Ye Ran's face turned pale, his stomach was churning, and he almost vomited.

The face of the martial alliance member in front of him could no longer be seen. His face was full of holes, and the flesh and blood were bitten off.

The white facial bones and teeth were exposed.

And these bite marks were all human bite marks!

"Damn it, what hatred, what resentment?"

Ye Ran couldn't help but curse inwardly. This was no longer vicious, but madness.

It didn't matter whether the person who made the move was from the Silver Moon Society or a wanted criminal. He was definitely a complete lunatic!

He bit off the flesh and blood on the face of the martial alliance member and swallowed it alive.

He could do such a thing.

Either he was revengeful with deep hatred, or he was a mentally ill lunatic!

Ye Ran put down the black magic knife, quickly took out the trauma medicine and bandages from the Hengyang Ring, and prepared to treat the injury.

At this time, he accidentally glanced at the black magic knife from the corner of his eye, and was immediately horrified.

A silver mask was faintly reflected on the mirror-like blade of the Black Magic Knife!

The store was pitch black and dead silent.

Although it was dark, the silver mask was clearly reflected on the blade.

Ye Ran's body stiffened slightly. How could it be possible? He had clearly checked and there was no breath of living people in here.

The top of his head...

He calmed down instantly, his face was normal, and he quickly took out clean water and a basin, pretending to prepare to wash the wound.

At the same time, he stared at the blade of the Black Magic Knife carefully from the corner of his eye.

Only then did he clearly see that there was a person lying on the top of his head. The person was wearing black clothes and was attached to the ceiling like a gecko.

At this time, he was motionless and turned his head to look down.

Under the silver mask, a pair of black eyes were staring at him closely.

Suddenly, the eyes moved and saw the Black Magic Knife.

Then, he met the eyes of Ye Ran, who was also absent-minded and used the Black Magic Knife to scan the top of his head.

Both of them were stunned.

The next moment.

Ye Ran stood up decisively, and his whole body of blood and energy burst out instantly, in the eyes of the silver-faced man who was stunned.

With a knife, he slashed towards his head.


The knife was as fast as lightning. After the silver-faced man came to his senses, his eyes were indifferent and he slapped it casually.

But as the sharp blade suddenly cut through the air.

A sharp air explosion sounded.

And the golden flame burning on the arm of the young man below, his pupils shrank slightly, and his palm instinctively increased the strength.

However, the next moment.

With a sound of puff!

The knife still fiercely chopped into his palm, almost cutting his palm in the middle.

"Martial Master?!"

The silver-faced man finally changed his color, his eyes were full of shock, and he didn't care about the injury on his palm, and slapped it again.

This palm was extremely fierce, and a thick golden light appeared on his palm, and it collided fiercely with the knife that Ye Ran slashed again.


With a bang.

Ye Ran's face suddenly changed, and his body flew out on the spot, knocking down several shelves and collapsing the wall.

The black magic knife in his hand also flew out.

The silver-faced man slammed out with a palm, and then did not stop, turning around and rushing out of the store.

After rushing out, he turned around and slapped again.

A one-meter-long golden palm print was fiercely slapped down, and the moment it landed on the top of the store, it exploded directly.

Suddenly, a bang sounded, and the whole store collapsed directly.

A moment.

Ye Ran came out of the ruins with a dusty face, holding the black magic knife, and the seriously injured member of the Wumeng.

He wiped the dust off his face and looked at the quiet and deserted surroundings with an ugly face.

...Martial Master.

The man just now was definitely a martial master. When he fought with him, he was caught off guard and shocked by his terrifying fighting power.

Thinking that he was also a martial master, he left decisively after a quick palm and did not entangle with him.

At this time, the harsh alarm of the Wumeng sounded.

The surrounding fog quickly dissipated, and flashing Wumeng vehicles drove quickly, surrounding Ye Ran in the center.

A warning sounded from the loud speaker.

"Put down your weapons, raise your hands..."

At the same time, well-equipped Wumeng soldiers quickly got off the car.

Ye Ran frowned and was about to explain.

A faint laugh sounded.

"Misunderstandings, put it aside, I know this boy, he can't be the murderer."

As he said that, a middle-aged man with a fair face and a slightly round face, who looked pampered, got off the car.

On the other side of the car, a burly, cold-looking bald man also got off.

Ye Ran looked at the two men and felt vaguely familiar.

Soon, his heart moved slightly.

Wasn't that bald man the one who died at the gate of the community before, and the one he met when he was buying vegetables that day?

Both times someone died, and it was this bald man who led the Wumeng people to collect the bodies.

As for this middle-aged man, it seems to be...

"Deputy Minister Xu from the Yuanwu Department?"

Ye Ran realized that this should be the only one among the three deputy ministers of the Wumeng that he had never seen, but he had seen him on TV several times after all.

So he had some general impression.

"Put away your weapons, brother Ye Ran, but you are the number one genius in Ningjiang City. If you hurt him, Minister Long will definitely punish you."

The round-faced middle-aged man said with a smile.

Hearing this, the Wumeng soldiers around were a little stunned, and then quickly put away their weapons.

"Okay, you go to other places to drive away the fog of the fog nightmare beast, and leave this to me and Chief Li."

The round-faced middle-aged man waved his hand.

"Yes, Minister."

The Wumeng soldiers left quickly and in an orderly manner.

