One after another, high-level officials from other cities came to visit, and the powerful aura of martial arts masters continued to emerge.

In the end, a total of thirteen high-level officials from other cities came to visit.

Minister Long smiled lightly and received these high-level officials from other cities without any leaks.

Although these cities are stronger than Ningjiang City.

But it is not a bright thing to take away other people's quotas. In addition, Minister Long is the minister of the Wumeng branch and his status is not low.

Therefore, these high-level officials from other cities are not as arrogant as those students from other cities. Instead, they are very polite.

They all smiled and greeted Minister Long.

In the end, there were nearly twenty people sitting on the main stage.

However, the most central position was still reserved.

Seeing this, Ye Ran couldn't help but be a little surprised. Minister Long didn't sit in the middle, but reserved the position on purpose.

Who would sit in the middle?

At this time, the time was almost up.

Minister Long stood up and said, "The rules have been told to everyone in advance. Everyone only has one chance."

"The loser will leave the stage. Now the ordinary contestants will start the first round. The seeded contestants will draw lots on the No. 4 fighting stage."

Ye Ran stood up and walked towards the No. 4 fighting stage.

Soon, more than a hundred people stood on the huge No. 4 fighting stage.

Ye Ran glanced around and found that, except for him, they were all students from other cities.

In order to facilitate identification, students from other cities would wear a black wristband, which was easy to distinguish.

"Why are all the seeded places students from other cities?"

Many spectators in the stands who were still unaware of this scene were stunned when they saw this scene.

Other spectators who knew it earlier still sighed even though they knew it.

"There is no way. The martial arts strength of these students from other cities is much stronger than that of our students."

"We probably have no chance to become the Ningjiang Star this time."

"Not necessarily. I just saw a student from our city in the crowd. He seems to be the boy from No. 5 Middle School."

"What's the use? He is the only one. The rest are from other cities. There is no hope."

Everyone was a little negative.

Soon, the draw for the seed quota began. Ye Ran was a little confused when he saw the result.

Because he was a bye.

"The first round is a bye. Let's watch the game first."

Ye Ran shook his head and put down the lot.

Ordinary contestants have already started the game. On the martial arts arena, the battles are in full swing.

The seeded contestants have just drawn the lot and are still waiting.

The five strongest players will be selected from more than a hundred seeded contestants, and the five strongest players will be selected from thousands of ordinary contestants.

These ten people will be the final ten.

But in this comparison, the seeded contestants can play fewer games.

This is also the main reason why the seed quota will be fought for by students from other cities.

Save time and effort.

Ye Ran watched the game, and it was almost the same as expected. The students of Ningjiang City were no match for the group of students from other cities.

He couldn't help but sigh. This was a huge difference in the strength of the cities, and it had nothing to do with talent.

"Only when you become a real strong man can Ningjiang City benefit from me..."

Ye Ran murmured.

The battles were going on in various martial arts arenas.

But the invincibility of the students from other cities made countless Ningjiang citizens in the stands sigh.

Finally, after half a day.

It was the turn of the first seeded player's game.

And once they made a move, it was the highlight.

"Martial Arts Arena No. 8, contestant No. 105 Su Yuan, contestant No. 106 Bai Qianqian, please get ready!"

Hearing this, many spectators in the stands looked over.

There were also major martial arts halls.

Even on the main stage, Minister Long and others, as well as those high-level officials from other cities, looked over with interest.

They also collected a lot of information about Ningjiang City during this period.

At the moment, they were very interested in one of the three people with the highest chance of winning the first place.

Su Yuan is a plain-looking teenager wearing a gray shirt, who looks very low-key and calm.

His opponent is a girl from another city.

Her pretty face was full of nervousness at this time, and she couldn't help but pinch her palms, which were full of sweat.

"The game... starts!"

As the referee's voice fell, the game began, but it ended in just two or three seconds.

Because the girl from another city was knocked off the fighting stage by a move.

