"Yes, teach."

The students nodded and followed Professor Wang to leave together.

Although he didn't know why Wang Jiaoxi valued Ye Ran so much, he could only say that the other party was unlucky.

The honorary student of Lei Ming Martial Arts School is something that no one can ask for.

Wang Jiaoxi looked a little regretful.

To be honest, he had a good impression of Ye Ran, but it was a pity that he was too impulsive and stubborn.

If you could put down your posture, or not care so much about what happened in the first place.

Joining their Thunder Martial Arts School, isn't it much better than a small martial arts school like Blackwater Martial Arts School?

"Young men are still too proud."

Wang Jiaoxi shook his head in his mind, suddenly remembered something, and asked.

"By the way, has the owner come back?"

"Zhenjiaxi, I'm back."

The student replied: "I arrived late for the teaching session, and I didn't meet Vice Minister Lin from the Hundred Hall Department."

"Vice Minister Lin has a lot of things to do every day, so he's not that easy to see."

Wang Jiaoxi was not surprised.

Half an hour ago, the owner of their Lei Ming Martial Arts Gym heard that someone was nearby and saw Vice Minister Lin of the Hundred Gym Department.

He immediately stopped practicing and wanted to say hello.

But Vice Minister Lin could not see him easily, so it was normal that the museum owner did not see him.

"By the way, you said some time ago that your neighbor is Xu Quan from No. 5 Middle School, right?"

Wang Jiaoxi smiled and said: "Go back and contact him more and see if he has any ideas about coming to our Leiming Martial Arts School to become an honorary student."

"If he is willing to come, he can be given three times the treatment of other honorary students."

"Okay, teach."

The student nodded, but he was noncommittal in his heart.

Xu Quan is the number one genius in No. 5 Middle School. He has become famous during this period, so he may not be able to look up to their Lei Ming Martial Arts School.

Wang Jiaoxi smiled. He actually knew what he was doing, but it wouldn't affect him if he tried.

If it is really successful, it will be a big surprise.

Over the next few days, calm returned again.

Ye Ran still spends time on the line at two o'clock every day, wandering back and forth between home and the Blackwater Martial Arts Gym.

Come back in the evening and teach Su Qin martial arts.

Then there was the confrontation with Jiang Yu.

This silly girl doesn't know what the fault is, she keeps pestering him, and sends messages every day saying that she wants to conquer him.

Not only did he send messages, but he also often came to visit me.

How could Ye Ran endure it? He kicked him out mercilessly again and again, but he didn't expect that the more he kicked, the more energetic and excited Jiang Yu became.

It made him feel a little sore for a while.

But simply, Jiang Yu and the others should be leaving soon.

"I heard that the Black Three Fighting Arena has been sold to someone else."

Ye Ran murmured, and for a moment, he felt a little regretful.

But he quickly shook his head and said, "Well, let's go. I don't have to be bothered anymore."

A few minutes later.

Zhou Shishi, carrying a pink schoolbag, jumped in and opened the door.

Seeing Ye Ran sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed watching TV, his face was filled with envy.

"Brother, you didn't go to school."


Ye Ran nodded proudly, skipping school for a while and feeling good for a while, and feeling good for skipping class every day.

He was used to it.

Of course, the teachers at the school had no objections at all. Even last time, Teacher Zhu said that he was worried that he would be under too much pressure to practice.

Fill him with a lot of skins into the game and let him relax while playing the game.

no way.

Shuaibi's life is so simple and boring.

"Tch, what's the big deal? We are also on holiday starting from this afternoon."

Zhou Shishi said sourly. After putting down her schoolbag, she picked up a bag of potato chips and a tablet computer, and lay down on the sofa happily.

Tomorrow is Ningjiang Star, and the whole city will be on holiday.

Zhou Shishi was scrolling through her tablet computer and suddenly exclaimed, "Brother, you are ranked fourth on the college list!"

"Fourth, not first?"

Ye Ran was a little surprised. He finished cleaning up the group of out-of-town students at No. 5 Middle School that day.

Presumably, the entire fifth middle school will vote for him, but he is not the first?

