Gao Wu: Starting from killing chickens to conquer the starry sky

Chapter 119 I will break the legs of anyone who can't stand properly

Stand 4.

It is the exclusive stand for martial arts gyms. Behind each martial arts gym, there is an electronic screen.

On it, scrolled are the students participating in the martial arts gym this time.

Among them, Kongming Martial Arts Hall, as the first martial arts hall in Ningjiang City, has the largest screen and the most eye-catching one.

Audiences in other stands started talking a lot when they saw the avatar on the screen.

"That is Xu Fan, the first honorary student of Kongming Martial Arts School, a first-level martial artist, and a well-known genius in our Ningjiang City."

"In addition to Xu Fan, there are also newly emerging geniuses like Zhang Yao and Yang Bu who are all first-level martial artists. There are many geniuses in Kongming Martial Arts Hall."

"After all, it is the number one martial arts school, but the nearby Lei Ming Martial Arts School also has many talented people, second only to the Kongming Martial Arts School."

"That's right, Lei Ming Martial Arts School has been developing rapidly recently, catching up with Kongming Martial Arts School. I'm going to finish Ningjiang Star and ask my daughter to sign up."

"Only apply for these two martial arts schools, and don't go to the others."

"I think so……"

Lei Ming Martial Arts Hall.

Wang Jiaoxi listened to these conversations and smiled.

The martial arts hall is full of talents and has a prominent reputation, which is also a good reputation for their teachers.

"When Xu Quan joins the martial arts school, the reputation of the martial arts school can be further improved. By then, it will not be weaker than the Kongming martial arts school."

Wang Jiaoxi took a deep breath and looked excited. His dream was to become an instructor at the largest martial arts school in Ningjiang City.

Now, the dream has taken a small step.

"Hey, there are a lot of small martial arts schools here this time."

One of the instructors looked behind him and said sarcastically: "These small martial arts schools have good intentions, and they still want to rely on Ningjiang Star to make a comeback."

"Daydreaming has a higher chance than this."


At this time, the master of Lei Ming Hall, who had not spoken for a long time, smiled and said: "If these small martial arts schools really have some powerful geniuses."

"A grand event like Ningjiang Star can really make the martial arts gym they belong to famous, attract a large number of students, and rise instantly."

"That's right."

Wang Jiaoxi also smiled and said: "Our Leiming Martial Arts School also developed in this way in the early years."

"Although the martial arts gym was small at that time, the owner was very discerning and recruited many talented people, who showed their talents in the city's martial arts competitions."

"Through the competition, our Leiming Martial Arts School went from being unknown to being directly promoted to one of the top five martial arts schools in the city."


The instructor was stunned for a moment, "Does our martial arts school still have such a past?"

"However, these small martial arts schools are not famous and will definitely not receive many talents."

As he spoke, he pointed back and sneered.

"It's like the Blackwater Martial Arts School. There's just a banner with only one student on it. I feel shabby when I look at it."

Hearing this, Wang Jiaoxi turned his head and looked behind him.

The small martial arts studio couldn't afford much advertising, so it had to be at the back of the stands.

At the very back of the stands, there are a bunch of small martial arts studios.

A bald old man squatted on the edge of the corner. There was only an instructor and a small banner beside him.

He looked very lonely and embarrassed.

Not to mention the front, more than twenty people came, and the electronic screen behind them was Lei Ming Martial Arts Hall.

Even compared to similar small martial arts schools, it was still far behind and was squeezed to the edge.

The short banner, only one meter long, was even more eye-catching.

"Ye Ran?"

Wang Jiaoxi was stunned for a moment, looking at the only portrait of the young man on the banner, he was a little surprised.

But soon, he shook his head.

Also, at Blackwater Martial Arts School, Ye Ran is barely considered a genius, so he must be promoted well.

But this time there are so many talents, Ye Ran will probably be like the Blackwater Martial Arts School, disappearing into the crowd and inconspicuous.

"Don't look down on these small martial arts schools."

The master of Lei Ming Hall shook his head, "This time the Ningjiang Star is grand, even if there is only one genius in the small martial arts hall."

"As long as this genius is strong enough, it is possible for the martial arts school to take off overnight and surpass our Leiming Martial Arts School."