This scene happened very quickly.

Before everyone could react, they saw a thin gray-clothed figure turning around and leaving the stage.

Suddenly, the citizens of Ningjiang in the stands were silent.

This huge gap really makes people lose hope.

Next, the game continued.

And Su Yuan, Wang Ji and the other three also showed their terrifying strength that matched their strong reputation.


Really sweep, after several games, no one could take their moves.

Among them, except Su Yuan, who is a seeded player.

Wang Ji and the other two are not seeded players, and they are suspected to be worried about colliding with Su Yuan in advance, thus both of them will suffer.

Therefore, these two people chose to be ordinary players, but the speed at which they ended the battle was really terrifying.

"No. 1423, Wang Ji wins!"

The referee looked at the black-clad boy who walked off the stage with a cold expression in shock.

It was the 17th game. In such a short time, Wang Ji had already played so many games, and all of them were won with one move!

"The gap is too big."

The referee sighed in his heart.

In the stands, the citizens of Ningjiang were a little depressed.

These students from other cities are obviously just students, but they are stronger than many martial arts instructors.

This is destined to be a one-sided competition.

Main stage.

"Mr. Zhang, Wang Ji is from your Liaobei City, right? He has a very good talent." A middle-aged man sighed.


Another old man with a long beard said with a smile.

However, anyone can see the satisfaction and complacency in his eyes.

"After watching these games, Su Yuan, Wang Ji, and Lin Yuanjian are completely different from the others."

"Yes, I estimate that the first place should be one of the three."

A thin middle-aged man smiled, and suddenly thought of something, his face changed slightly: "Minister Long, don't mind."

"I'm just saying, this Ningjiang Star, your Ningjiang City students, have great hope."

Hearing this, the other people present all had flashing eyes and agreed with a fake smile.

"That's right, we think so too."

"Minister Long is unfathomable, he must have a back-up plan, and there are talented students who haven't made a move yet."

"That's right..."

Although he agreed, everyone could see that the students from Ningjiang City had no chance at all.

But after all, they had taken advantage, so they couldn't just act cute and mock them, so they flattered him instead.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Minister Long smiled and didn't care at all.

Let these guys pretend for a while, just three level 2 peaks, and when Ye Ran makes a move, they will all be slapped off the stage with one slap.

Deputy Minister Zhang and Deputy Minister Lin also smiled lightly, looking very indifferent.

This is a bit difficult for these high-level officials from other cities.

But they can't think of any other reason, so they can only think that these guys from Ningjiang City are pretending to be rich.

"Hey, that student seems a little familiar."

At this time, someone exclaimed in surprise, looking at a long-haired girl among the contestants.

The girl's skin was as white as cream, her eyebrows were as black as distant black, her lips were as red as red, her facial features were exquisite, and her black hair was like a waterfall, falling to her slender waist.

Her eyes were as deep as the morning stars, her face was expressionless, and she was cold all over.

As she walked onto the fighting stage, there was a burst of exclamations from the stands.

"My God, so beautiful!"

"She is so beautiful, like a fairy, and this kind of beauty cannot be described at all."

"It's not a wasted trip today..."

On the main stage, Minister Long and others also flashed a little surprise in their eyes when they saw the girl's face.

However, the middle-aged man who just spoke still looked suspicious.

"She looks so familiar, I must have seen her somewhere, Tianque City?"

"Tianque City?"

Other city leaders were stunned, "Tianque City, isn't the only student coming this time that Su Yuan?"

As they said, they looked at Su Yuan in the rest area.

But Su Yuan, looking at the girl at this time, his face was full of shock and horror, and he couldn't help but take a step back.

He was extremely frightened.

At this moment, the faces of the city leaders on the main stage all changed.

That girl is not an ordinary person!

At the same time, the referee's voice sounded.

"Fighting stage No. 6, No. 1423 Wang Ji, No. 1658 Yu Chuyin, please come on stage!"

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