"What, you're not satisfied with fourth place? I think it's already good enough. The top three are Su Yuan and the others."

Zhou Shishi muttered: "It would be strange if anyone could surpass these three monsters."

"Su Yuan."

Ye Ran raised his eyebrows. He heard these three names frequently in the past two days.

Although only three days have passed.

But a lot of things happened. First, all the seed spots in No. 1 Middle School were also taken away by students from other cities, except for No. 5 Middle School.

In all high schools in Ningjiang City, all seed quotas are in the hands of students from other cities.

There is only one seedling left.

Originally, there were students from other cities who did not believe in evil and wanted to challenge Ye Ran, but it happened that on the last day, the seed quota had been fixed, so they had to give up.

Ye Ran was also very sorry. His hands were itchy, but his skin was itchy.

Su Yuan and three other students from other cities were the three who performed the strongest in the competition for seed spots.

They all kill their opponents instantly and win easily.

Later, he even went to major martial arts schools in Ningjiang City and challenged multiple second-level martial artists one after another without losing any of them.

This amazing record is famous throughout Ningjiang City, and is known as the three strongest new dark horses among students from other cities.

"Su Yuan, Wang Ji..."

Zhou Shishi held her cheek and said with a bitter look on her face: "Second-level peak warriors, I really don't know what they want to fight for the Ningjiang Star."

Ye Ran glanced at the screen. The three people on it were all at the second level of peak strength.

He smiled and said: "The special recruitment quota for the top Wuhan University is limited to the second-level peak, but the prerequisite is that they have special skills."

"This kind of speciality refers to the alien body or outstanding combat power."

"So they, who are mediocre in all aspects, can only come here to compete."

"Well, we in Ningjiang City have finally managed to secure a spot at the top Wuhan University. Why are students from other cities coming to join in the fun?"

Zhou Shishi was so angry that she voted for Ye Ran again.

"Brother, I will give you another vote. Do you have the confidence to defeat them?"

"A bunch of little Karami, just blow them up casually."

Ye Ran yawned lazily, "Just be optimistic about tomorrow."


Ye Ran left the Blackwater Martial Arts Hall. It was dark and the roads were dim on both sides.

Because tomorrow is the Ningjiang Star, the martial arts school has also made a lot of preparations, formulated a lot of martial arts uniforms, and distributed them one by one until very late.

In addition, I had dinner with the owner of the Blackwater Hall, so I came back a little late.

The owner of the Blackwater Hall is lonely, so Ye Ran often eats with him.

"Why is the street light broken?"

Ye Ran frowned and looked at the dark road ahead.

Although it has no effect on him, ordinary people still have some inconvenience when driving at night.

He glanced at it and wrote down the road sections to prepare for tomorrow.

The road ahead was not only dark, but also filled with faint mist, and there was no sound at all.

The silence was eerie.

Ye Ran stopped, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he faintly noticed something was wrong.

It was too quiet, almost abnormally quiet.

At this time, a hurried figure suddenly walked out of the darkness.

When the man came out and saw Ye Ran, he was immediately startled and took two steps back.

He immediately reacted and turned around to curse and glance behind him.

"What kind of broken fog is this? It's so dark that you can't even see it."

He cursed and left.

Ye Ran looked at the man's leaving figure and frowned. He was just an ordinary pedestrian with very low vitality and blood.

But even if the blood value is not high, it stands to reason that you can't see through ordinary fog, right?

And this mist seems to suppress the sound.

With his strength, the pedestrians could only hear it when they came to a fairly close distance.

"There's something wrong with this fog."

Ye Ran made a judgment, walked over cautiously, and looked closely at him.

It has to be said that his martial arts master level physique is on display here after all.

Even though there was something wrong with the mist, after getting closer, I could finally hear the sounds inside clearly.

It's not as deadly and terrifying as it was just now.

At this time, the shivering voices of several passers-by could be vaguely heard inside. They were frightened by this strange mist and thought they were encountering ghosts.

At the same time, there was a weak cry for help.

"Help, I am the Yuanwu Department of the Martial Alliance..."

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