Community, in the corridor.

Ye Ran went upstairs. Thinking of the scene just now, his face turned pale and he felt a little nauseated.

That silver-faced man is simply a lunatic.

Eat someone's face alive, if he hadn't entered the store and alerted the other party.

The other party might have bitten off the entire face of that martial alliance member.

"Fuck, I can't think about it anymore."

Ye Ran's throat rolled. It wasn't because he couldn't bear it. In fact, he had never seen such a disgusting scene in his two lifetimes.

He shook his head to calm down.

The silver-faced man is a martial artist and has a method of hiding his aura, which is somewhat similar to the Cloud Breathing Technique.

As a result, the level of danger skyrocketed.

"Tomorrow morning, we have to tell Minister Long and others about this matter."

Ye Ran's eyes were solemn. The danger level of the silver-faced man was far beyond that of a normal wanted criminal, and even crazier than the Silver Moon Society.

Not only does he torture and kill ordinary people, he also eats their faces. He is a complete lunatic.

If this madman is not killed as soon as possible, he will be a huge threat to the entire Ningjiang City.

However, the opponent's counter-reconnaissance capabilities were extremely strong, and even though he entered the store so carefully, he was discovered.

Moreover, he also has martial arts similar to Cloud Breathing Technique, which can hide his aura. In addition, he is a martial artist himself, so he is not an ordinary troublemaker.

Ye Ran had a worried look in his eyes, sighed softly, and walked to the door of his house, ready to open the door and go in.

At this time, the sound of the door opening suddenly came from upstairs.

He raised his head, somewhat surprised.

It's so late, Su Qin hasn't slept yet?

After thinking about it, he turned and went upstairs, where Su Qin was holding a sprayer and spraying it in the corridor.

The pungent smell of disinfectant filled the air.

Ye Ran couldn't help but hold his breath and said helplessly: "It's so late, why don't you go to bed and spray disinfectant?"

When Su Qin saw him, a flash of panic flashed in her eyes, and she quickly explained, "This is not disinfectant, but mosquito-killing spray."

"How can I still not tell the difference between mosquito-killing spray and disinfectant? Besides, you are almost a warrior, so why are you afraid of mosquitoes?"

Ye Ran shook his head, "Forget it, let's not talk about this for now, let's talk about business."

"When you return to the community tomorrow, don't take Jiangchuan Road again. A case just happened there. A perverted murderer killed many people."

"Go home early from now on and be careful on the road. If you are really late, call me and I will pick you up."

"Perverted murderer?"

Su Qin was startled.

"Yes, a madman wearing a silver mask killed many ordinary citizens with vicious methods."

Ye Ran snorted coldly, with a hint of killing intent flashing in his eyes.

Then he said: "Okay, go to bed early, and just be careful when going out in the future."

After saying that, he turned and went downstairs.

Su Qin looked at his back, feeling a little silent, then turned and returned to the room.

The moment you open the door, you can faintly see it.

On the table in her living room, there is a silver mask...


Ye Ran opened the door and entered his room.

"Just now, it seemed like there was a smell of blood?"

He looked up and frowned slightly. He seemed to have smelled a faint smell of blood at the door of Su Qin's house just now.

However, it may be that the smell of the disinfectant is too strong and pungent, causing an illusion.

Ye Ran didn't think much, took out his cell phone, and sent messages to Zhang Fan, the owner of the Black Water Hall, and others.

Ask them to be careful in the near future and try not to go out at night.

Because it was almost twelve o'clock in the morning, almost no one responded to the message.

There was only one reply.

[Jiang Yu: "Okay, Brother Ran, the baby will be careful.\

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