give me money, how can I not want it?"

Ye Ran stared, then slowly said: "But let's wait for the owner to come back and let him give it to me personally."

After that, he turned around and said: "Let's go, let's go into the hall first."

Everyone was stunned when this sentence fell.

Even the people watching around were stunned.

"Enter the hall, the door is sealed. Isn't it a provocation to the Hundred Halls Department to break in?"

"Provoke the Martial Alliance, this boy is crazy, want to get the silver bracelet?"

"Not sure, probably just talking, who has the courage..."

While everyone was talking.

Ye Ran had already walked to the door of the martial arts hall.

At this time, the two people from the Hundred Halls Department also reacted.

The young man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, with a sullen face, strode over, "You little bastard, didn't you hear what I just said..."


Ye Ran slapped him with a slap, and he flew away directly, fainting and falling to the ground.

Then, he continued to reach out and touch the seal.


Another dark-skinned middle-aged man reacted and looked at the sharp-mouthed young man who fainted on the ground in shock.

He took a deep breath and said, "Don't be impulsive. The consequences of unauthorized removal of the seal are very serious."

"I can see that you are not an ordinary person, and your identity is not ordinary. Maybe it won't be a problem for you to tear off the seal."

"But you have to understand that if you tear off this seal, it is no longer the meaning of the seal itself, but a challenge to Section Chief Xu."

"You may not know what Section Chief Xu is. Let me put it this way, he is the third in command of the Hundred Halls Department."

"Even if it is Deputy Minister Lin of the Hundred Halls Department, he must respect this veteran who has worked in the Hundred Halls Department for many years!"

Ye Ran's face was calm.

Seeing this, the dark middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the young man woke up in time.

However, the next moment.

With a swishing sound, a sharp tearing sound was heard.

After this sound.

Everyone present was stunned.

Ye Ran pushed open the door of the martial arts hall and looked at the many students who were standing there behind him, "Come in."

After saying that, he took the lead.


The dark-skinned middle-aged man looked at him and gritted his teeth and said, "Do you really do things regardless of the cost?"

"Of course I will consider the cost. I'm not a reckless man."

Ye Ran shrugged and continued, "But I care more about fairness."

After that, he kicked the sharp-mouthed young man on the ground away, making way for the students behind him.

At the same time, he said lightly, "Please tell that Section Chief Xu that I'm waiting for him here."

The dark-skinned middle-aged man looked at his back disappearing at the door with a complicated face.

In the martial arts hall.

Looking at the worried and hesitant students.

Ye Ran smiled, "Don't worry."

As he said, he said seriously, "Okay, practice as usual, don't be lazy."

The students saw that he looked natural, and the stones in their hearts fell, and they nodded one after another.

"Brother, no matter what the consequences are, we will shoulder them with you!"

"That's right, you and the owner are so good to us, we will not betray you at this time."

"Yes, if there is any problem, we will shoulder it together!"

Hearing this, Ye Ran felt warm in his heart. After arranging the students, he took out his mobile phone.

He called Deputy Minister Zhang.

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