"Brother Ye Ran, this is the first time I see you. You are more handsome than in the photo. You are indeed a rare talent."

Deputy Minister Xu, who has a round face, seems to be easy to get along with. He walked over with a smile.

"Hello, Deputy Minister Xu."

Ye Ran responded with a fake smile.

I learned from Deputy Minister Zhang that it was the one who betrayed the Ningjiang Wumeng and allowed so many students from other cities to come.

It was this Deputy Minister Xu. Naturally, he would not treat him sincerely.

The two talked with a smile.

And the bald man walked to the ground, in front of the injured Wumeng member, and fed him a pill.

A moment.

"Deputy Minister Xu, this is roughly what happened. I was just passing by."

Ye Ran did not hide anything. Except for hiding the fact that he had fought with the silver-faced man, he said everything else he could say.

"So that's how it is. This time, it's really hard for you, brother Ye Ran, to take the risk."

Deputy Minister Xu smiled and said, "When I go back, I will apply to the higher authorities to have you commended by the whole city."

"Thank you, Deputy Minister Xu, but it's still not necessary."

Ye Ran shook his head.

At this time, the unconscious member of the Wumeng finally coughed and weakly got up from the ground.

When he got up, he didn't even look at Deputy Minister Xu and Ye Ran.

He quickly crawled to the side of the bald man and said sadly, "Boss, the brothers are all dead, I..."

The bald man glanced at him lightly.

The Wumeng member noticed Ye Ran and the others, lowered his voice, and whispered something to the bald man.

After a while, the bald man frowned slightly.

"Is this all the information?"

"Well, boss, I..."


Before the Wumeng member finished speaking, his head suddenly exploded, and the bloody headless body fell heavily to the ground.

Ye Ran was stunned, staring blankly at the bald man who stretched out his hand and smashed the head of the member of the Martial Alliance.

He gritted his teeth and said grimly: "What the hell are you doing!"

"It can't be saved, and Chief Li also wants him to rest in peace as soon as possible."

Deputy Minister Xu seemed to have expected it, and didn't seem to care. He still smiled and asked: "Brother Ye Ran."

"Let's continue to talk about your experience in the wilderness."

"Can't be saved?"

Ye Ran glanced at Deputy Minister Xu coldly, his eyes were a little gloomy.

"It's just trash, there is no use value, so let it die."

The bald man looked violent, and continued to step on it, and the body exploded on the spot, leaving no bones.

Veins popped up on Ye Ran's forehead, "This guy is your subordinate, one of our own!"

"I told you, he's trash."

The bald man grinned and stared at Ye Ran, "Trash, he deserves to die!"

Ye Ran looked cold, "Whether he's trash or not, you're guilty of killing people from the Wumeng!"

"Brother Ye Ran."

At this time, Deputy Minister Xu also stopped smiling.

He said calmly, "This Chief Li is from the Yuanwu Department of Tianque City, and he's only serving under me temporarily."

"The Wumeng member who just got dealt with is also a member of the Yuanwu Department of Tianque City."

"Chief Li's dealing with his own people is considered the internal affairs of the Wumeng of Tianque City, and even Minister Long can't control it."

Hearing this, Ye Ran fell silent.

Perhaps he felt that he had spoken too harshly, so Deputy Minister Xu smiled and said, "Okay, don't mind it, little brother Ye Ran."

"Look, you risked your life to save him, but he didn't thank you the first time he woke up. Such a heartless person should die."

"And Chief Li, little brother Ye Ran is someone that Grandmaster Hengyang values, so don't hurt the relationship."

Hearing Grandmaster Hengyang, the bald man's face changed drastically, the brutality in his eyes subsided, and he snorted and left.

"Mind your own business, no matter who protects you, you will die sooner or later!"

"Little brother Ye Ran, I'm leaving first."

Deputy Minister Xu smiled, and when he was about to get on the car, he suddenly turned around and asked.

"Little brother Ye Ran, your combat power is at the top of level three, so the mysterious boy who is rumored to have killed the entire Black Mask Team in the wilderness should be you, right?"

"I don't know, have you ever seen my poor daughter who was held hostage by the Black Mask?"

Ye Ran's pupils shrank suddenly, and his face was calm.

"I haven't seen him. I didn't kill the man in the black mask. Deputy Minister Xu made a mistake."

"Parents are pitiful. In the future, if brother Ye Ran has any news about my daughter, please let me know."

Deputy Minister Xu sighed and turned to get in the car.


The car started.

Suddenly, Ye Ran shouted loudly: "Wait."

"What's wrong?"

Deputy Minister Xu pressed the window.

"I just want to talk to Section Chief Li."

Ye Ran said calmly: "No matter whether that person is a waste or a wolf-hearted person, damn it... or I am meddling in other people's business."

"I think it doesn't matter."

"Because the person I saved can only be killed by me. Anyone who touches it will cross my line!"

"I hope Section Chief Li will remember today."

There was a dead silence.

In the car, Deputy Minister Xu looked stunned, and the bald man was also stunned.

(A large chapter of nearly 3,000 words.

To explain, two chapters a day for sure.

Sometimes there will be additional chapters.

If it is not available before 12 o'clock at night, it will be gone. Sometimes I write inappropriate words and it will be reviewed the next day, but the number of chapters will definitely not be reduced.

Good night, muah.)

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