Gao Wu: Starting from killing chickens to conquer the starry sky

Chapter 115 Speculations, Silver Moon Society

"Member of the Martial Alliance?"

Ye Ran's pupils shrank suddenly, and without thinking, he rushed into the mist.

This mist is hazy, as if it can swallow everything including sound, light, and breath.

The moment Ye Ran entered, he disappeared into the mist.

Not far behind him, a young man saw this scene and was stunned for a moment, then looked frightened, rolled around and ran away.

In the mist.

Ye Ran looked calm and walked quickly in the direction where the cry for help had just come from.

Although the fog was a bit weird, it didn't have much of an impact on him after he actually entered it, except that the visual range was greatly reduced.

I can only see more than ten meters around me, but that's enough.

The cry for help just sounded out briefly and then disappeared.

Ye Ran could only follow the general direction and fumble forward.

Although he rushed in eagerly, he was not reckless. The moment he entered, he had already used the Cloud Breath Technique to restrain his breath.

At this time, there was no breath in his body, and his figure perfectly disappeared into the darkness.

"If you can beat them, save them. If you can't beat them, leave first and ask Minister Long and others for help."

Ye Ran thought in his mind and made a decision.

Suddenly, his nostrils twitched slightly, and he faintly smelled the smell of blood coming from the front, and immediately quickened his pace.

After walking a few meters, a small alley appeared in front of us.

The shops on both sides of the alley had already been closed and were extremely dark.

Ye Ran slowed down his movements and approached cautiously.

As soon as he entered, his pupils shrank.

There was blood on the ground.

The blood gurgled, like a stream, slowly flowing out from deep inside the alley.

The red color all over the ground is particularly dazzling.

"With so much blood, how many people died?"

Ye Ran was shocked and angry. He gritted his teeth before calming down and continued walking into the alley.

At the same time, he took out the Black Magic Knife, ready to deal with unexpected events at any time.

The alley is not deep, and soon you reach the end, and a pile of corpses comes into view.

A total of more than a dozen corpses were piled up together, and looking at the clothes of the corpses, they were all work clothes of salesmen or shopkeepers.

Seeing this scene, Ye Ran's face suddenly darkened.

Those who died were all salespersons and shopkeepers in shops or supermarkets on this stretch of road.

These are ordinary people.

He has met several of them.

"Damn it!"

Ye Ran's eyes flashed with anger, and he quickly stepped forward to check.

Unfortunately, everyone is dead.

Even the corpse was dried up and the blood was cruelly drained before death. This was why there was so much blood on the ground just now.

In addition, every corpse has a ferocious face, and its dead pupils are full of fear.

Apparently, he had suffered horrific abuse during his lifetime and died in agony.

Ye Ran looked at the miserable state of the corpse and couldn't help but feel his face twitching due to his character.

Not only were the bones of these people crushed to pieces, the skin and flesh on their bodies were faintly peeling off, as if they had been ripped apart and cramped after being cut into pieces with thousands of knives.

There was a hole in the heart of each person. The heart was dug out and placed in front of each person dripping with blood.

"It's really cruel."

Ye Ran took a breath and couldn't bear to watch anymore. He took out a wilderness tent and tore it open to cover the corpses.

After losing sight of these corpses, his face looked much better.

But in my heart, I still felt a little queasy.

Although he had killed people before, this was the first time he had seen such a cruel killing, and his eyes became more and more cold.

Killing innocents indiscriminately, vicious and cruel, damn guy!

After taking a deep breath and calming down, Ye Ran quickly scanned the surroundings. These people had been dead for a while.

And listening to the Wu League member's cry for help just now, it was obvious that he was still alive.

He left the alley and continued his search.

At the same time, he frowned, who did it so cruelly?

A wanted criminal?

Attacking ordinary people, or clerks in stores and supermarkets, might be a robbery... It seems very possible.

When the wanted criminal committed the crime, he happened to encounter a member of the Wu League on patrol, and a fight broke out between the two.

This can also explain the cry for help from the members of the Martial Alliance just now.

However, I haven't heard of any dangerous wanted criminals coming to Ningjiang City recently.

Furthermore, it is rare for even a wanted criminal to use such cruel methods.

"Wanted criminals usually seek money. This kind of murder is unlikely... unless it is..."

Ye Ran's expression changed and he suddenly stopped.

His face was cloudy and uncertain.

Unless it is the Silver Moon Society, the first of the three dangerous organizations identified by the Martial Alliance!

Only those crazy people would do this.

The hearts of those who had just died were dug out and placed in front of their corpses, which looked like a weird ritual.

Weird rituals can only be performed by the Silver Moon Society.

"Will Silver Moon meet?"

Ye Ran's face was a little pale. If the Black Seal Tower assassinated human geniuses, it wanted to cut off the future of mankind bit by bit from the foundation.

The Silver Moon Society, an organization with a mild-sounding name, is downright crazy.

What they want to do is to truly destroy the entire human race!

"No, it shouldn't be the Silver Moon Club. If it were the Silver Moon Club, the scope of what happened tonight wouldn't be so small."

"It should be at least half of the urban area to meet the design of the Silver Moon Society."

"It's not the Silver Moon Society, and it doesn't look like a wanted criminal...forget it, let's save people first."

Ye Ran stopped thinking and quickly searched nearby.

Soon, he heard a crash of shelves falling in a closed shop not far away.

He couldn't help but stare at it, and walked over quickly with a restrained breath.

The iron shutter door of the shop was closed.

There was a faint smell of blood coming from the door.

Ye Ran remained calm and listened close to the door. There was no sound coming from inside. It was very quiet.

He took out the Black Magic Knife, controlled the strength, and cut gently.

The shutter door was more fragile and thinner than paper in front of a B-level war knife like the Black Magic Knife.

Without a sound, a circle was cut out.

Ye Ran exerted a little force on his palm, and then sucked out the round iron sheet, revealing the glass door inside.

He did the same thing again, and after making a hole in the glass door, he slipped in lightly.

All this happened in a moment, and there was no sound at all.

The shop was as dark and silent as ever.

After Ye Ran entered the shop, he immediately stuck to the wall and scanned the surroundings vigilantly.

After a quick glance, he finally saw a person covered in blood at the back door, unconscious on a fallen shelf.

"He's still breathing, still alive."

Ye Ran breathed a sigh of relief, but did not act rashly, but continued to search every corner carefully.

After searching everything and sensing no other people's breath, he was completely relieved.

He walked towards the person quickly.

This should be the member of the Wumeng who just asked for help.

Judging from his appearance, he should have just escaped from the back door, knocked over the shelf, and was completely exhausted and fainted.

"It's also lucky that I met him first, not the person who was chasing you."

Ye Ran said to himself, turning the Wumeng member to the front, ready to see his injuries.

However, just after turning the man over.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and his face showed horror.

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