"Even surpassing Kongming Martial Arts School and becoming the number one martial arts school in Ningjiang City!"

He was telling the truth, as a personal witness who had experienced the city's martial arts competition, received bonuses, and made the martial arts gym rise.

He knew very well what an opportunity this city-wide event presented.

Professor Wang and the other teacher were stunned.

"Okay, the swearing-in meeting has begun, and the No. 1 Middle School has entered the venue."

At this time, Hall Master Lei Ming looked towards the field.

At the same time, all the spectators in the stands looked at it.

In a huge square.

Hundreds of people filed in, all of them 17 or 18 years old, with immature faces. The leader was an octogenarian.

The old man is thin but energetic. He is holding a huge school flag and looks majestic.

There were countless exclamations in the stands.

"Look, it's the old principal of No. 1 Middle School."

"Hey, I didn't expect that this time, the old principal would show up. It seems that No. 1 Middle School really values ​​Ningjiang Star."

"The old principal is highly respected, and many big shots are his students."

"Yes, I am not talented. I was actually a student of the old principal back then."

"Gungun, I still don't know how you behave like a bear..."

In the din.

The old principal shouted, "Students of No. 1 Middle School, collectively take the oath!"

"I swear: We, the first middle school students, will strictly abide by the rules of this Ningjiang Star competition, respect all referees, never cheat, and be fair and just..."

The old principal's voice was rich, the school flag waved in the wind, and he strode towards the flag stand.

Behind him, hundreds of students followed, shouting as they walked.

"I swear, a student of No. 1 Middle School..."

"I swear, A...A sneeze..."

"I declare that I am a middle school student, how can I stand up to your arrogance..."

In the stands, all the audience were stunned and dumbfounded, watching the chaotic scene in the field.

The student team was crooked, and many students stood randomly.

The oaths shouted were also uneven, either not keeping up with the frequency, or reciting them randomly, or moaning weakly.

It seemed that there were so many chaos.

"Read it well!"

The old principal turned his head and glared, but there was still no change, and the demons were still dancing behind him.

In the end.

The old principal was furious, planted the school flag on the flagpole, and left with a sullen face.

This scene made the newly arrived Deputy Minister Zhang and other leaders of the Ningjiang Wumeng on the main stage look unhappy.

As for the stands, the audience was even more indignant.

It is normal for a school to have a bad apple, but there are so many, don't even think about it.

It's that damn group of students from other cities!

"Mr. Zhang, this is too damaging to morale. How about we screen out all the students from other cities?"

Deputy Minister Lin frowned.

"It's too late. All schools are ready now. If we do a temporary screening, it will cause more trouble."

Deputy Minister Zhang had a headache.

Then, one school after another entered the venue to take the oath.

No. 2 Middle School, No. 3 Middle School, No. 4 Middle School...

As expected, no matter whether it was led by teachers or vice principals, there was chaos without exception.

Some sang happy songs, some lit cigarettes with their arms around each other's shoulders, some played games...

The principals of each school had veins on their foreheads and their blood pressure soared.

But there was really no way to deal with these students from other cities.

They could only swallow their anger.

In the stands.

The audience was also dejected and in a bad mood.

Soon, it was the turn of No. 5 Middle School.

Ye Ran held the school flag, stood straight, strode forward, and was followed by many students from No. 5 Middle School.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the stands was stunned.

How come it's a student from No. 5 Middle School?

People were a little confused, staring at the handsome boy in the field. Someone was surprised and said, "The teacher can't control him, but he still sends students?"

Then, noisy discussions started.

"Damn, is No. 5 Middle School crazy to let a student lead the team?!"

"Letting students lead the team, the principal of No. 5 Middle School is really against the will of heaven."

"Look, everyone in the team is standing crookedly, and there are people dancing there, which makes me laugh to death."

"Too outrageous, just start, six six six."

In the field.

Ye Ran's face was calm, and he looked back calmly, "Whoever doesn't stand well, I will break his legs."

His voice was not loud, but it was clear, and it was transmitted to the whole square through the loudspeaker.

Suddenly, the whole square was dead silent.

The audience in the stands were all dazed.

"Okay, let's go in."

After Ye Ran said this, he didn't say anything more, took the lead, and went to the flagpole.

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