Gao Wu: Starting from killing chickens to conquer the starry sky

Chapter 120: High-level officials from other cities arrive

"Is this kid crazy? The old principal of No. 1 Middle School can't control those students from other cities, so he threatens them?"

"Damn it, it's over this time, it's counterproductive, there's going to be trouble in No. 5 Middle School."

"Look at those out-of-town students from No. 5 Middle School. They all have ugly faces and clenched fists, ready to start causing trouble!"

In the stands, the audience screamed in surprise.

In the center of the square.

Ye Ran looked calm and walked towards the flag stand.

Among the students, students from other cities snorted, "This guy is too crazy, we will deliberately cause trouble later!"

"Yes, let him make a fool of himself and dare to threaten us. Who do you think he is?"

At this time, Ye Ran's ups and downs voice sounded.

"I swear: We, the students of No. 5 Middle School, are self-reliant and perseverant. In this Ningjiang Stars competition, we will respect our opponents and be fair and just..."

Hearing these words, the students from other cities who looked angry just now suddenly became excited.

In an instant, they stood up neatly, followed him, strode forward, and drank deeply.

"I swear: We, the students of No. 5 Middle School..."

There was no difference in the voices of all the students. They seemed to merge into one voice, sonorous, powerful, and extremely passionate.

This time, let alone the audience in the stands were dumbfounded.

Among the students from the fifth middle school, those from our own school also looked confused and had no idea at all.

A student from our school took advantage of the opportunity and whispered to the students from other cities beside him: "Didn't you just say you were going to cause trouble?"

"Stop talking and stand in line!"

The student from outside the city looked at him seriously, raised his chest and raised his head, and shouted loudly.

"I swear: In this competition, our fifth middle school students..."

? ? ?

The student from our school who just asked the question looked confused.

How do you feel that I am a student from another city and you are all well-behaved students from this school?

The swearing-in ended quickly.

Ye Ran inserted the school flag in his hand into the flag holder, turned around and left with the students.

Even when leaving, the team was in good order.

Compared with the previous schools, the scene during the oath-taking ceremony was completely different.

Only then did the audience in the stands react.

Everyone was stunned.

Let me go, are you not dazzled? Are these still the same group of unruly and unruly out-of-town students that no one can control?

Why, they are all so well-behaved and sensible.

No. 5 Middle School rest area.

The thin middle-aged man next to the principal also had his eyes almost popping out of his head, "Holy shit, how did your school do this?"

"It's nothing, it's just our school, the school spirit is good, and students from other cities are infected."

The principal said with a smile.

"Is the school spirit good?"

The thin middle-aged man was stunned.

the other side.

The out-of-town students from other schools were also confused. When they saw the out-of-town students from No. 5 Middle School walking over, they immediately gritted their teeth.

"Damn, you cowards have embarrassed us all in the outer city."

Hearing this, the out-of-city students from No. 5 Middle School curled their lips and disapproved.

It's better to be cowardly than to be beaten.

Seeing how they didn't care, the other students from other cities were angry, but there was nothing they could do, and their eyes were a little solemn.

They are not stupid, they can make a school's out-of-town students so peaceful, the one from the fifth middle school just now...

"Do you still remember the rumor about No. 5 Middle School?"

Someone said in a deep voice: "It was previously rumored that there is a very strong genius in the city in No. 5 Middle School. He swept all the students in No. 5 Middle School and ranked very high in the college rankings."

"I also saw it. It seems that his name is Ye Ran. He is second only to Su Yuan and the other three in the college rankings. I thought he got there by swiping votes."

"Anyway, be careful..."

There was also a lot of discussion in the stands.

"This is the real pledge. Looking at other schools, it's so irritating that it almost makes me blind."

"Indeed, there is no harm without comparison. Such a comparison, one sky and one earth."

"That boy is a genius in our city. He is a bit fierce. He can control the entire school's students with just one sentence."

"That's right, I was rude just now. The principal of No. 5 Middle School is very cunning and powerful!"

On the third stand.

Next to Ye Hongfang, there was a middle-aged man with a fat head and big ears. His face was serious and he was talking non-stop.

It seems to be teaching something.

At this moment, his face suddenly changed slightly, and he said cautiously: "Hongfang, did you just say that this is your nephew?"

"Well, Director, what's wrong?"

Although Ye Hongfang was a little speechless, she didn't expect that she would meet the working kindergarten principal just by watching a game, but there was nothing she could do.

"It's really your nephew."

The obese middle-aged man tensed up and said with a smile, "It's nothing. I think you're doing a good job and I'll give you a raise tomorrow."

After he finished speaking, he shut up and didn't dare to talk any more.

The two of them were not far away.

Next to Zhou Shishi were two young girls. They were surrounding her and chattering.

"Shishi, is that really your brother?"

"Wow, your brother is so handsome and domineering. Can you give me his contact information?"

"I want it too. I want it too."

Zhou Shishi pouted and said: "No, I will treat you as sisters. If you want to be my sister-in-law, don't even think about it!"

Stand 4.

The major martial arts schools were also shocked.

Especially the small martial arts schools in the back are full of emotions.

"That boy can suppress so many students from other cities. He must be very strong. I don't know which martial arts school he is a genius student. I'm really envious."

Hearing this, the owner of the Black Water Pavilion, who was squeezed into the corner by them, couldn't help but touch his bald head.

Then he looked up and saw the banner above his head.

The banner was not very big, and there was only a boy's head on it, but that head was extremely conspicuous at this moment.

At the front of the stands.

Lei Ming Pavilion Master's eyes were bright, "I found it, it's the boy just now, he is the only genius in this city with a seed quota!"

Beside him, Wang Jiaoshi was pale, his palms clenched, and he looked very nervous.

Impossible, it must be a mistake.

If Ye Ran was that terrifying genius in this city, there was no need for him to join a small martial arts hall like Black Water Martial Arts Hall.

He was so talented, all the big martial arts halls would be vying for him...

Although he kept denying it in his heart, a scene suddenly flashed through Wang Jiaoshi's mind.

That was the scene when he first recruited Ye Ran as an honorary student.

At that time, he was in the martial arts hall, in his office.

The boy said calmly: "It's not Lei Ming Martial Arts Hall that chose me, but I am choosing Lei Ming Martial Arts Hall!"

Wang Jiaoshi was stunned and fell into silence for a long time.

Finally, he slowly raised his head.

No matter what, he still didn't believe it. Unless he saw Ye Ran take action with his own eyes, he didn't believe he would be wrong!

After the oath-taking ceremony.

Minister Long also arrived. After a speech, the Ningjiang Star Competition officially began.

At the same time, several powerful auras approached the central square.

The rest area of ​​No. 5 Middle School.

Ye Ran frowned and looked up.

I saw several figures flying in the air, swooping down quickly, rushing towards the main stage.

"That's Minister Bai from our Jinhe City!"

"The deputy head of the Jiang family in Liaobei City!"

"And our Yunchuan City..."

Students from other cities shouted one by one, looking excited.

Ye Ran raised his eyebrows. It turned out that they were those high-level people from other cities.

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